
Title: Dynamic and Adaptive Feature Generation with LLM

Title: Robust Prediction Model for Multidimensional and Unbalanced Datasets

Title: Mutual Information Guided Backdoor Mitigation for Pre-trained Encoders

Title: Buffered Asynchronous Secure Aggregation for Cross-Device Federated Learning

Title: Noise-Aware Algorithm for Heterogeneous Differentially Private Federated Learning

Title: VideoPhy: Evaluating Physical Commonsense for Video Generation

Title: A Geometric View of Data Complexity: Efficient Local Intrinsic Dimension Estimation with Diffusion Models

Title: Npix2Cpix: A GAN-based Image-to-Image Translation Network with Retrieval-Classification Integration for Watermark Retrieval from Historical Document Images

Title: Stateless and Non-Interactive Order-Preserving Encryption for Outsourced Databases through Subtractive Homomorphism

Title: Reconciling Heterogeneous Effects in Causal Inference

Title: Enhancing Traffic Sign Recognition with Tailored Data Augmentation: Addressing Class Imbalance and Instance Scarcity

Title: Understanding the Limitations of Diffusion Concept Algebra Through Food

Title: A Comparison of Recent Algorithms for Symbolic Regression to Genetic Programming

Title: Ranking Manipulation for Conversational Search Engines

Title: Hi5: 2D Hand Pose Estimation with Zero Human Annotation

Title: Knowledge-Infused Legal Wisdom: Navigating LLM Consultation through the Lens of Diagnostics and Positive-Unlabeled Reinforcement Learning

Title: Alignment Calibration: Machine Unlearning for Contrastive Learning under Auditing

Title: Fantastyc: Blockchain-based Federated Learning Made Secure and Practical

Title: FedPylot: Navigating Federated Learning for Real-Time Object Detection in Internet of Vehicles

Title: Advancing Anomaly Detection: Non-Semantic Financial Data Encoding with LLMs

Title: TACT: Advancing Complex Aggregative Reasoning with Information Extraction Tools

Title: Private Online Learning via Lazy Algorithms

Title: Discovering Bias in Latent Space: An Unsupervised Debiasing Approach

Title: What Makes Language Models Good-enough?

Title: 3rd Place Solution for MOSE Track in CVPR 2024 PVUW workshop: Complex Video Object Segmentation

Title: Bayesian Power Steering: An Effective Approach for Domain Adaptation of Diffusion Models

Title: Principles of Designing Robust Remote Face Anti-Spoofing Systems

Title: BindGPT: A Scalable Framework for 3D Molecular Design via Language Modeling and Reinforcement Learning

Title: Evaluating the World Model Implicit in a Generative Model

Title: FACOS: Enabling Privacy Protection Through Fine-Grained Access Control with On-chain and Off-chain System

Title: M-QALM: A Benchmark to Assess Clinical Reading Comprehension and Knowledge Recall in Large Language Models via Question Answering

Title: DSNet: A Novel Way to Use Atrous Convolutions in Semantic Segmentation

Title: Synthesizing Conversations from Unlabeled Documents using Automatic Response Segmentation

Title: What Should Embeddings Embed? Autoregressive Models Represent Latent Generating Distributions

Title: TwinS: Revisiting Non-Stationarity in Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Title: A Survey on Medical Large Language Models: Technology, Application, Trustworthiness, and Future Directions

Title: Generalization-Enhanced Code Vulnerability Detection via Multi-Task Instruction Fine-Tuning

Title: JIGMARK: A Black-Box Approach for Enhancing Image Watermarks against Diffusion Model Edits

Title: Gear-NeRF: Free-Viewpoint Rendering and Tracking with Motion-aware Spatio-Temporal Sampling

Title: LLMEmbed: Rethinking Lightweight LLM's Genuine Function in Text Classification

Title: Evaluating Durability: Benchmark Insights into Multimodal Watermarking

Title: FastGAS: Fast Graph-based Annotation Selection for In-Context Learning

Title: Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Advanced Transformer Model

Title: Your Absorbing Discrete Diffusion Secretly Models the Conditional Distributions of Clean Data

Title: ReDistill: Residual Encoded Distillation for Peak Memory Reduction

Title: Efficient Knowledge Infusion via KG-LLM Alignment

Title: Instance Segmentation and Teeth Classification in Panoramic X-rays

Title: NAP^2: A Benchmark for Naturalness and Privacy-Preserving Text Rewriting by Learning from Human

Title: Adaptive Multi-Scale Decomposition Framework for Time Series Forecasting

Title: Enhancing In-Context Learning Performance with just SVD-Based Weight Pruning: A Theoretical Perspective

Title: Empirical Guidelines for Deploying LLMs onto Resource-constrained Edge Devices

Title: Count-mean Sketch as an Optimized Framework for Frequency Estimation with Local Differential Privacy

Title: Adaptive Lightweight Security for Performance Efficiency in Critical Healthcare Monitoring

