
Title: Motion Guided Token Compression for Efficient Masked Video Modeling

Title: Wilcoxon Nonparametric CFAR Scheme for Ship Detection in SAR Image

Title: MMSR: Symbolic Regression is a Multimodal Task

Title: Impact of network topology on the performance of Decentralized Federated Learning

Title: Exploring Privacy and Fairness Risks in Sharing Diffusion Models: An Adversarial Perspective

Title: ICE-SEARCH: A Language Model-Driven Feature Selection Approach

Title: A New Era in LLM Security: Exploring Security Concerns in Real-World LLM-based Systems

Title: Spatial Variation-Aware Read Disturbance Defenses: Experimental Analysis of Real DRAM Chips and Implications on Future Solutions

Title: Large Language Models and Games: A Survey and Roadmap

Title: FOFO: A Benchmark to Evaluate LLMs' Format-Following Capability

Title: RORA: Robust Free-Text Rationale Evaluation

Title: Grounding Language Models for Visual Entity Recognition

Title: Spatial Coherence Loss for Salient and Camouflaged Object Detection and Beyond

Title: Learning to Compress Prompt in Natural Language Formats

Title: Model Pairing Using Embedding Translation for Backdoor Attack Detection on Open-Set Classification Tasks

Title: Learning Associative Memories with Gradient Descent

Title: Unveiling Privacy, Memorization, and Input Curvature Links

Title: Priority Sampling of Large Language Models for Compilers

Title: Fine-Tuned Machine Translation Metrics Struggle in Unseen Domains

Title: Pre-training Differentially Private Models with Limited Public Data

Title: On Defeating Graph Analysis of Anonymous Transactions

Title: Disentangling the Causes of Plasticity Loss in Neural Networks

Title: Advancing Generative AI for Portuguese with Open Decoder Gervásio PT*

Title: CoMeT: Count-Min-Sketch-based Row Tracking to Mitigate RowHammer at Low Cost

Title: A Quantitative Evaluation of Score Distillation Sampling Based Text-to-3D

Title: OpticalDR: A Deep Optical Imaging Model for Privacy-Protective Depression Recognition

Title: Enhancing the "Immunity" of Mixture-of-Experts Networks for Adversarial Defense

Title: MPAT: Building Robust Deep Neural Networks against Textual Adversarial Attacks

Title: BlockEcho: Retaining Long-Range Dependencies for Imputing Block-Wise Missing Data

Title: To Pool or Not To Pool: Analyzing the Regularizing Effects of Group-Fair Training on Shared Models

Title: On the Decision-Making Abilities in Role-Playing using Large Language Models

Title: BFRFormer: Transformer-based generator for Real-World Blind Face Restoration

Title: How do Large Language Models Handle Multilingualism?

Title: Gradient Alignment for Cross-Domain Face Anti-Spoofing

Title: Dual Operating Modes of In-Context Learning

Title: Extended Flow Matching: a Method of Conditional Generation with Generalized Continuity Equation

Title: ViewFusion: Towards Multi-View Consistency via Interpolated Denoising

Title: Enhancing Steganographic Text Extraction: Evaluating the Impact of NLP Models on Accuracy and Semantic Coherence

Title: Applications of 0-1 Neural Networks in Prescription and Prediction

Title: Rethinking Multi-domain Generalization with A General Learning Objective

Title: Probabilistic Lipschitzness and the Stable Rank for Comparing Explanation Models

Title: Analyzing and Reducing Catastrophic Forgetting in Parameter Efficient Tuning

Title: Loss-aware Curriculum Learning for Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks

Title: Dose Prediction Driven Radiotherapy Paramters Regression via Intra- and Inter-Relation Modeling

Title: Uncertainty-Based Extensible Codebook for Discrete Federated Learning in Heterogeneous Data Silos

Title: On the Convergence of Differentially-Private Fine-tuning: To Linearly Probe or to Fully Fine-tune?

