
Title: Mogo: RQ Hierarchical Causal Transformer for High-Quality 3D Human Motion Generation

Title: Boosting Alignment for Post-Unlearning Text-to-Image Generative Models

Title: Multi-Response Preference Optimization with Augmented Ranking Dataset

Title: Intelligent System for Automated Molecular Patent Infringement Assessment

Title: Hyperband-based Bayesian Optimization for Black-box Prompt Selection

Title: 3DSRBench: A Comprehensive 3D Spatial Reasoning Benchmark

Title: Evaluating the Potential of Federated Learning for Maize Leaf Disease Prediction

Title: Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Approaches for Harmful Brain Activity Detection Using EEG

Title: Pix2Poly: A Sequence Prediction Method for End-to-end Polygonal Building Footprint Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery

Title: Score Change of Variables

Title: Rethinking Emotion Annotations in the Era of Large Language Models

Title: Explaining and Mitigating the Modality Gap in Contrastive Multimodal Learning

Title: Robust Multiple Description Neural Video Codec with Masked Transformer for Dynamic and Noisy Networks

Title: Asking Again and Again: Exploring LLM Robustness to Repeated Questions

Title: Non-Normal Diffusion Models

Title: PGRID: Power Grid Reconstruction in Informal Developments Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery

Title: GPT-2 Through the Lens of Vector Symbolic Architectures

Title: MOFHEI: Model Optimizing Framework for Fast and Efficient Homomorphically Encrypted Neural Network Inference

Title: Forking Paths in Neural Text Generation

Title: Mayfly: Private Aggregate Insights from Ephemeral Streams of On-Device User Data

Title: HalluCana: Fixing LLM Hallucination with A Canary Lookahead

Title: Balancing Shared and Task-Specific Representations: A Hybrid Approach to Depth-Aware Video Panoptic Segmentation

Title: Distributed Gradient Descent with Many Local Steps in Overparameterized Models

Title: Phase-aware Training Schedule Simplifies Learning in Flow-Based Generative Models

Title: AmCLR: Unified Augmented Learning for Cross-Modal Representations

Title: TTVD: Towards a Geometric Framework for Test-Time Adaptation Based on Voronoi Diagram

Title: Diffusion-Based Attention Warping for Consistent 3D Scene Editing

Title: Concept Bottleneck Large Language Models

Title: Enhancing Remote Adversarial Patch Attacks on Face Detectors with Tiling and Scaling

Title: Accurate Prediction of Temperature Indicators in Eastern China Using a Multi-Scale CNN-LSTM-Attention model

Title: MAGIC: Mastering Physical Adversarial Generation in Context through Collaborative LLM Agents

Title: GLL: A Differentiable Graph Learning Layer for Neural Networks

Title: TinyThinker: Distilling Reasoning through Coarse-to-Fine Knowledge Internalization with Self-Reflection

Title: Static-Dynamic Class-level Perception Consistency in Video Semantic Segmentation

Title: Bootstrapping Heterogeneous Graph Representation Learning via Large Language Models: A Generalized Approach

Title: Surveying Facial Recognition Models for Diverse Indian Demographics: A Comparative Analysis on LFW and Custom Dataset

Title: M2SE: A Multistage Multitask Instruction Tuning Strategy for Unified Sentiment and Emotion Analysis

Title: CANDOR: Counterfactual ANnotated DOubly Robust Off-Policy Evaluation

Title: DynamicPAE: Generating Scene-Aware Physical Adversarial Examples in Real-Time

Title: Federated In-Context LLM Agent Learning

Title: Cluster-Enhanced Federated Graph Neural Network for Recommendation

Title: EM-Net: Gaze Estimation with Expectation Maximization Algorithm

Title: Statistical Downscaling via High-Dimensional Distribution Matching with Generative Models

Title: How to select slices for annotation to train best-performing deep learning segmentation models for cross-sectional medical images?

Title: FaceTracer: Unveiling Source Identities from Swapped Face Images and Videos for Fraud Prevention

Title: A Systematic Literature Review on the NIS2 Directive

Title: Multilingual LLMs Inherently Reward In-Language Time-Sensitive Semantic Alignment for Low-Resource Languages

Title: Adversarial Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models for Time Series Forecasting

Title: Generative Zoo

Title: Doubly-Universal Adversarial Perturbations: Deceiving Vision-Language Models Across Both Images and Text with a Single Perturbation

Title: Barking Up The Syntactic Tree: Enhancing VLM Training with Syntactic Losses

Title: DAKD: Data Augmentation and Knowledge Distillation using Diffusion Models for SAR Oil Spill Segmentation

