
Title: A study on the use of perceptual hashing to detect manipulation of embedded messages in images. (arXiv:2303.00092v1 [cs.CR])

This work searches for embedding principles which allow to distinguish between unintended changes by lossy image compression and malicious manipulation of the embedded message based on the change of its perceptual or robust hash. Different embedding and compression algorithms are compared.

The study shows that embedding a message via integer wavelet transform and compression with Karhunen-Loeve-transform yields the best results. However, it was not possible to distinguish between manipulation and compression in all cases.

Title: Access-based Lightweight Physical Layer Authentication for the Internet of Things Devices. (arXiv:2303.00307v1 [cs.CR])

Title: SMPC Task Decomposition: A Theory for Accelerating Secure Multi-party Computation Task. (arXiv:2303.00343v1 [cs.CR])

In this work, we propose a novel theory called SMPC Task Decomposition (SMPCTD), which can securely decompose a single SMPC task into multiple SMPC sub-tasks and multiple local tasks without leaking the original data. After decomposition, the computing time, memory and communication consumption drop sharply. We then decompose three machine learning (ML) SMPC tasks using our theory and implement them based on a hybrid protocol framework called ABY. Furthermore, we use incremental computation technique to expand the amount of data involved in these three SMPC tasks. The experimental results show that after decomposing these three SMPC tasks, the time, memory and communication consumption are not only greatly reduced, but also stabilized within a certain range.

Title: Self-Sovereign Identity for Trust and Interoperability in the Metaverse. (arXiv:2303.00422v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Dishing Out DoS: How to Disable and Secure the Starlink User Terminal. (arXiv:2303.00582v1 [cs.CR])

As a case study we audit the attack surface presented by the Starlink router's admin interface, using fuzzing to uncover a denial of service attack on the Starlink user terminal. We explore the attack's impact, particularly in the cases of drive-by attackers, and attackers that are able to maintain a continuous presence on the network. Finally, we discuss wider implications, looking at lessons learned in terrestrial router security, and how to properly implement them in this new context.


Title: A Practical Upper Bound for the Worst-Case Attribution Deviations. (arXiv:2303.00340v1 [cs.LG])

Title: The propagation game: on simulatability, correlation matrices, and probing security. (arXiv:2303.00580v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Neural Auctions Compromise Bidder Information. (arXiv:2303.00116v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Two Views of Constrained Differential Privacy: Belief Revision and Update. (arXiv:2303.00228v1 [cs.CR])

Title: FedScore: A privacy-preserving framework for federated scoring system development. (arXiv:2303.00282v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Towards a Privacy-Preserving Dispute Resolution Protocol on Ethereum. (arXiv:2303.00533v1 [cs.CR])

Title: How to DP-fy ML: A Practical Guide to Machine Learning with Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2303.00654v1 [cs.LG])

Differential Privacy (DP) has become a gold standard for making formal statements about data anonymization. However, while some adoption of DP has happened in industry, attempts to apply DP to real world complex ML models are still few and far between. The adoption of DP is hindered by limited practical guidance of what DP protection entails, what privacy guarantees to aim for, and the difficulty of achieving good privacy-utility-computation trade-offs for ML models. Tricks for tuning and maximizing performance are scattered among papers or stored in the heads of practitioners. Furthermore, the literature seems to present conflicting evidence on how and whether to apply architectural adjustments and which components are ``safe'' to use with DP.

This work is a self-contained guide that gives an in-depth overview of the field of DP ML and presents information about achieving the best possible DP ML model with rigorous privacy guarantees. Our target audience is both researchers and practitioners. Researchers interested in DP for ML will benefit from a clear overview of current advances and areas for improvement. We include theory-focused sections that highlight important topics such as privacy accounting and its assumptions, and convergence. For a practitioner, we provide a background in DP theory and a clear step-by-step guide for choosing an appropriate privacy definition and approach, implementing DP training, potentially updating the model architecture, and tuning hyperparameters. For both researchers and practitioners, consistently and fully reporting privacy guarantees is critical, and so we propose a set of specific best practices for stating guarantees.

Title: What Are the Chances? Explaining the Epsilon Parameter in Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2303.00738v1 [cs.CR])

We quantitatively evaluate these explanation methods in a vignette survey study ($n=963$) via three metrics: objective risk comprehension, subjective privacy understanding of DP guarantees, and self-efficacy. We find that odds-based explanation methods are more effective than (1) output-based methods and (2) state-of-the-art approaches that gloss over information about $\epsilon$. Further, when offered information about $\epsilon$, respondents are more willing to share their data than when presented with a state-of-the-art DP explanation; this willingness to share is sensitive to $\epsilon$ values: as privacy protections weaken, respondents are less likely to share data.

Title: DTW-SiameseNet: Dynamic Time Warped Siamese Network for Mispronunciation Detection and Correction. (arXiv:2303.00171v1 [cs.LG])



Title: DOLOS: A Novel Architecture for Moving Target Defense. (arXiv:2303.00387v1 [cs.CR])

This paper presents DOLOS, a novel architecture that unifies Cyber Deception and Moving Target Defense approaches. DOLOS is motivated by the insight that deceptive techniques are much more powerful when integrated into production systems rather than deployed alongside them. DOLOS combines typical Moving Target Defense techniques, such as randomization, diversity, and redundancy, with cyber deception and seamlessly integrates them into production systems through multiple layers of isolation. We extensively evaluate DOLOS against a wide range of attackers, ranging from automated malware to professional penetration testers, and show that DOLOS is highly effective in slowing down attacks and protecting the integrity of production systems. We also provide valuable insights and considerations for the future development of MTD techniques based on our findings.


