
Title: Scalable physical source-to-field inference with hypernetworks

Title: Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning via Robust Transformer Approach

Title: Special Characters Attack: Toward Scalable Training Data Extraction From Large Language Models

Title: Agent-oriented Joint Decision Support for Data Owners in Auction-based Federated Learning

Title: LLMPot: Automated LLM-based Industrial Protocol and Physical Process Emulation for ICS Honeypots

Title: LLM-QBench: A Benchmark Towards the Best Practice for Post-training Quantization of Large Language Models

Title: From Algorithm to Hardware: A Survey on Efficient and Safe Deployment of Deep Neural Networks

Title: BB-Patch: BlackBox Adversarial Patch-Attack using Zeroth-Order Optimization

Title: UnSegGNet: Unsupervised Image Segmentation using Graph Neural Networks

Title: A Minimalist Prompt for Zero-Shot Policy Learning

Title: HMT: Hierarchical Memory Transformer for Long Context Language Processing

Title: Hard Work Does Not Always Pay Off: Poisoning Attacks on Neural Architecture Search

Title: Protocols to Code: Formal Verification of a Next-Generation Internet Router

Title: A Mixture of Experts Approach to 3D Human Motion Prediction

Title: Selective Fine-tuning on LLM-labeled Data May Reduce Reliance on Human Annotation: A Case Study Using Schedule-of-Event Table Detection

Title: Can Perplexity Reflect Large Language Model's Ability in Long Text Understanding?

Title: Transforming the Bootstrap: Using Transformers to Compute Scattering Amplitudes in Planar N = 4 Super Yang-Mills Theory

Title: Rethinking Efficient and Effective Point-based Networks for Event Camera Classification and Regression: EventMamba

Title: Demystifying Behavior-Based Malware Detection at Endpoints

Title: Enhanced Multimodal Content Moderation of Children's Videos using Audiovisual Fusion

Title: Muting Whisper: A Universal Acoustic Adversarial Attack on Speech Foundation Models

Title: Reddit-Impacts: A Named Entity Recognition Dataset for Analyzing Clinical and Social Effects of Substance Use Derived from Social Media

Title: Residual-NeRF: Learning Residual NeRFs for Transparent Object Manipulation

Title: Zero-shot Degree of Ill-posedness Estimation for Active Small Object Change Detection

Title: ODC-SA Net: Orthogonal Direction Enhancement and Scale Aware Network for Polyp Segmentation

Title: VLSM-Adapter: Finetuning Vision-Language Segmentation Efficiently with Lightweight Blocks

Title: MAPL: Memory Augmentation and Pseudo-Labeling for Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection

Title: PhysMLE: Generalizable and Priors-Inclusive Multi-task Remote Physiological Measurement

Title: Concealing Backdoor Model Updates in Federated Learning by Trigger-Optimized Data Poisoning

Title: A Survey on RAG Meets LLMs: Towards Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Title: SKVQ: Sliding-window Key and Value Cache Quantization for Large Language Models

Title: Context-Guided Spatial Feature Reconstruction for Efficient Semantic Segmentation

Title: TS3IM: Unveiling Structural Similarity in Time Series through Image Similarity Assessment Insights

Title: Risks of Practicing Large Language Models in Smart Grid: Threat Modeling and Validation

Title: SaudiBERT: A Large Language Model Pretrained on Saudi Dialect Corpora

Title: MGS-SLAM: Monocular Sparse Tracking and Gaussian Mapping with Depth Smooth Regularization

Title: Impedance vs. Power Side-channel Vulnerabilities: A Comparative Study

Title: Comparative Analysis of Advanced Feature Matching Algorithms in Challenging High Spatial Resolution Optical Satellite Stereo Scenarios

Title: Disttack: Graph Adversarial Attacks Toward Distributed GNN Training

Title: Automatic Generation of Model and Data Cards: A Step Towards Responsible AI

Title: Precise Apple Detection and Localization in Orchards using YOLOv5 for Robotic Harvesting Systems

Title: Improving the Privacy Loss Under User-Level DP Composition for Fixed Estimation Error

Title: Learning Latent Dynamic Robust Representations for World Models

Title: Selective Focus: Investigating Semantics Sensitivity in Post-training Quantization for Lane Detection

