
Title: Towards Non-invasive and Personalized Management of Breast Cancer Patients from Multiparametric MRI via A Large Mixture-of-Modality-Experts Model

Title: Semantic Communication based on Large Language Model for Underwater Image Transmission

Title: Data-Free Class Incremental Gesture Recognition via Synthetic Feature Sampling

Title: AI-driven Transformer Model for Fault Prediction in Non-Linear Dynamic Automotive System

Title: Fairness-Aware Streaming Feature Selection with Causal Graphs

Title: Benchmarking Counterfactual Interpretability in Deep Learning Models for Time Series Classification

Title: Leveraging Information Consistency in Frequency and Spatial Domain for Adversarial Attacks

Title: MultiMed: Massively Multimodal and Multitask Medical Understanding

Title: Late Breaking Results: On the One-Key Premise of Logic Locking

Title: Revisiting Cross-Domain Problem for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection

Title: Macro-Queries: An Exploration into Guided Chart Generation from High Level Prompts

Title: BankTweak: Adversarial Attack against Multi-Object Trackers by Manipulating Feature Banks

Title: Segment Anything Model for Grain Characterization in Hard Drive Design

Title: A Formal, Symbolic Analysis of the Matrix Cryptographic Protocol Suite

Title: CatFree3D: Category-agnostic 3D Object Detection with Diffusion

Title: SLM Meets LLM: Balancing Latency, Interpretability and Consistency in Hallucination Detection

Title: Assessing Modality Bias in Video Question Answering Benchmarks with Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Enhancing Vehicle Environmental Awareness via Federated Learning and Automatic Labeling

Title: Symmetric masking strategy enhances the performance of Masked Image Modeling

Title: Semi-Supervised Variational Adversarial Active Learning via Learning to Rank and Agreement-Based Pseudo Labeling

Title: Investigating LLM Applications in E-Commerce

Title: Quality or Quantity? On Data Scale and Diversity in Adapting Large Language Models for Low-Resource Translation

Title: LLM-PBE: Assessing Data Privacy in Large Language Models

Title: Context-Aware Temporal Embedding of Objects in Video Data

Title: Open-Set Deepfake Detection: A Parameter-Efficient Adaptation Method with Forgery Style Mixture

Title: La-SoftMoE CLIP for Unified Physical-Digital Face Attack Detection

Title: Less for More: Enhancing Preference Learning in Generative Language Models with Automated Self-Curation of Training Corpora

Title: Robust Predictions with Ambiguous Time Delays: A Bootstrap Strategy

Title: Is Generative AI the Next Tactical Cyber Weapon For Threat Actors? Unforeseen Implications of AI Generated Cyber Attacks

Title: VALE: A Multimodal Visual and Language Explanation Framework for Image Classifiers using eXplainable AI and Language Models

Title: From Few to More: Scribble-based Medical Image Segmentation via Masked Context Modeling and Continuous Pseudo Labels

Title: Staircase Cascaded Fusion of Lightweight Local Pattern Recognition and Long-Range Dependencies for Structural Crack Segmentation

Title: Examining the Commitments and Difficulties Inherent in Multimodal Foundation Models for Street View Imagery

Title: LIMP: Large Language Model Enhanced Intent-aware Mobility Prediction

Title: S3Simulator: A benchmarking Side Scan Sonar Simulator dataset for Underwater Image Analysis

Title: CLLMFS: A Contrastive Learning enhanced Large Language Model Framework for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition

Title: Underwater SONAR Image Classification and Analysis using LIME-based Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Title: HGNAS: Hardware-Aware Graph Neural Architecture Search for Edge Devices

Title: Differentially Private Spatiotemporal Trajectory Synthesis with Retained Data Utility

Title: Online Fair Division with Contextual Bandits

Title: Obfuscated Memory Malware Detection

Title: Semantic Alignment for Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Disentangling, Amplifying, and Debiasing: Learning Disentangled Representations for Fair Graph Neural Networks

Title: Unleashing the Potential of SAM2 for Biomedical Images and Videos: A Survey

Title: SecDOAR: A Software Reference Architecture for Security Data Orchestration, Analysis and Reporting

Title: ParGo: Bridging Vision-Language with Partial and Global Views

Title: Animal Identification with Independent Foreground and Background Modeling

Title: Smooth InfoMax -- Towards easier Post-Hoc interpretability

Title: Causal-Guided Active Learning for Debiasing Large Language Models

Title: Find the Assembly Mistakes: Error Segmentation for Industrial Applications

