
Title: ControlTraj: Controllable Trajectory Generation with Topology-Constrained Diffusion Model

Title: Advances and Open Challenges in Federated Learning with Foundation Models

Title: Feature Distribution Shift Mitigation with Contrastive Pretraining for Intrusion Detection

Title: FL-TAC: Enhanced Fine-Tuning in Federated Learning via Low-Rank, Task-Specific Adapter Clustering

Title: Sum of Group Error Differences: A Critical Examination of Bias Evaluation in Biometric Verification and a Dual-Metric Measure

Title: Machine Learning Techniques with Fairness for Prediction of Completion of Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Title: XC-Cache: Cross-Attending to Cached Context for Efficient LLM Inference

Title: Iterative Cluster Harvesting for Wafer Map Defect Patterns

Title: OffRAMPS: An FPGA-based Intermediary for Analysis and Modification of Additive Manufacturing Control Systems

Title: GLoD: Composing Global Contexts and Local Details in Image Generation

Title: ID-Aligner: Enhancing Identity-Preserving Text-to-Image Generation with Reward Feedback Learning

Title: CFPFormer: Feature-pyramid like Transformer Decoder for Segmentation and Detection

Title: Large Language Models Spot Phishing Emails with Surprising Accuracy: A Comparative Analysis of Performance

Title: IryoNLP at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Tackling the Medical Error Detection & Correction Task On the Shoulders of Medical Agents

Title: FedGreen: Carbon-aware Federated Learning with Model Size Adaptation

Title: ToM-LM: Delegating Theory Of Mind Reasoning to External Symbolic Executors in Large Language Models

Title: Visual Delta Generator with Large Multi-modal Models for Semi-supervised Composed Image Retrieval

Title: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Logical Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models

Title: Understanding Hyperbolic Metric Learning through Hard Negative Sampling

Title: PRISM: Patient Records Interpretation for Semantic Clinical Trial Matching using Large Language Models

Title: Cross-Temporal Spectrogram Autoencoder (CTSAE): Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction for Clustering Gravitational Wave Glitches

Title: Retrieval Head Mechanistically Explains Long-Context Factuality

Title: Can Foundational Large Language Models Assist with Conducting Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Investigations?

Title: MiM: Mask in Mask Self-Supervised Pre-Training for 3D Medical Image Analysis

Title: Armored Core of PKI: Remove Signing Keys for CA via Physically Unclonable Function

Title: Brain Storm Optimization Based Swarm Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Image Classification

Title: Security Analysis of WiFi-based Sensing Systems: Threats from Perturbation Attacks

Title: ImplicitAVE: An Open-Source Dataset and Multimodal LLMs Benchmark for Implicit Attribute Value Extraction

Title: Federated Learning with Only Positive Labels by Exploring Label Correlations

Title: Hybrid LLM/Rule-based Approaches to Business Insights Generation from Structured Data

Title: Understanding and Improving CNNs with Complex Structure Tensor: A Biometrics Study

Title: PoisonedFL: Model Poisoning Attacks to Federated Learning via Multi-Round Consistency

Title: Optimizing OOD Detection in Molecular Graphs: A Novel Approach with Diffusion Models

Title: A Real-time Evaluation Framework for Pedestrian's Potential Risk at Non-Signalized Intersections Based on Predicted Post-Encroachment Time

Title: PriorNet: A Novel Lightweight Network with Multidimensional Interactive Attention for Efficient Image Dehazing

Title: CodeIP: A Grammar-Guided Multi-Bit Watermark for Large Language Models of Code

Title: Return of EM: Entity-driven Answer Set Expansion for QA Evaluation

Title: CatLIP: CLIP-level Visual Recognition Accuracy with 2.7x Faster Pre-training on Web-scale Image-Text Data

Title: Multi-Modal Proxy Learning Towards Personalized Visual Multiple Clustering

Title: MISLEAD: Manipulating Importance of Selected features for Learning Epsilon in Evasion Attack Deception

Title: FedSI: Federated Subnetwork Inference for Efficient Uncertainty Quantification

Title: KS-LLM: Knowledge Selection of Large Language Models with Evidence Document for Question Answering

Title: The Promise and Challenges of Using LLMs to Accelerate the Screening Process of Systematic Reviews

Title: Representing Part-Whole Hierarchies in Foundation Models by Learning Localizability, Composability, and Decomposability from Anatomy via Self-Supervision

Title: Augmented CARDS: A machine learning approach to identifying triggers of climate change misinformation on Twitter

Title: Beyond Chain-of-Thought: A Survey of Chain-of-X Paradigms for LLMs

Title: CharacterFactory: Sampling Consistent Characters with GANs for Diffusion Models

Title: Automated Creation of Source Code Variants of a Cryptographic Hash Function Implementation Using Generative Pre-Trained Transformer Models

Title: AnoFPDM: Anomaly Segmentation with Forward Process of Diffusion Models for Brain MRI

Title: Noise Variance Optimization in Differential Privacy: A Game-Theoretic Approach Through Per-Instance Differential Privacy

Title: Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction

Title: Deep Learning for Accelerated and Robust MRI Reconstruction: a Review

Title: DeepFeatureX Net: Deep Features eXtractors based Network for discriminating synthetic from real images

Title: MAS-SAM: Segment Any Marine Animal with Aggregated Features

Title: Nyonic Technical Report

Title: Efficient Multi-Model Fusion with Adversarial Complementary Representation Learning

Title: HDBN: A Novel Hybrid Dual-branch Network for Robust Skeleton-based Action Recognition

Title: SPARO: Selective Attention for Robust and Compositional Transformer Encodings for Vision

Title: Gradformer: Graph Transformer with Exponential Decay

Title: Replacing Cryptopuzzles with Useful Computation in Blockchain Proof-of-Work Protocols

Title: What Makes Multimodal In-Context Learning Work?