Title: Feature Extraction Matters More: Universal Deepfake Disruption through Attacking Ensemble Feature Extractors. (arXiv:2303.00200v1 [cs.CV])

Title: To Make Yourself Invisible with Adversarial Semantic Contours. (arXiv:2303.00284v1 [cs.CV])

In this paper, we propose Adversarial Semantic Contour (ASC), an MAP estimate of a Bayesian formulation of sparse attack with a deceived prior of object contour. The object contour prior effectively reduces the search space of pixel selection and improves the attack by introducing more semantic bias. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ASC can corrupt the prediction of 9 modern detectors with different architectures (\e.g., one-stage, two-stage and Transformer) by modifying fewer than 5\% of the pixels of the object area in COCO in white-box scenario and around 10\% of those in black-box scenario. We further extend the attack to datasets for autonomous driving systems to verify the effectiveness. We conclude with cautions about contour being the common weakness of object detectors with various architecture and the care needed in applying them in safety-sensitive scenarios.

Title: Competence-Based Analysis of Language Models. (arXiv:2303.00333v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Optimization and Amplification of Cache Side Channel Signals. (arXiv:2303.00122v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Addressing DAO Insider Attacks in IPv6-Based Low-Power and Lossy Networks. (arXiv:2303.00260v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Neural inverse procedural modeling of knitting yarns from images. (arXiv:2303.00154v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Self-Supervised Convolutional Visual Prompts. (arXiv:2303.00198v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Single Image Backdoor Inversion via Robust Smoothed Classifiers. (arXiv:2303.00215v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Renderable Neural Radiance Map for Visual Navigation. (arXiv:2303.00304v1 [cs.CV])

Title: RIFT2: Speeding-up RIFT with A New Rotation-Invariance Technique. (arXiv:2303.00319v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Empowering Networks With Scale and Rotation Equivariance Using A Similarity Convolution. (arXiv:2303.00326v1 [cs.CV])

Title: ORCHNet: A Robust Global Feature Aggregation approach for 3D LiDAR-based Place recognition in Orchards. (arXiv:2303.00477v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Nearest Neighbors Meet Deep Neural Networks for Point Cloud Analysis. (arXiv:2303.00703v1 [cs.CV])

Title: A Complementarity-Based Switch-Fuse System for Improved Visual Place Recognition. (arXiv:2303.00714v1 [cs.CV])

Title: S-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Street Views. (arXiv:2303.00749v1 [cs.CV])

Title: How Robust is GPT-3.5 to Predecessors? A Comprehensive Study on Language Understanding Tasks. (arXiv:2303.00293v1 [cs.CL])

Title: N-best T5: Robust ASR Error Correction using Multiple Input Hypotheses and Constrained Decoding Space. (arXiv:2303.00456v1 [cs.CL])

Title: MuAViC: A Multilingual Audio-Visual Corpus for Robust Speech Recognition and Robust Speech-to-Text Translation. (arXiv:2303.00628v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Robustness of edited neural networks. (arXiv:2303.00046v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Transformed Low-Rank Parameterization Can Help Robust Generalization for Tensor Neural Networks. (arXiv:2303.00196v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Combating Exacerbated Heterogeneity for Robust Models in Federated Learning. (arXiv:2303.00250v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Re-weighting Based Group Fairness Regularization via Classwise Robust Optimization. (arXiv:2303.00442v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Finding the right XAI method -- A Guide for the Evaluation and Ranking of Explainable AI Methods in Climate Science. (arXiv:2303.00652v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Cross-Modal Entity Matching for Visually Rich Documents. (arXiv:2303.00720v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Pose Impact Estimation on Face Recognition using 3D-Aware Synthetic Data with Application to Quality Assessment. (arXiv:2303.00491v1 [cs.CV])



Title: DMSA: Dynamic Multi-scale Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation Based on Adaptive Affinity. (arXiv:2303.00199v1 [cs.CV])

Title: StrucTexTv2: Masked Visual-Textual Prediction for Document Image Pre-training. (arXiv:2303.00289v1 [cs.CV])

Title: BiSVP: Building Footprint Extraction via Bidirectional Serialized Vertex Prediction. (arXiv:2303.00300v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Extracting Motion and Appearance via Inter-Frame Attention for Efficient Video Frame Interpolation. (arXiv:2303.00440v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Parameter Optimization of LLC-Converter with multiple operation points using Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2303.00004v1 [cs.LG])

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Title: Mitigating Backdoors in Federated Learning with FLD. (arXiv:2303.00302v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Lumos: Heterogeneity-aware Federated Graph Learning over Decentralized Devices. (arXiv:2303.00492v1 [cs.LG])



Title: Inherently Interpretable Multi-Label Classification Using Class-Specific Counterfactuals. (arXiv:2303.00500v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Neural Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hierarchical Multilayer Topic Modeling. (arXiv:2303.00058v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Interpretable Transformer for Water Level Forecasting. (arXiv:2303.00515v1 [cs.LG])




Title: Diffusion Probabilistic Fields. (arXiv:2303.00165v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Collage Diffusion. (arXiv:2303.00262v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Unlimited-Size Diffusion Restoration. (arXiv:2303.00354v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Level Up the Deepfake Detection: a Method to Effectively Discriminate Images Generated by GAN Architectures and Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2303.00608v1 [cs.CV])

Title: StraIT: Non-autoregressive Generation with Stratified Image Transformer. (arXiv:2303.00750v1 [cs.CV])