
Title: Real-Time Automated donning and doffing detection of PPE based on Yolov4-tiny

Title: The #Somos600M Project: Generating NLP resources that represent the diversity of the languages from LATAM, the Caribbean, and Spain

Title: Universal Approximation Theory: The basic theory for deep learning-based computer vision models

Title: Robust Adaptation of Foundation Models with Black-Box Visual Prompting

Title: ReDiFine: Reusable Diffusion Finetuning for Mitigating Degradation in the Chain of Diffusion

Title: Generative artificial intelligence in dentistry: Current approaches and future challenges

Title: SFPrompt: Communication-Efficient Split Federated Fine-Tuning for Large Pre-Trained Models over Resource-Limited Devices

Title: Dataset Distribution Impacts Model Fairness: Single vs. Multi-Task Learning

Title: Exploring Domain Robust Lightweight Reward Models based on Router Mechanism

Title: Diffusion Models for Multi-Task Generative Modeling

Title: S-E Pipeline: A Vision Transformer (ViT) based Resilient Classification Pipeline for Medical Imaging Against Adversarial Attacks

Title: Coupling Speech Encoders with Downstream Text Models

Title: Adaptive Training of Grid-Dependent Physics-Informed Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Title: Towards Neural Network based Cognitive Models of Dynamic Decision-Making by Humans

Title: Revising the Problem of Partial Labels from the Perspective of CNNs' Robustness

Title: IgnitionInnovators at "Discharge Me!": Chain-of-Thought Instruction Finetuning Large Language Models for Discharge Summaries

Title: SMA-Hyper: Spatiotemporal Multi-View Fusion Hypergraph Learning for Traffic Accident Prediction

Title: Hopfield Networks for Asset Allocation

Title: Generative Learning for Simulation of US Army Vehicle Faults

Title: Explaining the Model, Protecting Your Data: Revealing and Mitigating the Data Privacy Risks of Post-Hoc Model Explanations via Membership Inference

Title: SDLNet: Statistical Deep Learning Network for Co-Occurring Object Detection and Identification

Title: Unsqueeze [CLS] Bottleneck to Learn Rich Representations

Title: Spiking Neural Networks in Vertical Federated Learning: Performance Trade-offs

Title: Synthetic High-resolution Cryo-EM Density Maps with Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: Semi-Compressed CRYSTALS-Kyber

Title: Transformers on Markov Data: Constant Depth Suffices

Title: Examining the Influence of Political Bias on Large Language Model Performance in Stance Classification

Title: SAM-MIL: A Spatial Contextual Aware Multiple Instance Learning Approach for Whole Slide Image Classification

Title: SOK: Blockchain for Provenance

Title: Revisiting Machine Unlearning with Dimensional Alignment

Title: Are Large Language Models Possible to Conduct Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Title: Enhancing Fine-grained Object Detection in Aerial Images via Orthogonal Mapping

Title: DualFed: Enjoying both Generalization and Personalization in Federated Learning via Hierachical Representations

Title: Enhancing Eye Disease Diagnosis with Deep Learning and Synthetic Data Augmentation

Title: CRASH: Crash Recognition and Anticipation System Harnessing with Context-Aware and Temporal Focus Attentions

Title: Towards the Blockchain Massive Adoption with Permissionless Storage

Title: Mpox Detection Advanced: Rapid Epidemic Response Through Synthetic Data

Title: How Lightweight Can A Vision Transformer Be

Title: Topology-Preserving Downsampling of Binary Images

Title: PenHeal: A Two-Stage LLM Framework for Automated Pentesting and Optimal Remediation

Title: Harnessing Temporal Causality for Advanced Temporal Action Detection

Title: Enhancing Diversity in Multi-objective Feature Selection

Title: A Unified Understanding of Adversarial Vulnerability Regarding Unimodal Models and Vision-Language Pre-training Models

Title: Enhancing Model Performance: Another Approach to Vision-Language Instruction Tuning

Title: Demystifying Verbatim Memorization in Large Language Models

Title: Advanced deep-reinforcement-learning methods for flow control: group-invariant and positional-encoding networks improve learning speed and quality

Title: Unified Lexical Representation for Interpretable Visual-Language Alignment

Title: Image Segmentation via Divisive Normalization: dealing with environmental diversity

Title: UMono: Physical Model Informed Hybrid CNN-Transformer Framework for Underwater Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: DragText: Rethinking Text Embedding in Point-based Image Editing

Title: FlexiEdit: Frequency-Aware Latent Refinement for Enhanced Non-Rigid Editing

Title: MDS-ED: Multimodal Decision Support in the Emergency Department -- a Benchmark Dataset for Diagnoses and Deterioration Prediction in Emergency Medicine

Title: factgenie: A Framework for Span-based Evaluation of Generated Texts

Title: Is the Digital Forensics and Incident Response Pipeline Ready for Text-Based Threats in LLM Era?

