
Title: Sort & Slice: A Simple and Superior Alternative to Hash-Based Folding for Extended-Connectivity Fingerprints

Title: Deep Generative Domain Adaptation with Temporal Attention for Cross-User Activity Recognition

Title: EG-ConMix: An Intrusion Detection Method based on Graph Contrastive Learning

Title: Is Watermarking LLM-Generated Code Robust?

Title: Mixing Artificial and Natural Intelligence: From Statistical Mechanics to AI and Back to Turbulence

Title: Solution for Point Tracking Task of ICCV 1st Perception Test Challenge 2023

Title: SpectralWaste Dataset: Multimodal Data for Waste Sorting Automation

Title: Bidirectional Consistency Models

Title: Move as You Say, Interact as You Can: Language-guided Human Motion Generation with Scene Affordance

Title: TGGLinesPlus: A robust topological graph-guided computer vision algorithm for line detection from images

Title: Supervisory Prompt Training

Title: COIG-CQIA: Quality is All You Need for Chinese Instruction Fine-tuning

Title: Spectral Convolutional Transformer: Harmonizing Real vs. Complex Multi-View Spectral Operators for Vision Transformer

Title: EgoPoseFormer: A Simple Baseline for Egocentric 3D Human Pose Estimation

Title: OCAI: Improving Optical Flow Estimation by Occlusion and Consistency Aware Interpolation

Title: Enhancing Legal Document Retrieval: A Multi-Phase Approach with Large Language Models

Title: GPTs and Language Barrier: A Cross-Lingual Legal QA Examination

Title: Tutorial on Diffusion Models for Imaging and Vision

Title: Mathematical Foundation and Corrections for Full Range Head Pose Estimation

Title: Large Language Models for Education: A Survey and Outlook

Title: Segment Any Medical Model Extended

Title: EgoLifter: Open-world 3D Segmentation for Egocentric Perception

Title: ChatGPT Role-play Dataset: Analysis of User Motives and Model Naturalness

Title: For those who don't know (how) to ask: Building a dataset of technology questions for digital newcomers

Title: Recommendation of data-free class-incremental learning algorithms by simulating future data

Title: Securing GNNs: Explanation-Based Identification of Backdoored Training Graphs

Title: Juru: Legal Brazilian Large Language Model from Reputable Sources

Title: HERTA: A High-Efficiency and Rigorous Training Algorithm for Unfolded Graph Neural Networks

Title: Leak and Learn: An Attacker's Cookbook to Train Using Leaked Data from Federated Learning

Title: Divide, Conquer, Combine Bayesian Decision Tree Sampling

Title: Large Language Models Produce Responses Perceived to be Empathic

Title: Large Language Models as Financial Data Annotators: A Study on Effectiveness and Efficiency

Title: The Effects of Short Video-Sharing Services on Video Copy Detection

Title: Oh! We Freeze: Improving Quantized Knowledge Distillation via Signal Propagation Analysis for Large Language Models

Title: Optimizing Cyber Response Time on Temporal Active Directory Networks Using Decoys

Title: Mechanisms of non-factual hallucinations in language models

Title: Multi-Layer Dense Attention Decoder for Polyp Segmentation

Title: Don't Look into the Dark: Latent Codes for Pluralistic Image Inpainting

Title: LayoutFlow: Flow Matching for Layout Generation

Title: Middle Fusion and Multi-Stage, Multi-Form Prompts for Robust RGB-T Tracking

Title: Looking Beyond What You See: An Empirical Analysis on Subgroup Intersectional Fairness for Multi-label Chest X-ray Classification Using Social Determinants of Racial Health Inequities

Title: Few-shot Online Anomaly Detection and Segmentation

Title: Road Obstacle Detection based on Unknown Objectness Scores

Title: NeuroPictor: Refining fMRI-to-Image Reconstruction via Multi-individual Pretraining and Multi-level Modulation

Title: A Transformer-Based Framework for Payload Malware Detection and Classification

Title: Fourier or Wavelet bases as counterpart self-attention in spikformer for efficient visual classification