Title: DiffRaman: A Conditional Latent Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Bacterial Raman Spectroscopy Identification Under Limited Data Conditions

Title: Learn How to Query from Unlabeled Data Streams in Federated Learning

Title: A Survey on Private Transformer Inference

Title: How to Weight Multitask Finetuning? Fast Previews via Bayesian Model-Merging

Title: A Review of Intelligent Device Fault Diagnosis Technologies Based on Machine Vision

Title: AsyncDSB: Schedule-Asynchronous Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridge for Image Inpainting

Title: Antelope: Potent and Concealed Jailbreak Attack Strategy

Title: DG-Mamba: Robust and Efficient Dynamic Graph Structure Learning with Selective State Space Models

Title: Collaborative Hybrid Propagator for Temporal Misalignment in Audio-Visual Segmentation

Title: NLPineers@ NLU of Devanagari Script Languages 2025: Hate Speech Detection using Ensembling of BERT-based models

Title: Diversity Drives Fairness: Ensemble of Higher Order Mutants for Intersectional Fairness of Machine Learning Software

Title: Illusory VQA: Benchmarking and Enhancing Multimodal Models on Visual Illusions

Title: Can Graph Neural Networks Learn Language with Extremely Weak Text Supervision?

Title: Analyzing and Improving Model Collapse in Rectified Flow Models

Title: TextRefiner: Internal Visual Feature as Efficient Refiner for Vision-Language Models Prompt Tuning

Title: SecureNT: A Practical Framework for Efficient Topology Protection and Monitoring

Title: From communities to interpretable network and word embedding: an unified approach

Title: Mixture of Experts Meets Decoupled Message Passing: Towards General and Adaptive Node Classification

Title: SAFIRE: Segment Any Forged Image Region

Title: Adaptive$^2$: Adaptive Domain Mining for Fine-grained Domain Adaptation Modeling

Title: GN-FR:Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields for Flare Removal

Title: Model-Editing-Based Jailbreak against Safety-aligned Large Language Models

Title: Unicorn: Unified Neural Image Compression with One Number Reconstruction

Title: Hierarchical Classification for Automated Image Annotation of Coral Reef Benthic Structures

Title: Hierarchical Context Alignment with Disentangled Geometric and Temporal Modeling for Semantic Occupancy Prediction

Title: Accurate Medical Named Entity Recognition Through Specialized NLP Models

Title: Comments on: RIO: Return Instruction Obfuscation for Bare-Metal IoT Devices with Binary Analysis

Title: Discrete Subgraph Sampling for Interpretable Graph based Visual Question Answering

Title: Neural Observation Field Guided Hybrid Optimization of Camera Placement

Title: LCFO: Long Context and Long Form Output Dataset and Benchmarking

Title: Local Features Meet Stochastic Anonymization: Revolutionizing Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition for Black-Box Models

Title: How Does the Smoothness Approximation Method Facilitate Generalization for Federated Adversarial Learning?

Title: Adaptive Prompting for Continual Relation Extraction: A Within-Task Variance Perspective

Title: k-HyperEdge Medoids for Clustering Ensemble

Title: Code LLMs: A Taxonomy-based Survey

Title: Self-Refining Diffusion Samplers: Enabling Parallelization via Parareal Iterations

Title: Enhancing Cybersecurity in IoT Networks: A Deep Learning Approach to Anomaly Detection

Title: Edge-Splitting MLP: Node Classification on Homophilic and Heterophilic Graphs without Message Passing

Title: Post-Hoc MOTS: Exploring the Capabilities of Time-Symmetric Multi-Object Tracking

Title: Lightweight Method for Interactive 3D Medical Image Segmentation with Multi-Round Result Fusion

Title: Large Language Models Still Face Challenges in Multi-Hop Reasoning with External Knowledge

Title: Digging into Intrinsic Contextual Information for High-fidelity 3D Point Cloud Completion

Title: SLGaussian: Fast Language Gaussian Splatting in Sparse Views

Title: SmolTulu: Higher Learning Rate to Batch Size Ratios Can Lead to Better Reasoning in SLMs

Title: Video Summarization using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model

Title: Backdoor attacks on DNN and GBDT -- A Case Study from the insurance domain

Title: HyViLM: Enhancing Fine-Grained Recognition with a Hybrid Encoder for Vision-Language Models

Title: NyayaAnumana & INLegalLlama: The Largest Indian Legal Judgment Prediction Dataset and Specialized Language Model for Enhanced Decision Analysis

