
Title: A Survey on Generative AI and LLM for Video Generation, Understanding, and Streaming

Title: zkLLM: Zero Knowledge Proofs for Large Language Models

Title: Mamba-360: Survey of State Space Models as Transformer Alternative for Long Sequence Modelling: Methods, Applications, and Challenges

Title: Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media

Title: Cybersecurity Assessment of the Polar Bluetooth Low Energy Heart-rate Sensor

Title: Act as a Honeytoken Generator! An Investigation into Honeytoken Generation with Large Language Models

Title: Securing Hybrid Wireless Body Area Networks (HyWBAN): Advancements in Semantic Communications and Jamming Techniques

Title: FairDeDup: Detecting and Mitigating Vision-Language Fairness Disparities in Semantic Dataset Deduplication

Title: From Local to Global: A Graph RAG Approach to Query-Focused Summarization

Title: Quantitative Characterization of Retinal Features in Translated OCTA

Title: A Survey on Intermediate Fusion Methods for Collaborative Perception Categorized by Real World Challenges

Title: A Comparative Analysis of Adversarial Robustness for Quantum and Classical Machine Learning Models

Title: Does SAM dream of EIG? Characterizing Interactive Segmenter Performance using Expected Information Gain

Title: Domain-Specific Improvement on Psychotherapy Chatbot Using Assistant

Title: Towards a Holistic Evaluation of LLMs on Factual Knowledge Recall

Title: S2DEVFMAP: Self-Supervised Learning Framework with Dual Ensemble Voting Fusion for Maximizing Anomaly Prediction in Timeseries

Title: Blind Federated Learning without initial model

Title: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Auditing Differentially Private Algorithms with Epistemically Disparate Herd

Title: Towards Efficient Patient Recruitment for Clinical Trials: Application of a Prompt-Based Learning Model

Title: An Analysis of Recent Advances in Deepfake Image Detection in an Evolving Threat Landscape

Title: Computational analysis of the language of pain: a systematic review

Title: SECO: Secure Inference With Model Splitting Across Multi-Server Hierarchy

Title: AutoGluon-Multimodal (AutoMM): Supercharging Multimodal AutoML with Foundation Models

Title: Synergizing Privacy and Utility in Data Analytics Through Advanced Information Theorization

Title: Investigating the prompt leakage effect and black-box defenses for multi-turn LLM interactions

Title: Enhancing Privacy in Face Analytics Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Title: Probabilistic Tracker Management Policies for Low-Cost and Scalable Rowhammer Mitigation

Title: Interpreting Answers to Yes-No Questions in Dialogues from Multiple Domains

Title: A Multi-objective Optimization Benchmark Test Suite for Real-time Semantic Segmentation

Title: Lacunarity Pooling Layers for Plant Image Classification using Texture Analysis

Title: True random number generation using metastable 1T' molybdenum ditelluride

Title: LLM-Based Section Identifiers Excel on Open Source but Stumble in Real World Applications

Title: Research on Splicing Image Detection Algorithms Based on Natural Image Statistical Characteristics

Title: Reinforcement Learning with Generative Models for Compact Support Sets

Title: Style Adaptation for Domain-adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Title: CFMW: Cross-modality Fusion Mamba for Multispectral Object Detection under Adverse Weather Conditions

Title: BezierFormer: A Unified Architecture for 2D and 3D Lane Detection

Title: TI2V-Zero: Zero-Shot Image Conditioning for Text-to-Video Diffusion Models

Title: DIG3D: Marrying Gaussian Splatting with Deformable Transformer for Single Image 3D Reconstruction

Title: Semantic Segmentation Refiner for Ultrasound Applications with Zero-Shot Foundation Models

Title: FedStyle: Style-Based Federated Learning Crowdsourcing Framework for Art Commissions

Title: Evolutionary Causal Discovery with Relative Impact Stratification for Interpretable Data Analysis

Title: Byzantine Attacks Exploiting Penalties in Ethereum PoS

Title: Learning Syntax Without Planting Trees: Understanding When and Why Transformers Generalize Hierarchically

Title: Don't Say No: Jailbreaking LLM by Suppressing Refusal

Title: Multimodal Information Interaction for Medical Image Segmentation

Title: List Items One by One: A New Data Source and Learning Paradigm for Multimodal LLMs

Title: Efficient Higher-order Convolution for Small Kernels in Deep Learning

Title: Promoting CNNs with Cross-Architecture Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: Asking and Answering Questions to Extract Event-Argument Structures

Title: SynCellFactory: Generative Data Augmentation for Cell Tracking

Title: Robust Fine-tuning for Pre-trained 3D Point Cloud Models

Title: Contextual Categorization Enhancement through LLMs Latent-Space

Title: Automating the Discovery of Partial Differential Equations in Dynamical Systems

Title: PAD: Patch-Agnostic Defense against Adversarial Patch Attacks

Title: Large Language Models Perform on Par with Experts Identifying Mental Health Factors in Adolescent Online Forums

Title: COBRA -- COnfidence score Based on shape Regression Analysis for method-independent quality assessment of object pose estimation from single images

Title: DiffSeg: A Segmentation Model for Skin Lesions Based on Diffusion Difference

Title: Evaluating Consistency and Reasoning Capabilities of Large Language Models

