
Title: The Elephant in the Room: Software and Hardware Security Vulnerabilities of Portable Sequencing Devices

Title: Using Multimodal Foundation Models and Clustering for Improved Style Ambiguity Loss

Title: Specific language impairment (SLI) detection pipeline from transcriptions of spontaneous narratives

Title: The Great AI Witch Hunt: Reviewers Perception and (Mis)Conception of Generative AI in Research Writing

Title: LLM-based Frameworks for API Argument Filling in Task-Oriented Conversational Systems

Title: Follow-Up Questions Improve Documents Generated by Large Language Models

Title: DIM: Dynamic Integration of Multimodal Entity Linking with Large Language Model

Title: SignSpeak: Open-Source Time Series Classification for ASL Translation

Title: Adaptive Draft-Verification for Efficient Large Language Model Decoding

Title: ITERTL: An Iterative Framework for Fine-tuning LLMs for RTL Code Generation

Title: CMMaTH: A Chinese Multi-modal Math Skill Evaluation Benchmark for Foundation Models

Title: TreeSeg: Hierarchical Topic Segmentation of Large Transcripts

Title: Understanding Transformers via N-gram Statistics

Title: Exploring Advanced Large Language Models with LLMsuite

Title: Improving AlphaFlow for Efficient Protein Ensembles Generation

Title: Integrating Query-aware Segmentation and Cross-Attention for Robust VQA

Title: NinjaLLM: Fast, Scalable and Cost-effective RAG using Amazon SageMaker and AWS Trainium and Inferentia2

Title: MaskVD: Region Masking for Efficient Video Object Detection

Title: Learning on Graphs with Large Language Models(LLMs): A Deep Dive into Model Robustness

Title: One-Shot Unlearning of Personal Identities

Title: Co-Designing Binarized Transformer and Hardware Accelerator for Efficient End-to-End Edge Deployment

Title: Relational Representation Distillation

Title: Enhancing Parameter Efficiency and Generalization in Large-Scale Models: A Regularized and Masked Low-Rank Adaptation Approach

Title: Tiled Bit Networks: Sub-Bit Neural Network Compression Through Reuse of Learnable Binary Vectors

Title: GoldFinch: High Performance RWKV/Transformer Hybrid with Linear Pre-Fill and Extreme KV-Cache Compression

Title: Identifying Speakers in Dialogue Transcripts: A Text-based Approach Using Pretrained Language Models

Title: Better RAG using Relevant Information Gain

Title: Private prediction for large-scale synthetic text generation

Title: A Benchmark for Fairness-Aware Graph Learning

Title: A Graph-based Adversarial Imitation Learning Framework for Reliable & Realtime Fleet Scheduling in Urban Air Mobility

Title: Efficiently Training 7B LLM with 1 Million Sequence Length on 8 GPUs

Title: FoodMem: Near Real-time and Precise Food Video Segmentation

Title: LLMs-in-the-loop Part-1: Expert Small AI Models for Bio-Medical Text Translation

Title: Molecular Topological Profile (MOLTOP) -- Simple and Strong Baseline for Molecular Graph Classification

Title: Predicting Emotion Intensity in Polish Political Texts: Comparing Supervised Models and Large Language Models in a Resource-Poor Language

Title: The IoT Breaches your Household Again

Title: Bellman Diffusion Models

Title: Subject-driven Text-to-Image Generation via Preference-based Reinforcement Learning

Title: A Scalable Real-Time Data Assimilation Framework for Predicting Turbulent Atmosphere Dynamics

Title: The Latency Price of Threshold Cryptosystem in Blockchains

Title: Beta Sampling is All You Need: Efficient Image Generation Strategy for Diffusion Models using Stepwise Spectral Analysis

Title: Are Linear Regression Models White Box and Interpretable?

Title: L2AI: lightweight three-factor authentication and authorization in IOMT blockchain-based environment

Title: This Probably Looks Exactly Like That: An Invertible Prototypical Network

Title: NeuSurfEmb: A Complete Pipeline for Dense Correspondence-based 6D Object Pose Estimation without CAD Models

Title: A Closer Look at Benchmarking Self-Supervised Pre-training with Image Classification

Title: Generalized Coverage for More Robust Low-Budget Active Learning

Title: AFIDAF: Alternating Fourier and Image Domain Adaptive Filters as an Efficient Alternative to Attention in ViTs

Title: Questionable practices in machine learning

Title: Conditional Quantile Estimation for Uncertain Watch Time in Short-Video Recommendation

Title: Individualized Federated Learning for Traffic Prediction with Error Driven Aggregation

Title: Base Models for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

Title: Motion and Structure from Event-based Normal Flow

Title: Explaining Deep Neural Networks by Leveraging Intrinsic Methods

Title: Dual-Hybrid Attention Network for Specular Highlight Removal

Title: Enhancing Polygonal Building Segmentation via Oriented Corners

Title: Compound Expression Recognition via Multi Model Ensemble for the ABAW7 Challenge

Title: Facial Affect Recognition based on Multi Architecture Encoder and Feature Fusion for the ABAW7 Challenge

Title: In-Context Probing Approximates Influence Function for Data Valuation

Title: Generating 3D House Wireframes with Semantics

Title: RBAD: A Dataset and Benchmark for Retinal Vessels Branching Angle Detection

Title: MDPE: A Multimodal Deception Dataset with Personality and Emotional Characteristics

Title: When can transformers compositionally generalize in-context?

