
Title: DODEM: DOuble DEfense Mechanism Against Adversarial Attacks Towards Secure Industrial Internet of Things Analytics. (arXiv:2301.09740v1 [cs.CR])

Title: $\textit{FairShare}$: Blockchain Enabled Fair, Accountable and Secure Data Sharing for Industrial IoT. (arXiv:2301.09761v1 [cs.CR])


Title: PowerQuant: Automorphism Search for Non-Uniform Quantization. (arXiv:2301.09858v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Security of Electrical, Optical and Wireless On-Chip Interconnects: A Survey. (arXiv:2301.09738v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Demystifying NFT Promotion and Phishing Scams. (arXiv:2301.09806v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Applications and Challenges of Sentiment Analysis in Real-life Scenarios. (arXiv:2301.09912v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Database Reconstruction Is Not So Easy and Is Different from Reidentification. (arXiv:2301.10213v1 [cs.CR])



Title: Side Eye: Characterizing the Limits of POV Acoustic Eavesdropping from Smartphone Cameras with Rolling Shutters and Movable Lenses. (arXiv:2301.10056v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Backdoor Attacks in Peer-to-Peer Federated Learning. (arXiv:2301.09732v1 [cs.LG])

Title: A Linear Reconstruction Approach for Attribute Inference Attacks against Synthetic Data. (arXiv:2301.10053v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Accurate Detection of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation with Certified-GAN and Neural Architecture Search. (arXiv:2301.10173v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Improving Performance of Object Detection using the Mechanisms of Visual Recognition in Humans. (arXiv:2301.09667v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Data Augmentation Alone Can Improve Adversarial Training. (arXiv:2301.09879v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Planar Object Tracking via Weighted Optical Flow. (arXiv:2301.10057v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Improving Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning with Self-Supervision. (arXiv:2301.10127v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Noisy Parallel Data Alignment. (arXiv:2301.09685v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Transformer-Patcher: One Mistake worth One Neuron. (arXiv:2301.09785v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Large Language Models as Fiduciaries: A Case Study Toward Robustly Communicating With Artificial Intelligence Through Legal Standards. (arXiv:2301.10095v1 [cs.CL])

Title: MTTN: Multi-Pair Text to Text Narratives for Prompt Generation. (arXiv:2301.10172v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Model Agnostic Sample Reweighting for Out-of-Distribution Learning. (arXiv:2301.09819v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Explainable Deep Reinforcement Learning: State of the Art and Challenges. (arXiv:2301.09937v1 [cs.LG])

Title: A Robust Hypothesis Test for Tree Ensemble Pruning. (arXiv:2301.10115v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Minimal Value-Equivalent Partial Models for Scalable and Robust Planning in Lifelong Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2301.10119v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Read the Signs: Towards Invariance to Gradient Descent's Hyperparameter Initialization. (arXiv:2301.10133v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Spectral Cross-Domain Neural Network with Soft-adaptive Threshold Spectral Enhancement. (arXiv:2301.10171v1 [cs.LG])




Title: Weakly-Supervised Questions for Zero-Shot Relation Extraction. (arXiv:2301.09640v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Analysis of Arrhythmia Classification on ECG Dataset. (arXiv:2301.10174v1 [cs.LG])

membership infer

Title: Membership Inference of Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2301.09956v1 [cs.CR])


Title: When does the student surpass the teacher? Federated Semi-supervised Learning with Teacher-Student EMA. (arXiv:2301.10114v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Investigating Labeler Bias in Face Annotation for Machine Learning. (arXiv:2301.09902v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Fair and skill-diverse student group formation via constrained k-way graph partitioning. (arXiv:2301.09984v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Explainable Data-Driven Optimization: From Context to Decision and Back Again. (arXiv:2301.10074v1 [cs.LG])



Title: A Watermark for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2301.10226v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Bipartite Graph Diffusion Model for Human Interaction Generation. (arXiv:2301.10134v1 [cs.CV])