
Title: A Robust Multisource Remote Sensing Image Matching Method Utilizing Attention and Feature Enhancement Against Noise Interference

Title: Neural Metamorphosis

Title: Development and Testing of a Wood Panels Bark Removal Equipment Based on Deep Learning

Title: A Prompt-Guided Spatio-Temporal Transformer Model for National-Wide Nuclear Radiation Forecasting

Title: Dual-frame Fluid Motion Estimation with Test-time Optimization and Zero-divergence Loss

Title: CtrlSynth: Controllable Image Text Synthesis for Data-Efficient Multimodal Learning

Title: A Complete Decomposition of KL Error using Refined Information and Mode Interaction Selection

Title: DDIL: Improved Diffusion Distillation With Imitation Learning

Title: The Fair Language Model Paradox

Title: Age-of-Gradient Updates for Federated Learning over Random Access Channels

Title: DISP-LLM: Dimension-Independent Structural Pruning for Large Language Models

Title: Impacts of Continued Legal Pre-Training and IFT on LLMs' Latent Representations of Human-Defined Legal Concepts

Title: Bias Similarity Across Large Language Models

Title: Pixology: Probing the Linguistic and Visual Capabilities of Pixel-based Language Models

Title: MoE-Pruner: Pruning Mixture-of-Experts Large Language Model using the Hints from Its Router

Title: On Classification with Large Language Models in Cultural Analytics

Title: A Survey on Deep Tabular Learning

Title: Concept-Reversed Winograd Schema Challenge: Evaluating and Improving Robust Reasoning in Large Language Models via Abstraction

Title: Differential Privacy on Trust Graphs

Title: Skill-LLM: Repurposing General-Purpose LLMs for Skill Extraction

Title: SOE: SO(3)-Equivariant 3D MRI Encoding

Title: Large-scale cloze evaluation reveals that token prediction tasks are neither lexically nor semantically aligned

Title: LegalLens Shared Task 2024: Legal Violation Identification in Unstructured Text

Title: De-jargonizing Science for Journalists with GPT-4: A Pilot Study

Title: WeatherDG: LLM-assisted Procedural Weather Generation for Domain-Generalized Semantic Segmentation

Title: Taking off the Rose-Tinted Glasses: A Critical Look at Adversarial ML Through the Lens of Evasion Attacks

Title: Data-adaptive Differentially Private Prompt Synthesis for In-Context Learning

Title: Bridging Large Language Models and Graph Structure Learning Models for Robust Representation Learning

Title: The Persian Rug: solving toy models of superposition using large-scale symmetries

Title: OMCAT: Omni Context Aware Transformer

Title: Scaling laws for post-training quantized large language models

Title: Iter-AHMCL: Alleviate Hallucination for Large Language Model via Iterative Model-level Contrastive Learning

Title: Preference Optimization with Multi-Sample Comparisons

Title: Layer-of-Thoughts Prompting (LoT): Leveraging LLM-Based Retrieval with Constraint Hierarchies

Title: Exploiting LLMs' Reasoning Capability to Infer Implicit Concepts in Legal Information Retrieval

Title: FragNet: A Graph Neural Network for Molecular Property Prediction with Four Layers of Interpretability

Title: SAM-Guided Masked Token Prediction for 3D Scene Understanding

Title: NSSI-Net: Multi-Concept Generative Adversarial Network for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Detection Using High-Dimensional EEG Signals in a Semi-Supervised Learning Framework

Title: Table-LLM-Specialist: Language Model Specialists for Tables using Iterative Generator-Validator Fine-tuning

Title: Exploring Large Language Models for Hate Speech Detection in Rioplatense Spanish

Title: Reinforcement Learning with LTL and $\omega$-Regular Objectives via Optimality-Preserving Translation to Average Rewards

Title: ExoTST: Exogenous-Aware Temporal Sequence Transformer for Time Series Prediction

Title: DAQ: Density-Aware Post-Training Weight-Only Quantization For LLMs

Title: LPUF-AuthNet: A Lightweight PUF-Based IoT Authentication via Tandem Neural Networks and Split Learning

Title: Negative-Prompt-driven Alignment for Generative Language Model

Title: Sparse Prototype Network for Explainable Pedestrian Behavior Prediction

Title: Abnormality Forecasting: Time Series Anomaly Prediction via Future Context Modeling

Title: Order-Aware Interactive Segmentation

Title: On A Scale From 1 to 5: Quantifying Hallucination in Faithfulness Evaluation

Title: Causally-Aware Unsupervised Feature Selection Learning

Title: Enhancing LLM Agents for Code Generation with Possibility and Pass-rate Prioritized Experience Replay

Title: Off-dynamics Conditional Diffusion Planners

Title: Leveraging Spatial Attention and Edge Context for Optimized Feature Selection in Visual Localization

Title: EPS-MoE: Expert Pipeline Scheduler for Cost-Efficient MoE Inference

Title: CoFE-RAG: A Comprehensive Full-chain Evaluation Framework for Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Enhanced Data Diversity

Title: Dual Action Policy for Robust Sim-to-Real Reinforcement Learning

Title: Irregularity-Informed Time Series Analysis: Adaptive Modelling of Spatial and Temporal Dynamics

Title: Game Theory Meets Statistical Mechanics in Deep Learning Design

Title: An Automatic and Cost-Efficient Peer-Review Framework for Language Generation Evaluation

Title: DaDiff: Domain-aware Diffusion Model for Nighttime UAV Tracking

Title: Kallini et al. (2024) do not compare impossible languages with constituency-based ones

Title: Fusion from Decomposition: A Self-Supervised Approach for Image Fusion and Beyond

Title: Controlled Automatic Task-Specific Synthetic Data Generation for Hallucination Detection

Title: How much do contextualized representations encode long-range context?

