
Title: Language-centered Human Activity Recognition

Title: TREB: a BERT attempt for imputing tabular data imputation

Title: Prediction and Detection of Terminal Diseases Using Internet of Medical Things: A Review

Title: A Novel Spinor-Based Embedding Model for Transformers

Title: Artificial intelligence-based blockchain-driven financial default prediction

Title: Epidemiology-Aware Neural ODE with Continuous Disease Transmission Graph

Title: Generalizing Consistency Policy to Visual RL with Prioritized Proximal Experience Regularization

Title: DelayPTC-LLM: Metro Passenger Travel Choice Prediction under Train Delays with Large Language Models

Title: Frequency-adaptive Multi-scale Deep Neural Networks

Title: Transferable Unsupervised Outlier Detection Framework for Human Semantic Trajectories

Title: Survey of Security and Data Attacks on Machine Unlearning In Financial and E-Commerce

Title: STTM: A New Approach Based Spatial-Temporal Transformer And Memory Network For Real-time Pressure Signal In On-demand Food Delivery

Title: IDEA: An Inverse Domain Expert Adaptation Based Active DNN IP Protection Method

Title: Neural Decompiling of Tracr Transformers

Title: An interdisciplinary exploration of trade-offs between energy, privacy and accuracy aspects of data

Title: Collaborative Knowledge Distillation via a Learning-by-Education Node Community

Title: A Survey on Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems

Title: ACE: All-round Creator and Editor Following Instructions via Diffusion Transformer

Title: Fisher Information-based Efficient Curriculum Federated Learning with Large Language Models

Title: CVVLSNet: Vehicle Location and Speed Estimation Using Partial Connected Vehicle Trajectory Data

Title: Semantic-Driven Topic Modeling Using Transformer-Based Embeddings and Clustering Algorithms

Title: Are Large Language Models In-Context Personalized Summarizers? Get an iCOPERNICUS Test Done!

Title: Scheherazade: Evaluating Chain-of-Thought Math Reasoning in LLMs with Chain-of-Problems

Title: Beyond Single Concept Vector: Modeling Concept Subspace in LLMs with Gaussian Distribution

Title: KV-Compress: Paged KV-Cache Compression with Variable Compression Rates per Attention Head

Title: Adapting LLMs for the Medical Domain in Portuguese: A Study on Fine-Tuning and Model Evaluation

Title: EEG Emotion Copilot: Pruning LLMs for Emotional EEG Interpretation with Assisted Medical Record Generation

Title: GaNDLF-Synth: A Framework to Democratize Generative AI for (Bio)Medical Imaging

Title: Adaptable Moral Stances of Large Language Models on Sexist Content: Implications for Society and Gender Discourse

Title: Evaluating the fairness of task-adaptive pretraining on unlabeled test data before few-shot text classification

Title: Zero-Shot Classification of Crisis Tweets Using Instruction-Finetuned Large Language Models

Title: Evaluating the performance of state-of-the-art esg domain-specific pre-trained large language models in text classification against existing models and traditional machine learning techniques

Title: Characterizing and Efficiently Accelerating Multimodal Generation Model Inference

Title: Probabilistic Classification of Near-Surface Shallow-Water Sediments using A Portable Free-Fall Penetrometer

Title: Quantized and Asynchronous Federated Learning

Title: Enhancing Pre-Trained Language Models for Vulnerability Detection via Semantic-Preserving Data Augmentation

Title: A Methodology for Explainable Large Language Models with Integrated Gradients and Linguistic Analysis in Text Classification

Title: Enhanced Credit Score Prediction Using Ensemble Deep Learning Model

Title: DoPAMine: Domain-specific Pre-training Adaptation from seed-guided data Mining

Title: Procedure-Aware Surgical Video-language Pretraining with Hierarchical Knowledge Augmentation

Title: Class-Agnostic Visio-Temporal Scene Sketch Semantic Segmentation

Title: KPCA-CAM: Visual Explainability of Deep Computer Vision Models using Kernel PCA

Title: Comprehensive Performance Modeling and System Design Insights for Foundation Models

Title: On Large Uni- and Multi-modal Models for Unsupervised Classification of Social Media Images: Nature's Contribution to People as case study

Title: Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning-based Quadrotor UAV Detection and Tracking Methods

Title: Insight: A Multi-Modal Diagnostic Pipeline using LLMs for Ocular Surface Disease Diagnosis

