
Title: Streamlining Ocean Dynamics Modeling with Fourier Neural Operators: A Multiobjective Hyperparameter and Architecture Optimization Approach

Title: WILBUR: Adaptive In-Context Learning for Robust and Accurate Web Agents

Title: StoryImager: A Unified and Efficient Framework for Coherent Story Visualization and Completion

Title: Tackling Structural Hallucination in Image Translation with Local Diffusion

Title: Boosting Digital Safeguards: Blending Cryptography and Steganography

Title: Event-enhanced Retrieval in Real-time Search

Title: AEGIS: Online Adaptive AI Content Safety Moderation with Ensemble of LLM Experts

Title: Privacy Preserving Prompt Engineering: A Survey

Title: Diffusion-Based Point Cloud Super-Resolution for mmWave Radar Data

Title: Greedy-DiM: Greedy Algorithms for Unreasonably Effective Face Morphs

Title: All in One: An Empirical Study of GPT for Few-Shot Aspect-Based Sentiment Anlaysis

Title: Hash3D: Training-free Acceleration for 3D Generation

Title: Cendol: Open Instruction-tuned Generative Large Language Models for Indonesian Languages

Title: DiffHarmony: Latent Diffusion Model Meets Image Harmonization

Title: Differential Privacy for Anomaly Detection: Analyzing the Trade-off Between Privacy and Explainability

Title: HFNeRF: Learning Human Biomechanic Features with Neural Radiance Fields

Title: scRDiT: Generating single-cell RNA-seq data by diffusion transformers and accelerating sampling

Title: scCDCG: Efficient Deep Structural Clustering for single-cell RNA-seq via Deep Cut-informed Graph Embedding

Title: Improving Interpretable Embeddings for Ad-hoc Video Search with Generative Captions and Multi-word Concept Bank

Title: Exploring the Potential of Large Foundation Models for Open-Vocabulary HOI Detection

Title: Elephants Never Forget: Memorization and Learning of Tabular Data in Large Language Models

Title: From Barlow Twins to Triplet Training: Differentiating Dementia with Limited Data

Title: Playing to Vision Foundation Model's Strengths in Stereo Matching

Title: Learning Embeddings with Centroid Triplet Loss for Object Identification in Robotic Grasping

Title: NoiseNCA: Noisy Seed Improves Spatio-Temporal Continuity of Neural Cellular Automata

Title: Generative Pre-Trained Transformer for Symbolic Regression Base In-Context Reinforcement Learning

Title: Policy-Guided Diffusion

Title: Test-Time Adaptation with SaLIP: A Cascade of SAM and CLIP for Zero shot Medical Image Segmentation

Title: ZeST: Zero-Shot Material Transfer from a Single Image

Title: Magic-Boost: Boost 3D Generation with Mutli-View Conditioned Diffusion

Title: Automated Federated Pipeline for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models