
Title: QCQA: Quality and Capacity-aware grouped Query Attention

Title: On the Worst Prompt Performance of Large Language Models

Title: The Impact of Quantization on Retrieval-Augmented Generation: An Analysis of Small LLMs

Title: D\'eveloppement automatique de lexiques pour les concepts \'emergents : une exploration m\'ethodologique

Title: Towards Signal Processing In Large Language Models

Title: Curating Grounded Synthetic Data with Global Perspectives for Equitable A

Title: Optimal synthesis embeddings

Title: Flextron: Many-in-One Flexible Large Language Model

Title: FoodSky: A Food-oriented Large Language Model that Passes the Chef and Dietetic Examination

Title: Unused information in token probability distribution of generative LLM: improving LLM reading comprehension through calculation of expected values

Title: Markov Constraint as Large Language Model Surrogate

Title: A Conceptual Framework For Trie-Augmented Neural Networks (TANNS)

Title: Beyond Words: On Large Language Models Actionability in Mission-Critical Risk Analysis

Title: Prompt-Based Length Controlled Generation with Multiple Control Types

Title: Transferable Embedding Inversion Attack: Uncovering Privacy Risks in Text Embeddings without Model Queries

Title: Watermarking Language Models with Error Correcting Codes

Title: Hardware-based stack buffer overflow attack detection on RISC-V architectures

Title: Attentive Merging of Hidden Embeddings from Pre-trained Speech Model for Anti-spoofing Detection

Title: I Don't Know You, But I Can Catch You: Real-Time Defense against Diverse Adversarial Patches for Object Detectors

Title: Malicious URL Detection using optimized Hist Gradient Boosting Classifier based on grid search method

Title: Security Decisions for Cyber-Physical Systems based on Solving Critical Node Problems with Vulnerable Nodes

Title: Mimicking User Data: On Mitigating Fine-Tuning Risks in Closed Large Language Models

Title: VeraCT Scan: Retrieval-Augmented Fake News Detection with Justifiable Reasoning

Title: MobileAIBench: Benchmarking LLMs and LMMs for On-Device Use Cases

Title: RelevAI-Reviewer: A Benchmark on AI Reviewers for Survey Paper Relevance

Title: Robustness of Structured Data Extraction from In-plane Rotated Documents using Multi-Modal Large Language Models (LLM)

Title: CLST: Cold-Start Mitigation in Knowledge Tracing by Aligning a Generative Language Model as a Students' Knowledge Tracer

Title: Cyberattack Data Analysis in IoT Environments using Big Data

Title: A Survey on Large Language Models from General Purpose to Medical Applications: Datasets, Methodologies, and Evaluations

Title: Enhancing Voice Wake-Up for Dysarthria: Mandarin Dysarthria Speech Corpus Release and Customized System Design

Title: What is the best model? Application-driven Evaluation for Large Language Models

Title: CHiSafetyBench: A Chinese Hierarchical Safety Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: From Pixels to Prose: A Large Dataset of Dense Image Captions

Title: SigDiffusions: Score-Based Diffusion Models for Long Time Series via Log-Signature Embeddings

Title: I Still See You: Why Existing IoT Traffic Reshaping Fails

Title: A Benchmark Suite for Systematically Evaluating Reasoning Shortcuts

Title: EWEK-QA: Enhanced Web and Efficient Knowledge Graph Retrieval for Citation-based Question Answering Systems

Title: Self-Reflection Outcome is Sensitive to Prompt Construction

Title: Byzantine-Robust Decentralized Federated Learning

Title: Enhanced Intrusion Detection System for Multiclass Classification in UAV Networks

Title: Learning Flexible Time-windowed Granger Causality Integrating Heterogeneous Interventional Time Series Data

Title: SciEx: Benchmarking Large Language Models on Scientific Exams with Human Expert Grading and Automatic Grading

Title: What is the Visual Cognition Gap between Humans and Multimodal LLMs?