Title: DIGIC: Domain Generalizable Imitation Learning by Causal Discovery

Title: AdaMergeX: Cross-Lingual Transfer with Large Language Models via Adaptive Adapter Merging

Title: Decompose-and-Compose: A Compositional Approach to Mitigating Spurious Correlation

Title: A Simple yet Effective Network based on Vision Transformer for Camouflaged Object and Salient Object Detection

Title: Syntactic Ghost: An Imperceptible General-purpose Backdoor Attacks on Pre-trained Language Models

Title: Improving Group Connectivity for Generalization of Federated Deep Learning

Title: WWW: A Unified Framework for Explaining What, Where and Why of Neural Networks by Interpretation of Neuron Concepts

Title: Towards Out-of-Distribution Detection for breast cancer classification in Point-of-Care Ultrasound Imaging

Title: PrivatEyes: Appearance-based Gaze Estimation Using Federated Secure Multi-Party Computation

Title: Privacy Management and Interface Design for a Smart House

Title: Graph Generation via Spectral Diffusion

Title: Theoretically Achieving Continuous Representation of Oriented Bounding Boxes

Title: RSAM-Seg: A SAM-based Approach with Prior Knowledge Integration for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation

Title: Generating, Reconstructing, and Representing Discrete and Continuous Data: Generalized Diffusion with Learnable Encoding-Decoding

Title: SPriFed-OMP: A Differentially Private Federated Learning Algorithm for Sparse Basis Recovery

Title: Combination of Weak Learners eXplanations to Improve Random Forest eXplicability Robustness

Title: How to Train your Antivirus: RL-based Hardening through the Problem-Space

Title: A Deep-Learning Technique to Locate Cryptographic Operations in Side-Channel Traces

Title: Theoretical Foundations of Deep Selective State-Space Models

Title: Exploring the Efficacy of Large Language Models in Summarizing Mental Health Counseling Sessions: A Benchmark Study

Title: RobWE: Robust Watermark Embedding for Personalized Federated Learning Model Ownership Protection

Title: VEnvision3D: A Synthetic Perception Dataset for 3D Multi-Task Model Research

Title: TimeXer: Empowering Transformers for Time Series Forecasting with Exogenous Variables

Title: Pointing out the Shortcomings of Relation Extraction Models with Semantically Motivated Adversarials

Title: VideoMAC: Video Masked Autoencoders Meet ConvNets

Title: Leveraging Representations from Intermediate Encoder-blocks for Synthetic Image Detection

Title: TEncDM: Understanding the Properties of Diffusion Model in the Space of Language Model Encodings

Title: FlatNAS: optimizing Flatness in Neural Architecture Search for Out-of-Distribution Robustness

Title: Whispers that Shake Foundations: Analyzing and Mitigating False Premise Hallucinations in Large Language Models

Title: CollaFuse: Navigating Limited Resources and Privacy in Collaborative Generative AI

Title: Continuous Sign Language Recognition Based on Motor attention mechanism and frame-level Self-distillation

Title: VIXEN: Visual Text Comparison Network for Image Difference Captioning

Title: Evaluating Webcam-based Gaze Data as an Alternative for Human Rationale Annotations

Title: ProtoP-OD: Explainable Object Detection with Prototypical Parts

Title: A SAM-guided Two-stream Lightweight Model for Anomaly Detection

Title: Typographic Attacks in Large Multimodal Models Can be Alleviated by More Informative Prompts

Title: FedStruct: Federated Decoupled Learning over Interconnected Graphs

Title: Teaching Large Language Models an Unseen Language on the Fly

Title: Improving Legal Judgement Prediction in Romanian with Long Text Encoders

Title: Disentangling representations of retinal images with generative models

Title: PRSA: Prompt Reverse Stealing Attacks against Large Language Models

Title: PeLLE: Encoder-based language models for Brazilian Portuguese based on open data

Title: Memory-Augmented Generative Adversarial Transformers

Title: Investigating Gender Fairness in Machine Learning-driven Personalized Care for Chronic Pain

