
Title: Blockchain based digital vaccine passport. (arXiv:2208.08760v1 [cs.CR])

Title: On the evolution of research in hypersonics: application of natural language processing and machine learning. (arXiv:2208.08507v1 [cs.AI])


Title: DF-Captcha: A Deepfake Captcha for Preventing Fake Calls. (arXiv:2208.08524v1 [cs.CR])

Unfortunately, the threat will only get worse now that a new technology called deepfakes as arrived. A deepfake is believable media (e.g., videos) created by an AI. Although the technology has mostly been used to swap the faces of celebrities, it can also be used to `puppet' different personas. Recently, researchers have shown how this technology can be deployed in real-time to clone someone's voice in a phone call or reenact a face in a video call. Given that any novice user can download this technology to use it, it is no surprise that criminals have already begun to monetize it to perpetrate their SE attacks.

In this paper, we propose a lightweight application which can protect organizations and individuals from deepfake SE attacks. Through a challenge and response approach, we leverage the technical and theoretical limitations of deepfake technologies to expose the attacker. Existing defence solutions are too heavy as an end-point solution and can be evaded by a dynamic attacker. In contrast, our approach is lightweight and breaks the reactive arms race, putting the attacker at a disadvantage.

Title: Lessons from a Space Lab -- An Image Acquisition Perspective. (arXiv:2208.08865v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Embracing Graph Neural Networks for Hardware Security (Invited Paper). (arXiv:2208.08554v1 [cs.CR])

In this survey, we first provide a comprehensive overview of the usage of GNNs in hardware security and propose the first taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art GNN-based hardware security systems into four categories: (i) HT detection systems, (ii) IP piracy detection systems, (iii) reverse engineering platforms, and (iv) attacks on logic locking. We summarize the different architectures, graph types, node features, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of the employed GNNs. Finally, we elaborate on the lessons learned and discuss future directions.

Title: ObfuNAS: A Neural Architecture Search-based DNN Obfuscation Approach. (arXiv:2208.08569v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Reverse Engineering of Integrated Circuits: Tools and Techniques. (arXiv:2208.08689v1 [cs.CR])

Title: MPInspector: A Systematic and Automatic Approach for Evaluating the Security of IoT Messaging Protocols. (arXiv:2208.08751v1 [cs.CR])

To bridge the gap, we present MPInspector, the first automatic and systematic solution for vetting the security of MP implementations. MPInspector combines model learning with formal analysis and operates in three stages: (a) using parameter semantics extraction and interaction logic extraction to automatically infer the state machine of an MP implementation, (b) generating security properties based on meta properties and the state machine, and (c) applying automatic property based formal verification to identify property violations. We evaluate MPInspector on three popular MPs, including MQTT, CoAP and AMQP, implemented on nine leading IoT platforms. It identifies 252 property violations, leveraging which we further identify eleven types of attacks under two realistic attack scenarios. In addition, we demonstrate that MPInspector is lightweight (the average overhead of end-to-end analysis is ~4.5 hours) and effective with a precision of 100% in identifying property violations.

Title: Oh SSH-it, what's my fingerprint? A Large-Scale Analysis of SSH Host Key Fingerprint Verification Records in the DNS. (arXiv:2208.08846v1 [cs.CR])

In this paper, we conduct a large-scale Internet study to measure the prevalence of SSHFP records among DNS domain names. We scan the Tranco 1M list and over 500 million names from the certificate transparency log over the course of 26 days. The results show that in two studied populations, about 1 in 10,000 domains has SSHFP records, with more than half of them deployed without using DNSSEC, drastically reducing security benefits.

Title: Aggregation and probabilistic verification for data authentication in VANETs. (arXiv:2208.08946v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Necessary Conditions in Multi-Server Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2208.08540v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Private, Efficient, and Accurate: Protecting Models Trained by Multi-party Learning with Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2208.08662v1 [cs.CR])

In this paper, we are motivated to resolve the above issue by proposing a solution, referred to as PEA (Private, Efficient, Accurate), which consists of a secure DPSGD protocol and two optimization methods. First, we propose a secure DPSGD protocol to enforce DPSGD in secret sharing-based MPL frameworks. Second, to reduce the accuracy loss led by differential privacy noise and the huge communication overhead of MPL, we propose two optimization methods for the training process of MPL: (1) the data-independent feature extraction method, which aims to simplify the trained model structure; (2) the local data-based global model initialization method, which aims to speed up the convergence of the model training. We implement PEA in two open-source MPL frameworks: TF-Encrypted and Queqiao. The experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of PEA. E.g. when ${\epsilon}$ = 2, we can train a differentially private classification model with an accuracy of 88% for CIFAR-10 within 7 minutes under the LAN setting. This result significantly outperforms the one from CryptGPU, one SOTA MPL framework: it costs more than 16 hours to train a non-private deep neural network model on CIFAR-10 with the same accuracy.


