
Title: Accelerating Material Property Prediction using Generically Complete Isometry Invariants

Title: Hi-Core: Hierarchical Knowledge Transfer for Continual Reinforcement Learning

Title: Towards Global Glacier Mapping with Deep Learning and Open Earth Observation Data

Title: Interpreting Time Series Transformer Models and Sensitivity Analysis of Population Age Groups to COVID-19 Infections

Title: Large Language Model Guided Knowledge Distillation for Time Series Anomaly Detection

Title: Evaluation of LLM Chatbots for OSINT-based Cyberthreat Awareness

Title: Chaotic Encryption for 10-Gb Ethernet Optical Links

Title: Scalable Qualitative Coding with LLMs: Chain-of-Thought Reasoning Matches Human Performance in Some Hermeneutic Tasks

Title: Kitchen Food Waste Image Segmentation and Classification for Compost Nutrients Estimation

Title: FedGT: Federated Node Classification with Scalable Graph Transformer

Title: LYT-Net: Lightweight YUV Transformer-based Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Title: Transfer Learning for the Prediction of Entity Modifiers in Clinical Text: Application to Opioid Use Disorder Case Detection

Title: Biological Valuation Map of Flanders: A Sentinel-2 Imagery Analysis

Title: Deep Learning with Tabular Data: A Self-supervised Approach

Title: MEA-Defender: A Robust Watermark against Model Extraction Attack

Title: Training Differentially Private Ad Prediction Models with Semi-Sensitive Features

Title: Better Representations via Adversarial Training in Pre-Training: A Theoretical Perspective

Title: Vanishing-Point-Guided Video Semantic Segmentation of Driving Scenes

Title: SAM-based instance segmentation models for the automation of masonry crack detection

Title: Improving Medical Reasoning through Retrieval and Self-Reflection with Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Title: SimFair: Physics-Guided Fairness-Aware Learning with Simulation Models

Title: Finite-Time Analysis of On-Policy Heterogeneous Federated Reinforcement Learning

Title: Dynamic Transformer Architecture for Continual Learning of Multimodal Tasks

Title: GEM: Boost Simple Network for Glass Surface Segmentation via Segment Anything Model and Data Synthesis

Title: Ransomware threat mitigation through network traffic analysis and machine learning techniques

Title: Applications of Tao General Difference in Discrete Domain

Title: Where's the "up"?! A Comprehensive (bottom-up) Study on the Security of Arm Cortex-M Systems

Title: SkipViT: Speeding Up Vision Transformers with a Token-Level Skip Connection

Title: Multi-Trigger Backdoor Attacks: More Triggers, More Threats

Title: Equipping Language Models with Tool Use Capability for Tabular Data Analysis in Finance

Title: Optimal Sparse Survival Trees

Title: L-AutoDA: Leveraging Large Language Models for Automated Decision-based Adversarial Attacks

Title: A Comprehensive Survey of Compression Algorithms for Language Models

Title: Transformer-based Clipped Contrastive Quantization Learning for Unsupervised Image Retrieval

Title: Face to Cartoon Incremental Super-Resolution using Knowledge Distillation

Title: Towards Event Extraction from Speech with Contextual Clues

Title: MultiHop-RAG: Benchmarking Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Multi-Hop Queries

Title: Semantics of Multiword Expressions in Transformer-Based Models: A Survey

Title: A Survey on Data Augmentation in Large Model Era

Title: Pre-training and Diagnosing Knowledge Base Completion Models

Title: Learning to Trust Your Feelings: Leveraging Self-awareness in LLMs for Hallucination Mitigation

Title: A New Method for Vehicle Logo Recognition Based on Swin Transformer

Title: DataFrame QA: A Universal LLM Framework on DataFrame Question Answering Without Data Exposure

Title: Wind speed super-resolution and validation: from ERA5 to CERRA via diffusion models

Title: ConvoSense: Overcoming Monotonous Commonsense Inferences for Conversational AI

Title: Temporal evolution in synthetic handwriting

Title: iDeLog: Iterative Dual Spatial and Kinematic Extraction of Sigma-Lognormal Parameters

Title: To Burst or Not to Burst: Generating and Quantifying Improbable Text

Title: Social Interpretable Reinforcement Learning

Title: Unsupervised Solution Operator Learning for Mean-Field Games via Sampling-Invariant Parametrizations

Title: Baichuan2-Sum: Instruction Finetune Baichuan2-7B Model for Dialogue Summarization

Title: Do We Need Language-Specific Fact-Checking Models? The Case of Chinese

Title: FloodLense: A Framework for ChatGPT-based Real-time Flood Detection

Title: Style-News: Incorporating Stylized News Generation and Adversarial Verification for Neural Fake News Detection

Title: A Thorough Study of State Leakage Mitigation in Quantum Computing with One-Time Pad

Title: An Information-Theoretic Analysis of In-Context Learning

Title: BrepGen: A B-rep Generative Diffusion Model with Structured Latent Geometry

Title: Intriguing Equivalence Structures of the Embedding Space of Vision Transformers

