
Title: Memorization in Self-Supervised Learning Improves Downstream Generalization

Title: Large-scale Reinforcement Learning for Diffusion Models

Title: Diffusion Representation for Asymmetric Kernels

Title: GRATH: Gradual Self-Truthifying for Large Language Models

Title: OCT-SelfNet: A Self-Supervised Framework with Multi-Modal Datasets for Generalized and Robust Retinal Disease Detection

Title: Enhancing In-context Learning via Linear Probe Calibration

Title: AdaEmbed: Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation in the Embedding Space

Title: A Novel Garment Transfer Method Supervised by Distilled Knowledge of Virtual Try-on Model

Title: Self-supervised Learning of LiDAR 3D Point Clouds via 2D-3D Neural Calibration

Title: Detecting and recognizing characters in Greek papyri with YOLOv8, DeiT and SimCLR

Title: DDMI: Domain-Agnostic Latent Diffusion Models for Synthesizing High-Quality Implicit Neural Representations

Title: Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Are Efficient Segmentation Learners for Imperfect Labels

Title: Multi-Party Private Set Intersection: A Circuit-Based Protocol with Jaccard Similarity for Secure and Efficient Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic

Title: Graph Contrastive Invariant Learning from the Causal Perspective

Title: ToDA: Target-oriented Diffusion Attacker against Recommendation System

Title: UniHDA: Towards Universal Hybrid Domain Adaptation of Image Generators

Title: Prompt Smells: An Omen for Undesirable Generative AI Outputs

Title: ClipSAM: CLIP and SAM Collaboration for Zero-Shot Anomaly Segmentation

Title: Non-Neighbors Also Matter to Kriging: A New Contrastive-Prototypical Learning

Title: A Comprehensive View of the Biases of Toxicity and Sentiment Analysis Methods Towards Utterances with African American English Expressions

Title: DeepRicci: Self-supervised Graph Structure-Feature Co-Refinement for Alleviating Over-squashing

Title: DatUS^2: Data-driven Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation with Pre-trained Self-supervised Vision Transformer

Title: FedRSU: Federated Learning for Scene Flow Estimation on Roadside Units

Title: Lumiere: A Space-Time Diffusion Model for Video Generation

Title: Transformer-Based Models Are Not Yet Perfect At Learning to Emulate Structural Recursion

Title: Raidar: geneRative AI Detection viA Rewriting

Title: In-Context Language Learning: Arhitectures and Algorithms

Title: Zero-Shot Learning for the Primitives of 3D Affordance in General Objects

Title: GALA: Generating Animatable Layered Assets from a Single Scan