
Title: Post-Quantum Cryptography Anonymous Scheme -- PQCWC: Post-Quantum Cryptography Winternitz-Chen

Title: LCM: Log Conformal Maps for Robust Representation Learning to Mitigate Perspective Distortion

Title: Gradient Boosting Decision Trees on Medical Diagnosis over Tabular Data

Title: Performance Evaluation of Tokenizers in Large Language Models for the Assamese Language

Title: FluentEditor+: Text-based Speech Editing by Modeling Local Hierarchical Acoustic Smoothness and Global Prosody Consistency

Title: Thematic Analysis with Open-Source Generative AI and Machine Learning: A New Method for Inductive Qualitative Codebook Development

Title: Neurosymbolic AI approach to Attribution in Large Language Models

Title: FaithEval: Can Your Language Model Stay Faithful to Context, Even If "The Moon is Made of Marshmallows"

Title: Unsupervised Human Preference Learning

Title: ERASMO: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced Clustering Segmentation

Title: Language Enhanced Model for Eye (LEME): An Open-Source Ophthalmology-Specific Large Language Model

Title: Beyond Scalar Reward Model: Learning Generative Judge from Preference Data

Title: Mitigating Training Imbalance in LLM Fine-Tuning via Selective Parameter Merging

Title: Khattat: Enhancing Readability and Concept Representation of Semantic Typography

Title: SQFT: Low-cost Model Adaptation in Low-precision Sparse Foundation Models

Title: Recent Advances in Speech Language Models: A Survey

Title: Denoising with a Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture

Title: HiReview: Hierarchical Taxonomy-Driven Automatic Literature Review Generation

Title: Basis Sharing: Cross-Layer Parameter Sharing for Large Language Model Compression

Title: Hidden in Plain Text: Emergence & Mitigation of Steganographic Collusion in LLMs

Title: SciSafeEval: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Safety Alignment of Large Language Models in Scientific Tasks

Title: A Two-Stage Proactive Dialogue Generator for Efficient Clinical Information Collection Using Large Language Model

Title: Precision Knowledge Editing: Enhancing Safety in Large Language Models

Title: Parameter Estimation of Long Memory Stochastic Processes with Deep Neural Networks

Title: Determine-Then-Ensemble: Necessity of Top-k Union for Large Language Model Ensembling

Title: SGW-based Multi-Task Learning in Vision Tasks

Title: DaWin: Training-free Dynamic Weight Interpolation for Robust Adaptation

Title: Improving Neural Optimal Transport via Displacement Interpolation

Title: Accelerating Deep Learning with Fixed Time Budget

Title: Searching for Best Practices in Medical Transcription with Large Language Model

Title: Self-Powered LLM Modality Expansion for Large Speech-Text Models

Title: Text-guided Diffusion Model for 3D Molecule Generation

Title: Mixture of Attentions For Speculative Decoding

Title: Local Attention Mechanism: Boosting the Transformer Architecture for Long-Sequence Time Series Forecasting

Title: Metadata Matters for Time Series: Informative Forecasting with Transformers

Title: Can Mamba Always Enjoy the "Free Lunch"?

Title: EvenNICER-SLAM: Event-based Neural Implicit Encoding SLAM

Title: Modeling and Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Land Clutter Statistics in SAR Imaging Based on MSTAR Data

Title: Large Language Models can be Strong Self-Detoxifiers

Title: MonST3R: A Simple Approach for Estimating Geometry in the Presence of Motion

Title: Misinformation with Legal Consequences (MisLC): A New Task Towards Harnessing Societal Harm of Misinformation

Title: Learning Code Preference via Synthetic Evolution

Title: ORAssistant: A Custom RAG-based Conversational Assistant for OpenROAD

Title: Using Prompts to Guide Large Language Models in Imitating a Real Person's Language Style

Title: A Survey on Group Fairness in Federated Learning: Challenges, Taxonomy of Solutions and Directions for Future Research

