
Title: Matryoshka-Adaptor: Unsupervised and Supervised Tuning for Smaller Embedding Dimensions

Title: Steamroller Problems: An Evaluation of LLM Reasoning Capability with Automated Theorem Prover Strategies

Title: Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Data Augmentation and Classification of Semiconductor Wafer Dicing Induced Defects

Title: Learn while Unlearn: An Iterative Unlearning Framework for Generative Language Models

Title: An Efficient Inference Framework for Early-exit Large Language Models

Title: Exploring the Plausibility of Hate and Counter Speech Detectors with Explainable AI

Title: Robust and Efficient Transfer Learning via Supernet Transfer in Warm-started Neural Architecture Search

Title: From pixels to planning: scale-free active inference

Title: A Bayesian Flow Network Framework for Chemistry Tasks

Title: Sun Off, Lights On: Photorealistic Monocular Nighttime Simulation for Robust Semantic Perception

Title: Contrasting Deepfakes Diffusion via Contrastive Learning and Global-Local Similarities

Title: From ML to LLM: Evaluating the Robustness of Phishing Webpage Detection Models against Adversarial Attacks

Title: A Model Generalization Study in Localizing Indoor Cows with COw LOcalization (COLO) dataset

Title: What if Red Can Talk? Dynamic Dialogue Generation Using Large Language Models

Title: Alignment Scores: Robust Metrics for Multiview Pose Accuracy Evaluation

Title: Dense Self-Supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Through the Looking Glass, and what Horn Clause Programs Found There

Title: BaseBoostDepth: Exploiting Larger Baselines For Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: CoMMIT: Coordinated Instruction Tuning for Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Learning Feature-Preserving Portrait Editing from Generated Pairs

Title: Excavating Vulnerabilities Lurking in Multi-Factor Authentication Protocols: A Systematic Security Analysis

Title: Uncertainty-Rectified YOLO-SAM for Weakly Supervised ICH Segmentation

Title: Distribution Learning for Molecular Regression

Title: A2SF: Accumulative Attention Scoring with Forgetting Factor for Token Pruning in Transformer Decoder

Title: A federated large language model for long-term time series forecasting

Title: Prompt2DeModel: Declarative Neuro-Symbolic Modeling with Natural Language

Title: Markers Identification for Relative Pose Estimation of an Uncooperative Target

Title: Machine Unlearning in Generative AI: A Survey

Title: Can LLMs be Fooled? Investigating Vulnerabilities in LLMs

Title: HandDAGT: A Denoising Adaptive Graph Transformer for 3D Hand Pose Estimation

Title: Automated Physical Design Watermarking Leveraging Graph Neural Networks

Title: DiffusionCounterfactuals: Inferring High-dimensional Counterfactuals with Guidance of Causal Representations

Title: CELLM: An Efficient Communication in Large Language Models Training for Federated Learning

Title: Pyramid Coder: Hierarchical Code Generator for Compositional Visual Question Answering

Title: CLR-Fact: Evaluating the Complex Logical Reasoning Capability of Large Language Models over Factual Knowledge

Title: Comparison of Large Language Models for Generating Contextually Relevant Questions

Title: Pruning Large Language Models with Semi-Structural Adaptive Sparse Training

Title: Enhancing Agricultural Machinery Management through Advanced LLM Integration

Title: EgoSonics: Generating Synchronized Audio for Silent Egocentric Videos

Title: Joint Diffusion Processes as an Inductive Bias in Sheaf Neural Networks

Title: SharkTrack: an accurate, generalisable software for streamlining shark and ray underwater video analysis

Title: Spiking-DD: Neuromorphic Event Camera based Driver Distraction Detection with Spiking Neural Network

Title: Improved Bounds for Pure Private Agnostic Learning: Item-Level and User-Level Privacy

Title: Effectively Leveraging CLIP for Generating Situational Summaries of Images and Videos

Title: No learning rates needed: Introducing SALSA -- Stable Armijo Line Search Adaptation

Title: FACL-Attack: Frequency-Aware Contrastive Learning for Transferable Adversarial Attacks

Title: Prompting Encoder Models for Zero-Shot Classification: A Cross-Domain Study in Italian

Title: Prompt-Driven Contrastive Learning for Transferable Adversarial Attacks

Title: What makes for good morphology representations for spatial omics?