Title: CricaVPR: Cross-image Correlation-aware Representation Learning for Visual Place Recognition

Title: Trained Random Forests Completely Reveal your Dataset

Title: Context-based Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Human Motion Forecasting

Title: Let LLMs Take on the Latest Challenges! A Chinese Dynamic Question Answering Benchmark

Title: Feature boosting with efficient attention for scene parsing

Title: Machine learning for modular multiplication

Title: GSM-Plus: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating the Robustness of LLMs as Mathematical Problem Solvers

Title: MaskFi: Unsupervised Learning of WiFi and Vision Representations for Multimodal Human Activity Recognition

Title: Masks, Signs, And Learning Rate Rewinding

Title: Spinal Osteophyte Detection via Robust Patch Extraction on minimally annotated X-rays

Title: Robust Guidance for Unsupervised Data Selection: Capturing Perplexing Named Entities for Domain-Specific Machine Translation

Title: PlanGPT: Enhancing Urban Planning with Tailored Language Model and Efficient Retrieval

Title: WanJuan-CC: A Safe and High-Quality Open-sourced English Webtext Dataset

Title: StiefelGen: A Simple, Model Agnostic Approach for Time Series Data Augmentation over Riemannian Manifolds

Title: Suppress and Rebalance: Towards Generalized Multi-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing

Title: DiffAssemble: A Unified Graph-Diffusion Model for 2D and 3D Reassembly

Title: Learnability Gaps of Strategic Classification

Title: Loss-Free Machine Unlearning

Title: Attacks Against Mobility Prediction in 5G Networks

Title: Verification of Neural Networks' Global Robustness

Title: Generalizable Whole Slide Image Classification with Fine-Grained Visual-Semantic Interaction

Title: A Novel Approach to Industrial Defect Generation through Blended Latent Diffusion Model with Online Adaptation

Title: Compact Speech Translation Models via Discrete Speech Units Pretraining

Title: Here's a Free Lunch: Sanitizing Backdoored Models with Model Merge

Title: Stitching Gaps: Fusing Situated Perceptual Knowledge with Vision Transformers for High-Level Image Classification

Title: One model to use them all: Training a segmentation model with complementary datasets

Title: Deep Learning for Cross-Domain Data Fusion in Urban Computing: Taxonomy, Advances, and Outlook

Title: Watermark Stealing in Large Language Models

Title: SoK: Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models for Improving Digital Forensic Investigation Efficiency

Title: Structure Preserving Diffusion Models

Title: OpenMedLM: Prompt engineering can out-perform fine-tuning in medical question-answering with open-source large language models

Title: Assessing Visually-Continuous Corruption Robustness of Neural Networks Relative to Human Performance

Title: Entity-Aware Multimodal Alignment Framework for News Image Captioning

Title: On the Scaling Laws of Geographical Representation in Language Models

Title: PEM: Prototype-based Efficient MaskFormer for Image Segmentation

Title: Leveraging AI Predicted and Expert Revised Annotations in Interactive Segmentation: Continual Tuning or Full Training?

Title: Griffin: Mixing Gated Linear Recurrences with Local Attention for Efficient Language Models

Title: Differentially Private Worst-group Risk Minimization

Title: ArCHer: Training Language Model Agents via Hierarchical Multi-Turn RL

Title: Heavy-Tailed Class Imbalance and Why Adam Outperforms Gradient Descent on Language Models

Title: Curiosity-driven Red-teaming for Large Language Models

Title: Towards Tracing Trustworthiness Dynamics: Revisiting Pre-training Period of Large Language Models

Title: Loose LIPS Sink Ships: Asking Questions in Battleship with Language-Informed Program Sampling

Title: Lifelong Benchmarks: Efficient Model Evaluation in an Era of Rapid Progress

Title: Retrieval-Augmented Generation for AI-Generated Content: A Survey

Title: The All-Seeing Project V2: Towards General Relation Comprehension of the Open World

Title: DistriFusion: Distributed Parallel Inference for High-Resolution Diffusion Models