
Title: Fundamental Components of Deep Learning: A category-theoretic approach

Title: Emotic Masked Autoencoder with Attention Fusion for Facial Expression Recognition

Title: Magic Fixup: Streamlining Photo Editing by Watching Dynamic Videos

Title: Automatic Summarization of Doctor-Patient Encounter Dialogues Using Large Language Model through Prompt Tuning

Title: Better Call SAL: Towards Learning to Segment Anything in Lidar

Title: Self-generated Replay Memories for Continual Neural Machine Translation

Title: VL-ICL Bench: The Devil in the Details of Benchmarking Multimodal In-Context Learning

Title: Predictive, scalable and interpretable knowledge tracing on structured domains

Title: Depth-guided NeRF Training via Earth Mover's Distance

Title: Diffusion Model for Data-Driven Black-Box Optimization

Title: Beyond Skeletons: Integrative Latent Mapping for Coherent 4D Sequence Generation

Title: SAMCT: Segment Any CT Allowing Labor-Free Task-Indicator Prompts

Title: Self-Supervised Class-Agnostic Motion Prediction with Spatial and Temporal Consistency Regularizations

Title: Text-to-3D Shape Generation

Title: Building Optimal Neural Architectures using Interpretable Knowledge

Title: DetDiffusion: Synergizing Generative and Perceptive Models for Enhanced Data Generation and Perception

Title: LaserHuman: Language-guided Scene-aware Human Motion Generation in Free Environment

Title: TiBiX: Leveraging Temporal Information for Bidirectional X-ray and Report Generation

Title: Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Normalizing Flow Modeling for Unified Anomaly Detection

Title: AGFSync: Leveraging AI-Generated Feedback for Preference Optimization in Text-to-Image Generation

Title: IIDM: Image-to-Image Diffusion Model for Semantic Image Synthesis

Title: S2DM: Sector-Shaped Diffusion Models for Video Generation

Title: MTP: Advancing Remote Sensing Foundation Model via Multi-Task Pretraining

Title: Progressive trajectory matching for medical dataset distillation

Title: Scaling Diffusion Models to Real-World 3D LiDAR Scene Completion

Title: VSTAR: Generative Temporal Nursing for Longer Dynamic Video Synthesis

Title: REAL: Representation Enhanced Analytic Learning for Exemplar-free Class-incremental Learning

Title: Compress3D: a Compressed Latent Space for 3D Generation from a Single Image

Title: IDAdapter: Learning Mixed Features for Tuning-Free Personalization of Text-to-Image Models

Title: Ground-A-Score: Scaling Up the Score Distillation for Multi-Attribute Editing

Title: ReGround: Improving Textual and Spatial Grounding at No Cost

Title: Do Not Worry if You Do Not Have Data: Building Pretrained Language Models Using Translationese

Title: ZoDi: Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation with Diffusion-Based Image Transfer

Title: DanceCamera3D: 3D Camera Movement Synthesis with Music and Dance

Title: PARAMANU-AYN: An Efficient Novel Generative and Instruction-tuned Language Model for Indian Legal Case Documents

Title: Probabilistic Forecasting with Stochastic Interpolants and Föllmer Processes

Title: Be-Your-Outpainter: Mastering Video Outpainting through Input-Specific Adaptation

Title: Enhancing Gait Video Analysis in Neurodegenerative Diseases by Knowledge Augmentation in Vision Language Model

Title: The Model Openness Framework: Promoting Completeness and Openness for Reproducibility, Transparency and Usability in AI

Title: DepthFM: Fast Monocular Depth Estimation with Flow Matching

Title: TimeRewind: Rewinding Time with Image-and-Events Video Diffusion

Title: ZigMa: Zigzag Mamba Diffusion Model

Title: Editing Massive Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: On Pretraining Data Diversity for Self-Supervised Learning