
Title: Investigating the Impact of Text Summarization on Topic Modeling

Title: AI versus AI in Financial Crimes and Detection: GenAI Crime Waves to Co-Evolutionary AI

Title: Using Steganography and Watermarking For Medical Image Integrity

Title: Llettuce: An Open Source Natural Language Processing Tool for the Translation of Medical Terms into Uniform Clinical Encoding

Title: A Large Language Model-based Framework for Semi-Structured Tender Document Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Knowledge-Augmented Reasoning for EUAIA Compliance and Adversarial Robustness of LLMs

Title: Diagnosing Robotics Systems Issues with Large Language Models

Title: Securing UAV Communication: Authentication and Integrity

Title: The Solution for Temporal Action Localisation Task of Perception Test Challenge 2024

Title: Different Cybercrimes and their Solution for Common People

Title: Recent advancements in LLM Red-Teaming: Techniques, Defenses, and Ethical Considerations

Title: Adaptive Active Inference Agents for Heterogeneous and Lifelong Federated Learning

Title: Data Taggants: Dataset Ownership Verification via Harmless Targeted Data Poisoning

Title: Instructional Segment Embedding: Improving LLM Safety with Instruction Hierarchy

Title: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning via Selective Discrete Cosine Transform

Title: Federated Learning for Data Market: Shapley-UCB for Seller Selection and Incentives

Title: Catastrophic Cyber Capabilities Benchmark (3CB): Robustly Evaluating LLM Agent Cyber Offense Capabilities

Title: SoK: Verifiable Cross-Silo FL

Title: Training on Fake Labels: Mitigating Label Leakage in Split Learning via Secure Dimension Transformation

Title: CYCLE: Cross-Year Contrastive Learning in Entity-Linking

Title: nextlocllm: next location prediction using LLMs

Title: Multi-Agent Actor-Critics in Autonomous Cyber Defense

Title: Enabling Advanced Land Cover Analytics: An Integrated Data Extraction Pipeline for Predictive Modeling with the Dynamic World Dataset

Title: RealEra: Semantic-level Concept Erasure via Neighbor-Concept Mining

Title: On Discriminative Probabilistic Modeling for Self-Supervised Representation Learning

Title: Hybrid Training Approaches for LLMs: Leveraging Real and Synthetic Data to Enhance Model Performance in Domain-Specific Applications

Title: Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Set Membership in Blockchain-Based Sensor Networks: A Novel OR-Aggregation Approach

Title: Context-Aware SQL Error Correction Using Few-Shot Learning -- A Novel Approach Based on NLQ, Error, and SQL Similarity

Title: Can a large language model be a gaslighter?

Title: Learning Algorithms Made Simple

Title: Automated Rewards via LLM-Generated Progress Functions

Title: Long Range Named Entity Recognition for Marathi Documents

Title: AI security and cyber risk in IoT systems

Title: An Efficient Contrastive Unimodal Pretraining Method for EHR Time Series Data

Title: Encoding Agent Trajectories as Representations with Sequence Transformers

Title: Cross-Domain Distribution Alignment for Segmentation of Private Unannotated 3D Medical Images

Title: M3Hop-CoT: Misogynous Meme Identification with Multimodal Multi-hop Chain-of-Thought

Title: The Same But Different: Structural Similarities and Differences in Multilingual Language Modeling

Title: Fine-Tuning In-House Large Language Models to Infer Differential Diagnosis from Radiology Reports

Title: Scaling Gaussian Processes for Learning Curve Prediction via Latent Kronecker Structure

Title: nach0-pc: Multi-task Language Model with Molecular Point Cloud Encoder

Title: Sui Generis: Large Language Models for Authorship Attribution and Verification in Latin

Title: Benchmark Inflation: Revealing LLM Performance Gaps Using Retro-Holdouts

Title: Few Exemplar-Based General Medical Image Segmentation via Domain-Aware Selective Adaptation

Title: MOZART: Ensembling Approach for COVID-19 Detection using Chest X-Ray Imagery

Title: Predicting Drug Effects from High-Dimensional, Asymmetric Drug Datasets by Using Graph Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Analysis of Multitarget Drug Effect Prediction

Title: Enhanced Federated Anomaly Detection Through Autoencoders Using Summary Statistics-Based Thresholding

