
Title: Advancing Histopathology-Based Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Insights into Multi-Modality and Explainability

Title: Can AI Beat Undergraduates in Entry-level Java Assignments? Benchmarking Large Language Models on JavaBench

Title: Reconciling Kaplan and Chinchilla Scaling Laws

Title: Rating Multi-Modal Time-Series Forecasting Models (MM-TSFM) for Robustness Through a Causal Lens

Title: T-JEPA: A Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture for Trajectory Similarity Computation

Title: GROD: Enhancing Generalization of Transformer with Out-of-Distribution Detection

Title: Interpretable Cascading Mixture-of-Experts for Urban Traffic Congestion Prediction

Title: GLiNER multi-task: Generalist Lightweight Model for Various Information Extraction Tasks

Title: Evaluating the Generalization Ability of Quantized LLMs: Benchmark, Analysis, and Toolbox

Title: RMF: A Risk Measurement Framework for Machine Learning Models

Title: Tender: Accelerating Large Language Models via Tensor Decomposition and Runtime Requantization

Title: Current state of LLM Risks and AI Guardrails

Title: ChatBug: A Common Vulnerability of Aligned LLMs Induced by Chat Templates

Title: Security in IS and social engineering -- an overview and state of the art

Title: Semantic Graph Consistency: Going Beyond Patches for Regularizing Self-Supervised Vision Transformers

Title: Under the Hood of Tabular Data Generation Models: the Strong Impact of Hyperparameter Tuning

Title: AutoFirm: Automatically Identifying Reused Libraries inside IoT Firmware at Large-Scale

Title: SHIELD: Evaluation and Defense Strategies for Copyright Compliance in LLM Text Generation

Title: Recurrence over Video Frames (RoVF) for the Re-identification of Meerkats

Title: Detecting Errors through Ensembling Prompts (DEEP): An End-to-End LLM Framework for Detecting Factual Errors

Title: Data Plagiarism Index: Characterizing the Privacy Risk of Data-Copying in Tabular Generative Models

Title: As Advertised? Understanding the Impact of Influencer VPN Ads

Title: ABNet: Attention BarrierNet for Safe and Scalable Robot Learning

Title: D2O:Dynamic Discriminative Operations for Efficient Generative Inference of Large Language Models

Title: Accelerated Stochastic Min-Max Optimization Based on Bias-corrected Momentum

Title: Think-then-Act: A Dual-Angle Evaluated Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: MaskPure: Improving Defense Against Text Adversaries with Stochastic Purification

Title: NoiSec: Harnessing Noise for Security against Adversarial and Backdoor Attacks

Title: Class-specific Data Augmentation for Plant Stress Classification

Title: RITA: A Real-time Interactive Talking Avatars Framework

Title: Exploring and Benchmarking the Planning Capabilities of Large Language Models

Title: DLP: towards active defense against backdoor attacks with decoupled learning process

Title: Sampling 3D Gaussian Scenes in Seconds with Latent Diffusion Models

Title: A transformer boosted UNet for smoke segmentation in complex backgrounds in multispectral LandSat imagery

Title: CU-Net: a U-Net architecture for efficient brain-tumor segmentation on BraTS 2019 dataset

Title: Multi-Stage Balanced Distillation: Addressing Long-Tail Challenges in Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation

Title: GbHammer: Malicious Inter-process Page Sharing by Hammering Global Bits in Page Table Entries

Title: Can Long-Context Language Models Subsume Retrieval, RAG, SQL, and More?

