
Title: SIMPLOT: Enhancing Chart Question Answering by Distilling Essentials

Title: Leveraging Pre-trained CNNs for Efficient Feature Extraction in Rice Leaf Disease Classification

Title: Automatic Creative Selection with Cross-Modal Matching

Title: SegNet: A Segmented Deep Learning based Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Drones Wildfire Detection

Title: Research and application of artificial intelligence based webshell detection model: A literature review

Title: PAODING: A High-fidelity Data-free Pruning Toolkit for Debloating Pre-trained Neural Networks

Title: On Correcting SHAP Scores

Title: Mitigating Spectre-PHT using Speculation Barriers in Linux BPF

Title: Rolling in the Shadows: Analyzing the Extraction of MEV Across Layer-2 Rollups

Title: Revisiting RGBT Tracking Benchmarks from the Perspective of Modality Validity: A New Benchmark, Problem, and Method

Title: Towards a Search Engine for Machines: Unified Ranking for Multiple Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Title: Towards End-to-End Semi-Supervised Table Detection with Semantic Aligned Matching Transformer

Title: Synthetic Image Verification in the Era of Generative AI: What Works and What Isn't There Yet

Title: SPAFIT: Stratified Progressive Adaptation Fine-tuning for Pre-trained Large Language Models

Title: Leveraging Active Subspaces to Capture Epistemic Model Uncertainty in Deep Generative Models for Molecular Design

Title: General Purpose Verification for Chain of Thought Prompting

Title: A Primer on the Inner Workings of Transformer-based Language Models

Title: Graphical Reasoning: LLM-based Semi-Open Relation Extraction

Title: Constrained Decoding for Secure Code Generation

Title: Context-Aware Mobile Network Performance Prediction Using Network & Remote Sensing Data

Title: Synthetic Face Datasets Generation via Latent Space Exploration from Brownian Identity Diffusion

Title: SemVecNet: Generalizable Vector Map Generation for Arbitrary Sensor Configurations

Title: Semantically Consistent Video Inpainting with Conditional Diffusion Models

Title: CodeHalu: Code Hallucinations in LLMs Driven by Execution-based Verification

Title: ASAM: Boosting Segment Anything Model with Adversarial Tuning

Title: Clover: Regressive Lightweight Speculative Decoding with Sequential Knowledge

Title: Differentially Private Release of Israel's National Registry of Live Births

Title: Social Life Simulation for Non-Cognitive Skills Learning

Title: Adversarial Attacks and Defense for Conversation Entailment Task

Title: How Can I Improve? Using GPT to Highlight the Desired and Undesired Parts of Open-ended Responses

Title: The Reversing Machine: Reconstructing Memory Assumptions

Title: LITO: Learnable Intervention for Truthfulness Optimization

Title: Generating Feedback-Ladders for Logical Errors in Programming using Large Language Models

Title: Streamlining Image Editing with Layered Diffusion Brushes

Title: Model Quantization and Hardware Acceleration for Vision Transformers: A Comprehensive Survey

Title: Data Augmentation Policy Search for Long-Term Forecasting

Title: DFKI-NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Towards Robust LLMs Using Data Perturbations and MinMax Training

Title: Metric geometry of the privacy-utility tradeoff

Title: A Careful Examination of Large Language Model Performance on Grade School Arithmetic

Title: A Self-explaining Neural Architecture for Generalizable Concept Learning

Title: CrossMatch: Enhance Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation with Perturbation Strategies and Knowledge Distillation

Title: Exploring Self-Supervised Vision Transformers for Deepfake Detection: A Comparative Analysis

Title: AdaMoLE: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models with Adaptive Mixture of Low-Rank Adaptation Experts

Title: Adaptive Bidirectional Displacement for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Title: CofiPara: A Coarse-to-fine Paradigm for Multimodal Sarcasm Target Identification with Large Multimodal Models

Title: Certified Adversarial Robustness of Machine Learning-based Malware Detectors via (De)Randomized Smoothing

Title: Inferring State Machine from the Protocol Implementation via Large Langeuage Model

