
Title: High-Fidelity 3D Lung CT Synthesis in ARDS Swine Models Using Score-Based 3D Residual Diffusion Models

Title: Focus On What Matters: Separated Models For Visual-Based RL Generalization

Title: Duo-LLM: A Framework for Studying Adaptive Computation in Large Language Models

Title: Continuous Approximations for Improving Quantization Aware Training of LLMs

Title: On the Reliability of Large Language Models to Misinformed and Demographically-Informed Prompts

Title: SafeLLM: Domain-Specific Safety Monitoring for Large Language Models: A Case Study of Offshore Wind Maintenance

Title: Mitigating Hallucinations Using Ensemble of Knowledge Graph and Vector Store in Large Language Models to Enhance Mental Health Support

Title: CogDevelop2K: Reversed Cognitive Development in Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Mirror-Consistency: Harnessing Inconsistency in Majority Voting

Title: Reasoning Paths Optimization: Learning to Reason and Explore From Diverse Paths

Title: FAME: Towards Factual Multi-Task Model Editing

Title: A Recipe For Building a Compliant Real Estate Chatbot

Title: Superficial Safety Alignment Hypothesis

Title: What makes your model a low-empathy or warmth person: Exploring the Origins of Personality in LLMs

Title: Fill In The Gaps: Model Calibration and Generalization with Synthetic Data

Title: CodeUnlearn: Amortized Zero-Shot Machine Unlearning in Language Models Using Discrete Concept

Title: Mitigating the Impact of Reference Quality on Evaluation of Summarization Systems with Reference-Free Metrics

Title: LLaCA: Multimodal Large Language Continual Assistant

Title: Application of NotebookLM, a Large Language Model with Retrieval-Augmented Generation, for Lung Cancer Staging

Title: PortLLM: Personalizing Evolving Large Language Models with Training-Free and Portable Model Patches

Title: Applying Refusal-Vector Ablation to Llama 3.1 70B Agents

Title: ToolBridge: An Open-Source Dataset to Equip LLMs with External Tool Capabilities

Title: AuditWen:An Open-Source Large Language Model for Audit

Title: Optimizing Transformer based on high-performance optimizer for predicting employment sentiment in American social media content

Title: FreqMark: Frequency-Based Watermark for Sentence-Level Detection of LLM-Generated Text

Title: Improving Data Efficiency via Curating LLM-Driven Rating Systems

Title: Herald: A Natural Language Annotated Lean 4 Dataset

Title: Fine-tuning can Help Detect Pretraining Data from Large Language Models

Title: AT-MoE: Adaptive Task-planning Mixture of Experts via LoRA Approach

Title: 3DS: Decomposed Difficulty Data Selection's Case Study on LLM Medical Domain Adaptation

Title: An Explainable AI Model for Predicting the Recurrence of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

Title: AlphaPruning: Using Heavy-Tailed Self Regularization Theory for Improved Layer-wise Pruning of Large Language Models

Title: Towards Better Multi-head Attention via Channel-wise Sample Permutation

Title: Graph Masked Autoencoder for Spatio-Temporal Graph Learning

Title: A few-shot Label Unlearning in Vertical Federated Learning

Title: Federated Data-Efficient Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models

Title: Cultural Heritage 3D Reconstruction with Diffusion Networks

Title: Data-Aware Training Quality Monitoring and Certification for Reliable Deep Learning

Title: What Does It Mean to Be a Transformer? Insights from a Theoretical Hessian Analysis

Title: Liger Kernel: Efficient Triton Kernels for LLM Training

Title: Graph of Records: Boosting Retrieval Augmented Generation for Long-context Summarization with Graphs

Title: One Language, Many Gaps: Evaluating Dialect Fairness and Robustness of Large Language Models in Reasoning Tasks

Title: Effective Self-Mining of In-Context Examples for Unsupervised Machine Translation with LLMs