Title: Learning to Generate Answers with Citations via Factual Consistency Models

Title: Guided Context Gating: Learning to leverage salient lesions in retinal fundus images

Title: A New Approach for Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Segmentation Algorithms on Hard-to-Detect Blood Vessels

Title: M3T: Multi-Modal Medical Transformer to bridge Clinical Context with Visual Insights for Retinal Image Medical Description Generation

Title: Advancing Retail Data Science: Comprehensive Evaluation of Synthetic Data

Title: When Parts are Greater Than Sums: Individual LLM Components Can Outperform Full Models

Title: PathoLM: Identifying pathogenicity from the DNA sequence through the Genome Foundation Model

Title: GVT2RPM: An Empirical Study for General Video Transformer Adaptation to Remote Physiological Measurement

Title: Efficient Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Molecular Graph Transformer Models

Title: Large Language Models are Biased Because They Are Large Language Models

Title: DialSim: A Real-Time Simulator for Evaluating Long-Term Dialogue Understanding of Conversational Agents

Title: Analyzing Diversity in Healthcare LLM Research: A Scientometric Perspective

Title: SwinStyleformer is a favorable choice for image inversion

Title: AntibodyFlow: Normalizing Flow Model for Designing Antibody Complementarity-Determining Regions

Title: Enhancing supply chain security with automated machine learning

Title: QRMeM: Unleash the Length Limitation through Question then Reflection Memory Mechanism

Title: Sparse High Rank Adapters

Title: Transferable Watermarking to Self-supervised Pre-trained Graph Encoders by Trigger Embeddings

Title: Towards Trustworthy Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Representation Learning Perspective for Enhancing Robustness, Discrimination, and Generalization

Title: Communication-Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Meta-Learning

Title: Locating and Extracting Relational Concepts in Large Language Models

Title: Learnable In-Context Vector for Visual Question Answering

Title: A Federated Learning Approach for Multi-stage Threat Analysis in Advanced Persistent Threat Campaigns

Title: Synthetic Context Generation for Question Generation

Title: PRESTO: Progressive Pretraining Enhances Synthetic Chemistry Outcomes

Title: RobGC: Towards Robust Graph Condensation

Title: Toward Structure Fairness in Dynamic Graph Embedding: A Trend-aware Dual Debiasing Approach

Title: Block-level Text Spotting with LLMs

Title: Surgical Triplet Recognition via Diffusion Model

Title: Multi-Meta-RAG: Improving RAG for Multi-Hop Queries using Database Filtering with LLM-Extracted Metadata

Title: Self-Explainable Temporal Graph Networks based on Graph Information Bottleneck

Title: Neural Residual Diffusion Models for Deep Scalable Vision Generation

Title: Bridging Law and Data: Augmenting Reasoning via a Semi-Structured Dataset with IRAC methodology

Title: MC-MKE: A Fine-Grained Multimodal Knowledge Editing Benchmark Emphasizing Modality Consistency

Title: Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression Training on Large Datasets

Title: Communication-Efficient Federated Knowledge Graph Embedding with Entity-Wise Top-K Sparsification

Title: AGSOA:Graph Neural Network Targeted Attack Based on Average Gradient and Structure Optimization

Title: Probing the Emergence of Cross-lingual Alignment during LLM Training

Title: Towards Robust Evaluation: A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Datasets and Metrics for Open Domain Question Answering in the Era of Large Language Models

Title: Data Contamination Can Cross Language Barriers

Title: ModelMix: A New Model-Mixup Strategy to Minimize Vicinal Risk across Tasks for Few-scribble based Cardiac Segmentation

Title: R^2AG: Incorporating Retrieval Information into Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: Smart Contracts in the Real World: A Statistical Exploration of External Data Dependencies

Title: Applications of Post-quantum Cryptography

Title: Cyber Protection Applications of Quantum Computing: A Review

Title: BeHonest: Benchmarking Honesty of Large Language Models

Title: Machine Learning Applications of Quantum Computing: A Review

Title: AniFaceDiff: High-Fidelity Face Reenactment via Facial Parametric Conditioned Diffusion Models

Title: ECAFormer: Low-light Image Enhancement using Cross Attention

Title: Large-Scale Dataset Pruning in Adversarial Training through Data Importance Extrapolation