Title: Adaptive Randomized Smoothing: Certifying Multi-Step Defences against Adversarial Examples

Title: Consistency-diversity-realism Pareto fronts of conditional image generative models

Title: Enhancing In-Context Learning with Semantic Representations for Relation Extraction

Title: Domain-Specific Shorthand for Generation Based on Context-Free Grammar

Title: The BabyView dataset: High-resolution egocentric videos of infants' and young children's everyday experiences

Title: CancerLLM: A Large Language Model in Cancer Domain

Title: CoMM: A Coherent Interleaved Image-Text Dataset for Multimodal Understanding and Generation

Title: Personalized Pieces: Efficient Personalized Large Language Models through Collaborative Efforts

Title: Discrete Latent Perspective Learning for Segmentation and Detection

Title: From Words to Worlds: Transforming One-line Prompt into Immersive Multi-modal Digital Stories with Communicative LLM Agent

Title: Beyond Raw Videos: Understanding Edited Videos with Large Multimodal Model

Title: Do Large Language Models Discriminate in Hiring Decisions on the Basis of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender?

Title: Large Language Models as Event Forecasters

Title: CroPrompt: Cross-task Interactive Prompting for Zero-shot Spoken Language Understanding

Title: Lift Your Molecules: Molecular Graph Generation in Latent Euclidean Space

Title: Self Pre-training with Topology- and Spatiality-aware Masked Autoencoders for 3D Medical Image Segmentation

Title: MALLM-GAN: Multi-Agent Large Language Model as Generative Adversarial Network for Synthesizing Tabular Data

Title: Humor in AI: Massive Scale Crowd-Sourced Preferences and Benchmarks for Cartoon Captioning

Title: Panoptic-FlashOcc: An Efficient Baseline to Marry Semantic Occupancy with Panoptic via Instance Center

Title: A Theory of Interpretable Approximations

Title: Self-Supervised Vision Transformer for Enhanced Virtual Clothes Try-On

Title: NeRFDeformer: NeRF Transformation from a Single View via 3D Scene Flows

Title: Large Language Model Enhanced Clustering for News Event Detection

Title: A Comprehensive Taxonomy and Analysis of Talking Head Synthesis: Techniques for Portrait Generation, Driving Mechanisms, and Editing

Title: Grad-Instructor: Universal Backpropagation with Explainable Evaluation Neural Networks for Meta-learning and AutoML

Title: Facts-and-Feelings: Capturing both Objectivity and Subjectivity in Table-to-Text Generation

Title: We Care: Multimodal Depression Detection and Knowledge Infused Mental Health Therapeutic Response Generation

Title: Privacy-Preserving Heterogeneous Federated Learning for Sensitive Healthcare Data

Title: MDA: An Interpretable Multi-Modal Fusion with Missing Modalities and Intrinsic Noise

Title: Graph Neural Backdoor: Fundamentals, Methodologies, Applications, and Future Directions

Title: Optimization-based Structural Pruning for Large Language Models without Back-Propagation

Title: Robust Image Classification in the Presence of Out-of-Distribution and Adversarial Samples Using Attractors in Neural Networks

Title: IMDL-BenCo: A Comprehensive Benchmark and Codebase for Image Manipulation Detection & Localization

Title: BlockPruner: Fine-grained Pruning for Large Language Models

Title: SparseRadNet: Sparse Perception Neural Network on Subsampled Radar Data

Title: Multilingual Large Language Models and Curse of Multilinguality

Title: HiFGL: A Hierarchical Framework for Cross-silo Cross-device Federated Graph Learning

Title: StructBench: An Autogenerated Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Model's Ability in Structure-Rich Text Understanding

Title: On the Hardness of Faithful Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Large Language Models

Title: Emerging Safety Attack and Defense in Federated Instruction Tuning of Large Language Models

Title: Applications of Generative AI in Healthcare: algorithmic, ethical, legal and societal considerations

Title: Seeing Clearly, Answering Incorrectly: A Multimodal Robustness Benchmark for Evaluating MLLMs on Leading Questions

Title: MDeRainNet: An Efficient Neural Network for Rain Streak Removal from Macro-pixel Images

Title: E-SAGE: Explainability-based Defense Against Backdoor Attacks on Graph Neural Networks

Title: DIEKAE: Difference Injection for Efficient Knowledge Augmentation and Editing of Large Language Models

Title: UniZero: Generalized and Efficient Planning with Scalable Latent World Models

Title: SemanticMIM: Marring Masked Image Modeling with Semantics Compression for General Visual Representation