Title: The 2020 United States Decennial Census Is More Private Than You (Might) Think

Title: DeepOSets: Non-Autoregressive In-Context Learning of Supervised Learning Operators

Title: Nudging: Inference-time Alignment via Model Collaboration

Title: Enhancing Multi-Step Reasoning Abilities of Language Models through Direct Q-Function Optimization

Title: TD-Paint: Faster Diffusion Inpainting Through Time Aware Pixel Conditioning

Title: Graph Neural Alchemist: An innovative fully modular architecture for time series-to-graph classification

Title: Impeding LLM-assisted Cheating in Introductory Programming Assignments via Adversarial Perturbations

Title: Token Pruning using a Lightweight Background Aware Vision Transformer

Title: Rethinking Data Selection at Scale: Random Selection is Almost All You Need

Title: Keys to Robust Edits: from Theoretical Insights to Practical Advances

Title: LLM$\times$MapReduce: Simplified Long-Sequence Processing using Large Language Models

Title: ELICIT: LLM Augmentation via External In-Context Capability

Title: Toward Guidance-Free AR Visual Generation via Condition Contrastive Alignment

Title: BANGS: Game-Theoretic Node Selection for Graph Self-Training

Title: Inference and Verbalization Functions During In-Context Learning

Title: Generative Subgraph Retrieval for Knowledge Graph-Grounded Dialog Generation

Title: On Divergence Measures for Training GFlowNets

Title: SeRA: Self-Reviewing and Alignment of Large Language Models using Implicit Reward Margins

Title: Debiasing Vison-Language Models with Text-Only Training

Title: Looped ReLU MLPs May Be All You Need as Practical Programmable Computers

Title: GEM-VPC: A dual Graph-Enhanced Multimodal integration for Video Paragraph Captioning

Title: Multi-granularity Contrastive Cross-modal Collaborative Generation for End-to-End Long-term Video Question Answering

Title: LLM-SmartAudit: Advanced Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection

Title: CLIP-SCGI: Synthesized Caption-Guided Inversion for Person Re-Identification

Title: Deep Transfer Learning: Model Framework and Error Analysis

Title: Mamba4Cast: Efficient Zero-Shot Time Series Forecasting with State Space Models

Title: Fine-grained Attention I/O Complexity: Comprehensive Analysis for Backward Passes

Title: CtrLoRA: An Extensible and Efficient Framework for Controllable Image Generation

Title: A Novel Approach to Malicious Code Detection Using CNN-BiLSTM and Feature Fusion

Title: CAMPHOR: Collaborative Agents for Multi-input Planning and High-Order Reasoning On Device

Title: Distribution-aware Noisy-label Crack Segmentation

Title: Towards the Effect of Examples on In-Context Learning: A Theoretical Case Study

Title: FB-Bench: A Fine-Grained Multi-Task Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs' Responsiveness to Human Feedback

Title: Beyond Exact Match: Semantically Reassessing Event Extraction by Large Language Models

Title: VLFeedback: A Large-Scale AI Feedback Dataset for Large Vision-Language Models Alignment

Title: FlatQuant: Flatness Matters for LLM Quantization

Title: MTL-LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation for Multi-Task Learning

Title: Interpretable Video based Stress Detection with Self-Refine Chain-of-thought Reasoning

Title: Skipping Computations in Multimodal LLMs

Title: VERITAS-NLI : Validation and Extraction of Reliable Information Through Automated Scraping and Natural Language Inference

Title: Automatic Speech Recognition with BERT and CTC Transformers: A Review

Title: Power-Softmax: Towards Secure LLM Inference over Encrypted Data

Title: Enhancing Single Image to 3D Generation using Gaussian Splatting and Hybrid Diffusion Priors

Title: Distilling Invariant Representations with Dual Augmentation

Title: Bridging Gaps: Federated Multi-View Clustering in Heterogeneous Hybrid Views

Title: Towards Efficient Visual-Language Alignment of the Q-Former for Visual Reasoning Tasks

Title: A Simple yet Effective Subway Self-positioning Method based on Aerial-view Sleeper Detection

Title: AERA Chat: An Interactive Platform for Automated Explainable Student Answer Assessment

