
Title: Intelligent Green Efficiency for Intrusion Detection

Title: TIPO: Text to Image with Text Presampling for Prompt Optimization

Title: CameraHMR: Aligning People with Perspective

Title: Impactful Bit-Flip Search on Full-precision Models

Title: Large Language Models Can Self-Improve in Long-context Reasoning

Title: EAPCR: A Universal Feature Extractor for Scientific Data without Explicit Feature Relation Patterns

Title: Multi-Agent Stochastic Bandits Robust to Adversarial Corruptions

Title: SCORE: Syntactic Code Representations for Static Script Malware Detection

Title: TractoEmbed: Modular Multi-level Embedding framework for white matter tract segmentation

Title: An Explainable Machine Learning Approach for Age and Gender Estimation in Living Individuals Using Dental Biometrics

Title: Latent Space Disentanglement in Diffusion Transformers Enables Precise Zero-shot Semantic Editing

Title: PERFT: Parameter-Efficient Routed Fine-Tuning for Mixture-of-Expert Model

Title: Joint Diffusion models in Continual Learning

Title: DPU: Dynamic Prototype Updating for Multimodal Out-of-Distribution Detection

Title: Beyond the Safety Bundle: Auditing the Helpful and Harmless Dataset

Title: NVCiM-PT: An NVCiM-assisted Prompt Tuning Framework for Edge LLMs

Title: Deceiving Question-Answering Models: A Hybrid Word-Level Adversarial Approach

Title: GPTree: Towards Explainable Decision-Making via LLM-powered Decision Trees

Title: LBONet: Supervised Spectral Descriptors for Shape Analysis

Title: Knowledge Bases in Support of Large Language Models for Processing Web News

Title: MBA-SLAM: Motion Blur Aware Dense Visual SLAM with Radiance Fields Representation

Title: TowerDebias: A Novel Debiasing Method based on the Tower Property

Title: R3HF: Reward Redistribution for Enhancing Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Title: SDDBench: A Benchmark for Synthesizable Drug Design

Title: Evaluating Synthetic Command Attacks on Smart Voice Assistants

Title: Are LLMs Prescient? A Continuous Evaluation using Daily News as the Oracle

Title: Motion Control for Enhanced Complex Action Video Generation

Title: DyConfidMatch: Dynamic Thresholding and Re-sampling for 3D Semi-supervised Learning

Title: Bangla Grammatical Error Detection Leveraging Transformer-based Token Classification

Title: Refining Translations with LLMs: A Constraint-Aware Iterative Prompting Approach

Title: MultiKG: Multi-Source Threat Intelligence Aggregation for High-Quality Knowledge Graph Representation of Attack Techniques

Title: Coverage Analysis for Digital Cousin Selection -- Improving Multi-Environment Q-Learning

Title: Multiscale Graph Construction Using Non-local Cluster Features

Title: Federated Graph Learning with Graphless Clients

Title: Physics Informed Distillation for Diffusion Models

Title: MambaXCTrack: Mamba-based Tracker with SSM Cross-correlation and Motion Prompt for Ultrasound Needle Tracking

Title: V2X-R: Cooperative LiDAR-4D Radar Fusion for 3D Object Detection with Denoising Diffusion

Title: The VLLM Safety Paradox: Dual Ease in Jailbreak Attack and Defense

Title: A Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network Fusing Functional and Structural Connectivity for MCI Diagnosis

Title: Properties of fairness measures in the context of varying class imbalance and protected group ratios

Title: One STEP at a time: Language Agents are Stepwise Planners

Title: A Fully Local Last-Generated Rule in a Blockchain

Title: Machine Unlearning on Pre-trained Models by Residual Feature Alignment Using LoRA

Title: Biomass phenotyping of oilseed rape through UAV multi-view oblique imaging with 3DGS and SAM model

Title: Trap-MID: Trapdoor-based Defense against Model Inversion Attacks

Title: Can MLLMs Guide Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization Tasks?