Title: A Late-Stage Bitemporal Feature Fusion Network for Semantic Change Detection

Title: Nurgle: Exacerbating Resource Consumption in Blockchain State Storage via MPT Manipulation

Title: Voxel Mamba: Group-Free State Space Models for Point Cloud based 3D Object Detection

Title: MIND: Multimodal Shopping Intention Distillation from Large Vision-language Models for E-commerce Purchase Understanding

Title: MMVR: Millimeter-wave Multi-View Radar Dataset and Benchmark for Indoor Perception

Title: Object Detection using Oriented Window Learning Vi-sion Transformer: Roadway Assets Recognition

Title: Trading Devil: Robust backdoor attack via Stochastic investment models and Bayesian approach

Title: GenMM: Geometrically and Temporally Consistent Multimodal Data Generation for Video and LiDAR

Title: A Comprehensive Survey of Foundation Models in Medicine

Title: FreeMotion: MoCap-Free Human Motion Synthesis with Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Spuriousness-Aware Meta-Learning for Learning Robust Classifiers

Title: Technique Report of CVPR 2024 PBDL Challenges

Title: GNOME: Generating Negotiations through Open-Domain Mapping of Exchanges

Title: Quantifying Generative Media Bias with a Corpus of Real-world and Generated News Articles

Title: Quest: Query-Aware Sparsity for Efficient Long-Context LLM Inference

Title: ShareLoRA: Parameter Efficient and Robust Large Language Model Fine-tuning via Shared Low-Rank Adaptation

Title: Learning Traffic Crashes as Language: Datasets, Benchmarks, and What-if Causal Analyses

Title: Towards Understanding Jailbreak Attacks in LLMs: A Representation Space Analysis

Title: STAR: Scale-wise Text-to-image generation via Auto-Regressive representations

Title: Federated Learning Optimization: A Comparative Study of Data and Model Exchange Strategies in Dynamic Networks

Title: KGPA: Robustness Evaluation for Large Language Models via Cross-Domain Knowledge Graphs

Title: Diffusion Model With Optimal Covariance Matching

Title: Post-hoc Utterance Refining Method by Entity Mining for Faithful Knowledge Grounded Conversations

Title: LLMFactor: Extracting Profitable Factors through Prompts for Explainable Stock Movement Prediction

Title: Self-Evolution Fine-Tuning for Policy Optimization

Title: GUI-WORLD: A Dataset for GUI-oriented Multimodal LLM-based Agents

Title: PyramidMamba: Rethinking Pyramid Feature Fusion with Selective Space State Model for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery

Title: A Comprehensive Survey of Scientific Large Language Models and Their Applications in Scientific Discovery

Title: Exposing the Achilles' Heel: Evaluating LLMs Ability to Handle Mistakes in Mathematical Reasoning

Title: Reminding Multimodal Large Language Models of Object-aware Knowledge with Retrieved Tags

Title: CBGBench: Fill in the Blank of Protein-Molecule Complex Binding Graph

Title: Large Language Models for Automatic Milestone Detection in Group Discussions

Title: LAIP: Learning Local Alignment from Image-Phrase Modeling for Text-based Person Search

Title: NBA: defensive distillation for backdoor removal via neural behavior alignment

Title: Leading Whitespaces of Language Models' Subword Vocabulary Poses a Confound for Calculating Word Probabilities

Title: MV2Cyl: Reconstructing 3D Extrusion Cylinders from Multi-View Images

Title: ALPS: An Auto-Labeling and Pre-training Scheme for Remote Sensing Segmentation With Segment Anything Model

Title: Step-level Value Preference Optimization for Mathematical Reasoning

Title: Knowledge Distillation in Federated Learning: a Survey on Long Lasting Challenges and New Solutions

Title: Geometric-informed GFlowNets for Structure-Based Drug Design

Title: Analyzing Key Neurons in Large Language Models

Title: COOL: Comprehensive Knowledge Enhanced Prompt Learning for Domain Adaptive Few-shot Fake News Detection

Title: Graph Neural Reaction Diffusion Models

Title: Exploring the Potential of Multimodal LLM with Knowledge-Intensive Multimodal ASR

Title: Teaching Large Language Models to Express Knowledge Boundary from Their Own Signals

