
Title: Exploring Privacy and Fairness Risks in Sharing Diffusion Models: An Adversarial Perspective

Title: ICE-SEARCH: A Language Model-Driven Feature Selection Approach

Title: Pre-training Differentially Private Models with Limited Public Data

Title: Advancing Generative AI for Portuguese with Open Decoder Gervásio PT*

Title: A Quantitative Evaluation of Score Distillation Sampling Based Text-to-3D

Title: BlockEcho: Retaining Long-Range Dependencies for Imputing Block-Wise Missing Data

Title: Dual Operating Modes of In-Context Learning

Title: Extended Flow Matching: a Method of Conditional Generation with Generalized Continuity Equation

Title: ViewFusion: Towards Multi-View Consistency via Interpolated Denoising

Title: SwitchLight: Co-design of Physics-driven Architecture and Pre-training Framework for Human Portrait Relighting

Title: Percept, Chat, and then Adapt: Multimodal Knowledge Transfer of Foundation Models for Open-World Video Recognition

Title: Graph Generation via Spectral Diffusion

Title: Always be Pre-Training: Representation Learning for Network Intrusion Detection with GNNs

Title: COFT-AD: COntrastive Fine-Tuning for Few-Shot Anomaly Detection

Title: Generating, Reconstructing, and Representing Discrete and Continuous Data: Generalized Diffusion with Learnable Encoding-Decoding

Title: Atmospheric Turbulence Removal with Video Sequence Deep Visual Priors

Title: Theoretical Foundations of Deep Selective State-Space Models

Title: VEnvision3D: A Synthetic Perception Dataset for 3D Multi-Task Model Research

Title: VideoMAC: Video Masked Autoencoders Meet ConvNets

Title: Leveraging Representations from Intermediate Encoder-blocks for Synthetic Image Detection

Title: TEncDM: Understanding the Properties of Diffusion Model in the Space of Language Model Encodings

Title: CollaFuse: Navigating Limited Resources and Privacy in Collaborative Generative AI

Title: A SAM-guided Two-stream Lightweight Model for Anomaly Detection

Title: Teaching Large Language Models an Unseen Language on the Fly

Title: Disentangling representations of retinal images with generative models

Title: Memory-Augmented Generative Adversarial Transformers

Title: CricaVPR: Cross-image Correlation-aware Representation Learning for Visual Place Recognition

Title: StiefelGen: A Simple, Model Agnostic Approach for Time Series Data Augmentation over Riemannian Manifolds

Title: Anomaly Detection in Offshore Wind Turbine Structures using Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling

Title: DiffAssemble: A Unified Graph-Diffusion Model for 2D and 3D Reassembly

Title: A Novel Approach to Industrial Defect Generation through Blended Latent Diffusion Model with Online Adaptation

Title: Compact Speech Translation Models via Discrete Speech Units Pretraining

Title: Structure Preserving Diffusion Models

Title: Training Dynamics of Multi-Head Softmax Attention for In-Context Learning: Emergence, Convergence, and Optimality

Title: Retrieval-Augmented Generation for AI-Generated Content: A Survey

Title: DistriFusion: Distributed Parallel Inference for High-Resolution Diffusion Models