Title: Detecting Machine-Generated Long-Form Content with Latent-Space Variables

Title: You Know What I'm Saying -- Jailbreak Attack via Implicit Reference

Title: MDMP: Multi-modal Diffusion for supervised Motion Predictions with uncertainty

Title: Improving Mapper's Robustness by Varying Resolution According to Lens-Space Density

Title: Chain-of-Jailbreak Attack for Image Generation Models via Editing Step by Step

Title: A Federated Distributionally Robust Support Vector Machine with Mixture of Wasserstein Balls Ambiguity Set for Distributed Fault Diagnosis

Title: SPARTUN3D: Situated Spatial Understanding of 3D World in Large Language Models

Title: DiSK: Differentially Private Optimizer with Simplified Kalman Filter for Noise Reduction

Title: KidLM: Advancing Language Models for Children -- Early Insights and Future Directions

Title: Towards Cost Sensitive Decision Making

Title: Improving Node Representation by Boosting Target-Aware Contrastive Loss

Title: PersonalSum: A User-Subjective Guided Personalized Summarization Dataset for Large Language Models

Title: ActPlan-1K: Benchmarking the Procedural Planning Ability of Visual Language Models in Household Activities

Title: Still Not Quite There! Evaluating Large Language Models for Comorbid Mental Health Diagnosis

Title: Distribution Guided Active Feature Acquisition

Title: Online Posterior Sampling with a Diffusion Prior

Title: C3PA: An Open Dataset of Expert-Annotated and Regulation-Aware Privacy Policies to Enable Scalable Regulatory Compliance Audits

Title: Clustering Alzheimer's Disease Subtypes via Similarity Learning and Graph Diffusion

Title: AutoLoRA: AutoGuidance Meets Low-Rank Adaptation for Diffusion Models

Title: Unidirectional Key Update in Updatable Encryption, Revisited

Title: A Brain-Inspired Regularizer for Adversarial Robustness

Title: LLM-TOPLA: Efficient LLM Ensemble by Maximising Diversity

Title: Model Developmental Safety: A Safety-Centric Method and Applications in Vision-Language Models

Title: Variational Language Concepts for Interpreting Foundation Language Models

Title: Efficient Training of Neural Stochastic Differential Equations by Matching Finite Dimensional Distributions

Title: MetricX-24: The Google Submission to the WMT 2024 Metrics Shared Task

Title: Mamba Capsule Routing Towards Part-Whole Relational Camouflaged Object Detection

Title: On the Influence of Gender and Race in Romantic Relationship Prediction from Large Language Models

Title: Impact of Regularization on Calibration and Robustness: from the Representation Space Perspective

Title: Take It Easy: Label-Adaptive Self-Rationalization for Fact Verification and Explanation Generation

Title: ASPIRER: Bypassing System Prompts With Permutation-based Backdoors in LLMs

Title: Hyperbolic Fine-tuning for Large Language Models

Title: A Simple yet Effective Training-free Prompt-free Approach to Chinese Spelling Correction Based on Large Language Models

Title: SyllableLM: Learning Coarse Semantic Units for Speech Language Models

Title: ForgeryTTT: Zero-Shot Image Manipulation Localization with Test-Time Training

Title: BlockFound: Customized blockchain foundation model for anomaly detection

Title: Neuron-Level Sequential Editing for Large Language Models

Title: Lane Detection System for Driver Assistance in Vehicles

Title: Beyond Forecasting: Compositional Time Series Reasoning for End-to-End Task Execution

Title: Large Language Models can Achieve Social Balance

Title: Self-Correction is More than Refinement: A Learning Framework for Visual and Language Reasoning Tasks

Title: LoRTA: Low Rank Tensor Adaptation of Large Language Models

Title: Unique ID based Trust Scheme for Improved IoV Wireless Sensor Network Security Against Power Controlled Sybil Attacks

Title: Text2Chart31: Instruction Tuning for Chart Generation with Automatic Feedback

