
Title: Dynamic Model Switching for Improved Accuracy in Machine Learning

Title: Learning Low-Rank Feature for Thorax Disease Classification

Title: The Visual Experience Dataset: Over 200 Recorded Hours of Integrated Eye Movement, Odometry, and Egocentric Video

Title: Sub-Adjacent Transformer: Improving Time Series Anomaly Detection with Reconstruction Error from Sub-Adjacent Neighborhoods

Title: An Aggregation-Free Federated Learning for Tackling Data Heterogeneity

Title: Credible, Unreliable or Leaked?: Evidence Verification for Enhanced Automated Fact-checking

Title: M3H: Multimodal Multitask Machine Learning for Healthcare

Title: Foundations of Multisensory Artificial Intelligence

Title: Computational Job Market Analysis with Natural Language Processing

Title: Towards Generalizable Agents in Text-Based Educational Environments: A Study of Integrating RL with LLMs

Title: Machine Unlearning for Document Classification

Title: Embedded Representation Learning Network for Animating Styled Video Portrait

Title: Improving Interpretability of Deep Active Learning for Flood Inundation Mapping Through Class Ambiguity Indices Using Multi-spectral Satellite Imagery

Title: A Framework for Real-time Safeguarding the Text Generation of Large Language

Title: SuperCLUE-Fin: Graded Fine-Grained Analysis of Chinese LLMs on Diverse Financial Tasks and Applications

Title: Zero Knowledge Proof for Multiple Sequence Alignment

Title: Revolutionizing Traffic Sign Recognition: Unveiling the Potential of Vision Transformers

Title: In-Context Symbolic Regression: Leveraging Language Models for Function Discovery

Title: Real-Time Convolutional Neural Network-Based Star Detection and Centroiding Method for CubeSat Star Tracker

Title: Source-Free Domain Adaptation of Weakly-Supervised Object Localization Models for Histology

Title: Enhancing IoT Security: A Novel Feature Engineering Approach for ML-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Title: Accelerating Production LLMs with Combined Token/Embedding Speculators

Title: RTF: Region-based Table Filling Method for Relational Triple Extraction

Title: What Drives Performance in Multilingual Language Models?

Title: PEVA-Net: Prompt-Enhanced View Aggregation Network for Zero/Few-Shot Multi-View 3D Shape Recognition

Title: XFeat: Accelerated Features for Lightweight Image Matching

Title: Game-MUG: Multimodal Oriented Game Situation Understanding and Commentary Generation Dataset

Title: Revenge of the Fallen? Recurrent Models Match Transformers at Predicting Human Language Comprehension Metrics

Title: Mix of Experts Language Model for Named Entity Recognition

Title: TableVQA-Bench: A Visual Question Answering Benchmark on Multiple Table Domains

Title: Transcrib3D: 3D Referring Expression Resolution through Large Language Models

Title: Espresso: Robust Concept Filtering in Text-to-Image Models

Title: GRAMMAR: Grounded and Modular Evaluation of Domain-Specific Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

Title: HydraLoRA: An Asymmetric LoRA Architecture for Efficient Fine-Tuning

Title: Improved AutoEncoder with LSTM module and KL divergence

Title: Suvach -- Generated Hindi QA benchmark

Title: DELINE8K: A Synthetic Data Pipeline for the Semantic Segmentation of Historical Documents

Title: Aspect and Opinion Term Extraction Using Graph Attention Network

Title: High dimensional analysis reveals conservative sharpening and a stochastic edge of stability

Title: Mapping New Realities: Ground Truth Image Creation with Pix2Pix Image-to-Image Translation

Title: C2FDrone: Coarse-to-Fine Drone-to-Drone Detection using Vision Transformer Networks

Title: Bridge to Non-Barrier Communication: Gloss-Prompted Fine-grained Cued Speech Gesture Generation with Diffusion Model

Title: Quater-GCN: Enhancing 3D Human Pose Estimation with Orientation and Semi-supervised Training

Title: Soft Prompt Generation for Domain Generalization

Title: Revisiting the Adversarial Robustness of Vision Language Models: a Multimodal Perspective

Title: Robust Pedestrian Detection via Constructing Versatile Pedestrian Knowledge Bank

Title: A Light-weight Transformer-based Self-supervised Matching Network for Heterogeneous Images

Title: Modeling Orthographic Variation in Occitan's Dialects

Title: QLSC: A Query Latent Semantic Calibrator for Robust Extractive Question Answering

Title: Knowledge Distillation vs. Pretraining from Scratch under a Fixed (Computation) Budget

Title: LVOS: A Benchmark for Large-scale Long-term Video Object Segmentation

Title: End-to-end information extraction in handwritten documents: Understanding Paris marriage records from 1880 to 1940

Title: StablePT: Towards Stable Prompting for Few-shot Learning via Input Separation