Title: XAI4LLM. Let Machine Learning Models and LLMs Collaborate for Enhanced In-Context Learning in Healthcare

Title: Pruning as a Domain-specific LLM Extractor

Title: Exploring the Interplay of Interpretability and Robustness in Deep Neural Networks: A Saliency-guided Approach

Title: PCLMix: Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Pixel-Level Contrastive Learning and Dynamic Mix Augmentation

Title: PUMA: margin-based data pruning

Title: Smooth Sensitivity for Geo-Privacy

Title: FedGCS: A Generative Framework for Efficient Client Selection in Federated Learning via Gradient-based Optimization

Title: Interpretable Multi-task Learning with Shared Variable Embeddings

Title: Improving Transferable Targeted Adversarial Attack via Normalized Logit Calibration and Truncated Feature Mixing

Title: Compression-Realized Deep Structural Network for Video Quality Enhancement

Title: Evaluating Adversarial Robustness in the Spatial Frequency Domain

Title: CRATOR: a Dark Web Crawler

Title: Certified $\ell_2$ Attribution Robustness via Uniformly Smoothed Attributions

Title: Projection by Convolution: Optimal Sample Complexity for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous-Space MDPs

Title: DP-DyLoRA: Fine-Tuning Transformer-Based Models On-Device under Differentially Private Federated Learning using Dynamic Low-Rank Adaptation

Title: Using AI Assistants in Software Development: A Qualitative Study on Security Practices and Concerns

Title: LLM Discussion: Enhancing the Creativity of Large Language Models via Discussion Framework and Role-Play

Title: How to Augment for Atmospheric Turbulence Effects on Thermal Adapted Object Detection Models?

Title: Memory Mosaics

Title: Program Synthesis using Inductive Logic Programming for the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus

Title: Visualizing Neural Network Imagination

Title: Potential and Limitations of LLMs in Capturing Structured Semantics: A Case Study on SRL

Title: Can Large Language Models Replicate ITS Feedback on Open-Ended Math Questions?

Title: Time Evidence Fusion Network: Multi-source View in Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

Title: Improving Instruction Following in Language Models through Proxy-Based Uncertainty Estimation

Title: Fair Mixed Effects Support Vector Machine

Title: Residual-based Attention Physics-informed Neural Networks for Efficient Spatio-Temporal Lifetime Assessment of Transformers Operated in Renewable Power Plants

Title: E2TP: Element to Tuple Prompting Improves Aspect Sentiment Tuple Prediction

Title: Are EEG-to-Text Models Working?

Title: LyS at SemEval-2024 Task 3: An Early Prototype for End-to-End Multimodal Emotion Linking as Graph-Based Parsing

Title: Implementation Study of Cost-Effective Verification for Pietrzak's Verifiable Delay Function in Ethereum Smart Contracts

Title: Multi-Target Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation without External Data

Title: Prompting Large Language Models with Knowledge Graphs for Question Answering Involving Long-tail Facts

Title: Semantic and Spatial Adaptive Pixel-level Classifier for Semantic Segmentation

Title: Controllable Image Generation With Composed Parallel Token Prediction

Title: Mesh Denoising Transformer

Title: Mitigating Hallucinations in Large Language Models via Self-Refinement-Enhanced Knowledge Retrieval

Title: OneTo3D: One Image to Re-editable Dynamic 3D Model and Video Generation

Title: Scalable Property Valuation Models via Graph-based Deep Learning

Title: What Can Natural Language Processing Do for Peer Review?

Title: Efficient Federated Low Rank Matrix Completion

Title: The Role of Learning Algorithms in Collective Action

Title: Enhancing Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Multi-modal Foundation Models: An End-to-End Approach

Title: A Lightweight Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Change Captioning

Title: Multi-Object Tracking in the Dark

Title: Explaining Text Similarity in Transformer Models

Title: Characterizing the Accuracy - Efficiency Trade-off of Low-rank Decomposition in Language Models

Title: Federated Document Visual Question Answering: A Pilot Study

Title: Value Augmented Sampling for Language Model Alignment and Personalization

Title: Linearizing Large Language Models