Title: Enhancing Graph U-Nets for Mesh-Agnostic Spatio-Temporal Flow Prediction

Title: End-to-End Trainable Soft Retriever for Low-resource Relation Extraction

Title: Light-PEFT: Lightening Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning via Early Pruning

Title: Enhanced Semantic Segmentation Pipeline for WeatherProof Dataset Challenge

Title: Continual Counting with Gradual Privacy Expiration

Title: AutoJailbreak: Exploring Jailbreak Attacks and Defenses through a Dependency Lens

Title: Cross-variable Linear Integrated ENhanced Transformer for Photovoltaic power forecasting

Title: Amortized Equation Discovery in Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Title: Subspace Clustering in Wavelet Packets Domain

Title: Predictability Analysis of Regression Problems via Conditional Entropy Estimations

Title: Chaos with Keywords: Exposing Large Language Models Sycophancy to Misleading Keywords and Evaluating Defense Strategies

Title: Malware Classification Based on Image Segmentation

Title: Exploiting Global Graph Homophily for Generalized Defense in Graph Neural Networks

Title: Monocular Localization with Semantics Map for Autonomous Vehicles

Title: Proactive Detection of Physical Inter-rule Vulnerabilities in IoT Services Using a Deep Learning Approach

Title: Lean Workbook: A large-scale Lean problem set formalized from natural language math problems

Title: A Noise-robust Multi-head Attention Mechanism for Formation Resistivity Prediction: Frequency Aware LSTM

Title: Speculative Decoding via Early-exiting for Faster LLM Inference with Thompson Sampling Control Mechanism

Title: Performance of large language models in numerical vs. semantic medical knowledge: Benchmarking on evidence-based Q&As

Title: MuJo: Multimodal Joint Feature Space Learning for Human Activity Recognition

Title: Behavior-Targeted Attack on Reinforcement Learning with Limited Access to Victim's Policy

Title: LLplace: The 3D Indoor Scene Layout Generation and Editing via Large Language Model

Title: Decoder-only Streaming Transformer for Simultaneous Translation

Title: Memorization in deep learning: A survey

Title: Evaluating the IWSLT2023 Speech Translation Tasks: Human Annotations, Automatic Metrics, and Segmentation

Title: Spontaneous Speech-Based Suicide Risk Detection Using Whisper and Large Language Models

Title: HeSum: a Novel Dataset for Abstractive Text Summarization in Hebrew

Title: Exploring the Zero-Shot Capabilities of Vision-Language Models for Improving Gaze Following

Title: Frequency-based Matcher for Long-tailed Semantic Segmentation

Title: Vectorized Conditional Neural Fields: A Framework for Solving Time-dependent Parametric Partial Differential Equations

Title: Towards Physically Consistent Deep Learning For Climate Model Parameterizations

Title: Beyond Similarity: Personalized Federated Recommendation with Composite Aggregation

Title: Weight-based Decomposition: A Case for Bilinear MLPs

Title: UltraMedical: Building Specialized Generalists in Biomedicine

Title: A + B: A General Generator-Reader Framework for Optimizing LLMs to Unleash Synergy Potential

Title: LNQ Challenge 2023: Learning Mediastinal Lymph Node Segmentation with a Probabilistic Lymph Node Atlas

Title: On The Persona-based Summarization of Domain-Specific Documents

Title: Assessing LLMs for Zero-shot Abstractive Summarization Through the Lens of Relevance Paraphrasing

Title: 3rd Place Solution for PVUW Challenge 2024: Video Panoptic Segmentation

Title: PowerPeeler: A Precise and General Dynamic Deobfuscation Method for PowerShell Scripts

Title: Jailbreak Vision Language Models via Bi-Modal Adversarial Prompt

Title: Shaping History: Advanced Machine Learning Techniques for the Analysis and Dating of Cuneiform Tablets over Three Millennia

Title: Energy-based Epistemic Uncertainty for Graph Neural Networks

Title: Ask LLMs Directly, "What shapes your bias?": Measuring Social Bias in Large Language Models

Title: Batch-in-Batch: a new adversarial training framework for initial perturbation and sample selection

Title: Federated TrustChain: Blockchain-Enhanced LLM Training and Unlearning

Title: Bootstrapping Expectiles in Reinforcement Learning

Title: On Limitation of Transformer for Learning HMMs

Title: Interpretable Lightweight Transformer via Unrolling of Learned Graph Smoothness Priors

Title: Scaling and evaluating sparse autoencoders

Title: Enhancing Weather Predictions: Super-Resolution via Deep Diffusion Models

Title: Class-Aware Cartilage Segmentation for Autonomous US-CT Registration in Robotic Intercostal Ultrasound Imaging

Title: Multistep Distillation of Diffusion Models via Moment Matching

Title: Explainability and Hate Speech: Structured Explanations Make Social Media Moderators Faster

Title: Uncovering Limitations of Large Language Models in Information Seeking from Tables

Title: Global Parameterization-based Texture Space Optimization

Title: LenslessFace: An End-to-End Optimized Lensless System for Privacy-Preserving Face Verification