Title: CollabEdit: Towards Non-destructive Collaborative Knowledge Editing

Title: LexSumm and LexT5: Benchmarking and Modeling Legal Summarization Tasks in English

Title: Boosting Deductive Reasoning with Step Signals In RLHF

Title: PrivQuant: Communication-Efficient Private Inference with Quantized Network/Protocol Co-Optimization

Title: TOP-ERL: Transformer-based Off-Policy Episodic Reinforcement Learning

Title: Cybersecurity in Industry 5.0: Open Challenges and Future Directions

Title: LINKED: Eliciting, Filtering and Integrating Knowledge in Large Language Model for Commonsense Reasoning

Title: MIRAGE: Evaluating and Explaining Inductive Reasoning Process in Language Models

Title: DiffuTraj: A Stochastic Vessel Trajectory Prediction Approach via Guided Diffusion Process

Title: Robust Optical Flow Computation: A Higher-Order Differential Approach

Title: Extended Japanese Commonsense Morality Dataset with Masked Token and Label Enhancement

Title: Are You Human? An Adversarial Benchmark to Expose LLMs

Title: The Future of Learning in the Age of Generative AI: Automated Question Generation and Assessment with Large Language Models

Title: Structure of Artificial Neural Networks -- Empirical Investigations

Title: Improving 3D Finger Traits Recognition via Generalizable Neural Rendering

Title: POPoS: Improving Efficient and Robust Facial Landmark Detection with Parallel Optimal Position Search

Title: Toward General Instruction-Following Alignment for Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Unlearn and Burn: Adversarial Machine Unlearning Requests Destroy Model Accuracy

Title: ControLRM: Fast and Controllable 3D Generation via Large Reconstruction Model

Title: Mastering AI: Big Data, Deep Learning, and the Evolution of Large Language Models -- AutoML from Basics to State-of-the-Art Techniques

Title: The Fragility of Fairness: Causal Sensitivity Analysis for Fair Machine Learning

Title: Training Dynamics of Transformers to Recognize Word Co-occurrence via Gradient Flow Analysis

Title: RailYolact -- A Yolact Focused on edge for Real-Time Rail Segmentation

Title: Transformer-based Language Models for Reasoning in the Description Logic ALCQ

Title: SLiM: One-shot Quantized Sparse Plus Low-rank Approximation of LLMs

Title: Quebec Automobile Insurance Question-Answering With Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Enhanced Electronic Health Records Text Summarization Using Large Language Models

Title: Synthetic Knowledge Ingestion: Towards Knowledge Refinement and Injection for Enhancing Large Language Models

Title: Society of Medical Simplifiers

Title: DuoDiff: Accelerating Diffusion Models with a Dual-Backbone Approach

Title: Use of What-if Scenarios to Help Explain Artificial Intelligence Models for Neonatal Health

Title: ReLU's Revival: On the Entropic Overload in Normalization-Free Large Language Models

Title: Soft Tester UE: A Novel Approach for Open RAN Security Testing

Title: Adapters for Altering LLM Vocabularies: What Languages Benefit the Most?

Title: Learning the Bitter Lesson: Empirical Evidence from 20 Years of CVPR Proceedings

Title: Survival of the Safest: Towards Secure Prompt Optimization through Interleaved Multi-Objective Evolution

Title: EquiJump: Protein Dynamics Simulation via SO(3)-Equivariant Stochastic Interpolants

Title: COrAL: Order-Agnostic Language Modeling for Efficient Iterative Refinement

Title: Uncovering Attacks and Defenses in Secure Aggregation for Federated Deep Learning

Title: MoIN: Mixture of Introvert Experts to Upcycle an LLM

Title: Robust 3D Point Clouds Classification based on Declarative Defenders

Title: ALLoRA: Adaptive Learning Rate Mitigates LoRA Fatal Flaws

Title: Can In-context Learning Really Generalize to Out-of-distribution Tasks?

