
Title: Enhancing Inference Efficiency of Large Language Models: Investigating Optimization Strategies and Architectural Innovations

Title: Exploiting CPU Clock Modulation for Covert Communication Channel

Title: Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning Using Deformable Operators for Secure Task Learning

Title: SambaLingo: Teaching Large Language Models New Languages

Title: ÚFAL LatinPipe at EvaLatin 2024: Morphosyntactic Analysis of Latin

Title: Softmax Attention with Constant Cost per Token

Title: Towards Improved Semiconductor Defect Inspection for high-NA EUVL based on SEMI-SuperYOLO-NAS

Title: Negative Preference Optimization: From Catastrophic Collapse to Effective Unlearning

Title: CodecLM: Aligning Language Models with Tailored Synthetic Data

Title: Privacy and Security of Women's Reproductive Health Apps in a Changing Legal Landscape

Title: Eraser: Jailbreaking Defense in Large Language Models via Unlearning Harmful Knowledge

Title: WILBUR: Adaptive In-Context Learning for Robust and Accurate Web Agents

Title: Natural Learning

Title: The Hallucinations Leaderboard -- An Open Effort to Measure Hallucinations in Large Language Models

Title: Interpretability in Symbolic Regression: a benchmark of Explanatory Methods using the Feynman data set

Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Diagnostic Decision Pathways Using Electronic Health Records: A Comparative Study on Anemia and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Title: Prompt-driven Universal Model for View-Agnostic Echocardiography Analysis

Title: VisualWebBench: How Far Have Multimodal LLMs Evolved in Web Page Understanding and Grounding?

Title: EasyTrack: Efficient and Compact One-stream 3D Point Clouds Tracker

Title: LLM2Vec: Large Language Models Are Secretly Powerful Text Encoders

Title: Deep Learning-Based Out-of-distribution Source Code Data Identification: How Far We Have Gone?

Title: Optimization Methods for Personalizing Large Language Models through Retrieval Augmentation

Title: Does Transformer Interpretability Transfer to RNNs?

Title: StoryImager: A Unified and Efficient Framework for Coherent Story Visualization and Completion

Title: Tackling Structural Hallucination in Image Translation with Local Diffusion

Title: Boosting Digital Safeguards: Blending Cryptography and Steganography

Title: Event-enhanced Retrieval in Real-time Search

Title: AEGIS: Online Adaptive AI Content Safety Moderation with Ensemble of LLM Experts

Title: Concept-Attention Whitening for Interpretable Skin Lesion Diagnosis

Title: Privacy Preserving Prompt Engineering: A Survey

Title: FreeEval: A Modular Framework for Trustworthy and Efficient Evaluation of Large Language Models

Title: Diffusion-Based Point Cloud Super-Resolution for mmWave Radar Data

Title: Band-Attention Modulated RetNet for Face Forgery Detection

Title: Greedy-DiM: Greedy Algorithms for Unreasonably Effective Face Morphs

Title: Improving Facial Landmark Detection Accuracy and Efficiency with Knowledge Distillation

Title: Little Strokes Fell Great Oaks: Boosting the Hierarchical Features for Multi-exposure Image Fusion

Title: Incremental Joint Learning of Depth, Pose and Implicit Scene Representation on Monocular Camera in Large-scale Scenes

Title: All in One: An Empirical Study of GPT for Few-Shot Aspect-Based Sentiment Anlaysis

Title: LIPT: Latency-aware Image Processing Transformer

Title: Fair Graph Neural Network with Supervised Contrastive Regularization

Title: Hash3D: Training-free Acceleration for 3D Generation

Title: S-box Security Analysis of NIST Lightweight Cryptography Candidates: A Critical Empirical Study

Title: Detection of fields of applications in biomedical abstracts with the support of argumentation elements

Title: Hierarchical Insights: Exploiting Structural Similarities for Reliable 3D Semantic Segmentation

Title: FLEX: FLEXible Federated Learning Framework

Title: Mansformer: Efficient Transformer of Mixed Attention for Image Deblurring and Beyond

Title: Cendol: Open Instruction-tuned Generative Large Language Models for Indonesian Languages

Title: DiffHarmony: Latent Diffusion Model Meets Image Harmonization

Title: Differential Privacy for Anomaly Detection: Analyzing the Trade-off Between Privacy and Explainability

Title: (Not) Understanding Latin Poetic Style with Deep Learning

Title: scRDiT: Generating single-cell RNA-seq data by diffusion transformers and accelerating sampling

Title: Efficient and Robust Point Cloud Registration via Heuristics-guided Parameter Search

Title: Characterizing Multimodal Long-form Summarization: A Case Study on Financial Reports

Title: Enhanced Radar Perception via Multi-Task Learning: Towards Refined Data for Sensor Fusion Applications

Title: scCDCG: Efficient Deep Structural Clustering for single-cell RNA-seq via Deep Cut-informed Graph Embedding

Title: Improving Interpretable Embeddings for Ad-hoc Video Search with Generative Captions and Multi-word Concept Bank