Title: ECon: On the Detection and Resolution of Evidence Conflicts

Title: $\epsilon$-VAE: Denoising as Visual Decoding

Title: Cross Resolution Encoding-Decoding For Detection Transformers

Title: Designing Concise ConvNets with Columnar Stages

Title: Cross-Lingual Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection: A Transformer-Based Approach

Title: BloomWise: Enhancing Problem-Solving capabilities of Large Language Models using Bloom's-Taxonomy-Inspired Prompts

Title: A Learning Rate Path Switching Training Paradigm for Version Updates of Large Language Models

Title: Exploring LLM-based Data Annotation Strategies for Medical Dialogue Preference Alignment

Title: Rethinking Fair Representation Learning for Performance-Sensitive Tasks

Title: From Reading to Compressing: Exploring the Multi-document Reader for Prompt Compression

Title: Gap Preserving Distillation by Building Bidirectional Mappings with A Dynamic Teacher

Title: ConDa: Fast Federated Unlearning with Contribution Dampening

Title: Can the Variation of Model Weights be used as a Criterion for Self-Paced Multilingual NMT?

Title: Toxic Subword Pruning for Dialogue Response Generation on Large Language Models

Title: Overcoming False Illusions in Real-World Face Restoration with Multi-Modal Guided Diffusion Model

Title: Towards Effective Counter-Responses: Aligning Human Preferences with Strategies to Combat Online Trolling

Title: Preference Optimization as Probabilistic Inference

Title: IV-Mixed Sampler: Leveraging Image Diffusion Models for Enhanced Video Synthesis

Title: DiDOTS: Knowledge Distillation from Large-Language-Models for Dementia Obfuscation in Transcribed Speech

Title: Harnessing Task Overload for Scalable Jailbreak Attacks on Large Language Models

Title: Accelerating Diffusion Models with One-to-Many Knowledge Distillation

Title: Parametric Taylor series based latent dynamics identification neural networks

Title: Consistent Autoformalization for Constructing Mathematical Libraries

Title: CS4: Measuring the Creativity of Large Language Models Automatically by Controlling the Number of Story-Writing Constraints

Title: LongGenBench: Long-context Generation Benchmark

Title: IT$^3$: Idempotent Test-Time Training

Title: Exploring Strengths and Weaknesses of Super-Resolution Attack in Deepfake Detection

Title: Learning on LoRAs: GL-Equivariant Processing of Low-Rank Weight Spaces for Large Finetuned Models

Title: Equivariant Neural Functional Networks for Transformers

Title: Correlation-Aware Select and Merge Attention for Efficient Fine-Tuning and Context Length Extension

Title: TANGO: Co-Speech Gesture Video Reenactment with Hierarchical Audio Motion Embedding and Diffusion Interpolation

Title: Multimodal Large Language Models for Inverse Molecular Design with Retrosynthetic Planning

Title: Distillation-Free One-Step Diffusion for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

Title: Functional Homotopy: Smoothing Discrete Optimization via Continuous Parameters for LLM Jailbreak Attacks

Title: Adaptive Question Answering: Enhancing Language Model Proficiency for Addressing Knowledge Conflicts with Source Citations

Title: Implicit to Explicit Entropy Regularization: Benchmarking ViT Fine-tuning under Noisy Labels

Title: DeFoG: Discrete Flow Matching for Graph Generation

Title: AI as Humanity's Salieri: Quantifying Linguistic Creativity of Language Models via Systematic Attribution of Machine Text against Web Text

Title: Constructing Cloze Questions Generatively

Title: RoQLlama: A Lightweight Romanian Adapted Language Model

Title: Fundamental Limitations on Subquadratic Alternatives to Transformers

Title: Mechanistic Behavior Editing of Language Models

Title: Black Boxes and Looking Glasses: Multilevel Symmetries, Reflection Planes, and Convex Optimization in Deep Networks

Title: Applying Hybrid Graph Neural Networks to Strengthen Credit Risk Analysis

Title: Unveiling the Impact of Local Homophily on GNN Fairness: In-Depth Analysis and New Benchmarks

