
Title: CataLM: Empowering Catalyst Design Through Large Language Models

Title: Towards Gradient-based Time-Series Explanations through a SpatioTemporal Attention Network

Title: On margin-based generalization prediction in deep neural networks

Title: How to train your ViT for OOD Detection

Title: The Power of Next-Frame Prediction for Learning Physical Laws

Title: WeatherFormer: A Pretrained Encoder Model for Learning Robust Weather Representations from Small Datasets

Title: Optimized Linear Measurements for Inverse Problems using Diffusion-Based Image Generation

Title: Data-Free Federated Class Incremental Learning with Diffusion-Based Generative Memory

Title: Ferrari: Federated Feature Unlearning via Optimizing Feature Sensitivity

Title: Distributed Continual Learning

Title: Sports center customer segmentation: a case study

Title: Deep Activity Model: A Generative Approach for Human Mobility Pattern Synthesis

Title: Athena: Efficient Block-Wise Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models Using Second-Order Matrix Derivative Information

Title: Momentum-Based Federated Reinforcement Learning with Interaction and Communication Efficiency

Title: FreezeAsGuard: Mitigating Illegal Adaptation of Diffusion Models via Selective Tensor Freezing

Title: Federated Offline Policy Optimization with Dual Regularization

Title: How to Leverage Diverse Demonstrations in Offline Imitation Learning

Title: Bridging The Gap between Low-rank and Orthogonal Adaptation via Householder Reflection Adaptation

Title: $\textit{Comet:}$ A $\underline{Com}$munication-$\underline{e}$fficient and Performant Approxima$\underline{t}$ion for Private Transformer Inference

Title: Pattern-Based Time-Series Risk Scoring for Anomaly Detection and Alert Filtering -- A Predictive Maintenance Case Study

Title: Revisit, Extend, and Enhance Hessian-Free Influence Functions

Title: Vertical Federated Learning for Effectiveness, Security, Applicability: A Survey

Title: Secure Hierarchical Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks Using Dynamic Client Selection and Anomaly Detection

Title: Predicting Rental Price of Lane Houses in Shanghai with Machine Learning Methods and Large Language Models

Title: Unveiling the Secrets: How Masking Strategies Shape Time Series Imputation

Title: On Fairness of Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Models

Title: Efficient Model Compression for Hierarchical Federated Learning

Title: Unisolver: PDE-Conditional Transformers Are Universal PDE Solvers

Title: Clip Body and Tail Separately: High Probability Guarantees for DPSGD with Heavy Tails

Title: Evolutive Rendering Models

Title: ClassDiffusion: More Aligned Personalization Tuning with Explicit Class Guidance

Title: Probabilistic Verification of Neural Networks using Branch and Bound

Title: ExtremeMETA: High-speed Lightweight Image Segmentation Model by Remodeling Multi-channel Metamaterial Imagers

Title: Discriminant audio properties in deep learning based respiratory insufficiency detection in Brazilian Portuguese

Title: Interpretable Prognostics with Concept Bottleneck Models

Title: GOI: Find 3D Gaussians of Interest with an Optimizable Open-vocabulary Semantic-space Hyperplane

Title: A Framework for Multi-modal Learning: Jointly Modeling Inter- & Intra-Modality Dependencies

Title: Symmetric Reinforcement Learning Loss for Robust Learning on Diverse Tasks and Model Scales

Title: Salutary Labeling with Zero Human Annotation

Title: Probabilistically Plausible Counterfactual Explanations with Normalizing Flows

Title: Unifying Perspectives: Plausible Counterfactual Explanations on Global, Group-wise, and Local Levels

Title: InversionView: A General-Purpose Method for Reading Information from Neural Activations

Title: Alignment is Key for Applying Diffusion Models to Retrosynthesis

Title: LoReTrack: Efficient and Accurate Low-Resolution Transformer Tracking

Title: RefDrop: Controllable Consistency in Image or Video Generation via Reference Feature Guidance

Title: Exploring Loss Design Techniques For Decision Tree Robustness To Label Noise

Title: Fast Samplers for Inverse Problems in Iterative Refinement Models

Title: Understanding differences in applying DETR to natural and medical images

Title: TIMA: Text-Image Mutual Awareness for Balancing Zero-Shot Adversarial Robustness and Generalization Ability

Title: Deciphering Movement: Unified Trajectory Generation Model for Multi-Agent

Title: P4: Towards private, personalized, and Peer-to-Peer learning

Title: Mechanistic Interpretability of Binary and Ternary Transformers

Title: CLAIM Your Data: Enhancing Imputation Accuracy with Contextual Large Language Models

Title: AdapNet: Adaptive Noise-Based Network for Low-Quality Image Retrieval

Title: EgoNCE++: Do Egocentric Video-Language Models Really Understand Hand-Object Interactions?

