
Title: Multi-Modal Instruction-Tuning Small-Scale Language-and-Vision Assistant for Semiconductor Electron Micrograph Analysis

Title: Polynomial Methods for Ensuring Data Integrity in Financial Systems

Title: DV-FSR: A Dual-View Target Attack Framework for Federated Sequential Recommendation

Title: AdaPPA: Adaptive Position Pre-Fill Jailbreak Attack Approach Targeting LLMs

Title: A Survey of Anomaly Detection in In-Vehicle Networks

Title: SafeBPF: Hardware-assisted Defense-in-depth for eBPF Kernel Extensions

Title: ENACT: Entropy-based Clustering of Attention Input for Improving the Computational Performance of Object Detection Transformers

Title: Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration with Self-Distillation

Title: EchoDFKD: Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Cardiac Ultrasound Segmentation using Synthetic Data

Title: Cybersecurity Challenge Analysis of Work-from-Anywhere (WFA) and Recommendations guided by a User Study

Title: FaVoR: Features via Voxel Rendering for Camera Relocalization

Title: fence.t.s: Closing Timing Channels in High-Performance Out-of-Order Cores through ISA-Supported Temporal Partitioning

Title: New constructions of pseudorandom codes

Title: Minimizing Embedding Distortion for Robust Out-of-Distribution Performance

Title: Analyzing the Impact of Copying-and-Pasting Vulnerable Solidity Code Snippets from Question-and-Answer Websites

Title: Exploring LLMs for Malware Detection: Review, Framework Design, and Countermeasure Approaches

Title: The Role of Deep Learning Regularizations on Actors in Offline RL

Title: A Cost-Aware Approach to Adversarial Robustness in Neural Networks

Title: Token Turing Machines are Efficient Vision Models

Title: Zero-Shot Machine-Generated Text Detection Using Mixture of Large Language Models

Title: Public-key encryption from a trapdoor one-way embedding of $SL_2(\mathbb{N}$)

Title: Ensemble Methods for Sequence Classification with Hidden Markov Models

Title: HERL: Tiered Federated Learning with Adaptive Homomorphic Encryption using Reinforcement Learning

Title: SimulBench: Evaluating Language Models with Creative Simulation Tasks

Title: Feature Importance in Pedestrian Intention Prediction: A Context-Aware Review

Title: DiffTED: One-shot Audio-driven TED Talk Video Generation with Diffusion-based Co-speech Gestures

Title: Foundation Models Boost Low-Level Perceptual Similarity Metrics

Title: An Unsupervised Dialogue Topic Segmentation Model Based on Utterance Rewriting

Title: Open-Vocabulary Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation

Title: Learn from Balance: Rectifying Knowledge Transfer for Long-Tailed Scenarios

Title: TMFNet: Two-Stream Multi-Channels Fusion Networks for Color Image Operation Chain Detection

Title: Attack End-to-End Autonomous Driving through Module-Wise Noise

Title: Harnessing TI Feeds for Exploitation Detection

Title: Experimenting with Legal AI Solutions: The Case of Question-Answering for Access to Justice

Title: CollaMamba: Efficient Collaborative Perception with Cross-Agent Spatial-Temporal State Space Model

Title: FIReStereo: Forest InfraRed Stereo Dataset for UAS Depth Perception in Visually Degraded Environments

Title: Advancing Depth Anything Model for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation in Endoscopy

Title: Large Language Models are Pattern Matchers: Editing Semi-Structured and Structured Documents with ChatGPT

Title: LOCKEY: A Novel Approach to Model Authentication and Deepfake Tracking

Title: Learning Brain Tumor Representation in 3D High-Resolution MR Images via Interpretable State Space Models

Title: Multi-object event graph representation learning for Video Question Answering

Title: Efficient Privacy-Preserving KAN Inference Using Homomorphic Encryption

Title: DiTAS: Quantizing Diffusion Transformers via Enhanced Activation Smoothing

Title: Alignment with Preference Optimization Is All You Need for LLM Safety

Title: ASSNet: Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Network for Microtumors and Multi-Organ Segmentation

Title: XMOL: Explainable Multi-property Optimization of Molecules

Title: Full-text Error Correction for Chinese Speech Recognition with Large Language Model

Title: Lagrange Duality and Compound Multi-Attention Transformer for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Title: In-Situ Fine-Tuning of Wildlife Models in IoT-Enabled Camera Traps for Efficient Adaptation

Title: GateAttentionPose: Enhancing Pose Estimation with Agent Attention and Improved Gated Convolutions

Title: SURGIVID: Annotation-Efficient Surgical Video Object Discovery

Title: FedHide: Federated Learning by Hiding in the Neighbors

Title: Controllable Synthetic Clinical Note Generation with Privacy Guarantees

Title: What is YOLOv9: An In-Depth Exploration of the Internal Features of the Next-Generation Object Detector

Title: A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality

Title: ReGentS: Real-World Safety-Critical Driving Scenario Generation Made Stable

Title: Structured Pruning for Efficient Visual Place Recognition

Title: FPMT: Enhanced Semi-Supervised Model for Traffic Incident Detection

Title: Real-time Multi-view Omnidirectional Depth Estimation System for Robots and Autonomous Driving on Real Scenes

