
Title: The Uncanny Valley: A Comprehensive Analysis of Diffusion Models

Title: Layout-to-Image Generation with Localized Descriptions using ControlNet with Cross-Attention Control

Title: Harnessing Large Language Models as Post-hoc Correctors

Title: CAMELoT: Towards Large Language Models with Training-Free Consolidated Associative Memory

Title: Unsupervised learning based object detection using Contrastive Learning

Title: How Important is Domain Specificity in Language Models and Instruction Finetuning for Biomedical Relation Extraction?

Title: ProPD: Dynamic Token Tree Pruning and Generation for LLM Parallel Decoding

Title: Contrastive Prompts Improve Disentanglement in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: From Self-Attention to Markov Models: Unveiling the Dynamics of Generative Transformers

Title: OMGEval: An Open Multilingual Generative Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: DiffPLF: A Conditional Diffusion Model for Probabilistic Forecasting of EV Charging Load

Title: Generative AI for Secure Physical Layer Communications: A Survey

Title: ToDo: Token Downsampling for Efficient Generation of High-Resolution Images

Title: Flexible Physical Camouflage Generation Based on a Differential Approach

Title: LongWanjuan: Towards Systematic Measurement for Long Text Quality

Title: A Multimodal In-Context Tuning Approach for E-Commerce Product Description Generation

Title: User-LLM: Efficient LLM Contextualization with User Embeddings

Title: Data-driven Discovery with Large Generative Models

Title: FLAME: Self-Supervised Low-Resource Taxonomy Expansion using Large Language Models

Title: MORE: Multi-mOdal REtrieval Augmented Generative Commonsense Reasoning

Title: UniGraph: Learning a Cross-Domain Graph Foundation Model From Natural Language

Title: Unsupervised Text Style Transfer via LLMs and Attention Masking with Multi-way Interactions

Title: Hybrid Video Diffusion Models with 2D Triplane and 3D Wavelet Representation

Title: SRNDiff: Short-term Rainfall Nowcasting with Condition Diffusion Model

Title: Unlocking Instructive In-Context Learning with Tabular Prompting for Relational Triple Extraction

Title: Deep Generative Models for Offline Policy Learning: Tutorial, Survey, and Perspectives on Future Directions

Title: Contextual Molecule Representation Learning from Chemical Reaction Knowledge

Title: The Geography of Information Diffusion in Online Discourse on Europe and Migration

Title: FLD: Fourier Latent Dynamics for Structured Motion Representation and Learning

Title: VL-Trojan: Multimodal Instruction Backdoor Attacks against Autoregressive Visual Language Models

Title: Generative Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting and Applications in Grid Operations

Title: $\texttt{Se}^2$: $\textit{Se}$quential Example $\textit{Se}$lection for In-Context Learning

Title: Beyond Probabilities: Unveiling the Misalignment in Evaluating Large Language Models

Title: Non-asymptotic Convergence of Discrete-time Diffusion Models: New Approach and Improved Rate

Title: SDXL-Lightning: Progressive Adversarial Diffusion Distillation

Title: Analysing The Impact of Sequence Composition on Language Model Pre-Training

Title: Geometry-Informed Neural Networks

Title: D-Flow: Differentiating through Flows for Controlled Generation