Title: Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection in the Wild: Favor Joint Embeddings Methods

Title: Integrating Physics-Informed Deep Learning and Numerical Methods for Robust Dynamics Discovery and Parameter Estimation

Title: Leveraging Hierarchical Taxonomies in Prompt-based Continual Learning

Title: Gradient Routing: Masking Gradients to Localize Computation in Neural Networks

Title: ReTok: Replacing Tokenizer to Enhance Representation Efficiency in Large Language Model

Title: Inference Scaling for Long-Context Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: Ordinal Preference Optimization: Aligning Human Preferences via NDCG

Title: Latent Feature Mining for Predictive Model Enhancement with Large Language Models

Title: TIS-DPO: Token-level Importance Sampling for Direct Preference Optimization With Estimated Weights

Title: Enhancing Android Malware Detection: The Influence of ChatGPT on Decision-centric Task

Title: VideoGuide: Improving Video Diffusion Models without Training Through a Teacher's Guide

Title: Algorithmic Capabilities of Random Transformers

Title: DiffusionFake: Enhancing Generalization in Deepfake Detection via Guided Stable Diffusion

Title: Suspiciousness of Adversarial Texts to Human

Title: Towards Understanding and Enhancing Security of Proof-of-Training for DNN Model Ownership Verification

Title: Lens: Rethinking Multilingual Enhancement for Large Language Models

Title: CoVLM: Leveraging Consensus from Vision-Language Models for Semi-supervised Multi-modal Fake News Detection

Title: CAPEEN: Image Captioning with Early Exits and Knowledge Distillation

Title: A Mathematical Explanation of UNet

Title: Empowering Backbone Models for Visual Text Generation with Input Granularity Control and Glyph-Aware Training

Title: Automated Detection of Defects on Metal Surfaces using Vision Transformers

Title: TimeBridge: Non-Stationarity Matters for Long-term Time Series Forecasting

Title: Optimising for the Unknown: Domain Alignment for Cephalometric Landmark Detection

Title: Attention Shift: Steering AI Away from Unsafe Content

Title: Video Summarization Techniques: A Comprehensive Review

Title: MindScope: Exploring cognitive biases in large language models through Multi-Agent Systems

Title: CopyLens: Dynamically Flagging Copyrighted Sub-Dataset Contributions to LLM Outputs

Title: Improved Off-policy Reinforcement Learning in Biological Sequence Design

Title: Tensor-Train Point Cloud Compression and Efficient Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Search

Title: Wrong-of-Thought: An Integrated Reasoning Framework with Multi-Perspective Verification and Wrong Information

Title: Revisiting In-context Learning Inference Circuit in Large Language Models

Title: Collapsed Language Models Promote Fairness

Title: A Large-Scale Exploit Instrumentation Study of AI/ML Supply Chain Attacks in Hugging Face Models

Title: Interpret Your Decision: Logical Reasoning Regularization for Generalization in Visual Classification

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Suicide Detection on Social Media with Limited Labels

Title: MECFormer: Multi-task Whole Slide Image Classification with Expert Consultation Network

Title: ErrorRadar: Benchmarking Complex Mathematical Reasoning of Multimodal Large Language Models Via Error Detection

Title: Realizing Video Summarization from the Path of Language-based Semantic Understanding

Title: DAMRO: Dive into the Attention Mechanism of LVLM to Reduce Object Hallucination

Title: RevMUX: Data Multiplexing with Reversible Adapters for Efficient LLM Batch Inference

Title: Dynamic Post-Hoc Neural Ensemblers

Title: MC-CoT: A Modular Collaborative CoT Framework for Zero-shot Medical-VQA with LLM and MLLM Integration

Title: Towards Secure Tuning: Mitigating Security Risks Arising from Benign Instruction Fine-Tuning

Title: FAMMA: A Benchmark for Financial Domain Multilingual Multimodal Question Answering

Title: In-Place Panoptic Radiance Field Segmentation with Perceptual Prior for 3D Scene Understanding

Title: On Evaluating LLMs' Capabilities as Functional Approximators: A Bayesian Perspective

Title: Pullback Flow Matching on Data Manifolds

Title: How Does the Disclosure of AI Assistance Affect the Perceptions of Writing?