Title: A Toolchain for Assisting Migration of Software Executables Towards Post-Quantum Crytography

Title: Learning Rules from KGs Guided by Language Models

Title: UNIT: Unsupervised Online Instance Segmentation through Time

Title: BLens: Contrastive Captioning of Binary Functions using Ensemble Embedding

Title: Microscopic-Mamba: Revealing the Secrets of Microscopic Images with Just 4M Parameters

Title: Building a Cybersecurity Risk Metamodel for Improved Method and Tool Integration

Title: UGAD: Universal Generative AI Detector utilizing Frequency Fingerprints

Title: Mobile App Security Trends and Topics: An Examination of Questions From Stack Overflow

Title: Reinforcement Learning Discovers Efficient Decentralized Graph Path Search Strategies

Title: Control+Shift: Generating Controllable Distribution Shifts

Title: Enhanced Online Grooming Detection Employing Context Determination and Message-Level Analysis

Title: Do Vision Foundation Models Enhance Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation?

Title: Estimating atmospheric variables from Digital Typhoon Satellite Images via Conditional Denoising Diffusion Models

Title: ProbTalk3D: Non-Deterministic Emotion Controllable Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation Synthesis Using VQ-VAE

Title: Locality-aware Cross-modal Correspondence Learning for Dense Audio-Visual Events Localization

Title: Enhancing Few-Shot Image Classification through Learnable Multi-Scale Embedding and Attention Mechanisms

Title: Depth Matters: Exploring Deep Interactions of RGB-D for Semantic Segmentation in Traffic Scenes

Title: Privacy-preserving federated prediction of pain intensity change based on multi-center survey data

Title: Network Anomaly Traffic Detection via Multi-view Feature Fusion

Title: Scribble-Guided Diffusion for Training-free Text-to-Image Generation

Title: Unleashing Worms and Extracting Data: Escalating the Outcome of Attacks against RAG-based Inference in Scale and Severity Using Jailbreaking

Title: Spatial Adaptation Layer: Interpretable Domain Adaptation For Biosignal Sensor Array Applications

Title: Q-value Regularized Decision ConvFormer for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Title: Diffusion-Based Image-to-Image Translation by Noise Correction via Prompt Interpolation

Title: SimMAT: Exploring Transferability from Vision Foundation Models to Any Image Modality

Title: Securing Large Language Models: Addressing Bias, Misinformation, and Prompt Attacks

Title: EZIGen: Enhancing zero-shot subject-driven image generation with precise subject encoding and decoupled guidance

Title: The CLC-UKET Dataset: Benchmarking Case Outcome Prediction for the UK Employment Tribunal

Title: Bayesian Self-Training for Semi-Supervised 3D Segmentation

Title: Towards a graph-based foundation model for network traffic analysis

Title: LLM-POTUS Score: A Framework of Analyzing Presidential Debates with Large Language Models

Title: MagicStyle: Portrait Stylization Based on Reference Image

Title: SDformer: Efficient End-to-End Transformer for Depth Completion

Title: On the Role of Context in Reading Time Prediction

Title: Open Source Infrastructure for Automatic Cell Segmentation

Title: High-Frequency Anti-DreamBooth: Robust Defense Against Image Synthesis

Title: Learning to Match 2D Keypoints Across Preoperative MR and Intraoperative Ultrasound

Title: Low-Cost Tree Crown Dieback Estimation Using Deep Learning-Based Segmentation

Title: Fine-tuning Large Language Models for Entity Matching

Title: A Secure Standard for NFT Fractionalization

Title: What Makes a Maze Look Like a Maze?

Title: VI3DRM:Towards meticulous 3D Reconstruction from Sparse Views via Photo-Realistic Novel View Synthesis

Title: LT3SD: Latent Trees for 3D Scene Diffusion

Title: Tweezers: A Framework for Security Event Detection via Event Attribution-centric Tweet Embedding

Title: LLM Honeypot: Leveraging Large Language Models as Advanced Interactive Honeypot Systems

Title: Multi-Model based Federated Learning Against Model Poisoning Attack: A Deep Learning Based Model Selection for MEC Systems

Title: Source2Synth: Synthetic Data Generation and Curation Grounded in Real Data Sources

Title: IFAdapter: Instance Feature Control for Grounded Text-to-Image Generation

Title: Dynamic Prompting of Frozen Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Panoptic Narrative Grounding

Title: LoRID: Low-Rank Iterative Diffusion for Adversarial Purification

Title: Improving Virtual Try-On with Garment-focused Diffusion Models

Title: Improving Text-guided Object Inpainting with Semantic Pre-inpainting

Title: FlashSplat: 2D to 3D Gaussian Splatting Segmentation Solved Optimally

Title: DreamBeast: Distilling 3D Fantastical Animals with Part-Aware Knowledge Transfer

Title: Click2Mask: Local Editing with Dynamic Mask Generation

Title: DreamHOI: Subject-Driven Generation of 3D Human-Object Interactions with Diffusion Priors