

Title: Forward Pass: On the Security Implications of Email Forwarding Mechanism and Policy. (arXiv:2302.07287v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Security Threat Mitigation For Smart Contracts: A Survey. (arXiv:2302.07347v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Exploring the Techniques of Information Security Certification. (arXiv:2302.07431v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Demystifying security and compatibility issues in Android Apps. (arXiv:2302.07467v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Similarity Calculation Based on Homomorphic Encryption. (arXiv:2302.07572v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Vulnerability Analysis of Digital Banks' Mobile Applications. (arXiv:2302.07586v1 [cs.CR])

Title: FIDO2 the Rescue? Platform vs. Roaming Authentication on Smartphones. (arXiv:2302.07777v1 [cs.CR])


Title: DP-BART for Privatized Text Rewriting under Local Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2302.07636v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Data Forensics in Diffusion Models: A Systematic Analysis of Membership Privacy. (arXiv:2302.07801v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Field-sensitive Data Flow Integrity. (arXiv:2302.07717v1 [cs.CR])

In this paper, we propose a novel memory-protection method FIX-Sense that aims to solve all of these problems simultaneously. Our key idea is to perform memory protection based on field-sensitive data-flow integrity. Specifically, our method (1) computes a safe write-read relation for each memory object, at the structure-field granularity, based on field-sensitive value-flow analysis at the compile-time of the protected program. (2) At run-time, lightweight verification is performed to determine whether each memory read executed by the protected program belong to the safe write-read relation calculated for the memory object at compile time. (3) This verification is implemented by lightweight metadata management that tracks memory writes at the structure field granularity without changing the memory layout of the target program (especially the structure field layout).



Title: Targeted Attack on GPT-Neo for the SATML Language Model Data Extraction Challenge. (arXiv:2302.07735v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Silent Vulnerable Dependency Alert Prediction with Vulnerability Key Aspect Explanation. (arXiv:2302.07445v1 [cs.CR])

Title: ARGUS: Context-Based Detection of Stealthy IoT Infiltration Attacks. (arXiv:2302.07589v1 [cs.CR])

In this paper, we tackle this problem and propose ARGUS, the first self-learning intrusion detection system for detecting contextual attacks on IoT environments, in which the attacker maliciously invokes IoT device actions to reach its goals. ARGUS monitors the contextual setting based on the state and actions of IoT devices in the environment. An unsupervised Deep Neural Network (DNN) is used for modeling the typical contextual device behavior and detecting actions taking place in abnormal contextual settings. This unsupervised approach ensures that ARGUS is not restricted to detecting previously known attacks but is also able to detect new attacks. We evaluated ARGUS on heterogeneous real-world smart-home settings and achieve at least an F1-Score of 99.64% for each setup, with a false positive rate (FPR) of at most 0.03%.


Title: Offline-to-Online Knowledge Distillation for Video Instance Segmentation. (arXiv:2302.07516v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Semi-Supervised Deep Regression with Uncertainty Consistency and Variational Model Ensembling via Bayesian Neural Networks. (arXiv:2302.07579v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Uncertainty-Estimation with Normalized Logits for Out-of-Distribution Detection. (arXiv:2302.07608v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Event-guided Multi-patch Network with Self-supervision for Non-uniform Motion Deblurring. (arXiv:2302.07689v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Audio-Visual Contrastive Learning with Temporal Self-Supervision. (arXiv:2302.07702v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Robust Image Super-Resolution in the Wild. (arXiv:2302.07864v1 [cs.CV])

Title: READIN: A Chinese Multi-Task Benchmark with Realistic and Diverse Input Noises. (arXiv:2302.07324v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Constrained Decision Transformer for Offline Safe Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2302.07351v1 [cs.LG])

Title: XploreNAS: Explore Adversarially Robust & Hardware-efficient Neural Architectures for Non-ideal Xbars. (arXiv:2302.07769v1 [cs.LG])




Title: Whats New? Identifying the Unfolding of New Events in Narratives. (arXiv:2302.07748v1 [cs.CL])

membership infer


Title: FedABC: Targeting Fair Competition in Personalized Federated Learning. (arXiv:2302.07450v1 [cs.LG])

Title: FedLE: Federated Learning Client Selection with Lifespan Extension for Edge IoT Networks. (arXiv:2302.07305v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Adaptive incentive for cross-silo federated learning: A multi-agent reinforcement learning approach. (arXiv:2302.07493v1 [cs.LG])

Title: A Federated Learning Benchmark for Drug-Target Interaction. (arXiv:2302.07684v1 [cs.LG])


Title: DIVOTrack: A Novel Dataset and Baseline Method for Cross-View Multi-Object Tracking in DIVerse Open Scenes. (arXiv:2302.07676v1 [cs.CV])


Title: Augmented Language Models: a Survey. (arXiv:2302.07842v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Bayesian Decision Trees via Tractable Priors and Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars. (arXiv:2302.07407v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Is ChatGPT better than Human Annotators? Potential and Limitations of ChatGPT in Explaining Implicit Hate Speech. (arXiv:2302.07736v1 [cs.CL])

Title: CUTS: Neural Causal Discovery from Irregular Time-Series Data. (arXiv:2302.07458v1 [cs.LG])



Title: Road Redesign Technique Achieving Enhanced Road Safety by Inpainting with a Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2302.07440v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Video Probabilistic Diffusion Models in Projected Latent Space. (arXiv:2302.07685v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Real-time chaotic video encryption based on multithreaded parallel confusion and diffusion. (arXiv:2302.07411v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Score-based Diffusion Models in Function Space. (arXiv:2302.07400v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Unsupervised physics-informed neural network in reaction-diffusion biology models (Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease cases) A preliminary study. (arXiv:2302.07405v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Dataset Interfaces: Diagnosing Model Failures Using Controllable Counterfactual Generation. (arXiv:2302.07865v1 [cs.LG])