Title: Bisimulation metric for Model Predictive Control

Title: $\texttt{dattri}$: A Library for Efficient Data Attribution

Title: Watermarking Decision Tree Ensembles

Title: EnsemW2S: Can an Ensemble of LLMs be Leveraged to Obtain a Stronger LLM?

Title: Enhancing 3D Human Pose Estimation Amidst Severe Occlusion with Dual Transformer Fusion

Title: Robustness Reprogramming for Representation Learning

Title: Reasoning-Enhanced Healthcare Predictions with Knowledge Graph Community Retrieval

Title: Hammer: Robust Function-Calling for On-Device Language Models via Function Masking

Title: ProtocoLLM: Automatic Evaluation Framework of LLMs on Domain-Specific Scientific Protocol Formulation Tasks

Title: Privacy's Peril: Unmasking the Unregulated Underground Market of Data Brokers and the Suggested Framework

Title: VISTA: A Visual and Textual Attention Dataset for Interpreting Multimodal Models

Title: Regressing the Relative Future: Efficient Policy Optimization for Multi-turn RLHF

Title: LRQ-Fact: LLM-Generated Relevant Questions for Multimodal Fact-Checking

Title: Evaluation of Code LLMs on Geospatial Code Generation

Title: Towards Unsupervised Blind Face Restoration using Diffusion Prior

Title: Punctuation Prediction for Polish Texts using Transformers

Title: Control Large Language Models via Divide and Conquer

Title: Mode-GS: Monocular Depth Guided Anchored 3D Gaussian Splatting for Robust Ground-View Scene Rendering

Title: AdaptDiff: Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation via Weak Conditional Semantic Diffusion for Retinal Vessel Segmentation

Title: Graph Fourier Neural Kernels (G-FuNK): Learning Solutions of Nonlinear Diffusive Parametric PDEs on Multiple Domains

Title: ActiView: Evaluating Active Perception Ability for Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Federated Learning Nodes Can Reconstruct Peers' Image Data

Title: Adversarial Multi-Agent Evaluation of Large Language Models through Iterative Debates

Title: CAR: Controllable Autoregressive Modeling for Visual Generation

Title: On the Adversarial Risk of Test Time Adaptation: An Investigation into Realistic Test-Time Data Poisoning

Title: Low-Rank Continual Pyramid Vision Transformer: Incrementally Segment Whole-Body Organs in CT with Light-Weighted Adaptation

Title: Deeper Insights Without Updates: The Power of In-Context Learning Over Fine-Tuning

Title: MathHay: An Automated Benchmark for Long-Context Mathematical Reasoning in LLMs

Title: The LLM Effect: Are Humans Truly Using LLMs, or Are They Being Influenced By Them Instead?

Title: Tight Stability, Convergence, and Robustness Bounds for Predictive Coding Networks

Title: Rule-based Data Selection for Large Language Models

Title: $\textbf{Only-IF}$:Revealing the Decisive Effect of Instruction Diversity on Generalization

Title: ACDC: Autoregressive Coherent Multimodal Generation using Diffusion Correction

Title: ProtoNAM: Prototypical Neural Additive Models for Interpretable Deep Tabular Learning

Title: Forgetting Curve: A Reliable Method for Evaluating Memorization Capability for Long-context Models

Title: Efficient transformer with reinforced position embedding for language models

Title: PredFormer: Transformers Are Effective Spatial-Temporal Predictive Learners

Title: TLDR: Token-Level Detective Reward Model for Large Vision Language Models

Title: Diffusion Models in 3D Vision: A Survey

Title: PSA: Private Set Alignment for Secure and Collaborative Analytics on Large-Scale Data