Title: SRAGAN: Saliency Regularized and Attended Generative Adversarial Network for Chinese Ink-wash Painting Generation

Title: A General Black-box Adversarial Attack on Graph-based Fake News Detectors

Title: Let's Think Dot by Dot: Hidden Computation in Transformer Language Models

Title: 3D Face Morphing Attack Generation using Non-Rigid Registration

Title: Unifying Bayesian Flow Networks and Diffusion Models through Stochastic Differential Equations

Title: ChEX: Interactive Localization and Region Description in Chest X-rays

Title: DVF: Advancing Robust and Accurate Fine-Grained Image Retrieval with Retrieval Guidelines

Title: Bi-Mamba4TS: Bidirectional Mamba for Time Series Forecasting

Title: Toward Physics-Aware Deep Learning Architectures for LiDAR Intensity Simulation

Title: A Comprehensive Survey on Evaluating Large Language Model Applications in the Medical Industry

Title: BASS: Batched Attention-optimized Speculative Sampling

Title: Real-Time Compressed Sensing for Joint Hyperspectral Image Transmission and Restoration for CubeSat

Title: An Empirical Study of Aegis

Title: MotionMaster: Training-free Camera Motion Transfer For Video Generation

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Multimodal Search

Title: Raformer: Redundancy-Aware Transformer for Video Wire Inpainting

Title: GeckOpt: LLM System Efficiency via Intent-Based Tool Selection

Title: One Subgraph for All: Efficient Reasoning on Opening Subgraphs for Inductive Knowledge Graph Completion

Title: Facilitating Advanced Sentinel-2 Analysis Through a Simplified Computation of Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance

Title: Fast Ensembling with Diffusion Schrödinger Bridge

Title: Vision Transformer-based Adversarial Domain Adaptation

Title: SynthEval: A Framework for Detailed Utility and Privacy Evaluation of Tabular Synthetic Data

Title: Exploring LLM Prompting Strategies for Joint Essay Scoring and Feedback Generation

Title: From Complex to Simple: Enhancing Multi-Constraint Complex Instruction Following Ability of Large Language Models

Title: Detecting Conceptual Abstraction in LLMs

Title: Porting Large Language Models to Mobile Devices for Question Answering

Title: CLAD: Robust Audio Deepfake Detection Against Manipulation Attacks with Contrastive Learning

Title: CONNECTION: COvert chaNnel NEtwork attaCk Through bIt-rate mOdulatioN

Title: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Authentication for Data Subject Rights Enforcement

Title: Steal Now and Attack Later: Evaluating Robustness of Object Detection against Black-box Adversarial Attacks

Title: Unexplored Faces of Robustness and Out-of-Distribution: Covariate Shifts in Environment and Sensor Domains

Title: Privacy-Preserving Billing for Local Energy Markets (Long Version)

Title: Sketch2Human: Deep Human Generation with Disentangled Geometry and Appearance Control

Title: OMEGAS: Object Mesh Extraction from Large Scenes Guided by Gaussian Segmentation

Title: Assessing The Potential Of Mid-Sized Language Models For Clinical QA

Title: ST-MambaSync: The Confluence of Mamba Structure and Spatio-Temporal Transformers for Precipitous Traffic Prediction

Title: Drawing the Line: Deep Segmentation for Extracting Art from Ancient Etruscan Mirrors

Title: Learning Long-form Video Prior via Generative Pre-Training

Title: An Element-Wise Weights Aggregation Method for Federated Learning

Title: Generalization Measures for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer

Title: Decentralized Personalized Federated Learning based on a Conditional Sparse-to-Sparser Scheme

Title: Mammo-CLIP: Leveraging Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) for Enhanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Multi-view Mammography

Title: Sequence can Secretly Tell You What to Discard

Title: Beyond Deepfake Images: Detecting AI-Generated Videos

Title: A Survey on Visual Mamba

Title: HDDGAN: A Heterogeneous Dual-Discriminator Generative Adversarial Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion

Title: Uncertainty Estimation and Quantification for LLMs: A Simple Supervised Approach

Title: BeSound: Bluetooth-Based Position Estimation Enhancing with Cross-Modality Distillation

Title: RetinaRegNet: A Versatile Approach for Retinal Image Registration

Title: The PRISM Alignment Project: What Participatory, Representative and Individualised Human Feedback Reveals About the Subjective and Multicultural Alignment of Large Language Models

Title: Universal Adversarial Triggers Are Not Universal

Title: PuLID: Pure and Lightning ID Customization via Contrastive Alignment

Title: Editable Image Elements for Controllable Synthesis

Title: Studying Large Language Model Behaviors Under Realistic Knowledge Conflicts

Title: Cantor: Inspiring Multimodal Chain-of-Thought of MLLM

Title: MaGGIe: Masked Guided Gradual Human Instance Matting