Title: GSPR: Multimodal Place Recognition Using 3D Gaussian Splatting for Autonomous Driving

Title: RadGazeGen: Radiomics and Gaze-guided Medical Image Generation using Diffusion Models

Title: Ask, Pose, Unite: Scaling Data Acquisition for Close Interactions with Vision Language Models

Title: PointAD: Comprehending 3D Anomalies from Points and Pixels for Zero-shot 3D Anomaly Detection

Title: A Cat Is A Cat (Not A Dog!): Unraveling Information Mix-ups in Text-to-Image Encoders through Causal Analysis and Embedding Optimization

Title: EnzymeFlow: Generating Reaction-specific Enzyme Catalytic Pockets through Flow Matching and Co-Evolutionary Dynamics

Title: Preserving Generalization of Language models in Few-shot Continual Relation Extraction

Title: SyntheOcc: Synthesize Geometric-Controlled Street View Images through 3D Semantic MPIs

Title: A Taxonomy of Loss Functions for Stochastic Optimal Control

Title: Revisiting the Role of Texture in 3D Person Re-identification

Title: Efficient Training of Large Vision Models via Advanced Automated Progressive Learning

Title: Hierarchical Organization Simulacra in the Investment Sector

Title: Self-controller: Controlling LLMs with Multi-round Step-by-step Self-awareness

Title: TFCT-I2P: Three stream fusion network with color aware transformer for image-to-point cloud registration

Title: PclGPT: A Large Language Model for Patronizing and Condescending Language Detection

Title: FedPT: Federated Proxy-Tuning of Large Language Models on Resource-Constrained Edge Devices

Title: Unleashing the Potentials of Likelihood Composition for Multi-modal Language Models

Title: Easydiagnos: a framework for accurate feature selection for automatic diagnosis in smart healthcare

Title: Descriptor: Face Detection Dataset for Programmable Threshold-Based Sparse-Vision

Title: Robust Traffic Forecasting against Spatial Shift over Years

Title: CXPMRG-Bench: Pre-training and Benchmarking for X-ray Medical Report Generation on CheXpert Plus Dataset

Title: GLMHA A Guided Low-rank Multi-Head Self-Attention for Efficient Image Restoration and Spectral Reconstruction

Title: Generative Precipitation Downscaling using Score-based Diffusion with Wasserstein Regularization

Title: Answer When Needed, Forget When Not: Language Models Pretend to Forget via In-Context Knowledge Unlearning

Title: STGformer: Efficient Spatiotemporal Graph Transformer for Traffic Forecasting

Title: Seamless Augmented Reality Integration in Arthroscopy: A Pipeline for Articular Reconstruction and Guidance

Title: Boosting the Capabilities of Compact Models in Low-Data Contexts with Large Language Models and Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: CusConcept: Customized Visual Concept Decomposition with Diffusion Models

Title: TikGuard: A Deep Learning Transformer-Based Solution for Detecting Unsuitable TikTok Content for Kids

Title: Metric-Based Few-Shot Learning for Exercise Repetition Counting with IMU Data

Title: TPN: Transferable Proto-Learning Network towards Few-shot Document-Level Relation Extraction

Title: Semantic Parsing with Candidate Expressions for Knowledge Base Question Answering

Title: Are LLMs Aware that Some Questions are not Open-ended?

Title: PrivTuner with Homomorphic Encryption and LoRA: A P3EFT Scheme for Privacy-Preserving Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning of AI Foundation Models

Title: Scene Graph Disentanglement and Composition for Generalizable Complex Image Generation

Title: Adversarial Suffixes May Be Features Too!

Title: A Scheduling-Aware Defense Against Prefetching-Based Side-Channel Attacks

Title: UniAdapt: A Universal Adapter for Knowledge Calibration

Title: Enabling Synergistic Full-Body Control in Prompt-Based Co-Speech Motion Generation

Title: Deep Multimodal Fusion for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Earth Observation Data

Title: ViDAS: Vision-based Danger Assessment and Scoring

Title: MCGM: Mask Conditional Text-to-Image Generative Model

Title: A Hitchhikers Guide to Fine-Grained Face Forgery Detection Using Common Sense Reasoning

Title: Self-Updatable Large Language Models with Parameter Integration

Title: Drone Stereo Vision for Radiata Pine Branch Detection and Distance Measurement: Utilizing Deep Learning and YOLO Integration

