
Title: PQCMC: Post-Quantum Cryptography McEliece-Chen Implicit Certificate Scheme

Title: Local Privacy-preserving Mechanisms and Applications in Machine Learning

Title: Toward Robust Multimodal Learning using Multimodal Foundational Models

Title: Can I trust my fake data -- A comprehensive quality assessment framework for synthetic tabular data in healthcare

Title: Inference Attacks Against Face Recognition Model without Classification Layers

Title: A Systematic Approach to Robustness Modelling for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Title: S2TPVFormer: Spatio-Temporal Tri-Perspective View for temporally coherent 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction

Title: Diffuse to Choose: Enriching Image Conditioned Inpainting in Latent Diffusion Models for Virtual Try-All

Title: Don't Push the Button! Exploring Data Leakage Risks in Machine Learning and Transfer Learning

Title: Automated Root Causing of Cloud Incidents using In-Context Learning with GPT-4

Title: The Calibration Gap between Model and Human Confidence in Large Language Models

Title: Democratizing Fine-grained Visual Recognition with Large Language Models

Title: A V2X-based Privacy Preserving Federated Measuring and Learning System

Title: TPD: Enhancing Student Language Model Reasoning via Principle Discovery and Guidance

Title: Embedding Attack Project (Work Report)

Title: Inverse Molecular Design with Multi-Conditional Diffusion Guidance

Title: Appearance Debiased Gaze Estimation via Stochastic Subject-Wise Adversarial Learning

Title: Unmasking and Quantifying Racial Bias of Large Language Models in Medical Report Generation

Title: AscDAMs: Advanced SLAM-based channel detection and mapping system

Title: A comparative study of zero-shot inference with large language models and supervised modeling in breast cancer pathology classification

Title: Cross-Modal Prototype based Multimodal Federated Learning under Severely Missing Modality

Title: Empowering Machines to Think Like Chemists: Unveiling Molecular Structure-Polarity Relationships with Hierarchical Symbolic Regression

Title: A Survey of Deep Learning and Foundation Models for Time Series Forecasting

Title: WebVoyager: Building an End-to-End Web Agent with Large Multimodal Models

Title: LocMoE: A Low-overhead MoE for Large Language Model Training

Title: Adaptive Text Watermark for Large Language Models

Title: Self-supervised Video Object Segmentation with Distillation Learning of Deformable Attention

Title: StyleInject: Parameter Efficient Tuning of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: AM-SORT: Adaptable Motion Predictor with Historical Trajectory Embedding for Multi-Object Tracking

Title: Randomized Response with Gradual Release of Privacy Budget

Title: A New Image Quality Database for Multiple Industrial Processes

Title: TriSAM: Tri-Plane SAM for zero-shot cortical blood vessel segmentation in VEM images

Title: An Extensible Framework for Open Heterogeneous Collaborative Perception

Title: Improving Pseudo-labelling and Enhancing Robustness for Semi-Supervised Domain Generalization

Title: Dynamic Long-Term Time-Series Forecasting via Meta Transformer Networks

Title: BootPIG: Bootstrapping Zero-shot Personalized Image Generation Capabilities in Pretrained Diffusion Models

Title: Evaluating the Determinants of Mode Choice Using Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in the Indian Megacity of Bengaluru

Title: Towards Consistent Natural-Language Explanations via Explanation-Consistency Finetuning

Title: Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning via Adaptive Transformer Networks

Title: Diffusion-based Data Augmentation for Object Counting Problems

Title: Investigate-Consolidate-Exploit: A General Strategy for Inter-Task Agent Self-Evolution

Title: ConstraintChecker: A Plugin for Large Language Models to Reason on Commonsense Knowledge Bases

Title: Cyber-Twin: Digital Twin-boosted Autonomous Attack Detection for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

Title: CMMU: A Benchmark for Chinese Multi-modal Multi-type Question Understanding and Reasoning

Title: Towards Uncertainty-Aware Language Agent

Title: Unitxt: Flexible, Shareable and Reusable Data Preparation and Evaluation for Generative AI

Title: The Risk of Federated Learning to Skew Fine-Tuning Features and Underperform Out-of-Distribution Robustness

