
Title: A survey of Digital Manufacturing Hardware and Software Trojans. (arXiv:2301.10336v1 [cs.CR])

In this work, we thus present a comprehensive overview of the threats posed by Trojans in Digital Manufacturing. We cover both hardware and software Trojans which may exist in products or their production and supply lines. From this, we produce a novel taxonomy for classifying and analyzing these threats, and elaborate on how different side channels (e.g. visual, thermal, acoustic, power, and magnetic) may be used to either enhance the impact of a given Trojan or utilized as part of a defensive strategy. Other defenses are also presented -- including hardware, web-, and software-related. To conclude, we discuss seven different case studies and elaborate how they fit into our taxonomy. Overall, this paper presents a detailed survey of the Trojan landscape for Digital Manufacturing: threats, defenses, and the importance of implementing secure practices.


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