
Title: Blockchain-Powered Supply Chain Management for Kidney Organ Preservation. (arXiv:2308.11169v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Unlocking Hardware Security Assurance: The Potential of LLMs. (arXiv:2308.11042v1 [cs.CR])


Title: TeD-SPAD: Temporal Distinctiveness for Self-supervised Privacy-preservation for video Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2308.11072v1 [cs.CV])

Title: LDP-Feat: Image Features with Local Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2308.11223v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Semantic RGB-D Image Synthesis. (arXiv:2308.11356v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Split Learning for Distributed Collaborative Training of Deep Learning Models in Health Informatics. (arXiv:2308.11027v1 [cs.LG])

Title: A novel analysis of utility in privacy pipelines, using Kronecker products and quantitative information flow. (arXiv:2308.11110v1 [cs.CR])

Title: Federated Learning on Patient Data for Privacy-Protecting Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treatment. (arXiv:2308.11220v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Up-to-date Threat Modelling for Soft Privacy on Smart Cars. (arXiv:2308.11273v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Protect Federated Learning Against Backdoor Attacks via Data-Free Trigger Generation. (arXiv:2308.11333v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Designing an attack-defense game: how to increase robustness of financial transaction models via a competition. (arXiv:2308.11406v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Temporal-Distributed Backdoor Attack Against Video Based Action Recognition. (arXiv:2308.11070v1 [cs.CV])

Title: SDeMorph: Towards Better Facial De-morphing from Single Morph. (arXiv:2308.11442v1 [cs.CV])


Title: Debiasing Counterfactuals In the Presence of Spurious Correlations. (arXiv:2308.10984v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Long-Term Prediction of Natural Video Sequences with Robust Video Predictors. (arXiv:2308.11079v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Domain Generalization via Rationale Invariance. (arXiv:2308.11158v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Decoupled Contrastive Multi-view Clustering with High-order Random Walks. (arXiv:2308.11164v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Video BagNet: short temporal receptive fields increase robustness in long-term action recognition. (arXiv:2308.11249v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Towards Clip-Free Quantized Super-Resolution Networks: How to Tame Representative Images. (arXiv:2308.11365v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Revisiting and Exploring Efficient Fast Adversarial Training via LAW: Lipschitz Regularization and Auto Weight Averaging. (arXiv:2308.11443v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Free Lunch for Gait Recognition: A Novel Relation Descriptor. (arXiv:2308.11487v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Multi-event Video-Text Retrieval. (arXiv:2308.11551v1 [cs.CV])

Title: G3Reg: Pyramid Graph-based Global Registration using Gaussian Ellipsoid Model. (arXiv:2308.11573v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Can Authorship Representation Learning Capture Stylistic Features?. (arXiv:2308.11490v1 [cs.CL])

Title: SeamlessM4T-Massively Multilingual & Multimodal Machine Translation. (arXiv:2308.11596v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Toward Generalizable Machine Learning Models in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences: Power Analysis and Sample Size Estimation. (arXiv:2308.11197v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Robust Lagrangian and Adversarial Policy Gradient for Robust Constrained Markov Decision Processes. (arXiv:2308.11267v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Mode Combinability: Exploring Convex Combinations of Permutation Aligned Models. (arXiv:2308.11511v1 [cs.LG])




Title: Flashlight Search Medial Axis: A Pixel-Free Pore-Network Extraction Algorithm. (arXiv:2308.10990v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Masked Momentum Contrastive Learning for Zero-shot Semantic Understanding. (arXiv:2308.11448v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Extracting Relational Triples Based on Graph Recursive Neural Network via Dynamic Feedback Forest Algorithm. (arXiv:2308.11411v1 [cs.CL])

Title: BELB: a Biomedical Entity Linking Benchmark. (arXiv:2308.11537v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Semantic Multi-Resolution Communications. (arXiv:2308.11604v1 [cs.LG])

membership infer


Title: Federated Learning in Big Model Era: Domain-Specific Multimodal Large Models. (arXiv:2308.11217v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Internal Cross-layer Gradients for Extending Homogeneity to Heterogeneity in Federated Learning. (arXiv:2308.11464v1 [cs.LG])

Title: EM for Mixture of Linear Regression with Clustered Data. (arXiv:2308.11518v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Addressing Fairness and Explainability in Image Classification Using Optimal Transport. (arXiv:2308.11090v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Targeted Data Augmentation for bias mitigation. (arXiv:2308.11386v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Empowering Refugee Claimants and their Lawyers: Using Machine Learning to Examine Decision-Making in Refugee Law. (arXiv:2308.11531v1 [cs.CL])

Title: A survey on bias in machine learning research. (arXiv:2308.11254v1 [cs.LG])


Title: HopPG: Self-Iterative Program Generation for Multi-Hop Question Answering over Heterogeneous Knowledge. (arXiv:2308.11257v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Hamiltonian GAN. (arXiv:2308.11216v1 [cs.LG])



Title: Adaptive White-Box Watermarking with Self-Mutual Check Parameters in Deep Neural Networks. (arXiv:2308.11235v1 [cs.CR])


Title: Diffusion Model as Representation Learner. (arXiv:2308.10916v1 [cs.CV])

Title: DiffCloth: Diffusion Based Garment Synthesis and Manipulation via Structural Cross-modal Semantic Alignment. (arXiv:2308.11206v1 [cs.CV])

Title: MatFuse: Controllable Material Generation with Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2308.11408v1 [cs.CV])