Title: Sparse and Transferable Universal Singular Vectors Attack

Title: Unsupervised Spatial-Temporal Feature Enrichment and Fidelity Preservation Network for Skeleton based Action Recognition

Title: (Chat)GPT v BERT: Dawn of Justice for Semantic Change Detection

Title: Towards Goal-oriented Large Language Model Prompting: A Survey

Title: CreativeSynth: Creative Blending and Synthesis of Visual Arts based on Multimodal Diffusion

Title: Ta'keed: The First Generative Fact-Checking System for Arabic Claims

Title: ProCNS: Progressive Prototype Calibration and Noise Suppression for Weakly-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Quantum Resistant Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme with Flexible Access Structure

Title: Double Trouble? Impact and Detection of Duplicates in Face Image Datasets

Title: A Modular Approach to Automatic Cyber Threat Attribution using Opinion Pools

Title: Carry Your Fault: A Fault Propagation Attack on Side-Channel Protected LWE-based KEM

Title: Learning under Label Noise through Few-Shot Human-in-the-Loop Refinement

Title: CompactifAI: Extreme Compression of Large Language Models using Quantum-Inspired Tensor Networks

Title: Scene Graph to Image Synthesis: Integrating CLIP Guidance with Graph Conditioning in Diffusion Models

Title: FP6-LLM: Efficiently Serving Large Language Models Through FP6-Centric Algorithm-System Co-Design

Title: Enabling Cross-Camera Collaboration for Video Analytics on Distributed Smart Cameras

Title: Expression-aware video inpainting for HMD removal in XR applications

Title: True Knowledge Comes from Practice: Aligning LLMs with Embodied Environments via Reinforcement Learning

Title: Grounded SAM: Assembling Open-World Models for Diverse Visual Tasks

Title: Vivim: a Video Vision Mamba for Medical Video Object Segmentation

Title: How Can Large Language Models Understand Spatial-Temporal Data?

Title: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning through Adaptive Weight Clustering and Server-Side Distillation

Title: AR-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network-Based Defense Method Against Adversarial Attacks on the Traffic Sign Classification System of Autonomous Vehicles

Title: Improving Natural Language Capability of Code Large Language Model

Title: JUMP: A joint multimodal registration pipeline for neuroimaging with minimal preprocessing

Title: Interpretable Solutions for Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Grammatical Evolution and Data Augmentation

Title: Producing Plankton Classifiers that are Robust to Dataset Shift

Title: Sketch2NeRF: Multi-view Sketch-guided Text-to-3D Generation

Title: Transformers and Cortical Waves: Encoders for Pulling In Context Across Time

Title: RomanSetu: Efficiently unlocking multilingual capabilities of Large Language Models models via Romanization

Title: POUR-Net: A Population-Prior-Aided Over-Under-Representation Network for Low-Count PET Attenuation Map Generation

Title: Topologies of Reasoning: Demystifying Chains, Trees, and Graphs of Thoughts

Title: A Quantum "Lifting Theorem" for Constructions of Pseudorandom Generators from Random Oracles

Title: Unlocking Past Information: Temporal Embeddings in Cooperative Bird's Eye View Prediction

Title: SunBlock: Cloudless Protection for IoT Systems

Title: Progressive Multi-task Anti-Noise Learning and Distilling Frameworks for Fine-grained Vehicle Recognition

Title: Class-attribute Priors: Adapting Optimization to Heterogeneity and Fairness Objective

Title: ServerlessLLM: Locality-Enhanced Serverless Inference for Large Language Models

Title: Learning Robust Generalizable Radiance Field with Visibility and Feature Augmented Point Representation

Title: Genie: Achieving Human Parity in Content-Grounded Datasets Generation

Title: UrbanGenAI: Reconstructing Urban Landscapes using Panoptic Segmentation and Diffusion Models

Title: Manifold GCN: Diffusion-based Convolutional Neural Network for Manifold-valued Graphs

Title: Inconsistency Masks: Removing the Uncertainty from Input-Pseudo-Label Pairs

Title: Rethinking Patch Dependence for Masked Autoencoders

Title: pix2gestalt: Amodal Segmentation by Synthesizing Wholes

Title: Deconstructing Denoising Diffusion Models for Self-Supervised Learning

Title: Multimodal Pathway: Improve Transformers with Irrelevant Data from Other Modalities