Title: Improving the Language Understanding Capabilities of Large Language Models Using Reinforcement Learning

Title: Beyond Fixed Topologies: Unregistered Training and Comprehensive Evaluation Metrics for 3D Talking Heads

Title: Persistent Topological Features in Large Language Models

Title: Assessing Bias in Metric Models for LLM Open-Ended Generation Bias Benchmarks

Title: Time Series Viewmakers for Robust Disruption Prediction

Title: Character-aware audio-visual subtitling in context

Title: PRACTIQ: A Practical Conversational Text-to-SQL dataset with Ambiguous and Unanswerable Queries

Title: Predicting Chess Puzzle Difficulty with Transformers

Title: Code-Mixer Ya Nahi: Novel Approaches to Measuring Multilingual LLMs' Code-Mixing Capabilities

Title: Simplifying, Stabilizing and Scaling Continuous-Time Consistency Models

Title: Gender Bias in Decision-Making with Large Language Models: A Study of Relationship Conflicts

Title: Locality Alignment Improves Vision-Language Models

Title: EchoApex: A General-Purpose Vision Foundation Model for Echocardiography

Title: SecCodePLT: A Unified Platform for Evaluating the Security of Code GenAI

Title: Active Learning for Robust and Representative LLM Generation in Safety-Critical Scenarios

Title: MoonMetaSync: Lunar Image Registration Analysis

Title: ChuLo: Chunk-Level Key Information Representation for Long Document Processing

Title: A Systematic Review on Prompt Engineering in Large Language Models for K-12 STEM Education

Title: Real-Time Localization and Bimodal Point Pattern Analysis of Palms Using UAV Imagery

Title: UAV3D: A Large-scale 3D Perception Benchmark for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Title: IsoChronoMeter: A simple and effective isochronic translation evaluation metric

Title: Sensor Deprivation Attacks for Stealthy UAV Manipulation

Title: Functional Adaptor Signatures: Beyond All-or-Nothing Blockchain-based Payments

Title: Mimetic Initialization Helps State Space Models Learn to Recall

Title: LLM Unlearning via Loss Adjustment with Only Forget Data

Title: Free Hunch: Denoiser Covariance Estimation for Diffusion Models Without Extra Costs

Title: MANet: Fine-Tuning Segment Anything Model for Multimodal Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation

Title: Exploring Content Concealment in Email

Title: Improving Bias in Facial Attribute Classification: A Combined Impact of KL Divergence induced Loss Function and Dual Attention

Title: Interpretability as Compression: Reconsidering SAE Explanations of Neural Activations with MDL-SAEs

Title: Archilles' Heel in Semi-open LLMs: Hiding Bottom against Recovery Attacks

Title: Fast and Accurate Homomorphic Softmax Evaluation

Title: Synthesizing Proton-Density Fat Fraction and $R_2^*$ from 2-point Dixon MRI with Generative Machine Learning

Title: Multiview Scene Graph

Title: Fast Second-Order Online Kernel Learning through Incremental Matrix Sketching and Decomposition

Title: Rethinking Graph Transformer Architecture Design for Node Classification

Title: Athena: Retrieval-augmented Legal Judgment Prediction with Large Language Models

Title: SplitSEE: A Splittable Self-supervised Framework for Single-Channel EEG Representation Learning

Title: Error Diffusion: Post Training Quantization with Block-Scaled Number Formats for Neural Networks

Title: Adversarially Guided Stateful Defense Against Backdoor Attacks in Federated Deep Learning

Title: DreamSteerer: Enhancing Source Image Conditioned Editability using Personalized Diffusion Models

Title: CRUcialG: Reconstruct Integrated Attack Scenario Graphs by Cyber Threat Intelligence Reports

Title: CVCP-Fusion: On Implicit Depth Estimation for 3D Bounding Box Prediction

Title: A CLIP-Powered Framework for Robust and Generalizable Data Selection

Title: On the Capacity of Citation Generation by Large Language Models

Title: MF-LAL: Drug Compound Generation Using Multi-Fidelity Latent Space Active Learning