Title: Honest AI: Fine-Tuning "Small" Language Models to Say "I Don't Know", and Reducing Hallucination in RAG

Title: AM-SAM: Automated Prompting and Mask Calibration for Segment Anything Model

Title: Taming Overconfidence in LLMs: Reward Calibration in RLHF

Title: MIRAGE: Multimodal Identification and Recognition of Annotations in Indian General Prescriptions

Title: LOKI: A Comprehensive Synthetic Data Detection Benchmark using Large Multimodal Models

Title: Towards Stable, Globally Expressive Graph Representations with Laplacian Eigenvectors

Title: Real-time Fuel Leakage Detection via Online Change Point Detection

Title: t-READi: Transformer-Powered Robust and Efficient Multimodal Inference for Autonomous Driving

Title: EMWaveNet: Physically Explainable Neural Network Based on Microwave Propagation for SAR Target Recognition

Title: Surgical-LLaVA: Toward Surgical Scenario Understanding via Large Language and Vision Models

Title: BiDoRA: Bi-level Optimization-Based Weight-Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation

Title: Data Adaptive Few-shot Multi Label Segmentation with Foundation Model

Title: Targeted Vaccine: Safety Alignment for Large Language Models against Harmful Fine-Tuning via Layer-wise Perturbation

Title: Compressing Scene Dynamics: A Generative Approach

Title: 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?' Who will watch the watchmen? On Detecting AI-generated peer-reviews

Title: ECIS-VQG: Generation of Entity-centric Information-seeking Questions from Videos

Title: Expanding Search Space with Diverse Prompting Agents: An Efficient Sampling Approach for LLM Mathematical Reasoning

Title: ContextWIN: Whittle Index Based Mixture-of-Experts Neural Model For Restless Bandits Via Deep RL

Title: DFIMat: Decoupled Flexible Interactive Matting in Multi-Person Scenarios

Title: Intermediate Representations for Enhanced Text-To-Image Generation Using Diffusion Models

Title: EBDM: Exemplar-guided Image Translation with Brownian-bridge Diffusion Models

Title: BlackDAN: A Black-Box Multi-Objective Approach for Effective and Contextual Jailbreaking of Large Language Models

Title: Single Ground Truth Is Not Enough: Add Linguistic Variability to Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis Evaluation

Title: Reverse Modeling in Large Language Models

Title: TopOC: Topological Deep Learning for Ovarian and Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Title: DAS3D: Dual-modality Anomaly Synthesis for 3D Anomaly Detection

Title: Simultaneous Computation and Memory Efficient Zeroth-Order Optimizer for Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

Title: Dynamic and Textual Graph Generation Via Large-Scale LLM-based Agent Simulation

Title: Generating Driving Simulations via Conversation

Title: LoLI-Street: Benchmarking Low-Light Image Enhancement and Beyond

Title: Toward Defining an Efficient and Expandable File Format for AI-Generated Contents

Title: Uncovering, Explaining, and Mitigating the Superficial Safety of Backdoor Defense

Title: RISC-V Needs Secure 'Wheels': the MCU Initiator-Side Perspective

Title: Understanding Robustness of Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Image Classification

Title: Text4Seg: Reimagining Image Segmentation as Text Generation

Title: Human Identification using Selected Features from Finger Geometric Profiles

Title: AuthFace: Towards Authentic Blind Face Restoration with Face-oriented Generative Diffusion Prior

Title: SynFER: Towards Boosting Facial Expression Recognition with Synthetic Data

Title: Two-Stage Human Verification using HandCAPTCHA and Anti-Spoofed Finger Biometrics with Feature Selection

Title: ChroKnowledge: Unveiling Chronological Knowledge of Language Models in Multiple Domains

Title: Towards Reproducible Learning-based Compression

Title: Training-Free Adaptive Diffusion with Bounded Difference Approximation Strategy

Title: ViFi-ReID: A Two-Stream Vision-WiFi Multimodal Approach for Person Re-identification

Title: Provably Reliable Conformal Prediction Sets in the Presence of Data Poisoning

Title: Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening and Risk Assessment through Predictive Modeling on Medical Images and Records

Title: RMB: Comprehensively Benchmarking Reward Models in LLM Alignment

Title: Multi class activity classification in videos using Motion History Image generation

Title: Reddit is all you need: Authorship profiling for Romanian

Title: Retrieval Instead of Fine-tuning: A Retrieval-based Parameter Ensemble for Zero-shot Learning

Title: UnSeg: One Universal Unlearnable Example Generator is Enough against All Image Segmentation

Title: Combining Generative and Geometry Priors for Wide-Angle Portrait Correction