Title: MindFormer: A Transformer Architecture for Multi-Subject Brain Decoding via fMRI

Title: C$^{3}$Bench: A Comprehensive Classical Chinese Understanding Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: The HTTP Garden: Discovering Parsing Vulnerabilities in HTTP/1.1 Implementations by Differential Fuzzing of Request Streams

Title: MobileConvRec: A Conversational Dataset for Mobile Apps Recommendations

Title: ORLM: Training Large Language Models for Optimization Modeling

Title: Rethinking Pruning for Backdoor Mitigation: An Optimization Perspective

Title: Magnitude-based Neuron Pruning for Backdoor Defens

Title: XL3M: A Training-free Framework for LLM Length Extension Based on Segment-wise Inference

Title: Linguistic Collapse: Neural Collapse in (Large) Language Models

Title: The Binary Quantized Neural Network for Dense Prediction via Specially Designed Upsampling and Attention

Title: Post-Fair Federated Learning: Achieving Group and Community Fairness in Federated Learning via Post-processing

Title: Exploring Activation Patterns of Parameters in Language Models

Title: Detection-Correction Structure via General Language Model for Grammatical Error Correction

Title: FAIntbench: A Holistic and Precise Benchmark for Bias Evaluation in Text-to-Image Models

Title: Visual Anchors Are Strong Information Aggregators For Multimodal Large Language Model

Title: RITUAL: Random Image Transformations as a Universal Anti-hallucination Lever in LVLMs

Title: Conv-CoA: Improving Open-domain Question Answering in Large Language Models via Conversational Chain-of-Action

Title: Diffusion Model Patching via Mixture-of-Prompts

Title: LDMol: Text-Conditioned Molecule Diffusion Model Leveraging Chemically Informative Latent Space

Title: More Than Catastrophic Forgetting: Integrating General Capabilities For Domain-Specific LLMs

Title: Discriminator-Guided Cooperative Diffusion for Joint Audio and Video Generation

Title: I-LLM: Efficient Integer-Only Inference for Fully-Quantized Low-Bit Large Language Models

Title: A Deep Neural Network Approach to Fare Evasion

Title: Adapting Pre-Trained Vision Models for Novel Instance Detection and Segmentation

Title: Towards robust prediction of material properties for nuclear reactor design under scarce data -- a study in creep rupture property

Title: MixDQ: Memory-Efficient Few-Step Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Metric-Decoupled Mixed Precision Quantization

Title: Decentralized Directed Collaboration for Personalized Federated Learning

Title: An Information Theoretic Metric for Evaluating Unlearning Models

Title: Resisting Stochastic Risks in Diffusion Planners with the Trajectory Aggregation Tree

Title: Diffusion Rejection Sampling

Title: Crystal-LSBO: Automated Design of De Novo Crystals with Latent Space Bayesian Optimization

Title: Improving Discrete Diffusion Models via Structured Preferential Generation

Title: Arithmetic Reasoning with LLM: Prolog Generation & Permutation

Title: White-box Multimodal Jailbreaks Against Large Vision-Language Models

Title: $C^2M^3$: Cycle-Consistent Multi-Model Merging

Title: Near-Infrared and Low-Rank Adaptation of Vision Transformers in Remote Sensing

Title: Reliable Object Tracking by Multimodal Hybrid Feature Extraction and Transformer-Based Fusion

Title: Cycle-YOLO: A Efficient and Robust Framework for Pavement Damage Detection

Title: Long Context is Not Long at All: A Prospector of Long-Dependency Data for Large Language Models

Title: SarcNet: A Novel AI-based Framework to Automatically Analyze and Score Sarcomere Organizations in Fluorescently Tagged hiPSC-CMs

Title: Relational Self-supervised Distillation with Compact Descriptors for Image Copy Detection