Title: Legal Judgment Reimagined: PredEx and the Rise of Intelligent AI Interpretation in Indian Courts

Title: Do Language Models Understand Morality? Towards a Robust Detection of Moral Content

Title: Every Answer Matters: Evaluating Commonsense with Probabilistic Measures

Title: Towards Understanding Task-agnostic Debiasing Through the Lenses of Intrinsic Bias and Forgetfulness

Title: Pointer-Guided Pre-Training: Infusing Large Language Models with Paragraph-Level Contextual Awareness

Title: Confabulation: The Surprising Value of Large Language Model Hallucinations

Title: A Voxel-based Approach for Simulating Microbial Decomposition in Soil: Comparison with LBM and Improvement of Morphological Models

Title: DICE: Detecting In-distribution Contamination in LLM's Fine-tuning Phase for Math Reasoning

Title: Legal Documents Drafting with Fine-Tuned Pre-Trained Large Language Model

Title: Diffusion-based image inpainting with internal learning

Title: Aligning Agents like Large Language Models

Title: ValueBench: Towards Comprehensively Evaluating Value Orientations and Understanding of Large Language Models

Title: What Do Language Models Learn in Context? The Structured Task Hypothesis

Title: Rethinking LLM and Linguistic Steganalysis: An Efficient Detection of Strongly Concealed Stego

Title: Multi-Agent Imitation Learning: Value is Easy, Regret is Hard

Title: BEADs: Bias Evaluation Across Domains

Title: Matching Anything by Segmenting Anything

Title: R-CONV: An Analytical Approach for Efficient Data Reconstruction via Convolutional Gradients

Title: FairytaleQA Translated: Enabling Educational Question and Answer Generation in Less-Resourced Languages

Title: Understanding Information Storage and Transfer in Multi-modal Large Language Models

Title: Solving Inverse Problems in Protein Space Using Diffusion-Based Priors

Title: Benchmark Data Contamination of Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: A Survey on 3D Human Avatar Modeling -- From Reconstruction to Generation

Title: GeoGen: Geometry-Aware Generative Modeling via Signed Distance Functions

Title: Data Measurements for Decentralized Data Markets

Title: Transformers need glasses! Information over-squashing in language tasks

Title: Buffer of Thoughts: Thought-Augmented Reasoning with Large Language Models

Title: Self-Play with Adversarial Critic: Provable and Scalable Offline Alignment for Language Models

Title: Generative AI-in-the-loop: Integrating LLMs and GPTs into the Next Generation Networks

Title: VideoTetris: Towards Compositional Text-to-Video Generation

Title: Characterizing Similarities and Divergences in Conversational Tones in Humans and LLMs by Sampling with People

Title: ABEX: Data Augmentation for Low-Resource NLU via Expanding Abstract Descriptions

Title: SpectralZoom: Efficient Segmentation with an Adaptive Hyperspectral Camera

Title: What Languages are Easy to Language-Model? A Perspective from Learning Probabilistic Regular Languages

Title: Providing High-Performance Execution with a Sequential Contract for Cryptographic Programs

Title: Everything to the Synthetic: Diffusion-driven Test-time Adaptation via Synthetic-Domain Alignment

Title: NoisyGL: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Graph Neural Networks under Label Noise

Title: Neural Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Views Using Epipolar Geometry

Title: Vision-LSTM: xLSTM as Generic Vision Backbone

Title: Semantically Diverse Language Generation for Uncertainty Estimation in Language Models

Title: ReNO: Enhancing One-step Text-to-Image Models through Reward-based Noise Optimization

Title: Improving Alignment and Robustness with Short Circuiting

Title: Step-aware Preference Optimization: Aligning Preference with Denoising Performance at Each Step

Title: Omni6DPose: A Benchmark and Model for Universal 6D Object Pose Estimation and Tracking

Title: DIRECT-3D: Learning Direct Text-to-3D Generation on Massive Noisy 3D Data

Title: ATraDiff: Accelerating Online Reinforcement Learning with Imaginary Trajectories

Title: SF-V: Single Forward Video Generation Model

Title: Simplified and Generalized Masked Diffusion for Discrete Data

Title: Parameter-Inverted Image Pyramid Networks

Title: PaCE: Parsimonious Concept Engineering for Large Language Models

Title: BitsFusion: 1.99 bits Weight Quantization of Diffusion Model

Title: DeepStack: Deeply Stacking Visual Tokens is Surprisingly Simple and Effective for LMMs

Title: On the Expressive Power of Spectral Invariant Graph Neural Networks

Title: Coherent Zero-Shot Visual Instruction Generation

Title: Physics3D: Learning Physical Properties of 3D Gaussians via Video Diffusion

Title: RoboMamba: Multimodal State Space Model for Efficient Robot Reasoning and Manipulation

Title: GLACE: Global Local Accelerated Coordinate Encoding

Title: Interpreting the Second-Order Effects of Neurons in CLIP

Title: Verbalized Machine Learning: Revisiting Machine Learning with Language Models

Title: Stereo-Depth Fusion through Virtual Pattern Projection