Title: FedECADO: A Dynamical System Model of Federated Learning

Title: Robust identifiability for symbolic recovery of differential equations

Title: Generalized Group Data Attribution

Title: Learning to Rank for Multiple Retrieval-Augmented Models through Iterative Utility Maximization

Title: Dynamic Estimation of Learning Rates Using a Non-Linear Autoregressive Model

Title: Efficient Federated Unlearning under Plausible Deniability

Title: MisinfoEval: Generative AI in the Era of "Alternative Facts"

Title: EITNet: An IoT-Enhanced Framework for Real-Time Basketball Action Recognition

Title: LongHalQA: Long-Context Hallucination Evaluation for MultiModal Large Language Models

Title: Improving 3D Few-Shot Segmentation with Inference-Time Pseudo-Labeling

Title: Make the Pertinent Salient: Task-Relevant Reconstruction for Visual Control with Distractions

Title: Facial Width-to-Height Ratio Does Not Predict Self-Reported Behavioral Tendencies

Title: Self-Data Distillation for Recovering Quality in Pruned Large Language Models

Title: HARDMath: A Benchmark Dataset for Challenging Problems in Applied Mathematics

Title: Evaluating Gender Bias of LLMs in Making Morality Judgements

Title: SoK: A Security Architect's View of Printed Circuit Board Attacks

Title: Leveraging Customer Feedback for Multi-modal Insight Extraction

Title: A Holistic Weakly Supervised Approach for Liver Tumor Segmentation with Clinical Knowledge-Informed Label Smoothing

Title: InterMask: 3D Human Interaction Generation via Collaborative Masked Modelling

Title: NARAIM: Native Aspect Ratio Autoregressive Image Models

Title: Safety-Aware Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models

Title: Improving accuracy and convergence of federated learning edge computing methods for generalized DER forecasting applications in power grid

Title: GALA: Geometry-Aware Local Adaptive Grids for Detailed 3D Generation

Title: Are KAN Effective for Identifying and Tracking Concept Drift in Time Series?

Title: LoRE: Logit-Ranked Retriever Ensemble for Enhancing Open-Domain Question Answering

Title: StatioCL: Contrastive Learning for Time Series via Non-Stationary and Temporal Contrast

Title: XAI-based Feature Selection for Improved Network Intrusion Detection Systems

Title: DINTR: Tracking via Diffusion-based Interpolation

Title: AlphaLoRA: Assigning LoRA Experts Based on Layer Training Quality

Title: Learning to Customize Text-to-Image Diffusion In Diverse Context

Title: Divide, Reweight, and Conquer: A Logit Arithmetic Approach for In-Context Learning

Title: RoCoFT: Efficient Finetuning of Large Language Models with Row-Column Updates

Title: PointNet with KAN versus PointNet with MLP for 3D Classification and Segmentation of Point Sets

Title: Out-of-Bounding-Box Triggers: A Stealthy Approach to Cheat Object Detectors

Title: How to Leverage Demonstration Data in Alignment for Large Language Model? A Self-Imitation Learning Perspective

Title: Learning Linear Attention in Polynomial Time

Title: High-Precision Dichotomous Image Segmentation via Probing Diffusion Capacity

Title: Mastering AI: Big Data, Deep Learning, and the Evolution of Large Language Models -- Blockchain and Applications

Title: Mixture of Experts Made Personalized: Federated Prompt Learning for Vision-Language Models

Title: Evaluating of Machine Unlearning: Robustness Verification Without Prior Modifications

Title: Interaction-Guided Two-Branch Image Dehazing Network

Title: Edge Unlearning is Not "on Edge"! An Adaptive Exact Unlearning System on Resource-Constrained Devices

Title: Stable Hadamard Memory: Revitalizing Memory-Augmented Agents for Reinforcement Learning

Title: TextCtrl: Diffusion-based Scene Text Editing with Prior Guidance Control

Title: Beyond-RAG: Question Identification and Answer Generation in Real-Time Conversations

Title: Variational autoencoders with latent high-dimensional steady geometric flows for dynamics

Title: $\alpha$-DPO: Adaptive Reward Margin is What Direct Preference Optimization Needs

Title: Jailbreak Instruction-Tuned LLMs via end-of-sentence MLP Re-weighting

Title: Diagnosing Hate Speech Classification: Where Do Humans and Machines Disagree, and Why?

