
Title: GHOST: Grounded Human Motion Generation with Open Vocabulary Scene-and-Text Contexts

Title: Multi-objective Representation for Numbers in Clinical Narratives Using CamemBERT-bio

Title: Asymmetrical estimator for training grey-box deep photonic neural networks

Title: Towards Open Domain Text-Driven Synthesis of Multi-Person Motions

Title: LLMs and Memorization: On Quality and Specificity of Copyright Compliance

Title: Feasibility and benefits of joint learning from MRI databases with different brain diseases and modalities for segmentation

Title: Understanding Transformer Reasoning Capabilities via Graph Algorithms

Title: Atlas3D: Physically Constrained Self-Supporting Text-to-3D for Simulation and Fabrication

Title: TripletMix: Triplet Data Augmentation for 3D Understanding

Title: Aligning in a Compact Space: Contrastive Knowledge Distillation between Heterogeneous Architectures

Title: Learning diverse attacks on large language models for robust red-teaming and safety tuning

Title: User Perception of CAPTCHAs: A Comparative Study between University and Internet Users

Title: Scalable Surrogate Verification of Image-based Neural Network Control Systems using Composition and Unrolling

Title: Low-rank finetuning for LLMs: A fairness perspective

Title: BioBERT-based Deep Learning and Merged ChemProt-DrugProt for Enhanced Biomedical Relation Extraction

Title: Track Initialization and Re-Identification for~3D Multi-View Multi-Object Tracking

Title: DTR-Bench: An in silico Environment and Benchmark Platform for Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Treatment Regime

Title: Wavelet-Based Image Tokenizer for Vision Transformers

Title: Enhancing IoT Security with CNN and LSTM-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Title: PureGen: Universal Data Purification for Train-Time Poison Defense via Generative Model Dynamics

Title: Hardware-Aware Parallel Prompt Decoding for Memory-Efficient Acceleration of LLM Inference

Title: A Theoretical Understanding of Self-Correction through In-context Alignment

Title: ConSiDERS-The-Human Evaluation Framework: Rethinking Human Evaluation for Generative Large Language Models

Title: Lazy Safety Alignment for Large Language Models against Harmful Fine-tuning

Title: Recent Advances of Foundation Language Models-based Continual Learning: A Survey

Title: Mitigating Object Hallucination via Data Augmented Contrastive Tuning

Title: Understanding Intrinsic Socioeconomic Biases in Large Language Models

Title: Fast Explainability via Feasible Concept Sets Generator

Title: Zipper: A Multi-Tower Decoder Architecture for Fusing Modalities

Title: Watermarking Counterfactual Explanations

Title: LLM-based Hierarchical Concept Decomposition for Interpretable Fine-Grained Image Classification

Title: Zero-to-Hero: Enhancing Zero-Shot Novel View Synthesis via Attention Map Filtering

Title: Vim-F: Visual State Space Model Benefiting from Learning in the Frequency Domain

Title: Can GPT Redefine Medical Understanding? Evaluating GPT on Biomedical Machine Reading Comprehension

Title: Learning Diffeomorphism for Image Registration with Time-Continuous Networks using Semigroup Regularization

Title: Multi-Condition Latent Diffusion Network for Scene-Aware Neural Human Motion Prediction

Title: FocSAM: Delving Deeply into Focused Objects in Segmenting Anything

Title: Adaptive and Parallel Split Federated Learning in Vehicular Edge Computing

Title: To FP8 and Back Again: Quantifying the Effects of Reducing Precision on LLM Training Stability

Title: NeRF On-the-go: Exploiting Uncertainty for Distractor-free NeRFs in the Wild

Title: SketchDeco: Decorating B&W Sketches with Colour

Title: Efficient Model-agnostic Alignment via Bayesian Persuasion

Title: Contextual Position Encoding: Learning to Count What's Important

Title: Can We Enhance the Quality of Mobile Crowdsensing Data Without Ground Truth?

