
Title: Comparison of Epilepsy Induced by Ischemic Hypoxic Brain Injury and Hypoglycemic Brain Injury using Multilevel Fusion of Data Features

Title: SDOoop: Capturing Periodical Patterns and Out-of-phase Anomalies in Streaming Data Analysis

Title: Hallucination Detection in LLMs: Fast and Memory-Efficient Finetuned Models

Title: Vec2Face: Scaling Face Dataset Generation with Loosely Constrained Vectors

Title: CLUE: Concept-Level Uncertainty Estimation for Large Language Models

Title: NUMOSIM: A Synthetic Mobility Dataset with Anomaly Detection Benchmarks

Title: A General Albedo Recovery Approach for Aerial Photogrammetric Images through Inverse Rendering

Title: MDNF: Multi-Diffusion-Nets for Neural Fields on Meshes

Title: Can Your Generative Model Detect Out-of-Distribution Covariate Shift?

Title: Better Verified Explanations with Applications to Incorrectness and Out-of-Distribution Detection

Title: MobileUNETR: A Lightweight End-To-End Hybrid Vision Transformer For Efficient Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Backdoor defense, learnability and obfuscation

Title: Leveraging Interpretability in the Transformer to Automate the Proactive Scaling of Cloud Resources

Title: Spatial Diffusion for Cell Layout Generation

Title: Probing self-attention in self-supervised speech models for cross-linguistic differences

Title: Well, that escalated quickly: The Single-Turn Crescendo Attack (STCA)

Title: Towards Autonomous Cybersecurity: An Intelligent AutoML Framework for Autonomous Intrusion Detection

Title: Addressing the Gaps in Early Dementia Detection: A Path Towards Enhanced Diagnostic Models through Machine Learning

Title: Debate on Graph: a Flexible and Reliable Reasoning Framework for Large Language Models

Title: MaterialBENCH: Evaluating College-Level Materials Science Problem-Solving Abilities of Large Language Models

Title: A Scalable Matrix Visualization for Understanding Tree Ensemble Classifiers

Title: Bypassing DARCY Defense: Indistinguishable Universal Adversarial Triggers

Title: PEPL: Precision-Enhanced Pseudo-Labeling for Fine-Grained Image Classification in Semi-Supervised Learning

Title: RoomDiffusion: A Specialized Diffusion Model in the Interior Design Industry

Title: Active Fake: DeepFake Camouflage

Title: An Effective Deployment of Diffusion LM for Data Augmentation in Low-Resource Sentiment Classification

Title: Pricing American Options using Machine Learning Algorithms

Title: TC-LLaVA: Rethinking the Transfer from Image to Video Understanding with Temporal Considerations

Title: iSeg: An Iterative Refinement-based Framework for Training-free Segmentation

Title: Bi-capacity Choquet Integral for Sensor Fusion with Label Uncertainty

Title: Optimizing 3D Gaussian Splatting for Sparse Viewpoint Scene Reconstruction

Title: xLAM: A Family of Large Action Models to Empower AI Agent Systems

Title: FairQuant: Certifying and Quantifying Fairness of Deep Neural Networks

Title: Why mamba is effective? Exploit Linear Transformer-Mamba Network for Multi-Modality Image Fusion

Title: Enhancing Healthcare LLM Trust with Atypical Presentations Recalibration

Title: Labeled-to-Unlabeled Distribution Alignment for Partially-Supervised Multi-Organ Medical Image Segmentation

Title: State-space models are accurate and efficient neural operators for dynamical systems

Title: Robust Q-Learning under Corrupted Rewards

Title: UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles): Diverse Applications of UAV Datasets in Segmentation, Classification, Detection, and Tracking

Title: Multiple weather images restoration using the task transformer and adaptive mixup strategy

Title: Gr-IoU: Ground-Intersection over Union for Robust Multi-Object Tracking with 3D Geometric Constraints

Title: Granular-ball Representation Learning for Deep CNN on Learning with Label Noise

Title: Understanding LLM Development Through Longitudinal Study: Insights from the Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard

Title: GraphInsight: Unlocking Insights in Large Language Models for Graph Structure Understanding

Title: SVP: Style-Enhanced Vivid Portrait Talking Head Diffusion Model

Title: OccLLaMA: An Occupancy-Language-Action Generative World Model for Autonomous Driving

Title: Recent Advances in Attack and Defense Approaches of Large Language Models

Title: Interpretable mixture of experts for time series prediction under recurrent and non-recurrent conditions

Title: LLM Detectors Still Fall Short of Real World: Case of LLM-Generated Short News-Like Posts

Title: N-gram Prediction and Word Difference Representations for Language Modeling

Title: On the construction of ultra-light MDS matrices

Title: Improving Robustness to Multiple Spurious Correlations by Multi-Objective Optimization

Title: Enhancing User-Centric Privacy Protection: An Interactive Framework through Diffusion Models and Machine Unlearning

Title: Rethinking Improved Privacy-Utility Trade-off with Pre-existing Knowledge for DP Training

Title: Sketch: A Toolkit for Streamlining LLM Operations

Title: MouseSIS: A Frames-and-Events Dataset for Space-Time Instance Segmentation of Mice

Title: Con-ReCall: Detecting Pre-training Data in LLMs via Contrastive Decoding

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models through Natural Language Processing to provide interpretable Machine Learning predictions of mental deterioration in real time