Title: Will the Inclusion of Generated Data Amplify Bias Across Generations in Future Image Classification Models?

Title: BinSimDB: Benchmark Dataset Construction for Fine-Grained Binary Code Similarity Analysis

Title: HSR-Enhanced Sparse Attention Acceleration

Title: Automated Filtering of Human Feedback Data for Aligning Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: X-Fi: A Modality-Invariant Foundation Model for Multimodal Human Sensing

Title: First Creating Backgrounds Then Rendering Texts: A New Paradigm for Visual Text Blending

Title: Balanced Neural ODEs: nonlinear model order reduction and Koopman operator approxmations

Title: Identity-Focused Inference and Extraction Attacks on Diffusion Models

Title: GUISE: Graph GaUssIan Shading watErmark

Title: Is Parameter Collision Hindering Continual Learning in LLMs?

Title: Gaussian Mixture Vector Quantization with Aggregated Categorical Posterior

Title: Scalable Multi-Domain Adaptation of Language Models using Modular Experts

Title: Hamiltonian Neural Networks for Robust Out-of-Time Credit Scoring

Title: Fed-piLot: Optimizing LoRA Assignment for Efficient Federated Foundation Model Fine-Tuning

Title: MagicEraser: Erasing Any Objects via Semantics-Aware Control

Title: Effi-Code: Unleashing Code Efficiency in Language Models

Title: Minimum Tuning to Unlock Long Output from LLMs with High Quality Data as the Key

Title: SkillAggregation: Reference-free LLM-Dependent Aggregation

Title: Detecting Unforeseen Data Properties with Diffusion Autoencoder Embeddings using Spine MRI data

Title: KNN Transformer with Pyramid Prompts for Few-Shot Learning

Title: ForgeryGPT: Multimodal Large Language Model For Explainable Image Forgery Detection and Localization

Title: Capture Artifacts via Progressive Disentangling and Purifying Blended Identities for Deepfake Detection

Title: Yuan: Research on the Concept of Digital World Analogue Scientific Infrastructure and Science Popularization Communication Based on Suzhou Gardens Pattern

Title: Automated extraction of 4D aircraft trajectories from video recordings

Title: Feedback Favors the Generalization of Neural ODEs

Title: LoLCATs: On Low-Rank Linearizing of Large Language Models

Title: Saliency Guided Optimization of Diffusion Latents

Title: Slide-based Graph Collaborative Training for Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis

Title: big.LITTLE Vision Transformer for Efficient Visual Recognition

Title: Machine Translation Evaluation Benchmark for Wu Chinese: Workflow and Analysis

Title: ABBA-VSM: Time Series Classification using Symbolic Representation on the Edge

Title: Back-of-the-Book Index Automation for Arabic Documents

Title: Manifold-Aware Local Feature Modeling for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Title: A Multi-Task Text Classification Pipeline with Natural Language Explanations: A User-Centric Evaluation in Sentiment Analysis and Offensive Language Identification in Greek Tweets

Title: Evaluating Semantic Variation in Text-to-Image Synthesis: A Causal Perspective

Title: A Consistency-Aware Spot-Guided Transformer for Versatile and Hierarchical Point Cloud Registration

Title: A Comparative Study of Translation Bias and Accuracy in Multilingual Large Language Models for Cross-Language Claim Verification

Title: GlobalMamba: Global Image Serialization for Vision Mamba

Title: Feature Averaging: An Implicit Bias of Gradient Descent Leading to Non-Robustness in Neural Networks

Title: MentalGLM Series: Explainable Large Language Models for Mental Health Analysis on Chinese Social Media

Title: GraphCLIP: Enhancing Transferability in Graph Foundation Models for Text-Attributed Graphs

Title: Disentangling Hate Across Target Identities

Title: Locking Down the Finetuned LLMs Safety

Title: A Unified Approach to Routing and Cascading for LLMs

Title: Augmenting In-Context-Learning in LLMs via Automatic Data Labeling and Refinement

Title: FasterDiT: Towards Faster Diffusion Transformers Training without Architecture Modification

Title: Parenting: Optimizing Knowledge Selection of Retrieval-Augmented Language Models with Parameter Decoupling and Tailored Tuning

