
Title: On the Convergence of Federated Learning Algorithms without Data Similarity

Title: Towards Optimal Customized Architecture for Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Contrastive Cloud-Edge Model Decoupling

Title: Addressing Long-Tail Noisy Label Learning Problems: a Two-Stage Solution with Label Refurbishment Considering Label Rarity

Title: Human Evaluation of English--Irish Transformer-Based NMT

Title: adaptNMT: an open-source, language-agnostic development environment for Neural Machine Translation

Title: adaptMLLM: Fine-Tuning Multilingual Language Models on Low-Resource Languages with Integrated LLM Playgrounds

Title: OTClean: Data Cleaning for Conditional Independence Violations using Optimal Transport

Title: NiNformer: A Network in Network Transformer with Token Mixing Generated Gating Function

Title: Are More LLM Calls All You Need? Towards Scaling Laws of Compound Inference Systems

Title: Towards efficient deep autoencoders for multivariate time series anomaly detection

Title: How does Architecture Influence the Base Capabilities of Pre-trained Language Models? A Case Study Based on FFN-Wider Transformer Models

Title: SoK: Challenges and Opportunities in Federated Unlearning

Title: Anatomically Constrained Tractography of the Fetal Brain

Title: Free Proxies Unmasked: A Vulnerability and Longitudinal Analysis of Free Proxy Services

Title: On Latency Predictors for Neural Architecture Search

Title: Cybersecurity competence of older adult users of mobile devices

Title: Vision-Language Models for Medical Report Generation and Visual Question Answering: A Review

Title: OffLanDat: A Community Based Implicit Offensive Language Dataset Generated by Large Language Model Through Prompt Engineering

Title: When do Convolutional Neural Networks Stop Learning?

Title: Enhancing LLM Safety via Constrained Direct Preference Optimization

Title: A Simple Finite-Time Analysis of TD Learning with Linear Function Approximation

Title: Trial and Error: Exploration-Based Trajectory Optimization for LLM Agents

Title: Differentially Private Representation Learning via Image Captioning

Title: SPUQ: Perturbation-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Large Language Models

Title: Balancing Enhancement, Harmlessness, and General Capabilities: Enhancing Conversational LLMs with Direct RLHF

Title: Wukong: Towards a Scaling Law for Large-Scale Recommendation

Title: Catch'em all: Classification of Rare, Prominent, and Novel Malware Families

Title: Updating the Minimum Information about CLinical Artificial Intelligence (MI-CLAIM) checklist for generative modeling research

Title: Semantic Human Mesh Reconstruction with Textures

Title: Eliciting Better Multilingual Structured Reasoning from LLMs through Code

Title: DPAdapter: Improving Differentially Private Deep Learning through Noise Tolerance Pre-training

Title: Learning-augmented Online Minimization of Age of Information and Transmission Costs

Title: Improving Event Definition Following For Zero-Shot Event Detection

Title: A Unified Framework for Microscopy Defocus Deblur with Multi-Pyramid Transformer and Contrastive Learning

Title: Exploring the Limitations of Large Language Models in Compositional Relation Reasoning

Title: Unsupervised Spatio-Temporal State Estimation for Fine-grained Adaptive Anomaly Diagnosis of Industrial Cyber-physical Systems

Title: Training Machine Learning models at the Edge: A Survey

Title: Modeling Collaborator: Enabling Subjective Vision Classification With Minimal Human Effort via LLM Tool-Use

Title: Interactive Continual Learning: Fast and Slow Thinking

Title: FedHCDR: Federated Cross-Domain Recommendation with Hypergraph Signal Decoupling

Title: BSDP: Brain-inspired Streaming Dual-level Perturbations for Online Open World Object Detection

Title: FinReport: Explainable Stock Earnings Forecasting via News Factor Analyzing Model

Title: Few-shot Learner Parameterization by Diffusion Time-steps

Title: Revisiting Meta-evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction

Title: A Dual-Level Cancelable Framework for Palmprint Verification and Hack-Proof Data Storage

Title: Time Weaver: A Conditional Time Series Generation Model

Title: Learning to Defer to a Population: A Meta-Learning Approach

Title: Deep Common Feature Mining for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation

Title: InjecAgent: Benchmarking Indirect Prompt Injections in Tool-Integrated Large Language Model Agents

Title: Privacy-Aware Semantic Cache for Large Language Models

Title: Controllable Prompt Tuning For Balancing Group Distributional Robustness

Title: Causal Walk: Debiasing Multi-Hop Fact Verification with Front-Door Adjustment

Title: FastOcc: Accelerating 3D Occupancy Prediction by Fusing the 2D Bird's-Eye View and Perspective View

Title: Android in the Zoo: Chain-of-Action-Thought for GUI Agents

Title: Crossing Linguistic Horizons: Finetuning and Comprehensive Evaluation of Vietnamese Large Language Models

Title: DP-CRE: Continual Relation Extraction via Decoupled Contrastive Learning and Memory Structure Preservation

Title: HARGPT: Are LLMs Zero-Shot Human Activity Recognizers?