Title: CogniDual Framework: Self-Training Large Language Models within a Dual-System Theoretical Framework for Improving Cognitive Tasks

Title: Make Graph-based Referring Expression Comprehension Great Again through Expression-guided Dynamic Gating and Regression

Title: KAN See In the Dark

Title: TG-LMM: Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation Accuracy through Text-Guided Large Multi-Modal Model

Title: mPLUG-DocOwl2: High-resolution Compressing for OCR-free Multi-page Document Understanding

Title: Weight Conditioning for Smooth Optimization of Neural Networks

Title: UV-Mamba: A DCN-Enhanced State Space Model for Urban Village Boundary Identification in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images

Title: A Key-Driven Framework for Identity-Preserving Face Anonymization

Title: Shuffle Vision Transformer: Lightweight, Fast and Efficient Recognition of Driver Facial Expression

Title: Rx Strategist: Prescription Verification using LLM Agents System

Title: Fine-tuning large language models for domain adaptation: Exploration of training strategies, scaling, model merging and synergistic capabilities

Title: Automatic occlusion removal from 3D maps for maritime situational awareness

Title: How Much Data is Enough Data? Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for In-House Translation: Performance Evaluation Across Multiple Dataset Sizes

Title: Data-free Distillation with Degradation-prompt Diffusion for Multi-weather Image Restoration

Title: LM-Gaussian: Boost Sparse-view 3D Gaussian Splatting with Large Model Priors

Title: Non-Uniform Illumination Attack for Fooling Convolutional Neural Networks

Title: LowFormer: Hardware Efficient Design for Convolutional Transformer Backbones

Title: Characterizing Massive Activations of Attention Mechanism in Graph Neural Networks

Title: Tyche: Collateral-Free Coalition-Resistant Multiparty Lotteries with Arbitrary Payouts

Title: Improving Uncertainty-Error Correspondence in Deep Bayesian Medical Image Segmentation

Title: ScreenMark: Watermarking Arbitrary Visual Content on Screen

Title: Towards Data-Centric Face Anti-Spoofing: Improving Cross-domain Generalization via Physics-based Data Synthesis

Title: Blended Latent Diffusion under Attention Control for Real-World Video Editing

Title: LMLT: Low-to-high Multi-Level Vision Transformer for Image Super-Resolution

Title: FrozenSeg: Harmonizing Frozen Foundation Models for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation

Title: Use of triplet loss for facial restoration in low-resolution images

Title: Risk-based Calibration for Probabilistic Classifiers

Title: Prediction Accuracy & Reliability: Classification and Object Localization under Distribution Shift

Title: CTMBIDS: Convolutional Tsetlin Machine Based Intrusion Detection System for DDoS attacks in an SDN environment

Title: DKDM: Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Diffusion Models with Any Architecture

Title: Organized Grouped Discrete Representation for Object-Centric Learning

Title: Enabling Practical and Privacy-Preserving Image Processing

Title: Costs Estimation in Unit Commitment Problems using Simulation-Based Inference

Title: A practical approach to evaluating the adversarial distance for machine learning classifiers

Title: TCDiff: Triple Condition Diffusion Model with 3D Constraints for Stylizing Synthetic Faces

Title: SegTalker: Segmentation-based Talking Face Generation with Mask-guided Local Editing

Title: VFLGAN-TS: Vertical Federated Learning-based Generative Adversarial Networks for Publication of Vertically Partitioned Time-Series Data

Title: Attend First, Consolidate Later: On the Importance of Attention in Different LLM Layers

Title: On the Compliance of Self-Sovereign Identity with GDPR Principles: A Critical Review

Title: Beyond Model Interpretability: Socio-Structural Explanations in Machine Learning

Title: CDM: A Reliable Metric for Fair and Accurate Formula Recognition Evaluation

Title: RealisHuman: A Two-Stage Approach for Refining Malformed Human Parts in Generated Images

Title: Limited but consistent gains in adversarial robustness by co-training object recognition models with human EEG

Title: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization with Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: LLM-based multi-agent poetry generation in non-cooperative environments

Title: The representation landscape of few-shot learning and fine-tuning in large language models

Title: A Fused Large Language Model for Predicting Startup Success

Title: Wind turbine condition monitoring based on intra- and inter-farm federated learning

Title: A Different Level Text Protection Mechanism With Differential Privacy

Title: RAG based Question-Answering for Contextual Response Prediction System

Title: Geometry Image Diffusion: Fast and Data-Efficient Text-to-3D with Image-Based Surface Representation

Title: Confidential Computing Transparency

Title: Planning In Natural Language Improves LLM Search For Code Generation

Title: Safety vs. Performance: How Multi-Objective Learning Reduces Barriers to Market Entry

Title: LLM-CI: Assessing Contextual Integrity Norms in Language Models

Title: Understanding Data Importance in Machine Learning Attacks: Does Valuable Data Pose Greater Harm?

Title: Libra: Architectural Support For Principled, Secure And Efficient Balanced Execution On High-End Processors (Extended Version)

Title: ArtiFade: Learning to Generate High-quality Subject from Blemished Images

Title: Attention Heads of Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: Foundation Model or Finetune? Evaluation of few-shot semantic segmentation for river pollution

Title: DC-Solver: Improving Predictor-Corrector Diffusion Sampler via Dynamic Compensation

Title: Lexicon3D: Probing Visual Foundation Models for Complex 3D Scene Understanding