Title: CtrlA: Adaptive Retrieval-Augmented Generation via Probe-Guided Control

Title: Preferred-Action-Optimized Diffusion Policies for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Title: WLC-Net: a robust and fast deep-learning wood-leaf classification method

Title: Reverse Image Retrieval Cues Parametric Memory in Multimodal LLMs

Title: Genshin: General Shield for Natural Language Processing with Large Language Models

Title: PermLLM: Private Inference of Large Language Models within 3 Seconds under WAN

Title: PanoNormal: Monocular Indoor 360{\deg} Surface Normal Estimation

Title: T2V-Turbo: Breaking the Quality Bottleneck of Video Consistency Model with Mixed Reward Feedback

Title: Confronting the Reproducibility Crisis: A Case Study in Validating Certified Robustness

Title: Learning to Continually Learn with the Bayesian Principle

Title: Large Brain Model for Learning Generic Representations with Tremendous EEG Data in BCI

Title: Leveraging Many-To-Many Relationships for Defending Against Visual-Language Adversarial Attacks

Title: LLaMA-Reg: Using LLaMA 2 for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration

Title: LMO-DP: Optimizing the Randomization Mechanism for Differentially Private Fine-Tuning (Large) Language Models

Title: On the Role of Attention Masks and LayerNorm in Transformers

Title: Enhancing Security and Privacy in Federated Learning using Update Digests and Voting-Based Defense

Title: BRACTIVE: A Brain Activation Approach to Human Visual Brain Learning

Title: MindSemantix: Deciphering Brain Visual Experiences with a Brain-Language Model

Title: Flow Priors for Linear Inverse Problems via Iterative Corrupted Trajectory Matching

Title: Toxicity Detection for Free

Title: Node Injection Attack Based on Label Propagation Against Graph Neural Network

Title: MoNDE: Mixture of Near-Data Experts for Large-Scale Sparse Models

Title: MEGA: Masked Generative Autoencoder for Human Mesh Recovery

Title: Parameter-efficient Fine-tuning in Hyperspherical Space for Open-vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

Title: Towards Data-Driven Electricity Management: Multi-Region Harmonized Data and Knowledge Graph

Title: On Fairness Concerns in the Blockchain Ecosystem

Title: Privacy Preserving Data Imputation via Multi-party Computation for Medical Applications

Title: EventZoom: A Progressive Approach to Event-Based Data Augmentation for Enhanced Neuromorphic Vision

Title: Tuning-Free Alignment of Diffusion Models with Direct Noise Optimization

Title: DecomCAM: Advancing Beyond Saliency Maps through Decomposition and Integration

Title: Compressing Large Language Models using Low Rank and Low Precision Decomposition

Title: Locally Estimated Global Perturbations are Better than Local Perturbations for Federated Sharpness-aware Minimization

Title: Language Generation with Strictly Proper Scoring Rules

Title: Towards Faithful Chain-of-Thought: Large Language Models are Bridging Reasoners

Title: Causal Action Influence Aware Counterfactual Data Augmentation

Title: GLANCE: Global Actions in a Nutshell for Counterfactual Explainability

Title: Federated Continual Learning Goes Online: Leveraging Uncertainty for Modality-Agnostic Class-Incremental Learning

Title: Kestrel: Point Grounding Multimodal LLM for Part-Aware 3D Vision-Language Understanding

Title: Are You Sure? Rank Them Again: Repeated Ranking For Better Preference Datasets

Title: RGB-T Object Detection via Group Shuffled Multi-receptive Attention and Multi-modal Supervision

Title: Transcending Fusion: A Multi-Scale Alignment Method for Remote Sensing Image-Text Retrieval

Title: Federated Learning with Bilateral Curation for Partially Class-Disjoint Data

Title: Federated Learning under Partially Class-Disjoint Data via Manifold Reshaping

Title: Robust Optimization in Protein Fitness Landscapes Using Reinforcement Learning in Latent Space

Title: EasyAnimate: A High-Performance Long Video Generation Method based on Transformer Architecture

Title: ParsEval: Evaluation of Parsing Behavior using Real-world Out-in-the-wild X.509 Certificates

Title: FedMAP: Unlocking Potential in Personalized Federated Learning through Bi-Level MAP Optimization

Title: Enhancing Vision-Language Model with Unmasked Token Alignment

Title: Evaluating the External and Parametric Knowledge Fusion of Large Language Models

Title: Towards Standardizing AI Bias Exploration

Title: DiveR-CT: Diversity-enhanced Red Teaming with Relaxing Constraints

Title: BLSP-KD: Bootstrapping Language-Speech Pre-training via Knowledge Distillation

Title: FUSU: A Multi-temporal-source Land Use Change Segmentation Dataset for Fine-grained Urban Semantic Understanding