Title: TAFormer: A Unified Target-Aware Transformer for Video and Motion Joint Prediction in Aerial Scenes

Title: NeuSDFusion: A Spatial-Aware Generative Model for 3D Shape Completion, Reconstruction, and Generation

Title: An Experimentally Validated Feasible Quantum Protocol for Identity-Based Signature with Application to Secure Email Communication

Title: Exploring the Deceptive Power of LLM-Generated Fake News: A Study of Real-World Detection Challenges

Title: Beyond Embeddings: The Promise of Visual Table in Multi-Modal Models

Title: Enhancing Generative Class Incremental Learning Performance with Model Forgetting Approach

Title: DSF-GAN: DownStream Feedback Generative Adversarial Network

Title: Unleashing the Potential of SAM for Medical Adaptation via Hierarchical Decoding

Title: BlendX: Complex Multi-Intent Detection with Blended Patterns

Title: AIR-HLoc: Adaptive Image Retrieval for Efficient Visual Localisation

Title: Multi-scale Unified Network for Image Classification

Title: Dual Instruction Tuning with Large Language Models for Mathematical Reasoning

Title: GeNet: A Graph Neural Network-based Anti-noise Task-Oriented Semantic Communication Paradigm

Title: Selective Mixup Fine-Tuning for Optimizing Non-Decomposable Objectives

Title: Bayesian Learned Models Can Detect Adversarial Malware For Free

Title: Uncertainty-Aware SAR ATR: Defending Against Adversarial Attacks via Bayesian Neural Networks

Title: Quantum Algorithms: A New Frontier in Financial Crime Prevention

Title: Privacy-Preserving Distributed Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Title: Can LLMs Converse Formally? Automatically Assessing LLMs in Translating and Interpreting Formal Specifications

Title: Tracking-Assisted Object Detection with Event Cameras

Title: DODA: Diffusion for Object-detection Domain Adaptation in Agriculture

Title: Macroscale fracture surface segmentation via semi-supervised learning considering the structural similarity

Title: IterAlign: Iterative Constitutional Alignment of Large Language Models

Title: Quantifying and Mitigating Unimodal Biases in Multimodal Large Language Models: A Causal Perspective

Title: Rejection Improves Reliability: Training LLMs to Refuse Unknown Questions Using RL from Knowledge Feedback

Title: Generating Diverse Agricultural Data for Vision-Based Farming Applications

Title: MonoHair: High-Fidelity Hair Modeling from a Monocular Video

Title: Learning CNN on ViT: A Hybrid Model to Explicitly Class-specific Boundaries for Domain Adaptation

Title: ViTAR: Vision Transformer with Any Resolution

Title: BLADE: Enhancing Black-box Large Language Models with Small Domain-Specific Models

Title: Ship in Sight: Diffusion Models for Ship-Image Super Resolution

Title: Stragglers-Aware Low-Latency Synchronous Federated Learning via Layer-Wise Model Updates

Title: IIP-Mixer:Intra-Inter Patch Mixing Architecture for Battery Remaining Useful Life Prediction

Title: Improving Attributed Text Generation of Large Language Models via Preference Learning

Title: Generative Multi-modal Models are Good Class-Incremental Learners

Title: Colour and Brush Stroke Pattern Recognition in Abstract Art using Modified Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: On Spectrogram Analysis in a Multiple Classifier Fusion Framework for Power Grid Classification Using Electric Network Frequency

Title: FoC: Figure out the Cryptographic Functions in Stripped Binaries with LLMs

Title: An Image Grid Can Be Worth a Video: Zero-shot Video Question Answering Using a VLM

Title: The Topos of Transformer Networks

Title: ECNet: Effective Controllable Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: BioMedLM: A 2.7B Parameter Language Model Trained On Biomedical Text

Title: SemRoDe: Macro Adversarial Training to Learn Representations That are Robust to Word-Level Attacks

Title: U-Sketch: An Efficient Approach for Sketch to Image Diffusion Models

Title: TriviaHG: A Dataset for Automatic Hint Generation from Factoid Questions

Title: Collaborative Active Learning in Conditional Trust Environment

Title: Global Vegetation Modeling with Pre-Trained Weather Transformers

Title: Generalized Policy Learning for Smart Grids: FL TRPO Approach

Title: FRESCO: Federated Reinforcement Energy System for Cooperative Optimization