Title: FlipGuard: Defending Preference Alignment against Update Regression with Constrained Optimization

Title: Advancing RVFL networks: Robust classification with the HawkEye loss function

Title: Exploring the Learning Capabilities of Language Models using LEVERWORLDS

Title: Deep Model Interpretation with Limited Data : A Coreset-based Approach

Title: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Conversational Question Answering in Multi-instructional Documents

Title: Differentially Private Active Learning: Balancing Effective Data Selection and Privacy

Title: AMR-Evol: Adaptive Modular Response Evolution Elicits Better Knowledge Distillation for Large Language Models in Code Generation

Title: Scaling Offline Model-Based RL via Jointly-Optimized World-Action Model Pretraining

Title: Deep activity propagation via weight initialization in spiking neural networks

Title: Can We Remove the Ground? Obstacle-aware Point Cloud Compression for Remote Object Detection

Title: GERA: Geometric Embedding for Efficient Point Registration Analysis

Title: Style-Specific Neurons for Steering LLMs in Text Style Transfer

Title: Detecci\'on Autom\'atica de Patolog\'ias en Notas Cl\'inicas en Espa\~nol Combinando Modelos de Lenguaje y Ontolog\'ias M\'edicos

Title: An Illumination-Robust Feature Extractor Augmented by Relightable 3D Reconstruction

Title: Integrating PETs into Software Applications: A Game-Based Learning Approach

Title: GMT: Enhancing Generalizable Neural Rendering via Geometry-Driven Multi-Reference Texture Transfer

Title: User-Guided Verification of Security Protocols via Sound Animation

Title: Advanced Arabic Alphabet Sign Language Recognition Using Transfer Learning and Transformer Models

Title: Efficient Technical Term Translation: A Knowledge Distillation Approach for Parenthetical Terminology Translation

Title: Beyond Minimax Rates in Group Distributionally Robust Optimization via a Novel Notion of Sparsity

Title: Investigating the Impact of Model Complexity in Large Language Models

Title: Mining Your Own Secrets: Diffusion Classifier Scores for Continual Personalization of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: BioFace3D: A fully automatic pipeline for facial biomarkers extraction of 3D face reconstructions segmented from MRI

Title: RAD: A Dataset and Benchmark for Real-Life Anomaly Detection with Robotic Observations

Title: Pseudo-Non-Linear Data Augmentation via Energy Minimization

Title: Show Me What's Wrong: Combining Charts and Text to Guide Data Analysis

Title: Improved Generation of Synthetic Imaging Data Using Feature-Aligned Diffusion

Title: Optimizing Token Usage on Large Language Model Conversations Using the Design Structure Matrix

Title: Thinking Outside of the Differential Privacy Box: A Case Study in Text Privatization with Language Model Prompting

Title: Targeted synthetic data generation for tabular data via hardness characterization

Title: DeepAerialMapper: Deep Learning-based Semi-automatic HD Map Creation for Highly Automated Vehicles

Title: Empowering Large Language Model for Continual Video Question Answering with Collaborative Prompting

Title: Decoding Hate: Exploring Language Models' Reactions to Hate Speech

Title: Local-to-Global Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading

Title: Fast Multiplication and the PLWE-RLWE Equivalence for an Infinite Family of Cyclotomic Subextensions

Title: A generative framework to bridge data-driven models and scientific theories in language neuroscience

Title: Towards Fairness and Privacy: A Novel Data Pre-processing Optimization Framework for Non-binary Protected Attributes

Title: Uncertainty-aware Reward Model: Teaching Reward Models to Know What is Unknown

Title: Timber! Poisoning Decision Trees

Title: On the Implications of Verbose LLM Outputs: A Case Study in Translation Evaluation

Title: MAP: Unleashing Hybrid Mamba-Transformer Vision Backbone's Potential with Masked Autoregressive Pretraining

Title: Review of blockchain application with Graph Neural Networks, Graph Convolutional Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks

Title: Replacing Paths with Connection-Biased Attention for Knowledge Graph Completion

Title: Empirical Perturbation Analysis of Linear System Solvers from a Data Poisoning Perspective

Title: Flex3D: Feed-Forward 3D Generation With Flexible Reconstruction Model And Input View Curation

Title: Addition is All You Need for Energy-efficient Language Models