
Title: Efficient Machine Translation with a BiLSTM-Attention Approach

Title: Accelerating Augmentation Invariance Pretraining

Title: Unpacking SDXL Turbo: Interpreting Text-to-Image Models with Sparse Autoencoders

Title: A Hierarchical Language Model For Interpretable Graph Reasoning

Title: Machine Unlearning using Forgetting Neural Networks

Title: Rare-to-Frequent: Unlocking Compositional Generation Power of Diffusion Models on Rare Concepts with LLM Guidance

Title: A Systematic Literature Review of Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network Models for Time Series Forecasting and Classification

Title: Discrete Modeling via Boundary Conditional Diffusion Processes

Title: Robust training of implicit generative models for multivariate and heavy-tailed distributions with an invariant statistical loss

Title: Exploiting Semantic Scene Reconstruction for Estimating Building Envelope Characteristics

Title: FNDEX: Fake News and Doxxing Detection with Explainable AI

Title: A Large Recurrent Action Model: xLSTM enables Fast Inference for Robotics Tasks

Title: AAAR-1.0: Assessing AI's Potential to Assist Research

Title: Power side-channel leakage localization through adversarial training of deep neural networks

Title: Embedding Watermarks in Diffusion Process for Model Intellectual Property Protection

Title: Do Large Language Models Align with Core Mental Health Counseling Competencies?

Title: Addressing Issues with Working Memory in Video Object Segmentation

Title: Brain age identification from diffusion MRI synergistically predicts neurodegenerative disease

Title: Image2Struct: Benchmarking Structure Extraction for Vision-Language Models

Title: Unified Domain Generalization and Adaptation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection

Title: Learning Identifiable Factorized Causal Representations of Cellular Responses

Title: A Pointer Network-based Approach for Joint Extraction and Detection of Multi-Label Multi-Class Intents

Title: Scaling LLM Inference with Optimized Sample Compute Allocation

Title: Multimodality Helps Few-Shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Title: The PV-ALE Dataset: Enhancing Apple Leaf Disease Classification Through Transfer Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks

Title: Unlocking Point Processes through Point Set Diffusion

Title: Anticipating Future with Large Language Model for Simultaneous Machine Translation

Title: Attention Speaks Volumes: Localizing and Mitigating Bias in Language Models

Title: FairSkin: Fair Diffusion for Skin Disease Image Generation

Title: Auto-Intent: Automated Intent Discovery and Self-Exploration for Large Language Model Web Agents

Title: Remote Sensing for Weed Detection and Control

Title: Lost and Found in Speculation: Hybrid Speculative Vulnerability Detection

Title: Unpicking Data at the Seams: VAEs, Disentanglement and Independent Components

Title: Vertical Federated Learning with Missing Features During Training and Inference

Title: Flow Matching for Posterior Inference with Simulator Feedback

Title: BENCHAGENTS: Automated Benchmark Creation with Agent Interaction

Title: Toxicity of the Commons: Curating Open-Source Pre-Training Data

Title: FGCE: Feasible Group Counterfactual Explanations for Auditing Fairness

Title: GRADE: Quantifying Sample Diversity in Text-to-Image Models

Title: Are Large-Language Models Graph Algorithmic Reasoners?

Title: A Cascade Approach for APT Campaign Attribution in System Event Logs: Technique Hunting and Subgraph Matching

Title: FISC: Federated Domain Generalization via Interpolative Style Transfer and Contrastive Learning

Title: PV-VTT: A Privacy-Centric Dataset for Mission-Specific Anomaly Detection and Natural Language Interpretation

Title: CrossEarth: Geospatial Vision Foundation Model for Domain Generalizable Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation

Title: Consistency Diffusion Bridge Models

Title: Prove Your Point!: Bringing Proof-Enhancement Principles to Argumentative Essay Generation

Title: WaveRoRA: Wavelet Rotary Route Attention for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Title: FT-PrivacyScore: Personalized Privacy Scoring Service for Machine Learning Participation

Title: FlowDCN: Exploring DCN-like Architectures for Fast Image Generation with Arbitrary Resolution

Title: Incremental Learning of Retrievable Skills For Efficient Continual Task Adaptation

Title: Linguistics Theory Meets LLM: Code-Switched Text Generation via Equivalence Constrained Large Language Models