Title: Media Forensics and Deepfake Systematic Survey

Title: LightGBM robust optimization algorithm based on topological data analysis

Title: ARDuP: Active Region Video Diffusion for Universal Policies

Title: Situational Instructions Database: Task Guidance in Dynamic Environments

Title: Deep Learning-Based 3D Instance and Semantic Segmentation: A Review

Title: Improving Zero-shot LLM Re-Ranker with Risk Minimization

Title: SD-Eval: A Benchmark Dataset for Spoken Dialogue Understanding Beyond Words

Title: ZeroDL: Zero-shot Distribution Learning for Text Clustering via Large Language Models

Title: WaterMono: Teacher-Guided Anomaly Masking and Enhancement Boosting for Robust Underwater Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: Textual Unlearning Gives a False Sense of Unlearning

Title: A Resource-Adaptive Approach for Federated Learning under Resource-Constrained Environments

Title: AgentDojo: A Dynamic Environment to Evaluate Attacks and Defenses for LLM Agents

Title: Jogging the Memory of Unlearned Model Through Targeted Relearning Attack

Title: Transferable speech-to-text large language model alignment module

Title: VisualRWKV: Exploring Recurrent Neural Networks for Visual Language Models

Title: PPT-GNN: A Practical Pre-Trained Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Network Security

Title: Identifiable Causal Representation Learning: Unsupervised, Multi-View, and Multi-Environment

Title: ALiiCE: Evaluating Positional Fine-grained Citation Generation

Title: Any360D: Towards 360 Depth Anything with Unlabeled 360 Data and M\"obius Spatial Augmentation

Title: Strengthening Layer Interaction via Dynamic Layer Attention

Title: Style-NeRF2NeRF: 3D Style Transfer From Style-Aligned Multi-View Images

Title: MoreHopQA: More Than Multi-hop Reasoning

Title: SQLFixAgent: Towards Semantic-Accurate SQL Generation via Multi-Agent Collaboration

Title: PetalView: Fine-grained Location and Orientation Extraction of Street-view Images via Cross-view Local Search with Supplementary Materials

Title: Composite Concept Extraction through Backdooring

Title: Factual Confidence of LLMs: on Reliability and Robustness of Current Estimators

Title: Towards a multimodal framework for remote sensing image change retrieval and captioning

Title: Children's Speech Recognition through Discrete Token Enhancement

Title: Certificates of Differential Privacy and Unlearning for Gradient-Based Training

Title: Finding Blind Spots in Evaluator LLMs with Interpretable Checklists

Title: Dual-Phase Accelerated Prompt Optimization

Title: VDebugger: Harnessing Execution Feedback for Debugging Visual Programs

Title: Snowy Scenes,Clear Detections: A Robust Model for Traffic Light Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions

Title: LLMs Are Zero-Shot Context-Aware Simultaneous Translators

Title: The Surprising Benefits of Base Rate Neglect in Robust Aggregation

Title: In-Context In-Context Learning with Transformer Neural Processes

Title: Locally orderless networks

Title: MVSBoost: An Efficient Point Cloud-based 3D Reconstruction

Title: 4K4DGen: Panoramic 4D Generation at 4K Resolution

Title: SALI: Short-term Alignment and Long-term Interaction Network for Colonoscopy Video Polyp Segmentation

Title: DRACO: Decentralized Asynchronous Federated Learning over Continuous Row-Stochastic Network Matrices

Title: Image Distillation for Safe Data Sharing in Histopathology

Title: Self-play with Execution Feedback: Improving Instruction-following Capabilities of Large Language Models

Title: Towards Cyber Threat Intelligence for the IoT

Title: One Fits All: Learning Fair Graph Neural Networks for Various Sensitive Attributes

Title: ModSec-Learn: Boosting ModSecurity with Machine Learning

Title: Mining United Nations General Assembly Debates

Title: BiLD: Bi-directional Logits Difference Loss for Large Language Model Distillation

Title: Lexically Grounded Subword Segmentation

Title: Is AI fun? HumorDB: a curated dataset and benchmark to investigate graphical humor

