
Title: Blockchain Technology to Secure Bluetooth. (arXiv:2211.06451v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Distributed and secure linear algebra -- Master Thesis. (arXiv:2211.06732v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Investigating co-occurrences of MITRE ATT\&CK Techniques. (arXiv:2211.06495v1 [cs.CR])

Title: An investigation of security controls and MITRE ATT\&CK techniques. (arXiv:2211.06500v1 [cs.CR])

Title: A Survey on Explainable Reinforcement Learning: Concepts, Algorithms, Challenges. (arXiv:2211.06665v1 [cs.LG])


Title: More Generalized and Personalized Unsupervised Representation Learning In A Distributed System. (arXiv:2211.06470v1 [cs.CV])

Title: MSLKANet: A Multi-Scale Large Kernel Attention Network for Scene Text Removal. (arXiv:2211.06565v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Multi-Epoch Matrix Factorization Mechanisms for Private Machine Learning. (arXiv:2211.06530v1 [cs.LG])

While tractable, both solving the convex problem offline and computing the necessary noise masks during training can become prohibitively expensive when many training steps are necessary. To address this, we design a Fourier-transform-based mechanism with significantly less computation and only a minor utility decrease.

Extensive empirical evaluation on two tasks: example-level DP for image classification and user-level DP for language modeling, demonstrate substantial improvements over the previous state-of-the-art. Though our primary application is to ML, we note our main DP results are applicable to arbitrary linear queries and hence may have much broader applicability.

Title: Dark patterns in e-commerce: a dataset and its baseline evaluations. (arXiv:2211.06543v1 [cs.LG])

Title: TAPAS: a Toolbox for Adversarial Privacy Auditing of Synthetic Data. (arXiv:2211.06550v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Provable Membership Inference Privacy. (arXiv:2211.06582v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Privacy-Preserving Credit Card Fraud Detection using Homomorphic Encryption. (arXiv:2211.06675v1 [cs.CR])

Title: PriMask: Cascadable and Collusion-Resilient Data Masking for Mobile Cloud Inference. (arXiv:2211.06716v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Modular Clinical Decision Support Networks (MoDN) -- Updatable, Interpretable, and Portable Predictions for Evolving Clinical Environments. (arXiv:2211.06637v1 [cs.LG])

MoDN is a novel decision tree composed of feature-specific neural network modules. It creates dynamic personalised representations of patients, and can make multiple predictions of diagnoses, updatable at each step of a consultation. The modular design allows it to compartmentalise training updates to specific features and collaboratively learn between IIO datasets without sharing any data.




Title: Generating Textual Adversaries with Minimal Perturbation. (arXiv:2211.06571v1 [cs.CL])


Title: Affinity Feature Strengthening for Accurate, Complete and Robust Vessel Segmentation. (arXiv:2211.06578v1 [cs.CV])

Title: OpenGait: Revisiting Gait Recognition Toward Better Practicality. (arXiv:2211.06597v1 [cs.CV])

Title: AU-Aware Vision Transformers for Biased Facial Expression Recognition. (arXiv:2211.06609v1 [cs.CV])

Title: MARLIN: Masked Autoencoder for facial video Representation LearnINg. (arXiv:2211.06627v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Far Away in the Deep Space: Nearest-Neighbor-Based Dense Out-of-Distribution Detection. (arXiv:2211.06660v1 [cs.CV])

Title: NeighborTrack: Improving Single Object Tracking by Bipartite Matching with Neighbor Tracklets. (arXiv:2211.06663v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Adversarial and Random Transformations for Robust Domain Adaptation and Generalization. (arXiv:2211.06788v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Few-shot Multimodal Sentiment Analysis based on Multimodal Probabilistic Fusion Prompts. (arXiv:2211.06607v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Robust Training of Graph Neural Networks via Noise Governance. (arXiv:2211.06614v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Using Features at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Resolutions to Predict Human Behavior in Real Time. (arXiv:2211.06721v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Pareto-Optimal Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online k-Search Problems. (arXiv:2211.06567v1 [cs.LG])

Title: RISE: Robust Individualized Decision Learning with Sensitive Variables. (arXiv:2211.06569v1 [cs.LG])

Title: A Generalized Doubly Robust Learning Framework for Debiasing Post-Click Conversion Rate Prediction. (arXiv:2211.06684v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning with Vector Quantized Encoding. (arXiv:2211.06733v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Few-Shot Learning for Biometric Verification. (arXiv:2211.06761v1 [cs.CV])



Title: Data-driven Approach for Automatically Correcting Faulty Road Maps. (arXiv:2211.06544v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Divide and Contrast: Source-free Domain Adaptation via Adaptive Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2211.06612v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Auto Lead Extraction and Digitization of ECG Paper Records using cGAN. (arXiv:2211.06720v1 [cs.CV])

Methods: We propose a deep learning-based model for individually extracting all 12 leads from 12-lead ECG images captured using a camera. To simplify the analysis of the ECG and the calculation of complex parameters, we also propose a method to convert the paper ECG format into a storable digital format. The You Only Look Once, Version 3 (YOLOv3) algorithm has been used to extract the leads present in the image. These leads are then passed on to another deep learning model which separates the ECG signal and background from the single-lead image. After that, vertical scanning is performed on the ECG signal to convert it into a 1-Dimensional (1D) digital form. To perform the task of digitalization, we used the pix-2-pix deep learning model and binarized the ECG signals.

Results: Our proposed method was able to achieve an accuracy of 97.4 %.

Conclusion: The information on the paper ECG fades away over time. Hence, the digitized ECG signals make it possible to store the records and access them anytime. This proves highly beneficial for heart patients who require frequent ECG reports. The stored data can also be useful for research purposes, as this data can be used to develop computer algorithms that are capable of analyzing the data.

Title: Deep Unsupervised Key Frame Extraction for Efficient Video Classification. (arXiv:2211.06742v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Large-Scale Bidirectional Training for Zero-Shot Image Captioning. (arXiv:2211.06774v1 [cs.CV])

membership infer


Title: Differentially Private Vertical Federated Learning. (arXiv:2211.06782v1 [cs.LG])

Title: FedRule: Federated Rule Recommendation System with Graph Neural Networks. (arXiv:2211.06812v1 [cs.LG])



Title: Generalization Beyond Feature Alignment: Concept Activation-Guided Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2211.06843v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Instance-based Learning for Knowledge Base Completion. (arXiv:2211.06807v1 [cs.AI])

In addition, IBL shed light on the mechanism of rule-based KBC models. Previous research has generally agreed that rule-based models provide rules with semantically compatible premises and hypotheses. We challenge this view. We begin by demonstrating that some logical rules represent {\it instance-based equivalence} (i.e. prototypes) rather than semantic compatibility. These are denoted as {\it IBL rules}. Surprisingly, despite occupying only a small portion of the rule space, IBL rules outperform non-IBL rules in all four benchmarks. We use a variety of experiments to demonstrate that rule-based models work because they have the ability to represent instance-based equivalence via IBL rules. The findings provide new insights of how rule-based models work and how to interpret their rules.