Title: State-of-the-Art Fails in the Art of Damage Detection

Title: Image Segmentation in Foundation Model Era: A Survey

Title: Multimodal Contrastive In-Context Learning

Title: Open Llama2 Model for the Lithuanian Language

Title: Accuracy Improvement of Cell Image Segmentation Using Feedback Former

Title: Energy-Efficient Spiking Recurrent Neural Network for Gesture Recognition on Embedded GPUs

Title: MedDec: A Dataset for Extracting Medical Decisions from Discharge Summaries

Title: Top Score on the Wrong Exam: On Benchmarking in Machine Learning for Vulnerability Detection

Title: RIFF: Inducing Rules for Fraud Detection from Decision Trees

Title: Measuring Variable Importance in Individual Treatment Effect Estimation with High Dimensional Data

Title: EasyControl: Transfer ControlNet to Video Diffusion for Controllable Generation and Interpolation

Title: Systematic Evaluation of LLM-as-a-Judge in LLM Alignment Tasks: Explainable Metrics and Diverse Prompt Templates

Title: A Web-Based Solution for Federated Learning with LLM-Based Automation

Title: Learning 2D Invariant Affordance Knowledge for 3D Affordance Grounding

Title: In-Context Learning with Reinforcement Learning for Incomplete Utterance Rewriting

Title: Indoor scene recognition from images under visual corruptions

Title: VFM-Det: Towards High-Performance Vehicle Detection via Large Foundation Models

Title: S4D: Streaming 4D Real-World Reconstruction with Gaussians and 3D Control Points

Title: Improving the Classification Effect of Clinical Images of Diseases for Multi-Source Privacy Protection

Title: G3FA: Geometry-guided GAN for Face Animation

Title: Atlas Gaussians Diffusion for 3D Generation with Infinite Number of Points

Title: IntelliCare: Improving Healthcare Analysis with Variance-Controlled Patient-Level Knowledge from Large Language Models

Title: Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection based on Enhancing Graph Attention Networks with Topological Analysis

Title: Map-Free Visual Relocalization Enhanced by Instance Knowledge and Depth Knowledge

Title: Analysis of child development facts and myths using text mining techniques and classification models

Title: Diffusion-based Episodes Augmentation for Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Title: Functional Tensor Decompositions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Title: Dynamic Label Adversarial Training for Deep Learning Robustness Against Adversarial Attacks

Title: CathAction: A Benchmark for Endovascular Intervention Understanding

Title: DeTPP: Leveraging Object Detection for Robust Long-Horizon Event Prediction

Title: Deep Learning at the Intersection: Certified Robustness as a Tool for 3D Vision

Title: Tamgram: A Frontend for Large-scale Protocol Modeling in Tamarin

Title: Verification of Geometric Robustness of Neural Networks via Piecewise Linear Approximation and Lipschitz Optimisation

Title: Focus on Neighbors and Know the Whole: Towards Consistent Dense Multiview Text-to-Image Generator for 3D Creation

Title: Long-Term Pre-training for Temporal Action Detection with Transformers

Title: Interpretable breast cancer classification using CNNs on mammographic images

Title: Causal machine learning for sustainable agroecosystems

Title: KonvLiNA: Integrating Kolmogorov-Arnold Network with Linear Nystr\"om Attention for feature fusion in Crop Field Detection

Title: Towards Weaknesses and Attack Patterns Prediction for IoT Devices

Title: Can LLM be a Good Path Planner based on Prompt Engineering? Mitigating the Hallucination for Path Planning

Title: IFH: a Diffusion Framework for Flexible Design of Graph Generative Models

Title: Instruct-DeBERTa: A Hybrid Approach for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis on Textual Reviews

Title: Protecting against simultaneous data poisoning attacks

Title: D&M: Enriching E-commerce Videos with Sound Effects by Key Moment Detection and SFX Matching

Title: Multi-Layer Transformers Gradient Can be Approximated in Almost Linear Time

Title: CustomCrafter: Customized Video Generation with Preserving Motion and Concept Composition Abilities

Title: MCTR: Multi Camera Tracking Transformer

Title: Data Exposure from LLM Apps: An In-depth Investigation of OpenAI's GPTs

Title: Foundational Model for Electron Micrograph Analysis: Instruction-Tuning Small-Scale Language-and-Vision Assistant for Enterprise Adoption

Title: Re-evaluation of Face Anti-spoofing Algorithm in Post COVID-19 Era Using Mask Based Occlusion Attack

Title: LayerPano3D: Layered 3D Panorama for Hyper-Immersive Scene Generation

Title: Domain-specific long text classification from sparse relevant information

Title: Ensemble Modeling of Multiple Physical Indicators to Dynamically Phenotype Autism Spectrum Disorder

Title: MME-RealWorld: Could Your Multimodal LLM Challenge High-Resolution Real-World Scenarios that are Difficult for Humans?