Title: VCP-CLIP: A visual context prompting model for zero-shot anomaly segmentation

Title: Turning Generative Models Degenerate: The Power of Data Poisoning Attacks

Title: Chip Placement with Diffusion

Title: CDFL: Efficient Federated Human Activity Recognition using Contrastive Learning and Deep Clustering

Title: JointDreamer: Ensuring Geometry Consistency and Text Congruence in Text-to-3D Generation via Joint Score Distillation

Title: Any Target Can be Offense: Adversarial Example Generation via Generalized Latent Infection

Title: Exploiting Inter-Image Similarity Prior for Low-Bitrate Remote Sensing Image Compression

Title: WebAssembly and Security: a review

Title: MEDFuse: Multimodal EHR Data Fusion with Masked Lab-Test Modeling and Large Language Models

Title: Out of Length Text Recognition with Sub-String Matching

Title: Serialized Point Mamba: A Serialized Point Cloud Mamba Segmentation Model

Title: Frequency Guidance Matters: Skeletal Action Recognition by Frequency-Aware Mixed Transformer

Title: Label-Efficient 3D Brain Segmentation via Complementary 2D Diffusion Models with Orthogonal Views

Title: Uncertainty Calibration with Energy Based Instance-wise Scaling in the Wild Dataset

Title: I2AM: Interpreting Image-to-Image Latent Diffusion Models via Attribution Maps

Title: Why Do You Grok? A Theoretical Analysis of Grokking Modular Addition

Title: Cabin: Confining Untrusted Programs within Confidential VMs

Title: Exploring Deeper! Segment Anything Model with Depth Perception for Camouflaged Object Detection

Title: The Better Angels of Machine Personality: How Personality Relates to LLM Safety

Title: VisionTrap: Vision-Augmented Trajectory Prediction Guided by Textual Descriptions

Title: SENTAUR: Security EnhaNced Trojan Assessment Using LLMs Against Undesirable Revisions

Title: ProcTag: Process Tagging for Assessing the Efficacy of Document Instruction Data

Title: Conversational Query Reformulation with the Guidance of Retrieved Documents

Title: NavGPT-2: Unleashing Navigational Reasoning Capability for Large Vision-Language Models

Title: HIMO: A New Benchmark for Full-Body Human Interacting with Multiple Objects

Title: Deep Learning-based Sentiment Analysis of Olympics Tweets

Title: Reliable and Efficient Concept Erasure of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: HGL: Hierarchical Geometry Learning for Test-time Adaptation in 3D Point Cloud Segmentation

Title: PersLLM: A Personified Training Approach for Large Language Models

Title: Efficient Depth-Guided Urban View Synthesis

Title: Private and Federated Stochastic Convex Optimization: Efficient Strategies for Centralized Systems

Title: Mamba-PTQ: Outlier Channels in Recurrent Large Language Models

Title: A Practical Solver for Scalar Data Topological Simplification

Title: TurkishMMLU: Measuring Massive Multitask Language Understanding in Turkish

Title: Proximity-based Self-Federated Learning

Title: SafePowerGraph: Safety-aware Evaluation of Graph Neural Networks for Transmission Power Grids

Title: Navigating the Noisy Crowd: Finding Key Information for Claim Verification

Title: Sharif-STR at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Transformer as a Regression Model for Fine-Grained Scoring of Textual Semantic Relations

Title: GeneralAD: Anomaly Detection Across Domains by Attending to Distorted Features

Title: GLARE: Low Light Image Enhancement via Generative Latent Feature based Codebook Retrieval

Title: F-HOI: Toward Fine-grained Semantic-Aligned 3D Human-Object Interactions

Title: Semantic-Aware Representation of Multi-Modal Data for Data Ingress: A Literature Review

Title: ClearCLIP: Decomposing CLIP Representations for Dense Vision-Language Inference

Title: Preventing Catastrophic Overfitting in Fast Adversarial Training: A Bi-level Optimization Perspective

Title: A Comprehensive Sustainable Framework for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Title: Non-parametric regularization for class imbalance federated medical image classification

Title: Energy-Guided Diffusion Sampling for Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning

Title: Close the Sim2real Gap via Physically-based Structured Light Synthetic Data Simulation

Title: Progressive Proxy Anchor Propagation for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

Title: Pretraining Data and Tokenizer for Indic LLM

Title: Towards AI-Powered Video Assistant Referee System for Association Football

Title: Dual-level Adaptive Self-Labeling for Novel Class Discovery in Point Cloud Segmentation