Title: Towards Unified Robustness Against Both Backdoor and Adversarial Attacks

Title: Online Merging Optimizers for Boosting Rewards and Mitigating Tax in Alignment

Title: Towards Communication-efficient Federated Learning via Sparse and Aligned Adaptive Optimization

Title: ToonCrafter: Generative Cartoon Interpolation

Title: Tool Learning with Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: RC-Mixup: A Data Augmentation Strategy against Noisy Data for Regression Tasks

Title: Self-supervised Pre-training for Transferable Multi-modal Perception

Title: Remeasuring the Arbitrage and Sandwich Attacks of Maximal Extractable Value in Ethereum

Title: Efficient Time Series Processing for Transformers and State-Space Models through Token Merging

Title: Modeling Dynamic Topics in Chain-Free Fashion by Evolution-Tracking Contrastive Learning and Unassociated Word Exclusion

Title: FreeSplat: Generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting Towards Free-View Synthesis of Indoor Scenes

Title: Transformer and Hybrid Deep Learning Based Models for Machine-Generated Text Detection

Title: AttenCraft: Attention-guided Disentanglement of Multiple Concepts for Text-to-Image Customization

Title: Knowledge Circuits in Pretrained Transformers

Title: Recent Trends in Personalized Dialogue Generation: A Review of Datasets, Methodologies, and Evaluations

Title: Aligning to Thousands of Preferences via System Message Generalization

Title: Peering into the Mind of Language Models: An Approach for Attribution in Contextual Question Answering

Title: Cross-Context Backdoor Attacks against Graph Prompt Learning

Title: BlueSWAT: A Lightweight State-Aware Security Framework for Bluetooth Low Energy

Title: VeLoRA: Memory Efficient Training using Rank-1 Sub-Token Projections

Title: fMRI predictors based on language models of increasing complexity recover brain left lateralization

Title: DMT-JEPA: Discriminative Masked Targets for Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture

Title: MAVIN: Multi-Action Video Generation with Diffusion Models via Transition Video Infilling

Title: SkinCAP: A Multi-modal Dermatology Dataset Annotated with Rich Medical Captions

Title: Exploring Context Window of Large Language Models via Decomposed Positional Vectors

Title: MultiADE: A Multi-domain Benchmark for Adverse Drug Event Extraction

Title: Unveiling the Power of Diffusion Features For Personalized Segmentation and Retrieval

Title: TimeChara: Evaluating Point-in-Time Character Hallucination of Role-Playing Large Language Models

Title: Edinburgh Clinical NLP at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Guiding Large Language Models with Hints

Title: Are Image Distributions Indistinguishable to Humans Indistinguishable to Classifiers?

Title: RT-GS2: Real-Time Generalizable Semantic Segmentation for 3D Gaussian Representations of Radiance Fields

Title: Instruction Tuning with Retrieval-based Examples Ranking for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Title: ForecastGrapher: Redefining Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks

Title: Large Language Model-Driven Curriculum Design for Mobile Networks

Title: Fast-FedUL: A Training-Free Federated Unlearning with Provable Skew Resilience

Title: Visualizing the loss landscape of Self-supervised Vision Transformer

Title: Bridging Mini-Batch and Asymptotic Analysis in Contrastive Learning: From InfoNCE to Kernel-Based Losses

Title: 2BP: 2-Stage Backpropagation

Title: EffoVPR: Effective Foundation Model Utilization for Visual Place Recognition

Title: An Empirical Analysis of Forgetting in Pre-trained Models with Incremental Low-Rank Updates

Title: Text Modality Oriented Image Feature Extraction for Detecting Diffusion-based DeepFake

Title: Implicitly Guided Design with PropEn: Match your Data to Follow the Gradient

Title: Edge-guided and Class-balanced Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images

Title: HarmoDT: Harmony Multi-Task Decision Transformer for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Title: FlowSDF: Flow Matching for Medical Image Segmentation Using Distance Transforms

Title: A Pontryagin Perspective on Reinforcement Learning

Title: ATM: Adversarial Tuning Multi-agent System Makes a Robust Retrieval-Augmented Generator

Title: Facilitating Multi-Role and Multi-Behavior Collaboration of Large Language Models for Online Job Seeking and Recruiting

Title: Low-Resource Crop Classification from Multi-Spectral Time Series Using Lossless Compressors