Title: Affinity-Graph-Guided Contractive Learning for Pretext-Free Medical Image Segmentation with Minimal Annotation

Title: Class Balancing Diversity Multimodal Ensemble for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis and Early Detection

Title: V2M: Visual 2-Dimensional Mamba for Image Representation Learning

Title: Reverse Refinement Network for Narrow Rural Road Detection in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery

Title: Tighter Risk Bounds for Mixtures of Experts

Title: MMCFND: Multimodal Multilingual Caption-aware Fake News Detection for Low-resource Indic Languages

Title: Medico: Towards Hallucination Detection and Correction with Multi-source Evidence Fusion

Title: On Calibration of LLM-based Guard Models for Reliable Content Moderation

Title: A Stochastic Approach to Bi-Level Optimization for Hyperparameter Optimization and Meta Learning

Title: DOME: Taming Diffusion Model into High-Fidelity Controllable Occupancy World Model

Title: Diversity-Aware Reinforcement Learning for de novo Drug Design

Title: LKASeg:Remote-Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation with Large Kernel Attention and Full-Scale Skip Connections

Title: Domain-Conditioned Transformer for Fully Test-time Adaptation

Title: QUITE: Quantifying Uncertainty in Natural Language Text in Bayesian Reasoning Scenarios

Title: Mobility-Aware Federated Learning: Multi-Armed Bandit Based Selection in Vehicular Network

Title: Principled Bayesian Optimisation in Collaboration with Human Experts

Title: Ada-K Routing: Boosting the Efficiency of MoE-based LLMs

Title: TABCF: Counterfactual Explanations for Tabular Data Using a Transformer-Based VAE

Title: Moirai-MoE: Empowering Time Series Foundation Models with Sparse Mixture of Experts

Title: The Implicit Bias of Structured State Space Models Can Be Poisoned With Clean Labels

Title: Will LLMs Replace the Encoder-Only Models in Temporal Relation Classification?

Title: Model-Based Differentially Private Knowledge Transfer for Large Language Models

Title: Advancing Newborn Care: Precise Birth Time Detection Using AI-Driven Thermal Imaging with Adaptive Normalization

Title: Cultural Fidelity in Large-Language Models: An Evaluation of Online Language Resources as a Driver of Model Performance in Value Representation

Title: Vision-guided and Mask-enhanced Adaptive Denoising for Prompt-based Image Editing

Title: Continual Learning Improves Zero-Shot Action Recognition

Title: Comparison of deep learning and conventional methods for disease onset prediction

Title: Exploiting Local Features and Range Images for Small Data Real-Time Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Title: Customize Your Visual Autoregressive Recipe with Set Autoregressive Modeling

Title: UniGEM: A Unified Approach to Generation and Property Prediction for Molecules

Title: Continual Deep Reinforcement Learning to Prevent Catastrophic Forgetting in Jamming Mitigation

Title: Generalized Adversarial Code-Suggestions: Exploiting Contexts of LLM-based Code-Completion

Title: Transparent Networks for Multivariate Time Series

Title: Rethinking Legal Judgement Prediction in a Realistic Scenario in the Era of Large Language Models

Title: Hybrid Transformer for Early Alzheimer's Detection: Integration of Handwriting-Based 2D Images and 1D Signal Features

Title: RICASSO: Reinforced Imbalance Learning with Class-Aware Self-Supervised Outliers Exposure

Title: SLaNC: Static LayerNorm Calibration

Title: ROSAR: An Adversarial Re-Training Framework for Robust Side-Scan Sonar Object Detection

Title: Regularized Robustly Reliable Learners and Instance Targeted Attacks

Title: Sharing without Showing: Secure Cloud Analytics with Trusted Execution Environments

Title: Recipe for Zero-shot POS Tagging: Is It Useful in Realistic Scenarios?