Title: "Is Hate Lost in Translation?": Evaluation of Multilingual LGBTQIA+ Hate Speech Detection

Title: Representation Similarity: A Better Guidance of DNN Layer Sharing for Edge Computing without Training

Title: Unleashing the Power of LLMs as Multi-Modal Encoders for Text and Graph-Structured Data

Title: Ctrl-U: Robust Conditional Image Generation via Uncertainty-aware Reward Modeling

Title: HR-Agent: A Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD) LLM Agent Tailored for HR Applications

Title: Learning Diffusion Model from Noisy Measurement using Principled Expectation-Maximization Method

Title: Automatically Generating Visual Hallucination Test Cases for Multimodal Large Language Models

Title: Rethinking the Role of Infrastructure in Collaborative Perception

Title: Beyond Linear Approximations: A Novel Pruning Approach for Attention Matrix

Title: In-Context Learning for Long-Context Sentiment Analysis on Infrastructure Project Opinions

Title: FedCCRL: Federated Domain Generalization with Cross-Client Representation Learning

Title: Bypassing the Exponential Dependency: Looped Transformers Efficiently Learn In-context by Multi-step Gradient Descent

Title: Reducing Source-Private Bias in Extreme Universal Domain Adaptation

Title: Cognitive Overload Attack:Prompt Injection for Long Context

Title: Shallow diffusion networks provably learn hidden low-dimensional structure

Title: ILAEDA: An Imitation Learning Based Approach for Automatic Exploratory Data Analysis

Title: UmambaTSF: A U-shaped Multi-Scale Long-Term Time Series Forecasting Method Using Mamba

Title: Advancing the Understanding of Fixed Point Iterations in Deep Neural Networks: A Detailed Analytical Study

Title: AdvBDGen: Adversarially Fortified Prompt-Specific Fuzzy Backdoor Generator Against LLM Alignment

Title: Subspace Optimization for Large Language Models with Convergence Guarantees

Title: Backdoor Attack on Vertical Federated Graph Neural Network Learning

Title: TraM : Enhancing User Sleep Prediction with Transformer-based Multivariate Time Series Modeling and Machine Learning Ensembles

Title: BRC20 Pinning Attack

Title: QSpec: Speculative Decoding with Complementary Quantization Schemes

Title: CONSULT: Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Few-shot Tumor Detection

Title: SEER: Self-Aligned Evidence Extraction for Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Deciphering the Chaos: Enhancing Jailbreak Attacks via Adversarial Prompt Translation

Title: KA-GNN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Property Prediction

Title: Evolutionary Retrofitting

Title: DIAR: Diffusion-model-guided Implicit Q-learning with Adaptive Revaluation

Title: RATE: Score Reward Models with Imperfect Rewrites of Rewrites

Title: SeaDATE: Remedy Dual-Attention Transformer with Semantic Alignment via Contrast Learning for Multimodal Object Detection

Title: DODT: Enhanced Online Decision Transformer Learning through Dreamer's Actor-Critic Trajectory Forecasting

Title: LargePiG: Your Large Language Model is Secretly a Pointer Generator

Title: Secure Stateful Aggregation: A Practical Protocol with Applications in Differentially-Private Federated Learning

Title: Enhance Graph Alignment for Large Language Models

Title: Learning from Imperfect Data: Towards Efficient Knowledge Distillation of Autoregressive Language Models for Text-to-SQL

Title: Augmentation-Driven Metric for Balancing Preservation and Modification in Text-Guided Image Editing

Title: WPFed: Web-based Personalized Federation for Decentralized Systems

Title: Survey and Evaluation of Converging Architecture in LLMs based on Footsteps of Operations

Title: Do LLMs Have the Generalization Ability in Conducting Causal Inference?

