
Title: Similar Data Points Identification with LLM: A Human-in-the-loop Strategy Using Summarization and Hidden State Insights

Title: A Real-time Anomaly Detection Using Convolutional Autoencoder with Dynamic Threshold

Title: Koala: Key frame-conditioned long video-LLM

Title: Assisting humans in complex comparisons: automated information comparison at scale

Title: Pixel-wise RL on Diffusion Models: Reinforcement Learning from Rich Feedback

Title: Deciphering Political Entity Sentiment in News with Large Language Models: Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Strategies

Title: ClickDiffusion: Harnessing LLMs for Interactive Precise Image Editing

Title: Increased LLM Vulnerabilities from Fine-tuning and Quantization

Title: PhysPT: Physics-aware Pretrained Transformer for Estimating Human Dynamics from Monocular Videos

Title: Aligning Diffusion Models by Optimizing Human Utility

Title: Diffusion-RWKV: Scaling RWKV-Like Architectures for Diffusion Models

Title: Latent-based Diffusion Model for Long-tailed Recognition

Title: MedIAnomaly: A comparative study of anomaly detection in medical images

Title: DATENeRF: Depth-Aware Text-based Editing of NeRFs

Title: Frequency Decomposition-Driven Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation

Title: BeyondScene: Higher-Resolution Human-Centric Scene Generation With Pretrained Diffusion

Title: Diffusion Time-step Curriculum for One Image to 3D Generation

Title: To Cool or not to Cool? Temperature Network Meets Large Foundation Models via DRO

Title: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition

Title: D$^3$: Scaling Up Deepfake Detection by Learning from Discrepancy

Title: DifFUSER: Diffusion Model for Robust Multi-Sensor Fusion in 3D Object Detection and BEV Segmentation

Title: InitNO: Boosting Text-to-Image Diffusion Models via Initial Noise Optimization

Title: Salient Sparse Visual Odometry With Pose-Only Supervision

Title: GenEARL: A Training-Free Generative Framework for Multimodal Event Argument Role Labeling

Title: Rethinking Diffusion Model for Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution

Title: Light the Night: A Multi-Condition Diffusion Framework for Unpaired Low-Light Enhancement in Autonomous Driving

Title: Mixup Domain Adaptations for Dynamic Remaining Useful Life Predictions

Title: Strictly-ID-Preserved and Controllable Accessory Advertising Image Generation

Title: ShoeModel: Learning to Wear on the User-specified Shoes via Diffusion Model

Title: SLPL SHROOM at SemEval\-2024 Task 06: A comprehensive study on models ability to detect hallucination

Title: Contextual Chart Generation for Cyber Deception

Title: ByteEdit: Boost, Comply and Accelerate Generative Image Editing

Title: Graph Neural Networks for Binary Programming

Title: Mixture of Low-rank Experts for Transferable AI-Generated Image Detection

Title: TimeGPT in Load Forecasting: A Large Time Series Model Perspective

Title: PagPassGPT: Pattern Guided Password Guessing via Generative Pretrained Transformer

Title: A Unified Diffusion Framework for Scene-aware Human Motion Estimation from Sparse Signals

Title: Regularized Conditional Diffusion Model for Multi-Task Preference Alignment

Title: Anomaly Detection in Electrocardiograms: Advancing Clinical Diagnosis Through Self-Supervised Learning

Title: AnimateZoo: Zero-shot Video Generation of Cross-Species Animation via Subject Alignment

Title: Gaussian Shading: Provable Performance-Lossless Image Watermarking for Diffusion Models

Title: Temporal Generalization Estimation in Evolving Graphs

Title: Dynamic Distinction Learning: Adaptive Pseudo Anomalies for Video Anomaly Detection

Title: DinoBloom: A Foundation Model for Generalizable Cell Embeddings in Hematology

Title: TimeCSL: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning of General Shapelets for Explorable Time Series Analysis

Title: Automated Prediction of Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy from DWI Data

Title: HaVTR: Improving Video-Text Retrieval Through Augmentation Using Large Foundation Models

Title: How much reliable is ChatGPT's prediction on Information Extraction under Input Perturbations?

Title: Reconstructing Retinal Visual Images from 3T fMRI Data Enhanced by Unsupervised Learning

Title: Self-Supervised Multi-Object Tracking with Path Consistency

Title: Linguistic Changes in Spontaneous Speech for Detecting Parkinsons Disease Using Large Language Models

Title: LGSDF: Continual Global Learning of Signed Distance Fields Aided by Local Updating

Title: A secure and private ensemble matcher using multi-vault obfuscated templates

Title: SoundingActions: Learning How Actions Sound from Narrated Egocentric Videos

Title: DiffCJK: Conditional Diffusion Model for High-Quality and Wide-coverage CJK Character Generation

Title: Out-of-Distribution Data: An Acquaintance of Adversarial Examples -- A Survey

Title: PromptAD: Learning Prompts with only Normal Samples for Few-Shot Anomaly Detection

Title: Product Description and QA Assisted Self-Supervised Opinion Summarization

Title: Text-to-Image Synthesis for Any Artistic Styles: Advancements in Personalized Artistic Image Generation via Subdivision and Dual Binding

Title: Mask-ControlNet: Higher-Quality Image Generation with An Additional Mask Prompt

Title: Certified PEFTSmoothing: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning with Randomized Smoothing

Title: Rethinking the Spatial Inconsistency in Classifier-Free Diffusion Guidance

Title: Relation Extraction Using Large Language Models: A Case Study on Acupuncture Point Locations

Title: Test-Time Zero-Shot Temporal Action Localization

Title: Taming Transformers for Realistic Lidar Point Cloud Generation

Title: Investigating the Effectiveness of Cross-Attention to Unlock Zero-Shot Editing of Text-to-Video Diffusion Models

Title: Dynamic Backtracking in GFlowNet: Enhancing Decision Steps with Reward-Dependent Adjustment Mechanisms

Title: Towards More General Video-based Deepfake Detection through Facial Feature Guided Adaptation for Foundation Model

Title: Enhancing Software Related Information Extraction with Generative Language Models through Single-Choice Question Answering

Title: UniFL: Improve Stable Diffusion via Unified Feedback Learning

Title: A Training-Free Plug-and-Play Watermark Framework for Stable Diffusion

Title: Learning a Category-level Object Pose Estimator without Pose Annotations

Title: Fighting crime with Transformers: Empirical analysis of address parsing methods in payment data

Title: BinaryDM: Towards Accurate Binarization of Diffusion Model

Title: YaART: Yet Another ART Rendering Technology

Title: NAF-DPM: A Nonlinear Activation-Free Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Document Enhancement

Title: CoReS: Orchestrating the Dance of Reasoning and Segmentation

Title: MoMA: Multimodal LLM Adapter for Fast Personalized Image Generation

Title: SphereHead: Stable 3D Full-head Synthesis with Spherical Tri-plane Representation

Title: Learning 3D-Aware GANs from Unposed Images with Template Feature Field

Title: MA-LMM: Memory-Augmented Large Multimodal Model for Long-Term Video Understanding

Title: Finding Visual Task Vectors