Title: Uncertainty-aware Evidential Fusion-based Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Title: EPL: Evidential Prototype Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Clue-Instruct: Text-Based Clue Generation for Educational Crossword Puzzles

Title: Diverse Randomized Value Functions: A Provably Pessimistic Approach for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Title: Exploring the Potential of Large Foundation Models for Open-Vocabulary HOI Detection

Title: Automated National Urban Map Extraction

Title: Leveraging edge detection and neural networks for better UAV localization

Title: Elephants Never Forget: Memorization and Learning of Tabular Data in Large Language Models

Title: Unified Physical-Digital Attack Detection Challenge

Title: OmniFusion Technical Report

Title: Privacy-preserving Scanpath Comparison for Pervasive Eye Tracking

Title: VI-OOD: A Unified Representation Learning Framework for Textual Out-of-distribution Detection

Title: Aggressive or Imperceptible, or Both: Network Pruning Assisted Hybrid Byzantines in Federated Learning

Title: Towards Robust Domain Generation Algorithm Classification

Title: Hyperparameter-Free Medical Image Synthesis for Sharing Data and Improving Site-Specific Segmentation

Title: ActNetFormer: Transformer-ResNet Hybrid Method for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition in Videos

Title: Anchor-based Robust Finetuning of Vision-Language Models

Title: LRR: Language-Driven Resamplable Continuous Representation against Adversarial Tracking Attacks

Title: From Barlow Twins to Triplet Training: Differentiating Dementia with Limited Data

Title: Robust feature knowledge distillation for enhanced performance of lightweight crack segmentation models

Title: Playing to Vision Foundation Model's Strengths in Stereo Matching

Title: Spatial-Temporal Multi-level Association for Video Object Segmentation

Title: PGTNet: A Process Graph Transformer Network for Remaining Time Prediction of Business Process Instances

Title: Robust Confidence Intervals in Stereo Matching using Possibility Theory

Title: Learning Embeddings with Centroid Triplet Loss for Object Identification in Robotic Grasping

Title: NoiseNCA: Noisy Seed Improves Spatio-Temporal Continuity of Neural Cellular Automata

Title: Algorithms for Caching and MTS with reduced number of predictions

Title: LLMs' Reading Comprehension Is Affected by Parametric Knowledge and Struggles with Hypothetical Statements

Title: On adversarial training and the 1 Nearest Neighbor classifier

Title: Generative Pre-Trained Transformer for Symbolic Regression Base In-Context Reinforcement Learning

Title: X-VARS: Introducing Explainability in Football Refereeing with Multi-Modal Large Language Model

Title: Finding fake reviews in e-commerce platforms by using hybrid algorithms

Title: CausalBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Causal Learning Capability of Large Language Models

Title: DaF-BEVSeg: Distortion-aware Fisheye Camera based Bird's Eye View Segmentation with Occlusion Reasoning

Title: High Noise Scheduling is a Must

Title: Policy-Guided Diffusion

Title: Generalizable Sarcasm Detection Is Just Around The Corner, Of Course!

Title: Test-Time Adaptation with SaLIP: A Cascade of SAM and CLIP for Zero shot Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Dynamic Resolution Guidance for Facial Expression Recognition

Title: ClinLinker: Medical Entity Linking of Clinical Concept Mentions in Spanish

Title: VISION2UI: A Real-World Dataset with Layout for Code Generation from UI Designs

Title: Latent Distance Guided Alignment Training for Large Language Models

Title: Event Extraction in Basque: Typologically motivated Cross-Lingual Transfer-Learning Analysis

Title: MiniCPM: Unveiling the Potential of Small Language Models with Scalable Training Strategies

Title: Take a Look at it! Rethinking How to Evaluate Language Model Jailbreak

Title: Studying the Impact of Latent Representations in Implicit Neural Networks for Scientific Continuous Field Reconstruction

Title: ZeST: Zero-Shot Material Transfer from a Single Image

Title: Magic-Boost: Boost 3D Generation with Mutli-View Conditioned Diffusion

Title: pfl-research: simulation framework for accelerating research in Private Federated Learning

Title: Software-based Security Framework for Edge and Mobile IoT

Title: Seasonal Fire Prediction using Spatio-Temporal Deep Neural Networks

Title: QueSTMaps: Queryable Semantic Topological Maps for 3D Scene Understanding

Title: Automated Federated Pipeline for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models

Title: PURE: Turning Polysemantic Neurons Into Pure Features by Identifying Relevant Circuits

Title: Learning State-Invariant Representations of Objects from Image Collections with State, Pose, and Viewpoint Changes

Title: Text-Based Reasoning About Vector Graphics

Title: Ada-LEval: Evaluating long-context LLMs with length-adaptable benchmarks

Title: RhythmMamba: Fast Remote Physiological Measurement with Arbitrary Length Videos

Title: Pitfalls of Conversational LLMs on News Debiasing

Title: Comparing Two Model Designs for Clinical Note Generation; Is an LLM a Useful Evaluator of Consistency?

Title: InternLM-XComposer2-4KHD: A Pioneering Large Vision-Language Model Handling Resolutions from 336 Pixels to 4K HD