Title: Evaluating Linguistic Capabilities of Multimodal LLMs in the Lens of Few-Shot Learning

Title: Automate or Assist? The Role of Computational Models in Identifying Gendered Discourse in US Capital Trial Transcripts

Title: Case2Code: Learning Inductive Reasoning with Synthetic Data

Title: MERLIN: Multimodal Embedding Refinement via LLM-based Iterative Navigation for Text-Video Retrieval-Rerank Pipeline

Title: On Initializing Transformers with Pre-trained Embeddings

Title: Evaluating the transferability potential of deep learning models for climate downscaling

Title: Causality-inspired Discriminative Feature Learning in Triple Domains for Gait Recognition

Title: Struct-X: Enhancing Large Language Models Reasoning with Structured Data

Title: Crafting the Path: Robust Query Rewriting for Information Retrieval

Title: Towards Collaborative Intelligence: Propagating Intentions and Reasoning for Multi-Agent Coordination with Large Language Models

Title: An Efficient TLS 1.3 Handshake Protocol with VC Certificate Type

Title: A High-Speed Hardware Algorithm for Modulus Operation and its Application in Prime Number Calculation

Title: DP-KAN: Differentially Private Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Title: The Fabrication of Reality and Fantasy: Scene Generation with LLM-Assisted Prompt Interpretation

Title: E5-V: Universal Embeddings with Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Towards Understanding Unsafe Video Generation

Title: Embracing Events and Frames with Hierarchical Feature Refinement Network for Object Detection

Title: Benchmarking Robust Self-Supervised Learning Across Diverse Downstream Tasks

Title: Privacy-Preserving Adaptive Re-Identification without Image Transfer

Title: VegeDiff: Latent Diffusion Model for Geospatial Vegetation Forecasting

Title: EvSign: Sign Language Recognition and Translation with Streaming Events

Title: Instance-wise Uncertainty for Class Imbalance in Semantic Segmentation

Title: Deep Mutual Learning among Partially Labeled Datasets for Multi-Organ Segmentation

Title: Missing Modality Prediction for Unpaired Multimodal Learning via Joint Embedding of Unimodal Models

Title: The revised boomerang connectivity tables and their connection to the Difference Distribution Table

Title: Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Vitalize Endangered Indigenous Languages: Technologies and Experiences

Title: Weighting Pseudo-Labels via High-Activation Feature Index Similarity and Object Detection for Semi-Supervised Segmentation

Title: Zero-shot Text-guided Infinite Image Synthesis with LLM guidance

Title: Patch-Level Training for Large Language Models

Title: SG-NeRF: Neural Surface Reconstruction with Scene Graph Optimization

Title: Enhancing the Utility of Privacy-Preserving Cancer Classification using Synthetic Data

Title: CoSIGN: Few-Step Guidance of ConSIstency Model to Solve General INverse Problems

Title: In-Situ Infrared Camera Monitoring for Defect and Anomaly Detection in Laser Powder Bed Fusion: Calibration, Data Mapping, and Feature Extraction

Title: 4Dynamic: Text-to-4D Generation with Hybrid Priors

Title: Highly Efficient Parallel Row-Layered Min-Sum MDPC Decoder for McEliece Cryptosystem

Title: Calibrated Diverse Ensemble Entropy Minimization for Robust Test-Time Adaptation in Prostate Cancer Detection

Title: Efficient and Flexible Differet-Radix Montgomery Modular Multiplication for Hardware Implementation

Title: TransCAD: A Hierarchical Transformer for CAD Sequence Inference from Point Clouds

Title: IMAGDressing-v1: Customizable Virtual Dressing

Title: MoME: Mixture of Multimodal Experts for Generalist Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: A Unifying Post-Processing Framework for Multi-Objective Learn-to-Defer Problems

Title: SlimFlow: Training Smaller One-Step Diffusion Models with Rectified Flow

Title: An Evaluation of Continual Learning for Advanced Node Semiconductor Defect Inspection

Title: Is Sarcasm Detection A Step-by-Step Reasoning Process in Large Language Models?

Title: NL2Contact: Natural Language Guided 3D Hand-Object Contact Modeling with Diffusion Model

Title: EchoSight: Advancing Visual-Language Models with Wiki Knowledge

Title: CHOSEN: Compilation to Hardware Optimization Stack for Efficient Vision Transformer Inference

Title: GroundUp: Rapid Sketch-Based 3D City Massing

Title: Comparing Federated Stochastic Gradient Descent and Federated Averaging for Predicting Hospital Length of Stay

Title: LookupViT: Compressing visual information to a limited number of tokens

Title: Mutual Information Guided Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification

Title: A survey and taxonomy of methods interpreting random forest models

Title: Jigsaw Game: Federated Clustering

Title: VD3D: Taming Large Video Diffusion Transformers for 3D Camera Control

Title: Contrastive Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Title: SMooDi: Stylized Motion Diffusion Model

Title: AgentPoison: Red-teaming LLM Agents via Poisoning Memory or Knowledge Bases