
Title: CCA: Collaborative Competitive Agents for Image Editing

Title: Contractive Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Title: Compositional Generative Inverse Design

Title: Towards Multi-domain Face Landmark Detection with Synthetic Data from Diffusion model

Title: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Examples via Local Mixup and Adaptive Step Size

Title: Multitask Active Learning for Graph Anomaly Detection

Title: Scalable Link Prediction on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Graphs with Large Language Models

Title: Adaptive Crowdsourcing Via Self-Supervised Learning

Title: Dual-modal Dynamic Traceback Learning for Medical Report Generation

Title: Audio-Infused Automatic Image Colorization by Exploiting Audio Scene Semantics

Title: RefreshNet: Learning Multiscale Dynamics through Hierarchical Refreshing

Title: Classification of Radiologically Isolated Syndrome and Clinically Isolated Syndrome with Machine-Learning Techniques

Title: MaLA-500: Massive Language Adaptation of Large Language Models

Title: Generating Synthetic Health Sensor Data for Privacy-Preserving Wearable Stress Detection

Title: Generative Video Diffusion for Unseen Cross-Domain Video Moment Retrieval

Title: UNIMO-G: Unified Image Generation through Multimodal Conditional Diffusion

Title: Generative Human Motion Stylization in Latent Space

Title: SpeechGPT-Gen: Scaling Chain-of-Information Speech Generation

Title: Interleaving One-Class and Weakly-Supervised Models with Adaptive Thresholding for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection

Title: Benchmarking the Fairness of Image Upsampling Methods

Title: Towards Efficient and Effective Deep Clustering with Dynamic Grouping and Prototype Aggregation

Title: DenoSent: A Denoising Objective for Self-Supervised Sentence Representation Learning

Title: Scaling Up to Excellence: Practicing Model Scaling for Photo-Realistic Image Restoration In the Wild