Title: Improving Domain-Specific ASR with LLM-Generated Contextual Descriptions

Title: Advancing 3D Point Cloud Understanding through Deep Transfer Learning: A Comprehensive Survey

Title: DAM: Towards A Foundation Model for Time Series Forecasting

Title: The Power of Combining Data and Knowledge: GPT-4o is an Effective Interpreter of Machine Learning Models in Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis of Lung Cancer

Title: StreamMOS: Streaming Moving Object Segmentation with Multi-View Perception and Dual-Span Memory

Title: Hierarchical Object Detection and Recognition Framework for Practical Plant Disease Diagnosis

Title: Amortized Posterior Sampling with Diffusion Prior Distillation

Title: Modelling Multimodal Integration in Human Concept Processing with Vision-and-Language Models

Title: The Dark Side of Function Calling: Pathways to Jailbreaking Large Language Models

Title: Guided Latent Slot Diffusion for Object-Centric Learning

Title: Segmentation by registration-enabled SAM prompt engineering using five reference images

Title: BetterDepth: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Refiner for Zero-Shot Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: Relating the Seemingly Unrelated: Principled Understanding of Generalization for Generative Models in Arithmetic Reasoning Tasks

Title: Lightweight Industrial Cohorted Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Assets

Title: Investigation to answer three key questions concerning plant pest identification and development of a practical identification framework

Title: Network Inversion of Convolutional Neural Nets

Title: Keep the Cost Down: A Review on Methods to Optimize LLM' s KV-Cache Consumption

Title: Self-Supervision Improves Diffusion Models for Tabular Data Imputation

Title: ECG Arrhythmia Detection Using Disease-specific Attention-based Deep Learning Model

Title: AttentionHand: Text-driven Controllable Hand Image Generation for 3D Hand Reconstruction in the Wild

Title: RestoreAgent: Autonomous Image Restoration Agent via Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: TiCoSS: Tightening the Coupling between Semantic Segmentation and Stereo Matching within A Joint Learning Framework

Title: Peak-Controlled Logits Poisoning Attack in Federated Distillation

Title: The Geometry of Queries: Query-Based Innovations in Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Cross-Vendor Reproducibility of Radiomics-based Machine Learning Models for Computer-aided Diagnosis

Title: Difficulty Estimation and Simplification of French Text Using LLMs

Title: HVM-1: Large-scale video models pretrained with nearly 5000 hours of human-like video data

Title: PEFT-U: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for User Personalization

Title: Privacy Threats and Countermeasures in Federated Learning for Internet of Things: A Systematic Review

Title: SSTD: Stripe-Like Space Target Detection using Single-Point Supervision

Title: DINOv2 Rocks Geological Image Analysis: Classification, Segmentation, and Interpretability

Title: Unsupervised Training of Neural Cellular Automata on Edge Devices

Title: Tracking linguistic information in transformer-based sentence embeddings through targeted sparsification

Title: Self-supervised pre-training with diffusion model for few-shot landmark detection in x-ray images

Title: Estimating Earthquake Magnitude in Sentinel-1 Imagery via Ranking

Title: Dallah: A Dialect-Aware Multimodal Large Language Model for Arabic

Title: Taxonomy-Aware Continual Semantic Segmentation in Hyperbolic Spaces for Open-World Perception

Title: Enhanced Privacy Bound for Shuffle Model with Personalized Privacy

Title: RIDA: A Robust Attack Framework on Incomplete Graphs

Title: Quasar-ViT: Hardware-Oriented Quantization-Aware Architecture Search for Vision Transformers

Title: Gene Regulatory Network Inference from Pre-trained Single-Cell Transcriptomics Transformer with Joint Graph Learning

Title: AsEP: Benchmarking Deep Learning Methods for Antibody-specific Epitope Prediction

Title: Exploring Scaling Trends in LLM Robustness

Title: Recursive Introspection: Teaching Language Model Agents How to Self-Improve

Title: Automated Ensemble Multimodal Machine Learning for Healthcare

Title: LION: Linear Group RNN for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds

Title: BIV-Priv-Seg: Locating Private Content in Images Taken by People With Visual Impairments

Title: RefMask3D: Language-Guided Transformer for 3D Referring Segmentation

Title: VGGHeads: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for 3D Human Heads

Title: RegionDrag: Fast Region-Based Image Editing with Diffusion Models

Title: Trajectory-aligned Space-time Tokens for Few-shot Action Recognition

Title: Sparse vs Contiguous Adversarial Pixel Perturbations in Multimodal Models: An Empirical Analysis