Title: IT3D: Improved Text-to-3D Generation with Explicit View Synthesis. (arXiv:2308.11473v1 [cs.CV])

noise learning



Title: Spectral Graphormer: Spectral Graph-based Transformer for Egocentric Two-Hand Reconstruction using Multi-View Color Images. (arXiv:2308.11015v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Video OWL-ViT: Temporally-consistent open-world localization in video. (arXiv:2308.11093v1 [cs.CV])

Title: SwinV2DNet: Pyramid and Self-Supervision Compounded Feature Learning for Remote Sensing Images Change Detection. (arXiv:2308.11159v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Improving Misaligned Multi-modality Image Fusion with One-stage Progressive Dense Registration. (arXiv:2308.11165v1 [cs.CV])

Title: ConcatPlexer: Additional Dim1 Batching for Faster ViTs. (arXiv:2308.11199v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Exemplar-Free Continual Transformer with Convolutions. (arXiv:2308.11357v1 [cs.CV])

Title: TurboViT: Generating Fast Vision Transformers via Generative Architecture Search. (arXiv:2308.11421v1 [cs.CV])

Title: SwinFace: A Multi-task Transformer for Face Recognition, Expression Recognition, Age Estimation and Attribute Estimation. (arXiv:2308.11509v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Target-Grounded Graph-Aware Transformer for Aerial Vision-and-Dialog Navigation. (arXiv:2308.11561v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Delving into Motion-Aware Matching for Monocular 3D Object Tracking. (arXiv:2308.11607v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Optimizing Multi-Class Text Classification: A Diverse Stacking Ensemble Framework Utilizing Transformers. (arXiv:2308.11519v1 [cs.CL])

Title: BERT4CTR: An Efficient Framework to Combine Pre-trained Language Model with Non-textual Features for CTR Prediction. (arXiv:2308.11527v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Transformers for Capturing Multi-level Graph Structure using Hierarchical Distances. (arXiv:2308.11129v1 [cs.LG])

Title: SegRNN: Segment Recurrent Neural Network for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting. (arXiv:2308.11200v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Uncertainty Estimation of Transformers' Predictions via Topological Analysis of the Attention Matrices. (arXiv:2308.11295v1 [cs.LG])


Title: SPEGTI: Structured Prediction for Efficient Generative Text-to-Image Models. (arXiv:2308.10997v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Expecting The Unexpected: Towards Broad Out-Of-Distribution Detection. (arXiv:2308.11480v1 [cs.LG])

Title: Building Emotional Support Chatbots in the Era of LLMs. (arXiv:2308.11584v1 [cs.CL])

large language model

Title: Anonymity at Risk? Assessing Re-Identification Capabilities of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2308.11103v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Diversity Measures: Domain-Independent Proxies for Failure in Language Model Queries. (arXiv:2308.11189v1 [cs.CL])

Title: LegalBench: A Collaboratively Built Benchmark for Measuring Legal Reasoning in Large Language Models. (arXiv:2308.11462v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Large Language Models Sensitivity to The Order of Options in Multiple-Choice Questions. (arXiv:2308.11483v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Self-Deception: Reverse Penetrating the Semantic Firewall of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2308.11521v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Learning Representations on Logs for AIOps. (arXiv:2308.11526v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Large Language Model as a User Simulator. (arXiv:2308.11534v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Refashioning Emotion Recognition Modelling: The Advent of Generalised Large Models. (arXiv:2308.11578v1 [cs.CL])

Title: Tryage: Real-time, intelligent Routing of User Prompts to Large Language Model. (arXiv:2308.11601v1 [cs.LG])


Title: Beyond Discriminative Regions: Saliency Maps as Alternatives to CAMs for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.11052v1 [cs.CV])

Title: UnLoc: A Unified Framework for Video Localization Tasks. (arXiv:2308.11062v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Exploring Unsupervised Cell Recognition with Prior Self-activation Maps. (arXiv:2308.11144v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Hierarchical Point-based Active Learning for Semi-supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.11166v1 [cs.CV])

Title: A three in one bottom-up framework for simultaneous semantic segmentation, instance segmentation and classification of multi-organ nuclei in digital cancer histology. (arXiv:2308.11179v1 [cs.CV])

Title: MEGA: Multimodal Alignment Aggregation and Distillation For Cinematic Video Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.11185v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Masked Cross-image Encoding for Few-shot Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.11201v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Affordance segmentation of hand-occluded containers from exocentric images. (arXiv:2308.11233v1 [cs.CV])

Title: LOCATE: Self-supervised Object Discovery via Flow-guided Graph-cut and Bootstrapped Self-training. (arXiv:2308.11239v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Improving Knot Prediction in Wood Logs with Longitudinal Feature Propagation. (arXiv:2308.11291v1 [cs.CV])

Title: BHSD: A 3D Multi-Class Brain Hemorrhage Segmentation Dataset. (arXiv:2308.11298v1 [cs.CV])

Title: How Much Temporal Long-Term Context is Needed for Action Segmentation?. (arXiv:2308.11358v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Boundary-RL: Reinforcement Learning for Weakly-Supervised Prostate Segmentation in TRUS Images. (arXiv:2308.11376v1 [cs.CV])

Title: Food Image Classification and Segmentation with Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning. (arXiv:2308.11452v1 [cs.CV])

Title: LCCo: Lending CLIP to Co-Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.11506v1 [cs.CV])