Title: Learning Spatial-Frequency Transformer for Visual Object Tracking. (arXiv:2208.08829v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Detecting Environmental Violations with Satellite Imagery in Near Real Time: Land Application under the Clean Water Act. (arXiv:2208.08919v1 [cs.CV])


Title: LogKernel A Threat Hunting Approach Based on Behaviour Provenance Graph and Graph Kernel Clustering. (arXiv:2208.08820v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Enhancing Targeted Attack Transferability via Diversified Weight Pruning. (arXiv:2208.08677v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Resisting Adversarial Attacks in Deep Neural Networks using Diverse Decision Boundaries. (arXiv:2208.08697v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Profiler: Profile-Based Model to Detect Phishing Emails. (arXiv:2208.08745v1 [cs.CR])

To this end, we propose a multidimensional risk assessment of emails to reduce the feasibility of an attacker adapting their email and avoiding detection. This horizontal approach to email phishing detection profiles an incoming email on its main features. We develop a risk assessment framework that includes three models which analyse an email's (1) threat level, (2) cognitive manipulation, and (3) email type, which we combine to return the final risk assessment score. The Profiler does not require large data sets to train on to be effective and its analysis of varied email features reduces the impact of concept drift. Our Profiler can be used in conjunction with ML approaches, to reduce their misclassifications or as a labeller for large email data sets in the training stage.

We evaluate the efficacy of the Profiler against a machine learning ensemble using state-of-the-art ML algorithms on a data set of 9000 legitimate and 900 phishing emails from a large Australian research organisation. Our results indicate that the Profiler's mitigates the impact of concept drift, and delivers 30% less false positive and 25% less false negative email classifications over the ML ensemble's approach.

Title: Truth-Table Net: A New Convolutional Architecture Encodable By Design Into SAT Formulas. (arXiv:2208.08609v1 [cs.AI])

Title: Complex-Value Spatio-temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks and its Applications to Electric Power Systems AI. (arXiv:2208.08485v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Object Detection for Autonomous Dozers. (arXiv:2208.08570v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Spatial Temporal Graph Attention Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition. (arXiv:2208.08599v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Enhancing Diffusion-Based Image Synthesis with Robust Classifier Guidance. (arXiv:2208.08664v1 [cs.CV])

Title: SDA-SNE: Spatial Discontinuity-Aware Surface Normal Estimation via Multi-Directional Dynamic Programming. (arXiv:2208.08667v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Evaluating Continual Test-Time Adaptation for Contextual and Semantic Domain Shifts. (arXiv:2208.08767v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Differentiable Architecture Search with Random Features. (arXiv:2208.08835v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Analyzing Robustness of End-to-End Neural Models for Automatic Speech Recognition. (arXiv:2208.08509v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Mere Contrastive Learning for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis. (arXiv:2208.08678v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Performance Evaluation of Selective Fixed-filter Active Noise Control based on Different Convolutional Neural Networks. (arXiv:2208.08440v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Robust Causal Graph Representation Learning against Confounding Effects. (arXiv:2208.08584v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Learning-based estimation of in-situ wind speed from underwater acoustics. (arXiv:2208.08912v1 [cs.LG])




Title: Restoration of User Videos Shared on Social Media. (arXiv:2208.08597v1 [cs.CV])

Title: A Two-Phase Paradigm for Joint Entity-Relation Extraction. (arXiv:2208.08659v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Open Information Extraction from 2007 to 2022 -- A Survey. (arXiv:2208.08690v1 [cs.CL])

membership infer


Title: NET-FLEET: Achieving Linear Convergence Speedup for Fully Decentralized Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Data. (arXiv:2208.08490v1 [cs.LG])

Title: A Hybrid Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Vertical Federated Learning. (arXiv:2208.08934v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Neural Payoff Machines: Predicting Fair and Stable Payoff Allocations Among Team Members. (arXiv:2208.08798v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Long-term dynamics of fairness: understanding the impact of data-driven targeted help on job seekers. (arXiv:2208.08881v1 [cs.LG])