Title: Consistency Calibration: Improving Uncertainty Calibration via Consistency among Perturbed Neighbors

Title: Pyramid-Driven Alignment: Pyramid Principle Guided Integration of Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs

Title: Semantics-Adaptive Activation Intervention for LLMs via Dynamic Steering Vectors

Title: DAT: Improving Adversarial Robustness via Generative Amplitude Mix-up in Frequency Domain

Title: Correction to Local Information Privacy and Its Applications to Data Aggregation

Title: Open Domain Question Answering with Conflicting Contexts

Title: FaceChain-FACT: Face Adapter with Decoupled Training for Identity-preserved Personalization

Title: TPFL: A Trustworthy Personalized Federated Learning Framework via Subjective Logic

Title: UTF:Undertrained Tokens as Fingerprints A Novel Approach to LLM Identification

Title: Reversal of Thought: Enhancing Large Language Models with Preference-Guided Reverse Reasoning Warm-up

Title: Optimizing Low-Resource Language Model Training: Comprehensive Analysis of Multi-Epoch, Multi-Lingual, and Two-Stage Approaches

Title: Revisited Large Language Model for Time Series Analysis through Modality Alignment

Title: Neuron-based Personality Trait Induction in Large Language Models

Title: Understanding the Role of LLMs in Multimodal Evaluation Benchmarks

Title: MAX: Masked Autoencoder for X-ray Fluorescence in Geological Investigation

Title: MC-Bench: A Benchmark for Multi-Context Visual Grounding in the Era of MLLMs

Title: A linguistic analysis of undesirable outcomes in the era of generative AI

Title: Federated Temporal Graph Clustering

Title: Towards Flexible and Efficient Diffusion Low Light Enhancer

Title: Yama: Precise Opcode-based Data Flow Analysis for Detecting PHP Applications Vulnerabilities

Title: Towards Neural Scaling Laws for Time Series Foundation Models

Title: GAN Based Top-Down View Synthesis in Reinforcement Learning Environments

Title: HerO at AVeriTeC: The Herd of Open Large Language Models for Verifying Real-World Claims

Title: Evaluation of Attribution Bias in Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Title: HumanEval-V: Evaluating Visual Understanding and Reasoning Abilities of Large Multimodal Models Through Coding Tasks

Title: Prompt Compression for Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: Tracking Universal Features Through Fine-Tuning and Model Merging

Title: Feature Augmentation for Self-supervised Contrastive Learning: A Closer Look

Title: ProSA: Assessing and Understanding the Prompt Sensitivity of LLMs

Title: Theoretical Analysis of Hierarchical Language Recognition and Generation by Transformers without Positional Encoding

Title: Adding web pentesting functionality to PTHelper

Title: Perseus: Leveraging Common Data Patterns with Curriculum Learning for More Robust Graph Neural Networks

Title: Conformity in Large Language Models

Title: Reconstruction of Differentially Private Text Sanitization via Large Language Models

Title: Expanding Chatbot Knowledge in Customer Service: Context-Aware Similar Question Generation Using Large Language Models

Title: Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard2: Bridging Foundational and Practical Evaluation for Korean LLMs

Title: FairGLVQ: Fairness in Partition-Based Classification

Title: Training Neural Samplers with Reverse Diffusive KL Divergence

Title: The Best of Both Worlds: Bridging Quality and Diversity in Data Selection with Bipartite Graph

Title: HELM: Hierarchical Encoding for mRNA Language Modeling

Title: Bridging the Language Gaps in Large Language Models with Inference-Time Cross-Lingual Intervention

Title: RADS-Checker: Measuring Compliance with Right of Access by the Data Subject in Android Markets

Title: Learning to Predict Usage Options of Product Reviews with LLM-Generated Labels

Title: Retrieval-Reasoning Large Language Model-based Synthetic Clinical Trial Generation

Title: MlingConf: A Comprehensive Study of Multilingual Confidence Estimation on Large Language Models

Title: KcMF: A Knowledge-compliant Framework for Schema and Entity Matching with Fine-tuning-free LLMs

Title: SAC-GLAM: Improving Online RL for LLM agents with Soft Actor-Critic and Hindsight Relabeling

Title: Synthetic Augmentation for Anatomical Landmark Localization using DDPMs

Title: Stabilize the Latent Space for Image Autoregressive Modeling: A Unified Perspective

Title: Insights from the Inverse: Reconstructing LLM Training Goals Through Inverse RL

Title: With a Grain of SALT: Are LLMs Fair Across Social Dimensions?