Title: Multilingual Controlled Generation And Gold-Standard-Agnostic Evaluation of Code-Mixed Sentences

Title: BrainMVP: Multi-modal Vision Pre-training for Brain Image Analysis using Multi-parametric MRI

Title: Lambda-Skip Connections: the architectural component that prevents Rank Collapse

Title: SensorLLM: Aligning Large Language Models with Motion Sensors for Human Activity Recognition

Title: Efficiently Democratizing Medical LLMs for 50 Languages via a Mixture of Language Family Experts

Title: SANA: Efficient High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Linear Diffusion Transformers

Title: Adapt-$\infty$: Scalable Lifelong Multimodal Instruction Tuning via Dynamic Data Selection

Title: A Simple Baseline for Predicting Events with Auto-Regressive Tabular Transformers

Title: Generative AI and Its Impact on Personalized Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Title: PCF-Lift: Panoptic Lifting by Probabilistic Contrastive Fusion

Title: Transforming Game Play: A Comparative Study of DCQN and DTQN Architectures in Reinforcement Learning

Title: Cross-Modal Few-Shot Learning: a Generative Transfer Learning Framework

Title: Double Jeopardy and Climate Impact in the Use of Large Language Models: Socio-economic Disparities and Reduced Utility for Non-English Speakers

Title: Large Language Model Evaluation via Matrix Nuclear-Norm

Title: Enhancing Robustness in Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Lyapunov Exponent Approach

Title: TALK-Act: Enhance Textural-Awareness for 2D Speaking Avatar Reenactment with Diffusion Model

Title: Derail Yourself: Multi-turn LLM Jailbreak Attack through Self-discovered Clues

Title: Composability in Watermarking Schemes

Title: Benefiting from Quantum? A Comparative Study of Q-Seg, Quantum-Inspired Techniques, and U-Net for Crack Segmentation

Title: SeedLM: Compressing LLM Weights into Seeds of Pseudo-Random Generators

Title: Large Language Models Are Active Critics in NLG Evaluation

Title: Towards LLM-guided Efficient and Interpretable Multi-linear Tensor Network Rank Selection

Title: Deep Compression Autoencoder for Efficient High-Resolution Diffusion Models

Title: Towards Calibrated Losses for Adversarial Robust Reject Option Classification

Title: Balancing Continuous Pre-Training and Instruction Fine-Tuning: Optimizing Instruction-Following in LLMs

Title: Adversarially Robust Out-of-Distribution Detection Using Lyapunov-Stabilized Embeddings

Title: FlexGen: Flexible Multi-View Generation from Text and Image Inputs

Title: DragEntity: Trajectory Guided Video Generation using Entity and Positional Relationships

Title: Use Random Selection for Now: Investigation of Few-Shot Selection Strategies in LLM-based Text Augmentation for Classification

Title: Denial-of-Service Poisoning Attacks against Large Language Models

Title: Enhancing JEPAs with Spatial Conditioning: Robust and Efficient Representation Learning

Title: Cavia: Camera-controllable Multi-view Video Diffusion with View-Integrated Attention

Title: Browsing without Third-Party Cookies: What Do You See?

Title: UniMatch V2: Pushing the Limit of Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Title: ControlMM: Controllable Masked Motion Generation

Title: 3DArticCyclists: Generating Simulated Dynamic 3D Cyclists for Human-Object Interaction (HOI) and Autonomous Driving Applications

Title: Condition-Aware Multimodal Fusion for Robust Semantic Perception of Driving Scenes

Title: Semantic Image Inversion and Editing using Rectified Stochastic Differential Equations

Title: Context-Parametric Inversion: Why Instruction Finetuning May Not Actually Improve Context Reliance

Title: MMAR: Towards Lossless Multi-Modal Auto-Regressive Prababilistic Modeling

Title: Towards Foundation Models for 3D Vision: How Close Are We?

Title: Mix Data or Merge Models? Optimizing for Diverse Multi-Task Learning

Title: Boosting Camera Motion Control for Video Diffusion Transformers

Title: TrajDiffuse: A Conditional Diffusion Model for Environment-Aware Trajectory Prediction

Title: HART: Efficient Visual Generation with Hybrid Autoregressive Transformer

Title: LongMemEval: Benchmarking Chat Assistants on Long-Term Interactive Memory

Title: Your Mixture-of-Experts LLM Is Secretly an Embedding Model For Free

Title: Depth Any Video with Scalable Synthetic Data

Title: When Does Perceptual Alignment Benefit Vision Representations?

Title: DuoAttention: Efficient Long-Context LLM Inference with Retrieval and Streaming Heads

Title: Tex4D: Zero-shot 4D Scene Texturing with Video Diffusion Models