Title: SCAR: Efficient Instruction-Tuning for Large Language Models via Style Consistency-Aware Response Ranking

Title: Linkage on Security, Privacy and Fairness in Federated Learning: New Balances and New Perspectives

Title: Distilling Opinions at Scale: Incremental Opinion Summarization using XL-OPSUMM

Title: Imperceptible Face Forgery Attack via Adversarial Semantic Mask

Title: RWKU: Benchmarking Real-World Knowledge Unlearning for Large Language Models

Title: Benchmarking Label Noise in Instance Segmentation: Spatial Noise Matters

Title: Light Up the Shadows: Enhance Long-Tailed Entity Grounding with Concept-Guided Vision-Language Models

Title: New Solutions on LLM Acceleration, Optimization, and Application

Title: Breaking the Attention Bottleneck

Title: MICL: Improving In-Context Learning through Multiple-Label Words in Demonstration

Title: First-Order Manifold Data Augmentation for Regression Learning

Title: Bayesian Intervention Optimization for Causal Discovery

Title: Embodied Question Answering via Multi-LLM Systems

Title: Generating Tables from the Parametric Knowledge of Language Models

Title: Investigating Video Reasoning Capability of Large Language Models with Tropes in Movies

Title: Make Your Home Safe: Time-aware Unsupervised User Behavior Anomaly Detection in Smart Homes via Loss-guided Mask

Title: Improving Adversarial Robustness via Decoupled Visual Representation Masking

Title: E-Bench: Towards Evaluating the Ease-of-Use of Large Language Models

Title: Don't Forget Too Much: Towards Machine Unlearning on Feature Level

Title: Avoiding Copyright Infringement via Machine Unlearning

Title: Really Unlearned? Verifying Machine Unlearning via Influential Sample Pairs

Title: Towards Efficient Target-Level Machine Unlearning Based on Essential Graph

Title: Eliminating Biased Length Reliance of Direct Preference Optimization via Down-Sampled KL Divergence

Title: ESCoT: Towards Interpretable Emotional Support Dialogue Systems

Title: Open-Vocabulary X-ray Prohibited Item Detection via Fine-tuning CLIP

Title: DocNet: Semantic Structure in Inductive Bias Detection Models

Title: ExPLoRA: Parameter-Efficient Extended Pre-Training to Adapt Vision Transformers under Domain Shifts

Title: Promoting Data and Model Privacy in Federated Learning through Quantized LoRA

Title: Toward Optimal LLM Alignments Using Two-Player Games

Title: ViD-GPT: Introducing GPT-style Autoregressive Generation in Video Diffusion Models

Title: Revisiting Cosine Similarity via Normalized ICA-transformed Embeddings

Title: Taking a Deep Breath: Enhancing Language Modeling of Large Language Models with Sentinel Tokens

Title: Adaptive Query Rewriting: Aligning Rewriters through Marginal Probability of Conversational Answers

Title: THEANINE: Revisiting Memory Management in Long-term Conversations with Timeline-augmented Response Generation

Title: Not All Bias is Bad: Balancing Rational Deviations and Cognitive Biases in Large Language Model Reasoning

Title: Threat Modelling and Risk Analysis for Large Language Model (LLM)-Powered Applications

Title: WeShap: Weak Supervision Source Evaluation with Shapley Values

Title: Data Shapley in One Training Run

Title: Connecting the Dots: Evaluating Abstract Reasoning Capabilities of LLMs Using the New York Times Connections Word Game

Title: Self-supervised Pretraining and Finetuning for Monocular Depth and Visual Odometry

Title: RUPBench: Benchmarking Reasoning Under Perturbations for Robustness Evaluation in Large Language Models

Title: $\alpha$-SSC: Uncertainty-Aware Camera-based 3D Semantic Scene Completion

Title: Boosting Medical Image Classification with Segmentation Foundation Model

Title: Universal Cross-Lingual Text Classification

Title: FoodieQA: A Multimodal Dataset for Fine-Grained Understanding of Chinese Food Culture

Title: garak: A Framework for Security Probing Large Language Models

Title: Evaluating the Performance of Large Language Models via Debates

Title: Kolmogorov Arnold Informed neural network: A physics-informed deep learning framework for solving PDEs based on Kolmogorov Arnold Networks

Title: Leveraging Foundation Models for Multi-modal Federated Learning with Incomplete Modality

Title: A Peek into Token Bias: Large Language Models Are Not Yet Genuine Reasoners

Title: Can LLMs Understand the Implication of Emphasized Sentences in Dialogue?