Title: DH-VTON: Deep Text-Driven Virtual Try-On via Hybrid Attention Learning

Title: Advancing Fairness in Natural Language Processing: From Traditional Methods to Explainability

Title: FiRST: Finetuning Router-Selective Transformers for Input-Adaptive Latency Reduction

Title: QueensCAMP: an RGB-D dataset for robust Visual SLAM

Title: MING: A Functional Approach to Learning Molecular Generative Models

Title: Shaping a Stabilized Video by Mitigating Unintended Changes for Concept-Augmented Video Editing

Title: MedAide: Towards an Omni Medical Aide via Specialized LLM-based Multi-Agent Collaboration

Title: SEMSO: A Secure and Efficient Multi-Data Source Blockchain Oracle

Title: LLM-based Translation Inference with Iterative Bilingual Understanding

Title: One Step Diffusion via Shortcut Models

Title: Development of Image Collection Method Using YOLO and Siamese Network

Title: Adaptive Prompt Learning with SAM for Few-shot Scanning Probe Microscope Image Segmentation

Title: FTII-Bench: A Comprehensive Multimodal Benchmark for Flow Text with Image Insertion

Title: Can We Reverse In-Context Knowledge Edits?

Title: Cocoon: Robust Multi-Modal Perception with Uncertainty-Aware Sensor Fusion

Title: On the Risk of Evidence Pollution for Malicious Social Text Detection in the Era of LLMs

Title: CCSBench: Evaluating Compositional Controllability in LLMs for Scientific Document Summarization

Title: Advancing Web Browser Forensics: Critical Evaluation of Emerging Tools and Techniques

Title: Low-Rank Adversarial PGD Attack

Title: Not All Votes Count! Programs as Verifiers Improve Self-Consistency of Language Models for Math Reasoning

Title: Exploring Model Kinship for Merging Large Language Models

Title: Weak-to-Strong Generalization beyond Accuracy: a Pilot Study in Safety, Toxicity, and Legal Reasoning

Title: DocLayout-YOLO: Enhancing Document Layout Analysis through Diverse Synthetic Data and Global-to-Local Adaptive Perception

Title: Constrained Posterior Sampling: Time Series Generation with Hard Constraints

Title: Evaluating Morphological Compositional Generalization in Large Language Models

Title: Cross-Modal Safety Mechanism Transfer in Large Vision-Language Models

Title: 3DIS: Depth-Driven Decoupled Instance Synthesis for Text-to-Image Generation

Title: New Paradigm of Adversarial Training: Breaking Inherent Trade-Off between Accuracy and Robustness via Dummy Classes

Title: Optimizing Multi-Task Learning for Accurate Spacecraft Pose Estimation

Title: Automatic Mapping of Anatomical Landmarks from Free-Text Using Large Language Models: Insights from Llama-2

Title: VividMed: Vision Language Model with Versatile Visual Grounding for Medicine

Title: MultiCamCows2024 -- A Multi-view Image Dataset for AI-driven Holstein-Friesian Cattle Re-Identification on a Working Farm

Title: AdaptiveDrag: Semantic-Driven Dragging on Diffusion-Based Image Editing

Title: Embedding an Ethical Mind: Aligning Text-to-Image Synthesis via Lightweight Value Optimization

Title: Neural-based Control for CubeSat Docking Maneuvers

Title: Sarcasm Detection in a Less-Resourced Language

Title: WorldMedQA-V: a multilingual, multimodal medical examination dataset for multimodal language models evaluation

Title: Transformer based super-resolution downscaling for regional reanalysis: Full domain vs tiling approaches

Title: Counterfactual Generative Modeling with Variational Causal Inference

Title: CREAM: Consistency Regularized Self-Rewarding Language Models

Title: Comparative Analysis of Extrinsic Factors for NER in French

Title: StyleDistance: Stronger Content-Independent Style Embeddings with Synthetic Parallel Examples

Title: Unitary Multi-Margin BERT for Robust Natural Language Processing

Title: SAFREE: Training-Free and Adaptive Guard for Safe Text-to-Image And Video Generation

Title: Identifying Task Groupings for Multi-Task Learning Using Pointwise V-Usable Information

Title: Meta-Unlearning on Diffusion Models: Preventing Relearning Unlearned Concepts

Title: Geometry-Aware Generative Autoencoders for Warped Riemannian Metric Learning and Generative Modeling on Data Manifolds

Title: Long-LRM: Long-sequence Large Reconstruction Model for Wide-coverage Gaussian Splats

Title: Context-Scaling versus Task-Scaling in In-Context Learning

Title: Metal Price Spike Prediction via a Neurosymbolic Ensemble Approach

Title: Meta-Chunking: Learning Efficient Text Segmentation via Logical Perception

Title: Context is Key(NMF): Modelling Topical Information Dynamics in Chinese Diaspora Media