Title: LLaVA Needs More Knowledge: Retrieval Augmented Natural Language Generation with Knowledge Graph for Explaining Thoracic Pathologies

Title: Intriguing Properties of Large Language and Vision Models

Title: Document-level Causal Relation Extraction with Knowledge-guided Binary Question Answering

Title: A Comprehensive Study on GDPR-Oriented Analysis of Privacy Policies: Taxonomy, Corpus and GDPR Concept Classifiers

Title: WTCL-Dehaze: Rethinking Real-world Image Dehazing via Wavelet Transform and Contrastive Learning

Title: Double Oracle Neural Architecture Search for Game Theoretic Deep Learning Models

Title: Granular Ball Twin Support Vector Machine

Title: MM-R$^3$: On (In-)Consistency of Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs)

Title: Mitigating Modality Prior-Induced Hallucinations in Multimodal Large Language Models via Deciphering Attention Causality

Title: Formality is Favored: Unraveling the Learning Preferences of Large Language Models on Data with Conflicting Knowledge

Title: Analysis of Hybrid Compositions in Animation Film with Weakly Supervised Learning

Title: Representing the Under-Represented: Cultural and Core Capability Benchmarks for Developing Thai Large Language Models

Title: DAPE V2: Process Attention Score as Feature Map for Length Extrapolation

Title: Transforming Color: A Novel Image Colorization Method

Title: Improving Image Clustering with Artifacts Attenuation via Inference-Time Attention Engineering

Title: Timer-XL: Long-Context Transformers for Unified Time Series Forecasting

Title: FedBiP: Heterogeneous One-Shot Federated Learning with Personalized Latent Diffusion Models

Title: Learning Efficient and Effective Trajectories for Differential Equation-based Image Restoration

Title: Learning Interpretable Hierarchical Dynamical Systems Models from Time Series Data

Title: Resource-Efficient Multiview Perception: Integrating Semantic Masking with Masked Autoencoders

Title: MINER: Mining the Underlying Pattern of Modality-Specific Neurons in Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: CAT: Concept-level backdoor ATtacks for Concept Bottleneck Models

Title: Rationale-Aware Answer Verification by Pairwise Self-Evaluation

Title: Strong Model Collapse

Title: A Simple Image Segmentation Framework via In-Context Examples

Title: PostEdit: Posterior Sampling for Efficient Zero-Shot Image Editing

Title: TimeCNN: Refining Cross-Variable Interaction on Time Point for Time Series Forecasting

Title: Mastering Chinese Chess AI (Xiangqi) Without Search

Title: On the Optimization and Generalization of Two-layer Transformers with Sign Gradient Descent

Title: Leveraging Grammar Induction for Language Understanding and Generation

Title: Improving the Sampling Strategy in KernelSHAP

Title: Patch is Enough: Naturalistic Adversarial Patch against Vision-Language Pre-training Models

Title: D-PoSE: Depth as an Intermediate Representation for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation

Title: Low-Rank Continual Personalization of Diffusion Models

Title: Defense-as-a-Service: Black-box Shielding against Backdoored Graph Models

Title: Intent Classification for Bank Chatbots through LLM Fine-Tuning

Title: PRFusion: Toward Effective and Robust Multi-Modal Place Recognition with Image and Point Cloud Fusion

Title: Real-time Ship Recognition and Georeferencing for the Improvement of Maritime Situational Awareness

Title: Maximizing the practical achievability of quantum annealing attacks on factorization-based cryptography

Title: Failure-Proof Non-Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning

Title: On Efficient Variants of Segment Anything Model: A Survey

Title: Revealing Directions for Text-guided 3D Face Editing

Title: L-C4: Language-Based Video Colorization for Creative and Consistent Color

Title: On the Rigour of Scientific Writing: Criteria, Analysis, and Insights

Title: RoWeeder: Unsupervised Weed Mapping through Crop-Row Detection

Title: Conditional Variational Autoencoders for Probabilistic Pose Regression

Title: FRIDA: Free-Rider Detection using Privacy Attacks

Title: DEPT: Decoupled Embeddings for Pre-training Language Models

Title: Named Clinical Entity Recognition Benchmark

Title: A test suite of prompt injection attacks for LLM-based machine translation