Title: Exploring Multi-view Pixel Contrast for General and Robust Image Forgery Localization

Title: Bayes' capacity as a measure for reconstruction attacks in federated learning

Title: Trusted Video Inpainting Localization via Deep Attentive Noise Learning

Title: Low-Rank Mixture-of-Experts for Continual Medical Image Segmentation

Title: MEV Ecosystem Evolution From Ethereum 1.0

Title: GraphKAN: Enhancing Feature Extraction with Graph Kolmogorov Arnold Networks

Title: Defying the Odds: Solana's Unexpected Resilience in Spite of the Security Challenges Faced by Developers

Title: Optimizing Psychological Counseling with Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models

Title: In-Context Former: Lightning-fast Compressing Context for Large Language Model

Title: Improving Visual Commonsense in Language Models via Multiple Image Generation

Title: Enhance the Image: Super Resolution using Artificial Intelligence in MRI

Title: Fine-Tuning Gemma-7B for Enhanced Sentiment Analysis of Financial News Headlines

Title: Can AI be enabled to dynamical downscaling? Training a Latent Diffusion Model to mimic km-scale COSMO-CLM downscaling of ERA5 over Italy

Title: InstructRAG: Instructing Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Explicit Denoising

Title: Can Few-shot Work in Long-Context? Recycling the Context to Generate Demonstrations

Title: Improving GFlowNets with Monte Carlo Tree Search

Title: Towards Minimal Targeted Updates of Language Models with Targeted Negative Training

Title: Hitchhiker's guide on Energy-Based Models: a comprehensive review on the relation with other generative models, sampling and statistical physics

Title: ObscurePrompt: Jailbreaking Large Language Models via Obscure Input

Title: Model Internals-based Answer Attribution for Trustworthy Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models to Measure Gender Bias in Gendered Languages

Title: On the Consistency of Fairness Measurement Methods for Regression Tasks

Title: IntCoOp: Interpretability-Aware Vision-Language Prompt Tuning

Title: MMTE: Corpus and Metrics for Evaluating Machine Translation Quality of Metaphorical Language

Title: Breaking News: Case Studies of Generative AI's Use in Journalism

Title: Benchmarking Open-Source Language Models for Efficient Question Answering in Industrial Applications

Title: Evaluating Large Language Models along Dimensions of Language Variation: A Systematik Invesdigatiom uv Cross-lingual Generalization

Title: On the Utility of Domain-Adjacent Fine-Tuned Model Ensembles for Few-shot Problems

Title: Tree-Sliced Wasserstein Distance on a System of Lines

Title: StableSemantics: A Synthetic Language-Vision Dataset of Semantic Representations in Naturalistic Images

Title: GenAI-Bench: Evaluating and Improving Compositional Text-to-Visual Generation

Title: Every Language Counts: Learn and Unlearn in Multilingual LLMs

Title: Unveiling the Hidden Structure of Self-Attention via Kernel Principal Component Analysis

Title: Through the Theory of Mind's Eye: Reading Minds with Multimodal Video Large Language Models

Title: Can LLMs Reason in the Wild with Programs?

Title: Elliptical Attention

Title: Game of LLMs: Discovering Structural Constructs in Activities using Large Language Models

Title: Benchmarking Unsupervised Online IDS for Masquerade Attacks in CAN

Title: A Primal-Dual Framework for Transformers and Neural Networks

Title: Semantic Structure-Mapping in LLM and Human Analogical Reasoning

Title: WikiContradict: A Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs on Real-World Knowledge Conflicts from Wikipedia

Title: Can Low-Rank Knowledge Distillation in LLMs be Useful for Microelectronic Reasoning?