Title: MCGS: Multiview Consistency Enhancement for Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Radiance Fields

Title: FOOGD: Federated Collaboration for Both Out-of-distribution Generalization and Detection

Title: MoChat: Joints-Grouped Spatio-Temporal Grounding LLM for Multi-Turn Motion Comprehension and Description

Title: PMMT: Preference Alignment in Multilingual Machine Translation via LLM Distillation

Title: ReDeEP: Detecting Hallucination in Retrieval-Augmented Generation via Mechanistic Interpretability

Title: VidCompress: Memory-Enhanced Temporal Compression for Video Understanding in Large Language Models

Title: CTA-Net: A CNN-Transformer Aggregation Network for Improving Multi-Scale Feature Extraction

Title: Hessian-Informed Flow Matching

Title: Difficult Task Yes but Simple Task No: Unveiling the Laziness in Multimodal LLMs

Title: A Simple Approach to Unifying Diffusion-based Conditional Generation

Title: On Championing Foundation Models: From Explainability to Interpretability

Title: AIC CTU system at AVeriTeC: Re-framing automated fact-checking as a simple RAG task

Title: Meta-DT: Offline Meta-RL as Conditional Sequence Modeling with World Model Disentanglement

Title: Conditional Density Estimation with Histogram Trees

Title: Jigsaw Puzzles: Splitting Harmful Questions to Jailbreak Large Language Models

Title: Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) Attribution Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Title: Can sparse autoencoders make sense of latent representations?

Title: O-Edit: Orthogonal Subspace Editing for Language Model Sequential Editing

Title: InvSeg: Test-Time Prompt Inversion for Semantic Segmentation

Title: How Transformers Implement Induction Heads: Approximation and Optimization Analysis

Title: Poisson-Dirac Neural Networks for Modeling Coupled Dynamical Systems across Domains

Title: Offline Model-Based Optimization by Learning to Rank

Title: LoGS: Visual Localization via Gaussian Splatting with Fewer Training Images

Title: Dual-Teacher Ensemble Models with Double-Copy-Paste for 3D Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Title: TopoLM: brain-like spatio-functional organization in a topographic language model

Title: Hairmony: Fairness-aware hairstyle classification

Title: Multi-round jailbreak attack on large language models

Title: Overcoming Domain Limitations in Open-vocabulary Segmentation

Title: MCTBench: Multimodal Cognition towards Text-Rich Visual Scenes Benchmark

Title: Transfer Learning with Foundational Models for Time Series Forecasting using Low-Rank Adaptations

Title: Data Quality Control in Federated Instruction-tuning of Large Language Models

Title: LoKO: Low-Rank Kalman Optimizer for Online Fine-Tuning of Large Models

Title: Short Paper: Atomic Execution is Not Enough for Arbitrage Profit Extraction in Shared Sequencers

Title: Why Go Full? Elevating Federated Learning Through Partial Network Updates

Title: PSVMA+: Exploring Multi-granularity Semantic-visual Adaption for Generalized Zero-shot Learning

Title: Exploring Power Side-Channel Challenges in Embedded Systems Security

Title: The Best of Both Worlds: On the Dilemma of Out-of-distribution Detection

Title: Breaking Modality Gap in RGBT Tracking: Coupled Knowledge Distillation

Title: Causal Reasoning in Large Language Models: A Knowledge Graph Approach

Title: Black-box Uncertainty Quantification Method for LLM-as-a-Judge

Title: Depth Estimation From Monocular Images With Enhanced Encoder-Decoder Architecture

Title: Federated Learning framework for LoRaWAN-enabled IIoT communication: A case study

Title: M$^{2}$M: Learning controllable Multi of experts and multi-scale operators are the Partial Differential Equations need

Title: MultiVENT 2.0: A Massive Multilingual Benchmark for Event-Centric Video Retrieval

Title: VidEgoThink: Assessing Egocentric Video Understanding Capabilities for Embodied AI