Title: HE-Drive: Human-Like End-to-End Driving with Vision Language Models

Title: Initialization of Large Language Models via Reparameterization to Mitigate Loss Spikes

Title: TidalDecode: Fast and Accurate LLM Decoding with Position Persistent Sparse Attention

Title: ZEBRA: Zero-Shot Example-Based Retrieval Augmentation for Commonsense Question Answering

Title: Compression via Pre-trained Transformers: A Study on Byte-Level Multimodal Data

Title: Explanation sensitivity to the randomness of large language models: the case of journalistic text classification

Title: DreamSat: Towards a General 3D Model for Novel View Synthesis of Space Objects

Title: Investigating large language models for their competence in extracting grammatically sound sentences from transcribed noisy utterances

Title: IGroupSS-Mamba: Interval Group Spatial-Spectral Mamba for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Title: AI-Enhanced Ethical Hacking: A Linux-Focused Experiment

Title: Synthetic Generation of Dermatoscopic Images with GAN and Closed-Form Factorization

Title: Human-Feedback Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Online Diffusion Model Finetuning

Title: LOTOS: Layer-wise Orthogonalization for Training Robust Ensembles

Title: Tuning-Free Bilevel Optimization: New Algorithms and Convergence Analysis

Title: Leveraging Multimodal Diffusion Models to Accelerate Imaging with Side Information

Title: MIBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Model Inversion Attack and Defense

Title: Deciphering the Interplay of Parametric and Non-parametric Memory in Retrieval-augmented Language Models

Title: A Simulation-Free Deep Learning Approach to Stochastic Optimal Control

Title: ReasoningRank: Teaching Student Models to Rank through Reasoning-Based Knowledge Distillation

Title: Enhancing Equity in Large Language Models for Medical Applications

Title: MARs: Multi-view Attention Regularizations for Patch-based Feature Recognition of Space Terrain

Title: RevisEval: Improving LLM-as-a-Judge via Response-Adapted References

Title: Organizing Unstructured Image Collections using Natural Language

Title: Density estimation with LLMs: a geometric investigation of in-context learning trajectories

Title: Precise Model Benchmarking with Only a Few Observations

Title: Cookbook: A framework for improving LLM generative abilities via programmatic data generating templates

Title: GSM-Symbolic: Understanding the Limitations of Mathematical Reasoning in Large Language Models

Title: DiffuseReg: Denoising Diffusion Model for Obtaining Deformation Fields in Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration

Title: CasiMedicos-Arg: A Medical Question Answering Dataset Annotated with Explanatory Argumentative Structures

Title: TuneVLSeg: Prompt Tuning Benchmark for Vision-Language Segmentation Models

Title: SFTMix: Elevating Language Model Instruction Tuning with Mixup Recipe

Title: Causal Micro-Narratives

Title: GLEE: A Unified Framework and Benchmark for Language-based Economic Environments

Title: SePPO: Semi-Policy Preference Optimization for Diffusion Alignment

Title: Differential Transformer

Title: GS-VTON: Controllable 3D Virtual Try-on with Gaussian Splatting

Title: DART: A Diffusion-Based Autoregressive Motion Model for Real-Time Text-Driven Motion Control

Title: TurtleBench: Evaluating Top Language Models via Real-World Yes/No Puzzles

Title: PrefixQuant: Static Quantization Beats Dynamic through Prefixed Outliers in LLMs

Title: Brain Mapping with Dense Features: Grounding Cortical Semantic Selectivity in Natural Images With Vision Transformers

Title: Grounding Partially-Defined Events in Multimodal Data

Title: Data Advisor: Dynamic Data Curation for Safety Alignment of Large Language Models