Title: Calibrating Practical Privacy Risks for Differentially Private Machine Learning

Title: Is Function Similarity Over-Engineered? Building a Benchmark

Title: Backdoor Attack Against Vision Transformers via Attention Gradient-Based Image Erosion

Title: Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning: An Overview With Focus on Developing Sybil-based Attacks to Backdoor Augmented Secure Aggregation Protocols

Title: Improving Uncertainty Quantification in Large Language Models via Semantic Embeddings

Title: Choice between Partial Trajectories

Title: Exactly Minimax-Optimal Locally Differentially Private Sampling

Title: Geometry Cloak: Preventing TGS-based 3D Reconstruction from Copyrighted Images

Title: FilterViT and DropoutViT: Lightweight Vision Transformer Models for Efficient Attention Mechanisms

Title: LoFLAT: Local Feature Matching using Focused Linear Attention Transformer

Title: Enhancing binary classification: A new stacking method via leveraging computational geometry

Title: One Prompt to Verify Your Models: Black-Box Text-to-Image Models Verification via Non-Transferable Adversarial Attacks

Title: Offline Behavior Distillation

Title: ETO:Efficient Transformer-based Local Feature Matching by Organizing Multiple Homography Hypotheses

Title: MIXAD: Memory-Induced Explainable Time Series Anomaly Detection

Title: A Game-Theoretic Approach for Security Control Selection

Title: Beyond Ontology in Dialogue State Tracking for Goal-Oriented Chatbot

Title: InjecGuard: Benchmarking and Mitigating Over-defense in Prompt Injection Guardrail Models

Title: FuseAnyPart: Diffusion-Driven Facial Parts Swapping via Multiple Reference Images

Title: Diffusion Beats Autoregressive: An Evaluation of Compositional Generation in Text-to-Image Models

Title: Contrastive Learning and Adversarial Disentanglement for Privacy-Preserving Task-Oriented Semantic Communications

Title: Theoretical Investigations and Practical Enhancements on Tail Task Risk Minimization in Meta Learning

Title: Adaptive Multi Scale Document Binarisation Using Vision Mamba

Title: Universality of the $\pi^2/6$ Pathway in Avoiding Model Collapse

Title: Towards Robust and Efficient Federated Low-Rank Adaptation with Heterogeneous Clients

Title: Epipolar-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting for Generalizable Novel View Synthesis

Title: EvoCodeBench: An Evolving Code Generation Benchmark with Domain-Specific Evaluations

Title: How Well Do Large Language Models Disambiguate Swedish Words?

Title: HijackRAG: Hijacking Attacks against Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Title: Danoliteracy of Generative, Large Language Models

Title: Conditioned quantum-assisted deep generative surrogate for particle-calorimeter interactions

Title: Eliciting Critical Reasoning in Retrieval-Augmented Language Models via Contrastive Explanations

Title: SFA-UNet: More Attention to Multi-Scale Contrast and Contextual Information in Infrared Small Object Segmentation

Title: Adaptive Paradigm Synergy: Can a Cross-Paradigm Objective Enhance Long-Tailed Learning?

Title: Stealing User Prompts from Mixture of Experts

Title: Effective and Efficient Adversarial Detection for Vision-Language Models via A Single Vector

Title: YOLOv11 for Vehicle Detection: Advancements, Performance, and Applications in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Title: HelloMeme: Integrating Spatial Knitting Attentions to Embed High-Level and Fidelity-Rich Conditions in Diffusion Models

Title: Federated UCBVI: Communication-Efficient Federated Regret Minimization with Heterogeneous Agents

Title: CopRA: A Progressive LoRA Training Strategy

Title: Explainable Behavior Cloning: Teaching Large Language Model Agents through Learning by Demonstration

Title: Simulation-Free Training of Neural ODEs on Paired Data

Title: High-Fidelity Document Stain Removal via A Large-Scale Real-World Dataset and A Memory-Augmented Transformer

Title: Multi-Agent Large Language Models for Conversational Task-Solving

Title: Focus On This, Not That! Steering LLMs With Adaptive Feature Specification

Title: Efficient Adaptation of Pre-trained Vision Transformer via Householder Transformation

Title: Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Estimation of Source Reliability

