
Title: Evolvable Psychology Informed Neural Network for Memory Behavior Modeling

Title: Extraction of Typical Operating Scenarios of New Power System Based on Deep Time Series Aggregation

Title: Knowledge Graph Modeling-Driven Large Language Model Operating System (LLM OS) for Task Automation in Process Engineering Problem-Solving

Title: Empowering Pre-Trained Language Models for Spatio-Temporal Forecasting via Decoupling Enhanced Discrete Reprogramming

Title: LLMs as Zero-shot Graph Learners: Alignment of GNN Representations with LLM Token Embeddings

Title: Variational autoencoder-based neural network model compression

Title: Retrieval Augmented Generation for Dynamic Graph Modeling

Title: Behavior-Based Detection of GPU Cryptojacking

Title: A Survey of Camouflaged Object Detection and Beyond

Title: Improving Clinical Note Generation from Complex Doctor-Patient Conversation

Title: CURLoRA: Stable LLM Continual Fine-Tuning and Catastrophic Forgetting Mitigation

Title: DIAGen: Diverse Image Augmentation with Generative Models

Title: Global-Local Distillation Network-Based Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with Incomplete Modalities

Title: MMR: Evaluating Reading Ability of Large Multimodal Models

Title: PVAFN: Point-Voxel Attention Fusion Network with Multi-Pooling Enhancing for 3D Object Detection

Title: Securing Biometric Data: Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Multimodal Iris and Face Recognition

Title: Security Concerns in IoT Light Bulbs: Investigating Covert Channels

Title: What Makes a Good Story and How Can We Measure It? A Comprehensive Survey of Story Evaluation

Title: Hybrid Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Combined with Autoencoders And Augmented Data To Predict The Look-Up Table 2006

Title: ParTEETor: A System for Partial Deployments of TEEs within Tor

Title: Russian Cyber Onslaught was Blunted by Ukrainian Cyber Resilience, not Merely Security

Title: Physically Feasible Semantic Segmentation

Title: Enhancing Neural Network Interpretability Through Conductance-Based Information Plane Analysis

Title: Detecting Interpretable Subgroup Drifts

Title: Training-Free Activation Sparsity in Large Language Models

Title: PAT: Pruning-Aware Tuning for Large Language Models

Title: TART: Boosting Clean Accuracy Through Tangent Direction Guided Adversarial Training

Title: OctFusion: Octree-based Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation

Title: Learning Differentially Private Diffusion Models via Stochastic Adversarial Distillation

Title: RSTeller: Scaling Up Visual Language Modeling in Remote Sensing with Rich Linguistic Semantics from Openly Available Data and Large Language Models

Title: LyCon: Lyrics Reconstruction from the Bag-of-Words Using Large Language Models

Title: Channel-wise Influence: Estimating Data Influence for Multivariate Time Series

Title: SynthDoc: Bilingual Documents Synthesis for Visual Document Understanding

Title: CrossViewDiff: A Cross-View Diffusion Model for Satellite-to-Street View Synthesis

Title: A global AI community requires language-diverse publishing

Title: Instruct-SkillMix: A Powerful Pipeline for LLM Instruction Tuning

Title: MROVSeg: Breaking the Resolution Curse of Vision-Language Models in Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

Title: GINN-KAN: Interpretability pipelining with applications in Physics Informed Neural Networks

Title: Learning from Complementary Features

Title: Revisiting Surgical Instrument Segmentation Without Human Intervention: A Graph Partitioning View

Title: GSIFN: A Graph-Structured and Interlaced-Masked Multimodal Transformer Based Fusion Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

Title: HPT++: Hierarchically Prompting Vision-Language Models with Multi-Granularity Knowledge Generation and Improved Structure Modeling

Title: Build-A-Scene: Interactive 3D Layout Control for Diffusion-Based Image Generation

Title: Data-driven Effective Modeling of Multiscale Stochastic Dynamical Systems

Title: Alfie: Democratising RGBA Image Generation With No $$$

Title: Time-Aware Face Anti-Spoofing with Rotation Invariant Local Binary Patterns and Deep Learning

Title: PolicyLR: A Logic Representation For Privacy Policies

Title: DRL-Based Federated Self-Supervised Learning for Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in ISAC-Enabled Vehicle Edge Computing

Title: Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines

Title: Diffusion based Semantic Outlier Generation via Nuisance Awareness for Out-of-Distribution Detection

Title: From Bias to Balance: Detecting Facial Expression Recognition Biases in Large Multimodal Foundation Models

Title: Correntropy-Based Improper Likelihood Model for Robust Electrophysiological Source Imaging

Title: AAVENUE: Detecting LLM Biases on NLU Tasks in AAVE via a Novel Benchmark

Title: Diffusion-Occ: 3D Point Cloud Completion via Occupancy Diffusion

Title: Detecting AI Flaws: Target-Driven Attacks on Internal Faults in Language Models

Title: DiffSurf: A Transformer-based Diffusion Model for Generating and Reconstructing 3D Surfaces in Pose

Title: Advancing Adversarial Suffix Transfer Learning on Aligned Large Language Models

Title: ZeroMamba: Exploring Visual State Space Model for Zero-Shot Learning

Title: Inverse-Q*: Token Level Reinforcement Learning for Aligning Large Language Models Without Preference Data

Title: Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting for Smart and Connected Infrastructures

Title: Adversarial Manhole: Challenging Monocular Depth Estimation and Semantic Segmentation Models with Patch Attack

Title: User-level Social Multimedia Traffic Anomaly Detection with Meta-Learning

Title: MeshUp: Multi-Target Mesh Deformation via Blended Score Distillation

Title: Writing in the Margins: Better Inference Pattern for Long Context Retrieval

Title: SpikingSSMs: Learning Long Sequences with Sparse and Parallel Spiking State Space Models

Title: Can Transformers Do Enumerative Geometry?