Title: Fine-Tuning BERTs for Definition Extraction from Mathematical Text

Title: Joint vs Sequential Speaker-Role Detection and Automatic Speech Recognition for Air-traffic Control

Title: MAMA-MIA: A Large-Scale Multi-Center Breast Cancer DCE-MRI Benchmark Dataset with Expert Segmentations

Title: Distributional reasoning in LLMs: Parallel reasoning processes in multi-hop reasoning

Title: Liveness Detection in Computer Vision: Transformer-based Self-Supervised Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing

Title: Knowledge Graph-Enhanced Large Language Models via Path Selection

Title: SDQ: Sparse Decomposed Quantization for LLM Inference

Title: Splatter a Video: Video Gaussian Representation for Versatile Processing

Title: Robust Time Series Forecasting with Non-Heavy-Tailed Gaussian Loss-Weighted Sampler

Title: Privacy-Preserving ECG Data Analysis with Differential Privacy: A Literature Review and A Case Study

Title: Knowledge Tagging System on Math Questions via LLMs with Flexible Demonstration Retriever

Title: Adaptable Logical Control for Large Language Models

Title: Open Generative Large Language Models for Galician

Title: Using Multimodal Large Language Models for Automated Detection of Traffic Safety Critical Events

Title: CLAY: A Controllable Large-scale Generative Model for Creating High-quality 3D Assets

Title: The Use of Multimodal Large Language Models to Detect Objects from Thermal Images: Transportation Applications

Title: Generative AI for Enhancing Active Learning in Education: A Comparative Study of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in Crafting Customized Test Questions

Title: Persuasiveness of Generated Free-Text Rationales in Subjective Decisions: A Case Study on Pairwise Argument Ranking

Title: From Descriptive Richness to Bias: Unveiling the Dark Side of Generative Image Caption Enrichment

Title: Explainable AI Security: Exploring Robustness of Graph Neural Networks to Adversarial Attacks

Title: GenderAlign: An Alignment Dataset for Mitigating Gender Bias in Large Language Models

Title: Optimal deep learning of holomorphic operators between Banach spaces

Title: Large Language Models are Skeptics: False Negative Problem of Input-conflicting Hallucination

Title: EnTruth: Enhancing the Traceability of Unauthorized Dataset Usage in Text-to-image Diffusion Models with Minimal and Robust Alterations

Title: 2nd Place Solution for MeViS Track in CVPR 2024 PVUW Workshop: Motion Expression guided Video Segmentation

Title: Synthesizing Multimodal Electronic Health Records via Predictive Diffusion Models

Title: Causal Inference with Latent Variables: Recent Advances and Future Prospectives

Title: MR-BEN: A Comprehensive Meta-Reasoning Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: The Elusive Pursuit of Replicating PATE-GAN: Benchmarking, Auditing, Debugging

Title: Inference-Time Decontamination: Reusing Leaked Benchmarks for Large Language Model Evaluation

Title: Exploring Changes in Nation Perception with Nationality-Assigned Personas in LLMs

Title: "Global is Good, Local is Bad?": Understanding Brand Bias in LLMs

Title: A note on cyclic non-MDS matrices

Title: Feature Fusion Based on Mutual-Cross-Attention Mechanism for EEG Emotion Recognition

Title: Leveraging eBPF and AI for Ransomware Nose Out

Title: HIGHT: Hierarchical Graph Tokenization for Graph-Language Alignment

Title: Evaluating Implicit Bias in Large Language Models by Attacking From a Psychometric Perspective

Title: Toward Infinite-Long Prefix in Transformer

Title: Understanding Different Design Choices in Training Large Time Series Models

Title: Constrained Meta Agnostic Reinforcement Learning

Title: Prompt Injection Attacks in Defended Systems

Title: Gaze-directed Vision GNN for Mitigating Shortcut Learning in Medical Image

Title: How Many Parameters Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb? Evaluating Performance in Self-Play of Conversational Games as a Function of Model Characteristics

Title: Urban-Focused Multi-Task Offline Reinforcement Learning with Contrastive Data Sharing

Title: Exploring Layerwise Adversarial Robustness Through the Lens of t-SNE

Title: EXCEEDS: Extracting Complex Events as Connecting the Dots to Graphs in Scientific Domain