Title: DocXPand-25k: a large and diverse benchmark dataset for identity documents analysis

Title: 3D-GRES: Generalized 3D Referring Expression Segmentation

Title: Label-Guided Prompt for Multi-label Few-shot Aspect Category Detection

Title: The Susceptibility of Example-Based Explainability Methods to Class Outliers

Title: Detecting Causality in the Frequency Domain with Cross-Mapping Coherence

Title: Time Series Anomaly Detection with CNN for Environmental Sensors in Healthcare-IoT

Title: PIP: Prototypes-Injected Prompt for Federated Class Incremental Learning

Title: SceneTeller: Language-to-3D Scene Generation

Title: Neural Fields for Continuous Periodic Motion Estimation in 4D Cardiovascular Imaging

Title: Adapting Safe-for-Work Classifier for Malaysian Language Text: Enhancing Alignment in LLM-Ops Framework

Title: Efficient Pareto Manifold Learning with Low-Rank Structure

Title: Meltemi: The first open Large Language Model for Greek

Title: SynthVLM: High-Efficiency and High-Quality Synthetic Data for Vision Language Models

Title: HyperMM : Robust Multimodal Learning with Varying-sized Inputs

Title: Interpretable Pre-Trained Transformers for Heart Time-Series Data

Title: Inverse Problems with Diffusion Models: A MAP Estimation Perspective

Title: Retinex-Diffusion: On Controlling Illumination Conditions in Diffusion Models via Retinex Theory

Title: Be aware of overfitting by hyperparameter optimization!

Title: Diffusion Augmented Agents: A Framework for Efficient Exploration and Transfer Learning

Title: SpotFormer: Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Facial Expression Spotting

Title: Robust Load Prediction of Power Network Clusters Based on Cloud-Model-Improved Transformer

Title: Federated Knowledge Recycling: Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Data Sharing

Title: Vulnerabilities in AI-generated Image Detection: The Challenge of Adversarial Attacks

Title: DFE-IANet: A Method for Polyp Image Classification Based on Dual-domain Feature Extraction and Interaction Attention

Title: NIS-SLAM: Neural Implicit Semantic RGB-D SLAM for 3D Consistent Scene Understanding

Title: DeTurb: Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation with Deformable 3D Convolutions and 3D Swin Transformers

Title: Breaking Agents: Compromising Autonomous LLM Agents Through Malfunction Amplification

Title: Automatic Die Studies for Ancient Numismatics

Title: Effective Black Box Testing of Sentiment Analysis Classification Networks

Title: Bayesian Low-Rank LeArning (Bella): A Practical Approach to Bayesian Neural Networks

Title: MambaCapsule: Towards Transparent Cardiac Disease Diagnosis with Electrocardiography Using Mamba Capsule Network

Title: Automated Review Generation Method Based on Large Language Models

Title: Dynamic Scene Understanding through Object-Centric Voxelization and Neural Rendering

Title: What Are Good Positional Encodings for Directed Graphs?

Title: SSPA: Split-and-Synthesize Prompting with Gated Alignments for Multi-Label Image Recognition

Title: Learning Ordinality in Semantic Segmentation

Title: SoK: Payment Channel Networks

Title: Distributed Symmetric Key Establishment: a Scalable Quantum-Safe Key Distribution Protocol

Title: MoFO: Momentum-Filtered Optimizer for Mitigating Forgetting in LLM Fine-Tuning

Title: CLEFT: Language-Image Contrastive Learning with Efficient Large Language Model and Prompt Fine-Tuning

Title: Add-SD: Rational Generation without Manual Reference

Title: Matting by Generation

Title: ThinK: Thinner Key Cache by Query-Driven Pruning