Title: T-Explainer: A Model-Agnostic Explainability Framework Based on Gradients

Title: 360SFUDA++: Towards Source-free UDA for Panoramic Segmentation by Learning Reliable Category Prototypes

Title: Building a Japanese Document-Level Relation Extraction Dataset Assisted by Cross-Lingual Transfer

Title: Global Concept Explanations for Graphs by Contrastive Learning

Title: 3D Face Modeling via Weakly-supervised Disentanglement Network joint Identity-consistency Prior

Title: OpenDlign: Enhancing Open-World 3D Learning with Depth-Aligned Images

Title: Conditional Distribution Modelling for Few-Shot Image Synthesis with Diffusion Models

Title: Energy-Latency Manipulation of Multi-modal Large Language Models via Verbose Samples

Title: DeepKalPose: An Enhanced Deep-Learning Kalman Filter for Temporally Consistent Monocular Vehicle Pose Estimation

Title: Research on geometric figure classification algorithm based on Deep Learning

Title: Evaluating Large Language Models on Time Series Feature Understanding: A Comprehensive Taxonomy and Benchmark

Title: MonoPCC: Photometric-invariant Cycle Constraint for Monocular Depth Estimation of Endoscopic Images

Title: Multi-Scale Representations by Varying Window Attention for Semantic Segmentation

Title: Exploring Internal Numeracy in Language Models: A Case Study on ALBERT

Title: Road Surface Friction Estimation for Winter Conditions Utilising General Visual Features

Title: Understanding Privacy Risks of Embeddings Induced by Large Language Models

Title: SFMViT: SlowFast Meet ViT in Chaotic World

Title: MuseumMaker: Continual Style Customization without Catastrophic Forgetting

Title: Robust Capped lp-Norm Support Vector Ordinal Regression

Title: Denoising: from classical methods to deep CNNs

Title: Hippocrates: An Open-Source Framework for Advancing Large Language Models in Healthcare

Title: Introducing Systems Thinking as a Framework for Teaching and Assessing Threat Modeling Competency

Title: Self-Balanced R-CNN for Instance Segmentation

Title: TinyChart: Efficient Chart Understanding with Visual Token Merging and Program-of-Thoughts Learning

Title: Privacy-Preserving Statistical Data Generation: Application to Sepsis Detection

Title: Tele-FLM Technical Report

Title: Evolutionary Large Language Models for Hardware Security: A Comparative Survey

Title: Análise de ambiguidade linguística em modelos de linguagem de grande escala (LLMs)

Title: A Self-Organizing Clustering System for Unsupervised Distribution Shift Detection

Title: Formal Specification, Assessment, and Enforcement of Fairness for Generative AIs

Title: EmoVIT: Revolutionizing Emotion Insights with Visual Instruction Tuning

Title: Multimodal Semantic-Aware Automatic Colorization with Diffusion Prior

Title: NTIRE 2024 Quality Assessment of AI-Generated Content Challenge

Title: Influence of Solution Efficiency and Valence of Instruction on Additive and Subtractive Solution Strategies in Humans and GPT-4

Title: Cooperate or Collapse: Emergence of Sustainability Behaviors in a Society of LLM Agents

Title: Layer Skip: Enabling Early Exit Inference and Self-Speculative Decoding

Title: CBRW: A Novel Approach for Cancelable Biometric Template Generation based on

Title: JITScanner: Just-in-Time Executable Page Check in the Linux Operating System

Title: TokenHMR: Advancing Human Mesh Recovery with a Tokenized Pose Representation

Title: RadGenome-Chest CT: A Grounded Vision-Language Dataset for Chest CT Analysis

Title: Prefix Text as a Yarn: Eliciting Non-English Alignment in Foundation Language Model

Title: REBEL: Reinforcement Learning via Regressing Relative Rewards

Title: ConsistentID: Portrait Generation with Multimodal Fine-Grained Identity Preserving

Title: Modeling Selective Feature Attention for Representation-based Siamese Text Matching

Title: Registration by Regression (RbR): a framework for interpretable and flexible atlas registration

Title: Continual Learning of Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey

Title: SEED-Bench-2-Plus: Benchmarking Multimodal Large Language Models with Text-Rich Visual Comprehension

Title: Weak-to-Strong Extrapolation Expedites Alignment

Title: In-Context Freeze-Thaw Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Optimization

Title: Improving Diversity of Commonsense Generation by Large Language Models via In-Context Learning

Title: Make Your LLM Fully Utilize the Context

Title: IndicGenBench: A Multilingual Benchmark to Evaluate Generation Capabilities of LLMs on Indic Languages

Title: Boosting Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation with Principal Mask Proposals

Title: Revisiting Text-to-Image Evaluation with Gecko: On Metrics, Prompts, and Human Ratings

Title: How Far Are We to GPT-4V? Closing the Gap to Commercial Multimodal Models with Open-Source Suites

Title: V2A-Mark: Versatile Deep Visual-Audio Watermarking for Manipulation Localization and Copyright Protection

Title: Made to Order: Discovering monotonic temporal changes via self-supervised video ordering

Title: Make-it-Real: Unleashing Large Multimodal Model's Ability for Painting 3D Objects with Realistic Materials