Title: Reliable or Deceptive? Investigating Gated Features for Smooth Visual Explanations in CNNs

Title: Evaluating Lexicon Incorporation for Depression Symptom Estimation

Title: Large Language Model Informed Patent Image Retrieval

Title: Navigating Brain Language Representations: A Comparative Analysis of Neural Language Models and Psychologically Plausible Models

Title: Evaluating Telugu Proficiency in Large Language Models_ A Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT and Gemini

Title: Probing Unlearned Diffusion Models: A Transferable Adversarial Attack Perspective

Title: Cross-Block Fine-Grained Semantic Cascade for Skeleton-Based Sports Action Recognition

Title: CLIP-Mamba: CLIP Pretrained Mamba Models with OOD and Hessian Evaluation

Title: UniFS: Universal Few-shot Instance Perception with Point Representations

Title: Countering Reward Over-optimization in LLM with Demonstration-Guided Reinforcement Learning

Title: Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-based Backdoor Attacks in the Physical World

Title: Energy Cyber Attacks to Smart Healthcare Devices: A Testbed

Title: Let's Focus: Focused Backdoor Attack against Federated Transfer Learning

Title: Can Large Language Models put 2 and 2 together? Probing for Entailed Arithmetical Relationships

Title: Detection of Energy Consumption Cyber Attacks on Smart Devices

Title: Which Nigerian-Pidgin does Generative AI speak?: Issues about Representativeness and Bias for Multilingual and Low Resource Languages

Title: AnomalyXFusion: Multi-modal Anomaly Synthesis with Diffusion

Title: AttackBench: Evaluating Gradient-based Attacks for Adversarial Examples

Title: TwinDiffusion: Enhancing Coherence and Efficiency in Panoramic Image Generation with Diffusion Models

Title: Mitigating and Analysis of Memory Usage Attack in IoE System

Title: FactCheck Editor: Multilingual Text Editor with End-to-End fact-checking

Title: More Compute Is What You Need

Title: Safe Training with Sensitive In-domain Data: Leveraging Data Fragmentation To Mitigate Linkage Attacks

Title: Do Large Language Models Understand Conversational Implicature -- A case study with a chinese sitcom

Title: Generating Robust Counterfactual Witnesses for Graph Neural Networks

Title: MicroDreamer: Zero-shot 3D Generation in $\sim$20 Seconds by Score-based Iterative Reconstruction

Title: MoST: Multi-modality Scene Tokenization for Motion Prediction

Title: RAG and RAU: A Survey on Retrieval-Augmented Language Model in Natural Language Processing

Title: Causal Perception Inspired Representation Learning for Trustworthy Image Quality Assessment

Title: Leveraging Label Information for Stealthy Data Stealing in Vertical Federated Learning

Title: AI techniques for near real-time monitoring of contaminants in coastal waters on board future Phisat-2 mission

Title: Transferring Troubles: Cross-Lingual Transferability of Backdoor Attacks in LLMs with Instruction Tuning

Title: Seeing Through the Clouds: Cloud Gap Imputation with Prithvi Foundation Model

Title: Analyzing and Exploring Training Recipes for Large-Scale Transformer-Based Weather Prediction

Title: On Training a Neural Network to Explain Binaries

Title: Attacking Bayes: On the Adversarial Robustness of Bayesian Neural Networks

Title: Landmark Alternating Diffusion

Title: Provably Robust Conformal Prediction with Improved Efficiency

Title: VimTS: A Unified Video and Image Text Spotter for Enhancing the Cross-domain Generalization

Title: Masked Multi-Query Slot Attention for Unsupervised Object Discovery

Title: Decoder Decomposition for the Analysis of the Latent Space of Nonlinear Autoencoders With Wind-Tunnel Experimental Data

Title: A Comprehensive Analysis of Pegasus Spyware and Its Implications for Digital Privacy and Security

Title: Naturally Supervised 3D Visual Grounding with Language-Regularized Concept Learners

Title: GS-LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for 3D Gaussian Splatting

Title: When to Retrieve: Teaching LLMs to Utilize Information Retrieval Effectively

Title: Harmonic LLMs are Trustworthy

Title: Automated Generation of High-Quality Medical Simulation Scenarios Through Integration of Semi-Structured Data and Large Language Models

Title: Assessing LLMs in Malicious Code Deobfuscation of Real-world Malware Campaigns

Title: Fairness Without Demographics in Human-Centered Federated Learning

Title: Better & Faster Large Language Models via Multi-token Prediction

Title: PrivComp-KG : Leveraging Knowledge Graph and Large Language Models for Privacy Policy Compliance Verification

Title: Visual Fact Checker: Enabling High-Fidelity Detailed Caption Generation

Title: KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Title: Invisible Stitch: Generating Smooth 3D Scenes with Depth Inpainting

Title: MotionLCM: Real-time Controllable Motion Generation via Latent Consistency Model