Title: A Study of Secure Algorithms for Vertical Federated Learning: Take Secure Logistic Regression as an Example

Title: Dynamic Threshold-based Two-layer Online Unsupervised Anomaly Detector

Title: Private Synthetic Text Generation with Diffusion Models

Title: LumiSculpt: A Consistency Lighting Control Network for Video Generation

Title: DisenTS: Disentangled Channel Evolving Pattern Modeling for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Title: Dual-Optimized Adaptive Graph Reconstruction for Multi-View Graph Clustering

Title: Higher-order Cross-structural Embedding Model for Time Series Analysis

Title: VisAidMath: Benchmarking Visual-Aided Mathematical Reasoning

Title: \textsc{Long$^2$RAG}: Evaluating Long-Context \& Long-Form Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Key Point Recall

Title: Scoring Rules and Calibration for Imprecise Probabilities

Title: Online Intrinsic Rewards for Decision Making Agents from Large Language Model Feedback

Title: Offline Reinforcement Learning and Sequence Modeling for Downlink Link Adaptation

Title: Toward Understanding In-context vs. In-weight Learning

Title: Controlling Language and Diffusion Models by Transporting Activations

Title: CNN Explainability with Multivector Tucker Saliency Maps for Self-Supervised Models

Title: BUZZ: Beehive-structured Sparse KV Cache with Segmented Heavy Hitters for Efficient LLM Inference

Title: Developing a Self-Explanatory Transformer

Title: S3PT: Scene Semantics and Structure Guided Clustering to Boost Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Autonomous Driving

Title: PIP-MM: Pre-Integrating Prompt Information into Visual Encoding via Existing MLLM Structures

Title: CausalDiff: Causality-Inspired Disentanglement via Diffusion Model for Adversarial Defense

Title: Comparative Analysis of Demonstration Selection Algorithms for LLM In-Context Learning

Title: Automated Image-Based Identification and Consistent Classification of Fire Patterns with Quantitative Shape Analysis and Spatial Location Identification

Title: Controllable Game Level Generation: Assessing the Effect of Negative Examples in GAN Models

Title: Why Gradient Subspace? Identifying and Mitigating LoRA's Bottlenecks in Federated Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models

Title: On Memorization of Large Language Models in Logical Reasoning

Title: Federated Learning under Periodic Client Participation and Heterogeneous Data: A New Communication-Efficient Algorithm and Analysis

Title: Revisiting MAE pre-training for 3D medical image segmentation

Title: FAIR-TAT: Improving Model Fairness Using Targeted Adversarial Training

Title: FoLDTree: A ULDA-Based Decision Tree Framework for Efficient Oblique Splits and Feature Selection

Title: SciPIP: An LLM-based Scientific Paper Idea Proposer

Title: TokenFormer: Rethinking Transformer Scaling with Tokenized Model Parameters

Title: Does equivariance matter at scale?

Title: ProTransformer: Robustify Transformers via Plug-and-Play Paradigm

Title: Continuous Spatio-Temporal Memory Networks for 4D Cardiac Cine MRI Segmentation

Title: Grounding by Trying: LLMs with Reinforcement Learning-Enhanced Retrieval

Title: OS-ATLAS: A Foundation Action Model for Generalist GUI Agents

Title: DiaMond: Dementia Diagnosis with Multi-Modal Vision Transformers Using MRI and PET

Title: COMAL: A Convergent Meta-Algorithm for Aligning LLMs with General Preferences

Title: (FL)$^2$: Overcoming Few Labels in Federated Semi-Supervised Learning

Title: Emergence of meta-stable clustering in mean-field transformer models

Title: PointRecon: Online Point-based 3D Reconstruction via Ray-based 2D-3D Matching

Title: Evaluating Cultural and Social Awareness of LLM Web Agents

Title: EMMA: End-to-End Multimodal Model for Autonomous Driving

Title: Proportional Fairness in Non-Centroid Clustering

Title: Multi-student Diffusion Distillation for Better One-step Generators

Title: SlowFast-VGen: Slow-Fast Learning for Action-Driven Long Video Generation

Title: RelationBooth: Towards Relation-Aware Customized Object Generation

Title: Provable acceleration for diffusion models under minimal assumptions

Title: ReferEverything: Towards Segmenting Everything We Can Speak of in Videos