Title: Efficient Tuning and Inference for Large Language Models on Textual Graphs

Title: ARCNet: An Asymmetric Residual Wavelet Column Correction Network for Infrared Image Destriping

Title: SCTransNet: Spatial-channel Cross Transformer Network for Infrared Small Target Detection

Title: DGNN: Decoupled Graph Neural Networks with Structural Consistency between Attribute and Graph Embedding Representations

Title: Evaluating Gender Bias in Large Language Models via Chain-of-Thought Prompting

Title: Neural Network-Based Score Estimation in Diffusion Models: Optimization and Generalization

Title: Addressing Noise and Efficiency Issues in Graph-Based Machine Learning Models From the Perspective of Adversarial Attack

Title: Diffusion-based graph generative methods

Title: Generative AI-enabled Blockchain Networks: Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Study

Title: TA&AT: Enhancing Task-Oriented Dialog with Turn-Level Auxiliary Tasks and Action-Tree Based Scheduled Sampling

Title: FreeStyle: Free Lunch for Text-guided Style Transfer using Diffusion Models

Title: Cyto R-CNN and CytoNuke Dataset: Towards reliable whole-cell segmentation in bright-field histological images

Title: Improving Data Augmentation for Robust Visual Question Answering with Effective Curriculum Learning

Title: UP-CrackNet: Unsupervised Pixel-Wise Road Crack Detection via Adversarial Image Restoration

Title: CPDM: Content-Preserving Diffusion Model for Underwater Image Enhancement

Title: Continuous-Multiple Image Outpainting in One-Step via Positional Query and A Diffusion-based Approach

Title: LLsM: Generative Linguistic Steganography with Large Language Model

Title: Data-Free Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

Title: Lips Are Lying: Spotting the Temporal Inconsistency between Audio and Visual in Lip-Syncing DeepFakes

Title: YODA: Teacher-Student Progressive Learning for Language Models

Title: Detection of a facemask in real-time using deep learning methods: Prevention of Covid 19

Title: Media2Face: Co-speech Facial Animation Generation With Multi-Modality Guidance

Title: Divide and Conquer: Language Models can Plan and Self-Correct for Compositional Text-to-Image Generation

Title: Phoneme-Based Proactive Anti-Eavesdropping with Controlled Recording Privilege

Title: Object-Driven One-Shot Fine-tuning of Text-to-Image Diffusion with Prototypical Embedding

Title: Contrastive Learning and Mixture of Experts Enables Precise Vector Embeddings

Title: SegmentAnyTree: A sensor and platform agnostic deep learning model for tree segmentation using laser scanning data

Title: SERNet-Former: Semantic Segmentation by Efficient Residual Network with Attention-Boosting Gates and Attention-Fusion Networks

Title: An objective comparison of methods for augmented reality in laparoscopic liver resection by preoperative-to-intraoperative image fusion

Title: Integrating Differential Privacy and Contextual Integrity

Title: cantnlp@LT-EDI-2024: Automatic Detection of Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Speech in Under-resourced Languages

Title: Fine-Tuned Large Language Models for Symptom Recognition from Spanish Clinical Text

Title: Prediction of Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk Using a Multi-Model Approach Integrating Whole Slide Imaging and Clinicopathologic Features

Title: Transparency Attacks: How Imperceptible Image Layers Can Fool AI Perception

Title: The Spectre of Surveillance and Censorship in Future Internet Architectures

Title: Emergent Explainability: Adding a causal chain to neural network inference

Title: LCVO: An Efficient Pretraining-Free Framework for Visual Question Answering Grounding

Title: Cross-Scale MAE: A Tale of Multi-Scale Exploitation in Remote Sensing

Title: Diffusion Facial Forgery Detection

Title: DrBERT: Unveiling the Potential of Masked Language Modeling Decoder in BERT pretraining

Title: Importance-Aware Adaptive Dataset Distillation

Title: Quantum Circuit Reconstruction from Power Side-Channel Attacks on Quantum Computer Controllers

Title: Combining Satellite and Weather Data for Crop Type Mapping: An Inverse Modelling Approach

Title: Decoding the MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Enterprise Evaluation: An Analysis of EDR Performance in Real-World Environments

Title: TransTroj: Transferable Backdoor Attacks to Pre-trained Models via Embedding Indistinguishability

Title: Corrective Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: Grey Level Texture Features for Segmentation of Chromogenic Dye RNAscope From Breast Cancer Tissue

Title: A Gated MLP Architecture for Learning Topological Dependencies in Spatio-Temporal Graphs

Title: MV2MAE: Multi-View Video Masked Autoencoders

Title: Toward the Identifiability of Comparative Deep Generative Models

Title: Mean Estimation with User-Level Privacy for Spatio-Temporal IoT Datasets

Title: Blockchain-enabled Trustworthy Federated Unlearning

Title: E-EVAL: A Comprehensive Chinese K-12 Education Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: HICH Image/Text (HICH-IT): Comprehensive Text and Image Datasets for Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage Research

Title: Self-Supervised Learning in Event Sequences: A Comparative Study and Hybrid Approach of Generative Modeling and Contrastive Learning

