
Title: QASE Enhanced PLMs: Improved Control in Text Generation for MRC

Title: MuseGraph: Graph-oriented Instruction Tuning of Large Language Models for Generic Graph Mining

Title: TopicDiff: A Topic-enriched Diffusion Approach for Multimodal Conversational Emotion Detection

Title: Breaking the Language Barrier: Can Direct Inference Outperform Pre-Translation in Multilingual LLM Applications?

Title: JMI at SemEval 2024 Task 3: Two-step approach for multimodal ECAC using in-context learning with GPT and instruction-tuned Llama models

Title: Enhancing Security in Federated Learning through Adaptive Consensus-Based Model Update Validation

Title: UniTable: Towards a Unified Framework for Table Structure Recognition via Self-Supervised Pretraining

Title: An Item is Worth a Prompt: Versatile Image Editing with Disentangled Control

Title: Divide and Conquer: High-Resolution Industrial Anomaly Detection via Memory Efficient Tiled Ensemble

Title: AFreeCA: Annotation-Free Counting for All

Title: StereoDiffusion: Training-Free Stereo Image Generation Using Latent Diffusion Models

Title: PIPsUS: Self-Supervised Dense Point Tracking in Ultrasound

Title: DiffChat: Learning to Chat with Text-to-Image Synthesis Models for Interactive Image Creation

Title: Can't Remember Details in Long Documents? You Need Some R&R

Title: DiffClass: Diffusion-Based Class Incremental Learning

Title: InstructGIE: Towards Generalizable Image Editing

Title: Quantifying Manifolds: Do the manifolds learned by Generative Adversarial Networks converge to the real data manifold

Title: CRM: Single Image to 3D Textured Mesh with Convolutional Reconstruction Model

Title: REPS: Reconstruction-based Point Cloud Sampling

Title: XPSR: Cross-modal Priors for Diffusion-based Image Super-Resolution

Title: PrimeComposer: Faster Progressively Combined Diffusion for Image Composition with Attention Steering

Title: Stealing Stable Diffusion Prior for Robust Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: Unsupervised Graph Neural Architecture Search with Disentangled Self-supervision

Title: Improving Diffusion-Based Generative Models via Approximated Optimal Transport

Title: Spectrum Translation for Refinement of Image Generation (STIG) Based on Contrastive Learning and Spectral Filter Profile

Title: Face2Diffusion for Fast and Editable Face Personalization

Title: Enhancing Texture Generation with High-Fidelity Using Advanced Texture Priors

Title: Learning to Rematch Mismatched Pairs for Robust Cross-Modal Retrieval

Title: Simulating Battery-Powered TinyML Systems Optimised using Reinforcement Learning in Image-Based Anomaly Detection

Title: APPLE: Adversarial Privacy-aware Perturbations on Latent Embedding for Unfairness Mitigation

Title: CogView3: Finer and Faster Text-to-Image Generation via Relay Diffusion

Title: Evaluating Text-to-Image Generative Models: An Empirical Study on Human Image Synthesis

Title: ELLA: Equip Diffusion Models with LLM for Enhanced Semantic Alignment

Title: Improving Diffusion Models for Virtual Try-on

Title: Towards a Psychology of Machines: Large Language Models Predict Human Memory

Title: GSEdit: Efficient Text-Guided Editing of 3D Objects via Gaussian Splatting

Title: DiffuLT: How to Make Diffusion Model Useful for Long-tail Recognition

Title: Learning Expressive And Generalizable Motion Features For Face Forgery Detection

Title: Denoising Autoregressive Representation Learning

Title: Synthetic Privileged Information Enhances Medical Image Representation Learning

Title: Towards Effective Usage of Human-Centric Priors in Diffusion Models for Text-based Human Image Generation

Title: DiffSF: Diffusion Models for Scene Flow Estimation

Title: Federated Learning Method for Preserving Privacy in Face Recognition System

Title: Enhancing Plausibility Evaluation for Generated Designs with Denoising Autoencoder

Title: Self-Supervised Multiple Instance Learning for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Classification

Title: Considering Nonstationary within Multivariate Time Series with Variational Hierarchical Transformer for Forecasting

Title: SIRST-5K: Exploring Massive Negatives Synthesis with Self-supervised Learning for Robust Infrared Small Target Detection

Title: Cost-Performance Optimization for Processing Low-Resource Language Tasks Using Commercial LLMs

Title: VideoElevator: Elevating Video Generation Quality with Versatile Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: JointMotion: Joint Self-supervision for Joint Motion Prediction

Title: GEAR: An Efficient KV Cache Compression Recipefor Near-Lossless Generative Inference of LLM

Title: The Computational Complexity of Learning Gaussian Single-Index Models