
Title: Blockchain For Mobile Health Applications: Acceleration With GPU Computing. (arXiv:2301.04725v1 [cs.CR])

Title: LZR: Identifying Unexpected Internet Services. (arXiv:2301.04841v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Code-based Cryptography in IoT: A HW/SW Co-Design of HQC. (arXiv:2301.04888v1 [cs.CR])

In this paper, we present to the best of our knowledge the first HW/SW co-design based implementation of the code-based Hamming Quasi Cyclic Key-Encapsulation Mechanism. We profile and evaluate this algorithm in order to explore the trade-off between software optimizations, tightly coupled hardware acceleration by instruction set extension and modular, loosely coupled accelerators. We provide detailed results on the energy consumption and performance of our design and compare it to existing implementations of lattice- and code-based algorithms. The design was implemented in two technologies: FPGA and ASIC. Our results show that code-based algorithms are valid alternatives in low-power IoT from an implementation perspective.


Title: Open SESAME: Fighting Botnets with Seed Reconstructions of Domain Generation Algorithms. (arXiv:2301.05048v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Evaluating the Fork-Awareness of Coverage-Guided Fuzzers. (arXiv:2301.05060v1 [cs.CR])

Title: LiteLSTM Architecture Based on Weights Sharing for Recurrent Neural Networks. (arXiv:2301.04794v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Color-NeuraCrypt: Privacy-Preserving Color-Image Classification Using Extended Random Neural Networks. (arXiv:2301.04875v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Fairly Private: Investigating The Fairness of Visual Privacy Preservation Algorithms. (arXiv:2301.05012v1 [cs.CV])




Title: Phase-shifted Adversarial Training. (arXiv:2301.04785v1 [cs.LG])


Title: AGMN: Association Graph-based Graph Matching Network for Coronary Artery Semantic Labeling on Invasive Coronary Angiograms. (arXiv:2301.04733v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Edge Preserving Implicit Surface Representation of Point Clouds. (arXiv:2301.04860v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Forgetful Active Learning with Switch Events: Efficient Sampling for Out-of-Distribution Data. (arXiv:2301.05106v1 [cs.LG])

Title: SemPPL: Predicting pseudo-labels for better contrastive representations. (arXiv:2301.05158v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Causal Triplet: An Open Challenge for Intervention-centric Causal Representation Learning. (arXiv:2301.05169v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Scene-Aware 3D Multi-Human Motion Capture from a Single Camera. (arXiv:2301.05175v1 [cs.CV])

Title: WIRE: Wavelet Implicit Neural Representations. (arXiv:2301.05187v1 [cs.CV])

Title: KAER: A Knowledge Augmented Pre-Trained Language Model for Entity Resolution. (arXiv:2301.04770v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Adversarial Adaptation for French Named Entity Recognition. (arXiv:2301.05220v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Estimate Deformation Capacity of Non-Ductile RC Shear Walls using Explainable Boosting Machine. (arXiv:2301.04652v1 [cs.LG])




Title: Towards High Performance One-Stage Human Pose Estimation. (arXiv:2301.04842v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Interaction models for remaining useful life estimation. (arXiv:2301.05029v1 [cs.LG])

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Title: Federated Transfer-Ordered-Personalized Learning for Driver Monitoring Application. (arXiv:2301.04829v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Why is the State of Neural Network Pruning so Confusing? On the Fairness, Comparison Setup, and Trainability in Network Pruning. (arXiv:2301.05219v1 [cs.CV])

Two mysteries in pruning represent such a confusing status: the performance-boosting effect of a larger finetuning learning rate, and the no-value argument of inheriting pretrained weights in filter pruning.

In this work, we attempt to explain the confusing state of network pruning by demystifying the two mysteries. Specifically, (1) we first clarify the fairness principle in pruning experiments and summarize the widely-used comparison setups; (2) then we unveil the two pruning mysteries and point out the central role of network trainability, which has not been well recognized so far; (3) finally, we conclude the paper and give some concrete suggestions regarding how to calibrate the pruning benchmarks in the future. Code:

Title: SACDNet: Towards Early Type 2 Diabetes Prediction with Uncertainty for Electronic Health Records. (arXiv:2301.04844v1 [cs.LG])


Title: SensePOLAR: Word sense aware interpretability for pre-trained contextual word embeddings. (arXiv:2301.04704v1 [cs.CL])

Title: The Berkelmans-Pries Feature Importance Method: A Generic Measure of Informativeness of Features. (arXiv:2301.04740v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Tracr: Compiled Transformers as a Laboratory for Interpretability. (arXiv:2301.05062v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Progress measures for grokking via mechanistic interpretability. (arXiv:2301.05217v1 [cs.LG])




Title: Diffusion-based Data Augmentation for Skin Disease Classification: Impact Across Original Medical Datasets to Fully Synthetic Images. (arXiv:2301.04802v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Guiding Text-to-Image Diffusion Model Towards Grounded Generation. (arXiv:2301.05221v1 [cs.CV])

Title: ChatGPT is not all you need. A State of the Art Review of large Generative AI models. (arXiv:2301.04655v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Thompson Sampling with Diffusion Generative Prior. (arXiv:2301.05182v1 [cs.LG])