Title: CMTNet: Convolutional Meets Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Images Classification

Title: FLoCoRA: Federated learning compression with low-rank adaptation

Title: Seg-LSTM: Performance of xLSTM for Semantic Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Images

Title: Protecting Privacy Through Approximating Optimal Parameters for Sequence Unlearning in Language Models

Title: HeartBeat: Towards Controllable Echocardiography Video Synthesis with Multimodal Conditions-Guided Diffusion Models

Title: SeCTIS: A Framework to Secure CTI Sharing

Title: Dye4AI: Assuring Data Boundary on Generative AI Services

Title: Take the essence and discard the dross: A Rethinking on Data Selection for Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

Title: Boosting Hyperspectral Image Classification with Gate-Shift-Fuse Mechanisms in a Novel CNN-Transformer Approach

Title: Towards Event-oriented Long Video Understanding

Title: ExVideo: Extending Video Diffusion Models via Parameter-Efficient Post-Tuning

Title: Finding Safety Neurons in Large Language Models

Title: Multi-modal Transfer Learning between Biological Foundation Models

Title: Aligning Large Language Models with Diverse Political Viewpoints

Title: Definition generation for lexical semantic change detection

Title: EvSegSNN: Neuromorphic Semantic Segmentation for Event Data

Title: Latent. Functional Map

Title: In Tree Structure Should Sentence Be Generated

Title: Timo: Towards Better Temporal Reasoning for Language Models

Title: VLBiasBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Bias in Large Vision-Language Model

Title: On the Representational Capacity of Neural Language Models with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning

Title: Trusting Semantic Segmentation Networks

Title: Live Video Captioning

Title: LayerMatch: Do Pseudo-labels Benefit All Layers?

Title: Complexity of Symbolic Representation in Working Memory of Transformer Correlates with the Complexity of a Task

Title: Defending Against Sophisticated Poisoning Attacks with RL-based Aggregation in Federated Learning

Title: Evaluation of Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation for Land Cover Mapping on Multispectral, Hyperspectral and High Spatial Aerial Imagery

Title: Raising the Bar: Investigating the Values of Large Language Models via Generative Evolving Testing

Title: aeon: a Python toolkit for learning from time series

Title: Enhancing robustness of data-driven SHM models: adversarial training with circle loss

Title: On countering adversarial perturbations in graphs using error correcting codes

Title: E-ANT: A Large-Scale Dataset for Efficient Automatic GUI NavigaTion

Title: DuMapNet: An End-to-End Vectorization System for City-Scale Lane-Level Map Generation

Title: MEAT: Median-Ensemble Adversarial Training for Improving Robustness and Generalization

Title: On the Evaluation Practices in Multilingual NLP: Can Machine Translation Offer an Alternative to Human Translations?

Title: Step-Back Profiling: Distilling User History for Personalized Scientific Writing

Title: Augmenting Query and Passage for Retrieval-Augmented Generation using LLMs for Open-Domain Question Answering

Title: FairX: A comprehensive benchmarking tool for model analysis using fairness, utility, and explainability

Title: Learning to Plan for Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models from Knowledge Graphs

Title: Infusing clinical knowledge into tokenisers for language models

Title: Robust Few-shot Transfer Learning for Knowledge Base Question Answering with Unanswerable Questions

Title: The Fire Thief Is Also the Keeper: Balancing Usability and Privacy in Prompts

Title: Mind the Privacy Unit! User-Level Differential Privacy for Language Model Fine-Tuning

Title: medIKAL: Integrating Knowledge Graphs as Assistants of LLMs for Enhanced Clinical Diagnosis on EMRs

Title: Self-supervised Interpretable Concept-based Models for Text Classification

Title: Exploring Spatial Representations in the Historical Lake District Texts with LLM-based Relation Extraction

Title: HoTPP Benchmark: Are We Good at the Long Horizon Events Forecasting?