Title: Robust Entropy Search for Safe Efficient Bayesian Optimization

Title: SIG: Efficient Self-Interpretable Graph Neural Network for Continuous-time Dynamic Graphs

Title: Relevance-aware Algorithmic Recourse

Title: Cephalo: Multi-Modal Vision-Language Models for Bio-Inspired Materials Analysis and Design

Title: MEMoE: Enhancing Model Editing with Mixture of Experts Adaptors

Title: Faithful Chart Summarization with ChaTS-Pi

Title: Efficient Black-box Adversarial Attacks via Bayesian Optimization Guided by a Function Prior

Title: DataSafe: Copyright Protection with PUF Watermarking and Blockchain Tracking

Title: Enhancing Zero-Shot Facial Expression Recognition by LLM Knowledge Transfer

Title: Poseidon: Efficient Foundation Models for PDEs

Title: Voice Jailbreak Attacks Against GPT-4o

Title: Offline Regularised Reinforcement Learning for Large Language Models Alignment

Title: PathReasoner: Modeling Reasoning Path with Equivalent Extension for Logical Question Answering

Title: Can Graph Learning Improve Task Planning?

Title: Spatio-Spectral Graph Neural Networks

Title: A Study of Plasticity Loss in On-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning

Title: Does learning the right latent variables necessarily improve in-context learning?

Title: Transformers as Neural Operators for Solutions of Differential Equations with Finite Regularity

Title: Exploring AI-based Anonymization of Industrial Image and Video Data in the Context of Feature Preservation

Title: Model Agnostic Defense against Adversarial Patch Attacks on Object Detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Title: Diffusion-based Dynamics Models for Long-Horizon Rollout in Offline Reinforcement Learning

Title: LOGO: Video Text Spotting with Language Collaboration and Glyph Perception Model

Title: Going beyond compositional generalization, DDPMs can produce zero-shot interpolation

Title: $E^{3}$Gen: Efficient, Expressive and Editable Avatars Generation

Title: VideoTree: Adaptive Tree-based Video Representation for LLM Reasoning on Long Videos

Title: Gone but Not Forgotten: Improved Benchmarks for Machine Unlearning

Title: Partial Information Decomposition for Data Interpretability and Feature Selection

Title: Forward-Backward Knowledge Distillation for Continual Clustering

Title: ConceptPrune: Concept Editing in Diffusion Models via Skilled Neuron Pruning

Title: Weak Generative Sampler to Efficiently Sample Invariant Distribution of Stochastic Differential Equation

Title: A Privacy-Preserving Graph Encryption Scheme Based on Oblivious RAM

Title: Weak-to-Strong Search: Align Large Language Models via Searching over Small Language Models

Title: AlchemistCoder: Harmonizing and Eliciting Code Capability by Hindsight Tuning on Multi-source Data

Title: PediatricsGPT: Large Language Models as Chinese Medical Assistants for Pediatric Applications

Title: Mitigating Disparate Impact of Differential Privacy in Federated Learning through Robust Clustering

Title: Deep Latent Variable Modeling of Physiological Signals

Title: Understanding and Minimising Outlier Features in Neural Network Training

Title: Programmable Motion Generation for Open-Set Motion Control Tasks

Title: MASSIVE Multilingual Abstract Meaning Representation: A Dataset and Baselines for Hallucination Detection

Title: 3D Neural Edge Reconstruction

Title: Expert-Guided Extinction of Toxic Tokens for Debiased Generation

Title: Measuring and Mitigating Bias for Tabular Datasets with Multiple Protected Attributes

Title: Matryoshka Query Transformer for Large Vision-Language Models

Title: Robust Preference Optimization through Reward Model Distillation

Title: Value-Incentivized Preference Optimization: A Unified Approach to Online and Offline RLHF

Title: DGD: Dynamic 3D Gaussians Distillation

Title: Are Large Language Models Chameleons?

Title: Nearest Neighbor Speculative Decoding for LLM Generation and Attribution

Title: Reasoning3D -- Grounding and Reasoning in 3D: Fine-Grained Zero-Shot Open-Vocabulary 3D Reasoning Part Segmentation via Large Vision-Language Models

Title: MAP-Neo: Highly Capable and Transparent Bilingual Large Language Model Series

Title: Self-Exploring Language Models: Active Preference Elicitation for Online Alignment

Title: Multi-Modal Generative Embedding Model

Title: X-VILA: Cross-Modality Alignment for Large Language Model