Title: Dual-Path Multi-Scale Transformer for High-Quality Image Deraining

Title: Self-Supervised Dual Contouring

Title: EG4D: Explicit Generation of 4D Object without Score Distillation

Title: Bringing Rust to Safety-Critical Systems in Space

Title: Exploiting LLM Quantization

Title: Learning to Detour: Shortcut Mitigating Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Title: VividPose: Advancing Stable Video Diffusion for Realistic Human Image Animation

Title: Back to the Drawing Board for Fair Representation Learning

Title: Time Series Representation Models

Title: AnyFit: Controllable Virtual Try-on for Any Combination of Attire Across Any Scenario

Title: AlignIQL: Policy Alignment in Implicit Q-Learning through Constrained Optimization

Title: Delving into Differentially Private Transformer

Title: IAPT: Instruction-Aware Prompt Tuning for Large Language Models

Title: Multi-CATE: Multi-Accurate Conditional Average Treatment Effect Estimation Robust to Unknown Covariate Shifts

Title: Understanding Inter-Concept Relationships in Concept-Based Models

Title: FinerCut: Finer-grained Interpretable Layer Pruning for Large Language Models

Title: Position Paper: Think Globally, React Locally -- Bringing Real-time Reference-based Website Phishing Detection on macOS

Title: MSPE: Multi-Scale Patch Embedding Prompts Vision Transformers to Any Resolution

Title: Active Use of Latent Constituency Representation in both Humans and Large Language Models

Title: Generating Print-Ready Personalized AI Art Products from Minimal User Inputs

Title: Truthful Dataset Valuation by Pointwise Mutual Information

Title: Channel Reciprocity Based Attack Detection for Securing UWB Ranging by Autoencoder

Title: Text-only Synthesis for Image Captioning

Title: FedSAC: Dynamic Submodel Allocation for Collaborative Fairness in Federated Learning

Title: Semantic are Beacons: A Semantic Perspective for Unveiling Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning in Knowledge Learning

Title: CF-OPT: Counterfactual Explanations for Structured Prediction

Title: Bias in Motion: Theoretical Insights into the Dynamics of Bias in SGD Training

Title: Deep Learning Innovations for Underwater Waste Detection: An In-Depth Analysis

Title: Multi-modal Generation via Cross-Modal In-Context Learning

Title: Self-Supervised Learning Based Handwriting Verification

Title: SCE-MAE: Selective Correspondence Enhancement with Masked Autoencoder for Self-Supervised Landmark Estimation

Title: VITON-DiT: Learning In-the-Wild Video Try-On from Human Dance Videos via Diffusion Transformers

Title: Interpretable classification of wiki-review streams

Title: The Battle of LLMs: A Comparative Study in Conversational QA Tasks

Title: Simulating infinite-dimensional nonlinear diffusion bridges

Title: Faithful Logical Reasoning via Symbolic Chain-of-Thought

Title: MMCTAgent: Multi-modal Critical Thinking Agent Framework for Complex Visual Reasoning

Title: Bridging the Gap: Dynamic Learning Strategies for Improving Multilingual Performance in LLMs

Title: Is a 3D-Tokenized LLM the Key to Reliable Autonomous Driving?

Title: The 2024 Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge: Glioma Segmentation on Post-treatment MRI

Title: PromptWizard: Task-Aware Agent-driven Prompt Optimization Framework

Title: Thai Winograd Schemas: A Benchmark for Thai Commonsense Reasoning

Title: Empowering Source-Free Domain Adaptation with MLLM-driven Curriculum Learning

Title: OwLore: Outlier-weighed Layerwise Sampled Low-Rank Projection for Memory-Efficient LLM Fine-tuning

Title: Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2024: Meningioma Radiotherapy Planning Automated Segmentation

Title: Blocking Tracking JavaScript at the Function Granularity

Title: RACCooN: Remove, Add, and Change Video Content with Auto-Generated Narratives

Title: Phased Consistency Model

Title: Don't Forget to Connect! Improving RAG with Graph-based Reranking

Title: 3DitScene: Editing Any Scene via Language-guided Disentangled Gaussian Splatting

Title: ViG: Linear-complexity Visual Sequence Learning with Gated Linear Attention

Title: DiG: Scalable and Efficient Diffusion Models with Gated Linear Attention

Title: On the Origin of Llamas: Model Tree Heritage Recovery