Title: Exploring the Limitations of Detecting Machine-Generated Text

Title: Learning Relighting and Intrinsic Decomposition in Neural Radiance Fields

Title: MemDPT: Differential Privacy for Memory Efficient Language Models

Title: The Potential and Challenges of Evaluating Attitudes, Opinions, and Values in Large Language Models

Title: InstructCMP: Length Control in Sentence Compression through Instruction-based Large Language Models

Title: An Analysis on Quantizing Diffusion Transformers

Title: Grading Massive Open Online Courses Using Large Language Models

Title: Exploiting Diffusion Prior for Out-of-Distribution Detection

Title: From Intentions to Techniques: A Comprehensive Taxonomy and Challenges in Text Watermarking for Large Language Models

Title: Exploring Safety-Utility Trade-Offs in Personalized Language Models

Title: Investigating Annotator Bias in Large Language Models for Hate Speech Detection

Title: How Neural Networks Learn the Support is an Implicit Regularization Effect of SGD

Title: Grammaticality Representation in ChatGPT as Compared to Linguists and Laypeople

Title: Model Adaptation for Time Constrained Embodied Control

Title: Neural Lineage

Title: Dynamic Order Template Prediction for Generative Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

Title: Are Large Language Models a Good Replacement of Taxonomies?

Title: RePrompt: Planning by Automatic Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models Agents

Title: Diffusion Models in Low-Level Vision: A Survey

Title: Federated Face Forgery Detection Learning with Personalized Representation

Title: GoldCoin: Grounding Large Language Models in Privacy Laws via Contextual Integrity Theory

Title: DeFiGuard: A Price Manipulation Detection Service in DeFi using Graph Neural Networks

Title: Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent with Staleness: A Stochastic Delay Differential Equation Based Framework

Title: How Good are LLMs at Relation Extraction under Low-Resource Scenario? Comprehensive Evaluation

Title: SUGARCREPE++ Dataset: Vision-Language Model Sensitivity to Semantic and Lexical Alterations

Title: Enhancing Criminal Case Matching through Diverse Legal Factors

Title: Watch Every Step! LLM Agent Learning via Iterative Step-Level Process Refinement

Title: TIFG: Text-Informed Feature Generation with Large Language Models

Title: Learning Iterative Reasoning through Energy Diffusion

Title: Save It All: Enabling Full Parameter Tuning for Federated Large Language Models via Cycle Black Gradient Descent

Title: Frozen CLIP: A Strong Backbone for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Title: Aligning Large Language Models from Self-Reference AI Feedback with one General Principle

Title: A Survey on Human Preference Learning for Large Language Models

Title: Beyond Boundaries: Learning a Universal Entity Taxonomy across Datasets and Languages for Open Named Entity Recognition

Title: MMNeuron: Discovering Neuron-Level Domain-Specific Interpretation in Multimodal Large Language Model

Title: In-Context Editing: Learning Knowledge from Self-Induced Distributions

Title: Vid3D: Synthesis of Dynamic 3D Scenes using 2D Video Diffusion

Title: AvaTaR: Optimizing LLM Agents for Tool-Assisted Knowledge Retrieval

Title: Fine-Tuning or Fine-Failing? Debunking Performance Myths in Large Language Models

Title: Consistency^2: Consistent and Fast 3D Painting with Latent Consistency Models

Title: Retraining with Predicted Hard Labels Provably Increases Model Accuracy

Title: Global Data Constraints: Ethical and Effectiveness Challenges in Large Language Model

Title: ComperDial: Commonsense Persona-grounded Dialogue Dataset and Benchmark

Title: Multimodal Needle in a Haystack: Benchmarking Long-Context Capability of Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Probing the Decision Boundaries of In-context Learning in Large Language Models

Title: MiniConGTS: A Near Ultimate Minimalist Contrastive Grid Tagging Scheme for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction

Title: What Kinds of Tokens Benefit from Distant Text? An Analysis on Long Context Language Modeling

Title: Evading AI-Generated Content Detectors using Homoglyphs

Title: The Benefits of Power Regularization in Cooperative Reinforcement Learning

Title: Accurate and Fast Pixel Retrieval with Spatial and Uncertainty Aware Hypergraph Diffusion

Title: STEVE Series: Step-by-Step Construction of Agent Systems in Minecraft

Title: Can Machines Resonate with Humans? Evaluating the Emotional and Empathic Comprehension of LMs

Title: Mining Open Semantics from CLIP: A Relation Transition Perspective for Few-Shot Learning

Title: YOLO9tr: A Lightweight Model for Pavement Damage Detection Utilizing a Generalized Efficient Layer Aggregation Network and Attention Mechanism

Title: ExCP: Extreme LLM Checkpoint Compression via Weight-Momentum Joint Shrinking

Title: Enhancing Biomedical Knowledge Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Self-Rewarding Tree Search and Proximal Policy Optimization

Title: Adversarial Style Augmentation via Large Language Model for Robust Fake News Detection

Title: Generative Visual Instruction Tuning

Title: The Fall of ROME: Understanding the Collapse of LLMs in Model Editing

Title: Mitigating Large Language Model Hallucination with Faithful Finetuning

Title: Skip-Layer Attention: Bridging Abstract and Detailed Dependencies in Transformers

Title: Self-training Large Language Models through Knowledge Detection

Title: Small Agent Can Also Rock! Empowering Small Language Models as Hallucination Detector

Title: Do Not Design, Learn: A Trainable Scoring Function for Uncertainty Estimation in Generative LLMs

Title: From Pixels to Progress: Generating Road Network from Satellite Imagery for Socioeconomic Insights in Impoverished Areas

Title: Enhancing Generalizability of Representation Learning for Data-Efficient 3D Scene Understanding

Title: Self and Cross-Model Distillation for LLMs: Effective Methods for Refusal Pattern Alignment

Title: A Systematic Survey of Text Summarization: From Statistical Methods to Large Language Models

Title: An Empirical Investigation of Matrix Factorization Methods for Pre-trained Transformers

Title: Federated Active Learning Framework for Efficient Annotation Strategy in Skin-lesion Classification

Title: ClawMachine: Fetching Visual Tokens as An Entity for Referring and Grounding

Title: Are Large Language Models True Healthcare Jacks-of-All-Trades? Benchmarking Across Health Professions Beyond Physician Exams

Title: They're All Doctors: Synthesizing Diverse Counterfactuals to Mitigate Associative Bias

Title: Hallucination Mitigation Prompts Long-term Video Understanding

Title: Multimodal Security of Iris and Fingerprint with Bloom Filters

Title: A Systematic Analysis of Large Language Models as Soft Reasoners: The Case of Syllogistic Inferences

Title: Full-ECE: A Metric For Token-level Calibration on Large Language Models

Title: $\texttt{MoE-RBench}$: Towards Building Reliable Language Models with Sparse Mixture-of-Experts

Title: Preserving Knowledge in Large Language Model: A Model-Agnostic Self-Decompression Approach

Title: DIDChain: Advancing Supply Chain Data Management with Decentralized Identifiers and Blockchain

Title: $\textit{Refiner}$: Restructure Retrieval Content Efficiently to Advance Question-Answering Capabilities

Title: Fairer Preferences Elicit Improved Human-Aligned Large Language Model Judgments

Title: Video Frame Interpolation for Polarization via Swin-Transformer

Title: A Realistic Evaluation of LLMs for Quotation Attribution in Literary Texts: A Case Study of LLaMa3

Title: Understanding Multi-Granularity for Open-Vocabulary Part Segmentation

Title: MetaGPT: Merging Large Language Models Using Model Exclusive Task Arithmetic

Title: SEFraud: Graph-based Self-Explainable Fraud Detection via Interpretative Mask Learning

Title: P-TA: Using Proximal Policy Optimization to Enhance Tabular Data Augmentation via Large Language Models

Title: Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Astronomical Entity Disambiguation

Title: Multimodal Structured Generation: CVPR's 2nd MMFM Challenge Technical Report