Title: From Chaos to Consistency: The Role of CSAF in Streamlining Security Advisories

Title: BOX3D: Lightweight Camera-LiDAR Fusion for 3D Object Detection and Localization

Title: NeuralOOD: Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization Performance with Brain-machine Fusion Learning Framework

Title: Applying ViT in Generalized Few-shot Semantic Segmentation

Title: Cross-Modal Learning for Chemistry Property Prediction: Large Language Models Meet Graph Machine Learning

Title: AgentMonitor: A Plug-and-Play Framework for Predictive and Secure Multi-Agent Systems

Title: MegActor-$\Sigma$: Unlocking Flexible Mixed-Modal Control in Portrait Animation with Diffusion Transformer

Title: Speech Recognition Transformers: Topological-lingualism Perspective

Title: FastTextSpotter: A High-Efficiency Transformer for Multilingual Scene Text Spotting

Title: Hierarchical Graph Interaction Transformer with Dynamic Token Clustering for Camouflaged Object Detection

Title: Evidence-Enhanced Triplet Generation Framework for Hallucination Alleviation in Generative Question Answering

Title: Interactive Occlusion Boundary Estimation through Exploitation of Synthetic Data

Title: A Survey of Large Language Models for European Languages

Title: Enabling Efficient and Scalable DRAM Read Disturbance Mitigation via New Experimental Insights into Modern DRAM Chips

Title: DocLayLLM: An Efficient and Effective Multi-modal Extension of Large Language Models for Text-rich Document Understanding

Title: Causal Rule Forest: Toward Interpretable and Precise Treatment Effect Estimation

Title: Subgroup Analysis via Model-based Rule Forest

Title: Adapting Segment Anything Model to Multi-modal Salient Object Detection with Semantic Feature Fusion Guidance

Title: MMASD+: A Novel Dataset for Privacy-Preserving Behavior Analysis of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Title: BaichuanSEED: Sharing the Potential of ExtensivE Data Collection and Deduplication by Introducing a Competitive Large Language Model Baseline

Title: Relation Also Knows: Rethinking the Recall and Editing of Factual Associations in Auto-Regressive Transformer Language Models

Title: Constrained Diffusion Models via Dual Training

Title: Post-processing fairness with minimal changes

Title: CLIP-AGIQA: Boosting the Performance of AI-Generated Image Quality Assessment with CLIP

Title: No Regrets: Investigating and Improving Regret Approximations for Curriculum Discovery

Title: MTMamba++: Enhancing Multi-Task Dense Scene Understanding via Mamba-Based Decoders

Title: The Illusion of Randomness: An Empirical Analysis of Address Space Layout Randomization Implementations

Title: Urdu Digital Text Word Optical Character Recognition Using Permuted Auto Regressive Sequence Modeling

Title: Machine Learning for Methane Detection and Quantification from Space -- A survey

Title: T-FAKE: Synthesizing Thermal Images for Facial Landmarking

Title: How transformers learn structured data: insights from hierarchical filtering

Title: Measuring text summarization factuality using atomic facts entailment metrics in the context of retrieval augmented generation

Title: A Review of Transformer-Based Models for Computer Vision Tasks: Capturing Global Context and Spatial Relationships

Title: PoseWatch: A Transformer-based Architecture for Human-centric Video Anomaly Detection Using Spatio-temporal Pose Tokenization

Title: An Investigation on The Position Encoding in Vision-Based Dynamics Prediction

Title: Can Unconfident LLM Annotations Be Used for Confident Conclusions?

Title: Leveraging Hallucinations to Reduce Manual Prompt Dependency in Promptable Segmentation

Title: FRAMER/Miu: Tagged Pointer-based Capability and Fundamental Cost of Memory Safety & Coherence (Position Paper)

Title: LLM Defenses Are Not Robust to Multi-Turn Human Jailbreaks Yet

Title: DCT-CryptoNets: Scaling Private Inference in the Frequency Domain

Title: Into the Unknown Unknowns: Engaged Human Learning through Participation in Language Model Agent Conversations

Title: The Mamba in the Llama: Distilling and Accelerating Hybrid Models

Title: Generative Inbetweening: Adapting Image-to-Video Models for Keyframe Interpolation

Title: Generative Verifiers: Reward Modeling as Next-Token Prediction

Title: GenRec: Unifying Video Generation and Recognition with Diffusion Models

Title: Drone-assisted Road Gaussian Splatting with Cross-view Uncertainty