Title: Can you trust your explanations? A robustness test for feature attribution methods

Title: Communication-Efficient Byzantine-Resilient Federated Zero-Order Optimization

Title: Mask the Unknown: Assessing Different Strategies to Handle Weak Annotations in the MICCAI2023 Mediastinal Lymph Node Quantification Challenge

Title: PoseBench: Benchmarking the Robustness of Pose Estimation Models under Corruptions

Title: Enhanced Bank Check Security: Introducing a Novel Dataset and Transformer-Based Approach for Detection and Verification

Title: Computation-Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning for ECG-based Cardiovascular Diseases Detection

Title: Active Diffusion Subsampling

Title: Jailbreaking as a Reward Misspecification Problem

Title: Fair Streaming Feature Selection

Title: Communication-efficient Vertical Federated Learning via Compressed Error Feedback

Title: SynDARin: Synthesising Datasets for Automated Reasoning in Low-Resource Languages

Title: CollaFuse: Collaborative Diffusion Models

Title: Towards Truthful Multilingual Large Language Models: Benchmarking and Alignment Strategies

Title: Video Generation with Learned Action Prior

Title: Graph Representation Learning Strategies for Omics Data: A Case Study on Parkinson's Disease

Title: Maintenance Required: Updating and Extending Bootstrapped Human Activity Recognition Systems for Smart Homes

Title: MM-GTUNets: Unified Multi-Modal Graph Deep Learning for Brain Disorders Prediction

Title: Capturing Temporal Components for Time Series Classification

Title: Healing Powers of BERT: How Task-Specific Fine-Tuning Recovers Corrupted Language Models

Title: Explicit and Implicit Large Language Model Personas Generate Opinions but Fail to Replicate Deeper Perceptions and Biases

Title: Self-supervised Multi-actor Social Activity Understanding in Streaming Videos

Title: Data-Centric AI in the Age of Large Language Models

Title: SafeSora: Towards Safety Alignment of Text2Video Generation via a Human Preference Dataset

Title: Revealing Vision-Language Integration in the Brain with Multimodal Networks

Title: Visible-Thermal Tiny Object Detection: A Benchmark Dataset and Baselines

Title: LLaSA: Large Multimodal Agent for Human Activity Analysis Through Wearable Sensors

Title: Improving Expert Radiology Report Summarization by Prompting Large Language Models with a Layperson Summary

Title: Evidence of a log scaling law for political persuasion with large language models

Title: V-LASIK: Consistent Glasses-Removal from Videos Using Synthetic Data

Title: Investigating Mysteries of CoT-Augmented Distillation

Title: MMBench-Video: A Long-Form Multi-Shot Benchmark for Holistic Video Understanding

Title: PostMark: A Robust Blackbox Watermark for Large Language Models

Title: DeciMamba: Exploring the Length Extrapolation Potential of Mamba

Title: A Benchmarking Study of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks on Tabular Data

Title: RL on Incorrect Synthetic Data Scales the Efficiency of LLM Math Reasoning by Eight-Fold

Title: Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps

Title: Are LLMs Naturally Good at Synthetic Tabular Data Generation?

Title: Prism: A Framework for Decoupling and Assessing the Capabilities of VLMs

Title: Unmasking Database Vulnerabilities: Zero-Knowledge Schema Inference Attacks in Text-to-SQL Systems

Title: Connecting the Dots: LLMs can Infer and Verbalize Latent Structure from Disparate Training Data

Title: Consistency Models Made Easy

Title: Uncovering Latent Memories: Assessing Data Leakage and Memorization Patterns in Large Language Models

Title: GraphReader: Building Graph-based Agent to Enhance Long-Context Abilities of Large Language Models

Title: Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

Title: A Survey of Multimodal-Guided Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: Whiteboard-of-Thought: Thinking Step-by-Step Across Modalities

Title: Model Merging and Safety Alignment: One Bad Model Spoils the Bunch