Title: HyperFace: Generating Synthetic Face Recognition Datasets by Exploring Face Embedding Hypersphere

Title: A survey on Graph Deep Representation Learning for Facial Expression Recognition

Title: Methodology for a Statistical Analysis of Influencing Factors on 3D Object Detection Performance

Title: Impact of Iris Pigmentation on Performance Bias in Visible Iris Verification Systems: A Comparative Study

Title: An Information Theoretic Approach to Operationalize Right to Data Protection

Title: Tree-of-Table: Unleashing the Power of LLMs for Enhanced Large-Scale Table Understanding

Title: SAD-TIME: a Spatiotemporal-fused network for depression detection with Automated multi-scale Depth-wise and TIME-interval-related common feature extractor

Title: Efficient Whole Slide Image Classification through Fisher Vector Representation

Title: Classification and Morphological Analysis of DLBCL Subtypes in H\&E-Stained Slides

Title: Neural Topic Modeling with Large Language Models in the Loop

Title: MLV$^2$-Net: Rater-Based Majority-Label Voting for Consistent Meningeal Lymphatic Vessel Segmentation

Title: CorrSynth -- A Correlated Sampling Method for Diverse Dataset Generation from LLMs

Title: Saliency Map-based Image Retrieval using Invariant Krawtchouk Moments

Title: UIFormer: A Unified Transformer-based Framework for Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection and Instance Segmentation

Title: Hopfield-Fenchel-Young Networks: A Unified Framework for Associative Memory Retrieval

Title: Slender Object Scene Segmentation in Remote Sensing Image Based on Learnable Morphological Skeleton with Segment Anything Model

Title: Dynamic Subset Tuning: Expanding the Operational Range of Parameter-Efficient Training for Large Language Models

Title: Zero-shot capability of SAM-family models for bone segmentation in CT scans

Title: Robot See, Robot Do: Imitation Reward for Noisy Financial Environments

Title: Towards Secure Intelligent O-RAN Architecture: Vulnerabilities, Threats and Promising Technical Solutions using LLMs

Title: Towards More Accurate Fake Detection on Images Generated from Advanced Generative and Neural Rendering Models

Title: MikuDance: Animating Character Art with Mixed Motion Dynamics

Title: Toward Human Understanding with Controllable Synthesis

Title: UniMat: Unifying Materials Embeddings through Multi-modal Learning

Title: OSMLoc: Single Image-Based Visual Localization in OpenStreetMap with Geometric and Semantic Guidances

Title: FedSub: Introducing class-aware Subnetworks Fusion to Enhance Personalized Federated Learning in Ubiquitous Systems

Title: TRACE: Transformer-based Risk Assessment for Clinical Evaluation

Title: MVKTrans: Multi-View Knowledge Transfer for Robust Multiomics Classification

Title: Are Triggers Needed for Document-Level Event Extraction?

Title: High-resolution optical and acoustic remote sensing datasets of the Puck Lagoon, Southern Baltic

Title: Balancing Speed and Stability: The Trade-offs of FP8 vs. BF16 Training in LLMs

Title: QCG-Rerank: Chunks Graph Rerank with Query Expansion in Retrieval-Augmented LLMs for Tourism Domain

Title: Dynamic Rewarding with Prompt Optimization Enables Tuning-free Self-Alignment of Language Models

Title: A Comparative Study of Discrete Speech Tokens for Semantic-Related Tasks with Large Language Models

Title: Separating Tongue from Thought: Activation Patching Reveals Language-Agnostic Concept Representations in Transformers

Title: Masked Image Modeling Boosting Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Title: Flow reconstruction in time-varying geometries using graph neural networks

Title: Sharingan: Extract User Action Sequence from Desktop Recordings

Title: SoK: Towards a Common Understanding of Cryptographic Agility

Title: Zero-shot Cross-lingual Transfer Learning with Multiple Source and Target Languages for Information Extraction: Language Selection and Adversarial Training

Title: Can sparse autoencoders be used to decompose and interpret steering vectors?

Title: Locally Private Sampling with Public Data

Title: Multimodal Instruction Tuning with Hybrid State Space Models

Title: LLMStinger: Jailbreaking LLMs using RL fine-tuned LLMs

Title: The Limited Impact of Medical Adaptation of Large Language and Vision-Language Models

Title: 4D Gaussian Splatting in the Wild with Uncertainty-Aware Regularization