Title: HARE: HumAn pRiors, a key to small language model Efficiency

Title: Cross-domain Open-world Discovery

Title: Fusion Makes Perfection: An Efficient Multi-Grained Matching Approach for Zero-Shot Relation Extraction

Title: A Simple and Effective $L_2$ Norm-Based Strategy for KV Cache Compression

Title: Super(ficial)-alignment: Strong Models May Deceive Weak Models in Weak-to-Strong Generalization

Title: AnyTrans: Translate AnyText in the Image with Large Scale Models

Title: Analysing the Behaviour of Tree-Based Neural Networks in Regression Tasks

Title: SWCF-Net: Similarity-weighted Convolution and Local-global Fusion for Efficient Large-scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Title: PrAViC: Probabilistic Adaptation Framework for Real-Time Video Classification

Title: Solving the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography for Cardiac Digital Twins: A Survey

Title: MedThink: Inducing Medical Large-scale Visual Language Models to Hallucinate Less by Thinking More

Title: Adaptive Reinforcement Learning Planning: Harnessing Large Language Models for Complex Information Extraction

Title: Adversaries With Incentives: A Strategic Alternative to Adversarial Robustness

Title: Automating Easy Read Text Segmentation

Title: Learning from Exemplars for Interactive Image Segmentation

Title: Promises, Outlooks and Challenges of Diffusion Language Modeling

Title: How Far Can In-Context Alignment Go? Exploring the State of In-Context Alignment

Title: Vocabulary Expansion for Low-resource Cross-lingual Transfer

Title: Analysing zero-shot temporal relation extraction on clinical notes using temporal consistency

Title: Interventional Imbalanced Multi-Modal Representation Learning via $\beta$-Generalization Front-Door Criterion

Title: CrAM: Credibility-Aware Attention Modification in LLMs for Combating Misinformation in RAG

Title: GeoGPT4V: Towards Geometric Multi-modal Large Language Models with Geometric Image Generation

Title: Prior Normality Prompt Transformer for Multi-class Industrial Image Anomaly Detection

Title: Decentralized Credential Status Management: A Paradigm Shift in Digital Trust

Title: Counterfactual Debating with Preset Stances for Hallucination Elimination of LLMs

Title: Obfuscating IoT Device Scanning Activity via Adversarial Example Generation

Title: HyperSIGMA: Hyperspectral Intelligence Comprehension Foundation Model

Title: FullCert: Deterministic End-to-End Certification for Training and Inference of Neural Networks

Title: Inpainting the Gaps: A Novel Framework for Evaluating Explanation Methods in Vision Transformers

Title: Decentralized Credential Verification

Title: Do Parameters Reveal More than Loss for Membership Inference?

Title: GECOBench: A Gender-Controlled Text Dataset and Benchmark for Quantifying Biases in Explanations

Title: Input Conditioned Graph Generation for Language Agents

Title: An Imitative Reinforcement Learning Framework for Autonomous Dogfight

Title: Extrinsic Evaluation of Cultural Competence in Large Language Models

Title: MEMLA: Enhancing Multilingual Knowledge Editing with Neuron-Masked Low-Rank Adaptation

Title: Quaternion Generative Adversarial Neural Networks and Applications to Color Image Inpainting

Title: Towards an End-to-End Framework for Invasive Brain Signal Decoding with Large Language Models

Title: Pre-Training and Personalized Fine-Tuning via Over-the-Air Federated Meta-Learning: Convergence-Generalization Trade-Offs

Title: Harmonizing Feature Maps: A Graph Convolutional Approach for Enhancing Adversarial Robustness

Title: Mathematical Entities: Corpora and Benchmarks

Title: ChildDiffusion: Unlocking the Potential of Generative AI and Controllable Augmentations for Child Facial Data using Stable Diffusion and Large Language Models

Title: Standardizing Structural Causal Models

Title: Learning Hierarchical Semantic Classification by Grounding on Consistent Image Segmentations

Title: Intrinsic Evaluation of Unlearning Using Parametric Knowledge Traces

Title: SoK: A Literature and Engineering Review of Regular Expression Denial of Service

Title: Words in Motion: Representation Engineering for Motion Forecasting

Title: Can Many-Shot In-Context Learning Help Long-Context LLM Judges? See More, Judge Better!