Title: SweetieChat: A Strategy-Enhanced Role-playing Framework for Diverse Scenarios Handling Emotional Support Agent

Title: Learning to Reason via Self-Iterative Process Feedback for Small Language Models

Title: Adversarial Purification by Consistency-aware Latent Space Optimization on Data Manifolds

Title: Pysical Informed Driving World Model

Title: Pragmatist: Multiview Conditional Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity 3D Reconstruction from Unposed Sparse Views

Title: Detecting Conversational Mental Manipulation with Intent-Aware Prompting

Title: Robustness of Graph Classification: failure modes, causes, and noise-resistant loss in Graph Neural Networks

Title: PointCFormer: a Relation-based Progressive Feature Extraction Network for Point Cloud Completion

Title: Assessing Personalized AI Mentoring with Large Language Models in the Computing Field

Title: Dynamic Disentangled Fusion Network for RGBT Tracking

Title: From Multimodal LLMs to Generalist Embodied Agents: Methods and Lessons

Title: Federated Learning for Traffic Flow Prediction with Synthetic Data Augmentation

Title: CC-Diff: Enhancing Contextual Coherence in Remote Sensing Image Synthesis

Title: Bootstrapping Language-Guided Navigation Learning with Self-Refining Data Flywheel

Title: CAT: Class Aware Adaptive Thresholding for Semi-Supervised Domain Generalization

Title: InvDiff: Invariant Guidance for Bias Mitigation in Diffusion Models

Title: SAM-Mamba: Mamba Guided SAM Architecture for Generalized Zero-Shot Polyp Segmentation

Title: Learning Flow Fields in Attention for Controllable Person Image Generation

Title: GradStop: Exploring Training Dynamics in Unsupervised Outlier Detection through Gradient Cohesion

Title: Orchestrating the Symphony of Prompt Distribution Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection

Title: Comparative Opinion Mining in Product Reviews: Multi-perspective Prompt-based Learning

Title: REPEAT: Improving Uncertainty Estimation in Representation Learning Explainability

Title: Enhancing Interpretability Through Loss-Defined Classification Objective in Structured Latent Spaces

Title: Bridging Relevance and Reasoning: Rationale Distillation in Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: GR-NLP-TOOLKIT: An Open-Source NLP Toolkit for Modern Greek

Title: EMS: Adaptive Evict-then-Merge Strategy for Head-wise KV Cache Compression Based on Global-Local Importance

Title: TECO: Improving Multimodal Intent Recognition with Text Enhancement through Commonsense Knowledge Extraction

Title: Training Data Reconstruction: Privacy due to Uncertainty?

Title: Improving Satellite Imagery Masking using Multi-task and Transfer Learning

Title: Watermarking Training Data of Music Generation Models

Title: Grimm: A Plug-and-Play Perturbation Rectifier for Graph Neural Networks Defending against Poisoning Attacks

Title: Underestimated Privacy Risks for Minority Populations in Large Language Model Unlearning

Title: GenPlan: Generative sequence models as adaptive planners

Title: TryOffAnyone: Tiled Cloth Generation from a Dressed Person

Title: Annotation-Efficient Task Guidance for Medical Segment Anything

Title: Machine Learning Information Retrieval and Summarisation to Support Systematic Review on Outcomes Based Contracting

Title: Utilizing Multi-step Loss for Single Image Reflection Removal

Title: TURBOATTENTION: Efficient Attention Approximation For High Throughputs LLMs

Title: Advancing Single- and Multi-task Text Classification through Large Language Model Fine-tuning

Title: ASDnB: Merging Face with Body Cues For Robust Active Speaker Detection

Title: Fair Primal Dual Splitting Method for Image Inverse Problems

Title: Benchmarking Large Vision-Language Models via Directed Scene Graph for Comprehensive Image Captioning

Title: Exploiting the Index Gradients for Optimization-Based Jailbreaking on Large Language Models

Title: Image Retrieval Methods in the Dissimilarity Space

Title: Synthetic Vision: Training Vision-Language Models to Understand Physics

Title: EOV-Seg: Efficient Open-Vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation

Title: FlowEdit: Inversion-Free Text-Based Editing Using Pre-Trained Flow Models

Title: Multimodal Latent Language Modeling with Next-Token Diffusion

Title: DMin: Scalable Training Data Influence Estimation for Diffusion Models

Title: Fast Prompt Alignment for Text-to-Image Generation

Title: GPD-1: Generative Pre-training for Driving

Title: ObjectMate: A Recurrence Prior for Object Insertion and Subject-Driven Generation

Title: SegFace: Face Segmentation of Long-Tail Classes