Title: Can Language Beat Numerical Regression? Language-Based Multimodal Trajectory Prediction

Title: CoRAST: Towards Foundation Model-Powered Correlated Data Analysis in Resource-Constrained CPS and IoT

Title: SingularTrajectory: Universal Trajectory Predictor Using Diffusion Model

Title: DiffStyler: Diffusion-based Localized Image Style Transfer

Title: Density-guided Translator Boosts Synthetic-to-Real Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds

Title: DiffusionFace: Towards a Comprehensive Dataset for Diffusion-Based Face Forgery Analysis

Title: Synthesizing EEG Signals from Event-Related Potential Paradigms with Conditional Diffusion Models

Title: I2CKD : Intra- and Inter-Class Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation

Title: Learning in PINNs: Phase transition, total diffusion, and generalization

Title: Faster Convergence for Transformer Fine-tuning with Line Search Methods

Title: Efficient Algorithms for Regularized Nonnegative Scale-invariant Low-rank Approximation Models

Title: Improving Line Search Methods for Large Scale Neural Network Training

Title: Safe and Robust Reinforcement-Learning: Principles and Practice

Title: Attention-aware semantic relevance predicting Chinese sentence reading

Title: CosalPure: Learning Concept from Group Images for Robust Co-Saliency Detection

Title: Artifact Reduction in 3D and 4D Cone-beam Computed Tomography Images with Deep Learning -- A Review

Title: HandBooster: Boosting 3D Hand-Mesh Reconstruction by Conditional Synthesis and Sampling of Hand-Object Interactions

Title: MisGUIDE : Defense Against Data-Free Deep Learning Model Extraction

Title: The Impact of Uniform Inputs on Activation Sparsity and Energy-Latency Attacks in Computer Vision

Title: Homogeneous Tokenizer Matters: Homogeneous Visual Tokenizer for Remote Sensing Image Understanding

Title: FlexEdit: Flexible and Controllable Diffusion-based Object-centric Image Editing

Title: Spikewhisper: Temporal Spike Backdoor Attacks on Federated Neuromorphic Learning over Low-power Devices

Title: Scalable Lipschitz Estimation for CNNs

Title: SDSAT: Accelerating LLM Inference through Speculative Decoding with Semantic Adaptive Tokens

Title: Addressing Data Annotation Challenges in Multiple Sensors: A Solution for Scania Collected Datasets

Title: Fact Checking Beyond Training Set

Title: Deep Learning for Robust and Explainable Models in Computer Vision

Title: NL-ITI: Optimizing Probing and Intervention for Improvement of ITI Method

Title: TransFusion: Contrastive Learning with Transformers

Title: Annolid: Annotate, Segment, and Track Anything You Need

Title: Conditional Wasserstein Distances with Applications in Bayesian OT Flow Matching

Title: Dense Vision Transformer Compression with Few Samples

Title: Mitigating Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models with Instruction Contrastive Decoding

Title: Statistical testing of random number generators and their improvement using randomness extraction

Title: Semi-Supervised Learning for Deep Causal Generative Models

Title: Understanding the Learning Dynamics of Alignment with Human Feedback

Title: CheckEval: Robust Evaluation Framework using Large Language Model via Checklist

Title: RAW: A Robust and Agile Plug-and-Play Watermark Framework for AI-Generated Images with Provable Guarantees

Title: ImageNet-D: Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness on Diffusion Synthetic Object

Title: Object Pose Estimation via the Aggregation of Diffusion Features

Title: Long-form factuality in large language models

Title: Is Modularity Transferable? A Case Study through the Lens of Knowledge Distillation

Title: ECoDepth: Effective Conditioning of Diffusion Models for Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: Mini-Gemini: Mining the Potential of Multi-modality Vision Language Models

Title: Garment3DGen: 3D Garment Stylization and Texture Generation

Title: ObjectDrop: Bootstrapping Counterfactuals for Photorealistic Object Removal and Insertion