Title: Trust Driven On-Demand Scheme for Client Deployment in Federated Learning

Title: Self-Refine Instruction-Tuning for Aligning Reasoning in Language Models

Title: Detection of ransomware attacks using federated learning based on the CNN model

Title: On the Potential of RIS in the Context of PLA in Wireless Communication Systems

Title: Detail-Enhancing Framework for Reference-Based Image Super-Resolution

Title: Modeling Linear and Non-linear Layers: An MILP Approach Towards Finding Differential and Impossible Differential Propagations

Title: MMTryon: Multi-Modal Multi-Reference Control for High-Quality Fashion Generation

Title: RAG-based Explainable Prediction of Road Users Behaviors for Automated Driving using Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models

Title: Predictive Accuracy-Based Active Learning for Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Robust Semi-supervised Learning via $f$-Divergence and $α$-Rényi Divergence

Title: Counterfactual Explanations for Deep Learning-Based Traffic Forecasting

Title: BiomedRAG: A Retrieval Augmented Large Language Model for Biomedicine

Title: Lazy Layers to Make Fine-Tuned Diffusion Models More Traceable

Title: Harnessing the Power of Multiple Minds: Lessons Learned from LLM Routing

Title: Enhanced Visual Question Answering: A Comparative Analysis and Textual Feature Extraction Via Convolutions

Title: PackVFL: Efficient HE Packing for Vertical Federated Learning

Title: In Anticipation of Perfect Deepfake: Identity-anchored Artifact-agnostic Detection under Rebalanced Deepfake Detection Protocol

Title: The Pyramid of Captions

Title: Explainable Automatic Grading with Neural Additive Models

Title: On the Relevance of Byzantine Robust Optimization Against Data Poisoning

Title: Is Temperature the Creativity Parameter of Large Language Models?

Title: NeRF-Guided Unsupervised Learning of RGB-D Registration

Title: Get Your Embedding Space in Order: Domain-Adaptive Regression for Forest Monitoring

Title: FMLFS: A federated multi-label feature selection based on information theory in IoT environment

Title: JNI Global References Are Still Vulnerable: Attacks and Defenses

Title: Byzantine-Secure Relying Party for Resilient RPKI

Title: A Legal Framework for Natural Language Processing Model Training in Portugal

Title: Swarm Learning: A Survey of Concepts, Applications, and Trends

Title: Mixture of insighTful Experts (MoTE): The Synergy of Thought Chains and Expert Mixtures in Self-Alignment

Title: EALD-MLLM: Emotion Analysis in Long-sequential and De-identity videos with Multi-modal Large Language Model

Title: Discovering robust biomarkers of neurological disorders from functional MRI using graph neural networks: A Review

Title: The Real, the Better: Aligning Large Language Models with Online Human Behaviors

Title: GraCo: Granularity-Controllable Interactive Segmentation

Title: Are Models Biased on Text without Gender-related Language?

Title: Unbundle-Rewrite-Rebundle: Runtime Detection and Rewriting of Privacy-Harming Code in JavaScript Bundles

Title: Investigating Automatic Scoring and Feedback using Large Language Models

Title: Addressing Topic Granularity and Hallucination in Large Language Models for Topic Modelling

Title: Multigroup Robustness

Title: Lane Segmentation Refinement with Diffusion Models

Title: Queue-based Eco-Driving at Roundabouts with Reinforcement Learning

Title: HUGO -- Highlighting Unseen Grid Options: Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Heuristic Target Topology Approach

Title: Depth Priors in Removal Neural Radiance Fields

Title: Deep Metric Learning-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection with Synthetic Outlier Exposure

Title: When Quantization Affects Confidence of Large Language Models?

Title: Learning to Compose: Improving Object Centric Learning by Injecting Compositionality

Title: Grains of Saliency: Optimizing Saliency-based Training of Biometric Attack Detection Models

Title: NLU-STR at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Generative-based Augmentation and Encoder-based Scoring for Semantic Textual Relatedness

Title: Is Bigger Edit Batch Size Always Better? -- An Empirical Study on Model Editing with Llama-3

Title: RGB$\leftrightarrow$X: Image decomposition and synthesis using material- and lighting-aware diffusion models