Title: DocGenome: An Open Large-scale Scientific Document Benchmark for Training and Testing Multi-modal Large Language Models

Title: The Base-Rate Effect on LLM Benchmark Performance: Disambiguating Test-Taking Strategies from Benchmark Performance

Title: AnyMaker: Zero-shot General Object Customization via Decoupled Dual-Level ID Injection

Title: A Two-dimensional Zero-shot Dialogue State Tracking Evaluation Method using GPT-4

Title: Ruby Teaming: Improving Quality Diversity Search with Memory for Automated Red Teaming

Title: Can LLM be a Personalized Judge?

Title: Cultural Conditioning or Placebo? On the Effectiveness of Socio-Demographic Prompting

Title: "Not Aligned" is Not "Malicious": Being Careful about Hallucinations of Large Language Models' Jailbreak

Title: Endor: Hardware-Friendly Sparse Format for Offloaded LLM Inference

Title: BLoB: Bayesian Low-Rank Adaptation by Backpropagation for Large Language Models

Title: R-Eval: A Unified Toolkit for Evaluating Domain Knowledge of Retrieval Augmented Large Language Models

Title: Knowledge-to-Jailbreak: One Knowledge Point Worth One Attack

Title: HoLLMwood: Unleashing the Creativity of Large Language Models in Screenwriting via Role Playing

Title: Edge Classification on Graphs: New Directions in Topological Imbalance

Title: Tokenization Falling Short: The Curse of Tokenization

Title: Lightweight Model Pre-training via Language Guided Knowledge Distillation

Title: Meta Reasoning for Large Language Models

Title: A First Physical-World Trajectory Prediction Attack via LiDAR-induced Deceptions in Autonomous Driving

Title: Instruct, Not Assist: LLM-based Multi-Turn Planning and Hierarchical Questioning for Socratic Code Debugging

Title: OGNI-DC: Robust Depth Completion with Optimization-Guided Neural Iterations

Title: Latent Denoising Diffusion GAN: Faster sampling, Higher image quality

Title: Scalable Expressiveness through Preprocessed Graph Perturbations

Title: Measuring memorization in RLHF for code completion

Title: Threat analysis and adversarial model for Smart Grids

Title: Refusal in Language Models Is Mediated by a Single Direction

Title: Secure Cross-Chain Provenance for Digital Forensics Collaboration

Title: Interactive Evolution: A Neural-Symbolic Self-Training Framework For Large Language Models

Title: Transcendence: Generative Models Can Outperform The Experts That Train Them

Title: Matching Query Image Against Selected NeRF Feature for Efficient and Scalable Localization

Title: Deep Learning methodology for the identification of wood species using high-resolution macroscopic images

Title: Improving Multi-Agent Debate with Sparse Communication Topology

Title: Provable Guarantees for Model Performance via Mechanistic Interpretability

Title: Split, Unlearn, Merge: Leveraging Data Attributes for More Effective Unlearning in LLMs

Title: CELL your Model: Contrastive Explanation Methods for Large Language Models

Title: Safety Arithmetic: A Framework for Test-time Safety Alignment of Language Models by Steering Parameters and Activations

Title: Faces of Experimental Pain: Transferability of Deep Learned Heat Pain Features to Electrical Pain

Title: RepLiQA: A Question-Answering Dataset for Benchmarking LLMs on Unseen Reference Content

Title: How Do Large Language Models Acquire Factual Knowledge During Pretraining?

Title: VideoLLM-online: Online Video Large Language Model for Streaming Video

Title: MegaScenes: Scene-Level View Synthesis at Scale

Title: Composing Object Relations and Attributes for Image-Text Matching

Title: WPO: Enhancing RLHF with Weighted Preference Optimization

Title: Exploring the Role of Large Language Models in Prompt Encoding for Diffusion Models

Title: Unveiling Encoder-Free Vision-Language Models

Title: OoDIS: Anomaly Instance Segmentation Benchmark

Title: Scaling the Codebook Size of VQGAN to 100,000 with a Utilization Rate of 99%

Title: Autoregressive Image Generation without Vector Quantization

Title: mDPO: Conditional Preference Optimization for Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: LLaNA: Large Language and NeRF Assistant