Title: Simultaneous Diffusion Sampling for Conditional LiDAR Generation

Title: Efficient and Effective Universal Adversarial Attack against Vision-Language Pre-training Models

Title: Feature-guided score diffusion for sampling conditional densities

Title: Measuring Spiritual Values and Bias of Large Language Models

Title: ED-ViT: Splitting Vision Transformer for Distributed Inference on Edge Devices

Title: RS-MOCO: A deep learning-based topology-preserving image registration method for cardiac T1 mapping

Title: Transformer Layer Injection: A Novel Approach for Efficient Upscaling of Large Language Models

Title: Retrieval Augmented Spelling Correction for E-Commerce Applications

Title: Unveiling the Mystery of Visual Attributes of Concrete and Abstract Concepts: Variability, Nearest Neighbors, and Challenging Categories

Title: Eliciting Textual Descriptions from Representations of Continuous Prompts

Title: Generative Image Steganography Based on Point Cloud

Title: LLM-Mixer: Multiscale Mixing in LLMs for Time Series Forecasting

Title: State-space models can learn in-context by gradient descent

Title: Visual Fixation-Based Retinal Prosthetic Simulation

Title: BlendRL: A Framework for Merging Symbolic and Neural Policy Learning

Title: IntGrad MT: Eliciting LLMs' Machine Translation Capabilities with Sentence Interpolation and Gradual MT

Title: Magnifier Prompt: Tackling Multimodal Hallucination via Extremely Simple Instructions

Title: The Age of DDoScovery: An Empirical Comparison of Industry and Academic DDoS Assessments

Title: MTU-Bench: A Multi-granularity Tool-Use Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: Converging to a Lingua Franca: Evolution of Linguistic Regions and Semantics Alignment in Multilingual Large Language Models

Title: RClicks: Realistic Click Simulation for Benchmarking Interactive Segmentation

Title: Patch-Based Diffusion Models Beat Whole-Image Models for Mismatched Distribution Inverse Problems

Title: DySpec: Faster Speculative Decoding with Dynamic Token Tree Structure

Title: Personas with Attitudes: Controlling LLMs for Diverse Data Annotation

Title: LoSAM: Local Search in Additive Noise Models with Unmeasured Confounders, a Top-Down Global Discovery Approach

Title: SlideChat: A Large Vision-Language Assistant for Whole-Slide Pathology Image Understanding

Title: Layer-wise Importance Matters: Less Memory for Better Performance in Parameter-efficient Fine-tuning of Large Language Models

Title: Fractal Calibration for long-tailed object detection

Title: On the Training Convergence of Transformers for In-Context Classification

Title: MLLM can see? Dynamic Correction Decoding for Hallucination Mitigation

Title: Language Models Encode Numbers Using Digit Representations in Base 10

Title: Selection-p: Self-Supervised Task-Agnostic Prompt Compression for Faithfulness and Transferability

Title: Efficient Diffusion Models: A Comprehensive Survey from Principles to Practices

Title: FoundTS: Comprehensive and Unified Benchmarking of Foundation Models for Time Series Forecasting

Title: NesTools: A Dataset for Evaluating Nested Tool Learning Abilities of Large Language Models

Title: SGEdit: Bridging LLM with Text2Image Generative Model for Scene Graph-based Image Editing

Title: Jigsaw++: Imagining Complete Shape Priors for Object Reassembly

Title: Improving Long-Text Alignment for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: Analysis and Benchmarking of Extending Blind Face Image Restoration to Videos

Title: MMFuser: Multimodal Multi-Layer Feature Fuser for Fine-Grained Vision-Language Understanding

Title: On the Effectiveness of Dataset Alignment for Fake Image Detection

Title: High-Resolution Frame Interpolation with Patch-based Cascaded Diffusion

Title: MoH: Multi-Head Attention as Mixture-of-Head Attention