Title: AdvNF: Reducing Mode Collapse in Conditional Normalising Flows using Adversarial Learning

Title: Scalable Federated Unlearning via Isolated and Coded Sharding

Title: Spatio-Temporal Attention Graph Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction

Title: Response Generation for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Large Language Models: Comparative Study with Socratic Questioning

Title: HEQuant: Marrying Homomorphic Encryption and Quantization for Communication-Efficient Private Inference

Title: StableIdentity: Inserting Anybody into Anywhere at First Sight

Title: Motion-I2V: Consistent and Controllable Image-to-Video Generation with Explicit Motion Modeling

Title: AccessLens: Auto-detecting Inaccessibility of Everyday Objects

Title: LESSON: Multi-Label Adversarial False Data Injection Attack for Deep Learning Locational Detection

Title: GPS: Graph Contrastive Learning via Multi-scale Augmented Views from Adversarial Pooling

Title: Probabilistic Abduction for Visual Abstract Reasoning via Learning Rules in Vector-symbolic Architectures

Title: Second Order Kinematic Surface Fitting in Anatomical Structures

Title: Dynamic Prototype Adaptation with Distillation for Few-shot Point Cloud Segmentation

Title: Stolen Subwords: Importance of Vocabularies for Machine Translation Model Stealing

Title: Neuromorphic Valence and Arousal Estimation

Title: Non-Fluent Synthetic Target-Language Data Improve Neural Machine Translation

Title: Fairness in Algorithmic Recourse Through the Lens of Substantive Equality of Opportunity

Title: Federated unsupervised random forest for privacy-preserving patient stratification

Title: Flexible Parallel Neural Network Architecture Model for Early Prediction of Lithium Battery Life

Title: A 2D Sinogram-Based Approach to Defect Localization in Computed Tomography

Title: Beyond Direct Diagnosis: LLM-based Multi-Specialist Agent Consultation for Automatic Diagnosis

Title: CIMIL-CRC: a clinically-informed multiple instance learning framework for patient-level colorectal cancer molecular subtypes classification from H\&E stained images

Title: Spatial-Aware Latent Initialization for Controllable Image Generation

Title: Mobile-Agent: Autonomous Multi-Modal Mobile Device Agent with Visual Perception

Title: LLaVA-MoLE: Sparse Mixture of LoRA Experts for Mitigating Data Conflicts in Instruction Finetuning MLLMs

Title: A Privacy-preserving key transmission protocol to distribute QRNG keys using zk-SNARKs

Title: A Survey on Structure-Preserving Graph Transformers

Title: LLaMandement: Large Language Models for Summarization of French Legislative Proposals

Title: On the Semantics of LM Latent Space: A Vocabulary-defined Approach

Title: LLM4Vuln: A Unified Evaluation Framework for Decoupling and Enhancing LLMs' Vulnerability Reasoning

Title: Geospatial Disparities: A Case Study on Real Estate Prices in Paris

Title: Diffutoon: High-Resolution Editable Toon Shading via Diffusion Models

Title: Cross-Database Liveness Detection: Insights from Comparative Biometric Analysis

Title: DAEDALUS: Defense Against Firmware ROP Exploits Using Stochastic Software Diversity

Title: Towards Red Teaming in Multimodal and Multilingual Translation

Title: Cross-silo Federated Learning with Record-level Personalized Differential Privacy

Title: CO2: Efficient Distributed Training with Full Communication-Computation Overlap

Title: Cutup and Detect: Human Fall Detection on Cutup Untrimmed Videos Using a Large Foundational Video Understanding Model

Title: Leveraging Positional Encoding for Robust Multi-Reference-Based Object 6D Pose Estimation

Title: Capturing Pertinent Symbolic Features for Enhanced Content-Based Misinformation Detection

Title: Breaking the Barrier: Selective Uncertainty-based Active Learning for Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Quantum-safe Encryption: A New Method to Reduce Complexity and/or Improve Security Level

Title: Regressing Transformers for Data-efficient Visual Place Recognition

Title: Machine Translation Meta Evaluation through Translation Accuracy Challenge Sets

Title: Tradeoffs Between Alignment and Helpfulness in Language Models

Title: FedFair^3: Unlocking Threefold Fairness in Federated Learning

Title: Adversarial Training on Purification (AToP): Advancing Both Robustness and Generalization

Title: Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of Liquid Staking Protocols

Title: PathMMU: A Massive Multimodal Expert-Level Benchmark for Understanding and Reasoning in Pathology

Title: Rephrasing the Web: A Recipe for Compute and Data-Efficient Language Modeling

Title: Continual Learning with Pre-Trained Models: A Survey

Title: Scaling Sparse Fine-Tuning to Large Language Models

Title: Semi-parametric Expert Bayesian Network Learning with Gaussian Processes and Horseshoe Priors

Title: Two Stones Hit One Bird: Bilevel Positional Encoding for Better Length Extrapolation

Title: Synchformer: Efficient Synchronization from Sparse Cues

Title: Computer Vision for Primate Behavior Analysis in the Wild