
Title: Discovering Mathematical Formulas from Data via GPT-guided Monte Carlo Tree Search

Title: K-QA: A Real-World Medical Q&A Benchmark

Title: Evaluating GPT-3.5's Awareness and Summarization Abilities for European Constitutional Texts with Shared Topics

Title: CaRiNG: Learning Temporal Causal Representation under Non-Invertible Generation Process

Title: Revisiting Active Learning in the Era of Vision Foundation Models

Title: Language Modelling Approaches to Adaptive Machine Translation

Title: Diffusion Stochastic Optimization for Min-Max Problems

Title: Towards Lifelong Scene Graph Generation with Knowledge-ware In-context Prompt Learning

Title: Taiyi-Diffusion-XL: Advancing Bilingual Text-to-Image Generation with Large Vision-Language Model Support

Title: A Survey on Video Prediction: From Deterministic to Generative Approaches

Title: Large Language Model Adaptation for Financial Sentiment Analysis

Title: Deep Variational Privacy Funnel: General Modeling with Applications in Face Recognition

Title: ChemDFM: Dialogue Foundation Model for Chemistry

Title: Text Image Inpainting via Global Structure-Guided Diffusion Models

Title: Memory-Inspired Temporal Prompt Interaction for Text-Image Classification

Title: DAM: Diffusion Activation Maximization for 3D Global Explanations

Title: Annotated Hands for Generative Models