Title: A Two-Stage Training Method for Modeling Constrained Systems With Neural Networks

Title: Causal Prompting: Debiasing Large Language Model Prompting based on Front-Door Adjustment

Title: Towards Training A Chinese Large Language Model for Anesthesiology

Title: Self-adaptive Traffic Anomaly Detection System for IoT Smart Home Environments

Title: Learning without Exact Guidance: Updating Large-scale High-resolution Land Cover Maps from Low-resolution Historical Labels

Title: Role Prompting Guided Domain Adaptation with General Capability Preserve for Large Language Models

Title: Data Collaboration Analysis Over Matrix Manifolds

Title: DDF: A Novel Dual-Domain Image Fusion Strategy for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation with Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Title: Semi-Supervised Graph Representation Learning with Human-centric Explanation for Predicting Fatty Liver Disease

Title: DPPA: Pruning Method for Large Language Model to Model Merging

Title: Towards Robust Federated Learning via Logits Calibration on Non-IID Data

Title: Dynamic Gaussian Graph Operator: Learning parametric partial differential equations in arbitrary discrete mechanics problems

Title: InjectTST: A Transformer Method of Injecting Global Information into Independent Channels for Long Time Series Forecasting

Title: Here Comes The AI Worm: Unleashing Zero-click Worms that Target GenAI-Powered Applications

Title: An Adaptive Hydropower Management Approach for Downstream Ecosystem Preservation

Title: Tuning-Free Noise Rectification for High Fidelity Image-to-Video Generation

Title: An Empirical Study of LLM-as-a-Judge for LLM Evaluation: Fine-tuned Judge Models are Task-specific Classifiers

Title: FLGuard: Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning via Ensemble of Contrastive Models

Title: Enhancing Conceptual Understanding in Multimodal Contrastive Learning through Hard Negative Samples

Title: ActiveAD: Planning-Oriented Active Learning for End-to-End Autonomous Driving

Title: Zero-LED: Zero-Reference Lighting Estimation Diffusion Model for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Title: MathScale: Scaling Instruction Tuning for Mathematical Reasoning

Title: Enhancing the Rate-Distortion-Perception Flexibility of Learned Image Codecs with Conditional Diffusion Decoders

Title: In Search of Truth: An Interrogation Approach to Hallucination Detection

Title: Enhancing Long-Term Person Re-Identification Using Global, Local Body Part, and Head Streams

Title: ImgTrojan: Jailbreaking Vision-Language Models with ONE Image

Title: Cross-Domain Image Conversion by CycleDM

Title: TaylorShift: Shifting the Complexity of Self-Attention from Squared to Linear (and Back) using Taylor-Softmax

Title: From Spectra to Biophysical Insights: End-to-End Learning with a Biased Radiative Transfer Model

Title: RulePrompt: Weakly Supervised Text Classification with Prompting PLMs and Self-Iterative Logical Rules

Title: Neural Image Compression with Text-guided Encoding for both Pixel-level and Perceptual Fidelity

Title: Benchmarking the Text-to-SQL Capability of Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Evaluation

Title: XAI-Based Detection of Adversarial Attacks on Deepfake Detectors

Title: On the Asymptotic Mean Square Error Optimality of Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Title: SimuCourt: Building Judicial Decision-Making Agents with Real-world Judgement Documents

Title: ChatGPT and biometrics: an assessment of face recognition, gender detection, and age estimation capabilities

Title: Evidence-Focused Fact Summarization for Knowledge-Augmented Zero-Shot Question Answering

Title: Multi-modal Instruction Tuned LLMs with Fine-grained Visual Perception

Title: Federated Learning Under Attack: Exposing Vulnerabilities through Data Poisoning Attacks in Computer Networks

Title: Data Augmentation using LLMs: Data Perspectives, Learning Paradigms and Challenges

Title: MADTP: Multimodal Alignment-Guided Dynamic Token Pruning for Accelerating Vision-Language Transformer

Title: Mitigating Label Flipping Attacks in Malicious URL Detectors Using Ensemble Trees

Title: Towards Calibrated Deep Clustering Network

Title: Feast Your Eyes: Mixture-of-Resolution Adaptation for Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: CRISPR: Ensemble Model

Title: Socratic Reasoning Improves Positive Text Rewriting

Title: Learning to Use Tools via Cooperative and Interactive Agents

Title: CrackNex: a Few-shot Low-light Crack Segmentation Model Based on Retinex Theory for UAV Inspections

Title: MiKASA: Multi-Key-Anchor & Scene-Aware Transformer for 3D Visual Grounding

Title: Recall-Oriented Continual Learning with Generative Adversarial Meta-Model

Title: KnowAgent: Knowledge-Augmented Planning for LLM-Based Agents

Title: "In Dialogues We Learn": Towards Personalized Dialogue Without Pre-defined Profiles through In-Dialogue Learning

Title: Improved LiDAR Odometry and Mapping using Deep Semantic Segmentation and Novel Outliers Detection

Title: Motion-Corrected Moving Average: Including Post-Hoc Temporal Information for Improved Video Segmentation

Title: Angry Men, Sad Women: Large Language Models Reflect Gendered Stereotypes in Emotion Attribution

Title: NRDF: Neural Riemannian Distance Fields for Learning Articulated Pose Priors

Title: CoGenesis: A Framework Collaborating Large and Small Language Models for Secure Context-Aware Instruction Following

Title: Simplicity in Complexity

Title: Language Guided Exploration for RL Agents in Text Environments

Title: Robust Federated Learning Mitigates Client-side Training Data Distribution Inference Attacks

Title: Design2Code: How Far Are We From Automating Front-End Engineering?

Title: PARADISE: Evaluating Implicit Planning Skills of Language Models with Procedural Warnings and Tips Dataset

Title: Solving the bongard-logo problem by modeling a probabilistic model

Title: Behavior Generation with Latent Actions

Title: How Well Can Transformers Emulate In-context Newton's Method?

Title: Triple-CFN: Restructuring Conceptual Spaces for Enhancing Abstract Reasoning process

Title: MAGID: An Automated Pipeline for Generating Synthetic Multi-modal Datasets

Title: Scaling Rectified Flow Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis

Title: Self-supervised 3D Patient Modeling with Multi-modal Attentive Fusion

Title: The WMDP Benchmark: Measuring and Reducing Malicious Use With Unlearning

Title: FAR: Flexible, Accurate and Robust 6DoF Relative Camera Pose Estimation