
Title: Training-Free Open-Vocabulary Segmentation with Offline Diffusion-Augmented Prototype Generation

Title: MambaAD: Exploring State Space Models for Multi-class Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Title: FairPair: A Robust Evaluation of Biases in Language Models through Paired Perturbations

Title: Khayyam Challenge (PersianMMLU): Is Your LLM Truly Wise to The Persian Language?

Title: Efficient Denoising using Score Embedding in Score-based Diffusion Models

Title: Multi-modal Document Presentation Attack Detection With Forensics Trace Disentanglement

Title: Deep Generative Data Assimilation in Multimodal Setting

Title: SafeGen: Mitigating Unsafe Content Generation in Text-to-Image Models

Title: What's Mine becomes Yours: Defining, Annotating and Detecting Context-Dependent Paraphrases in News Interview Dialogs

Title: Toward Cross-Layer Energy Optimizations in Machine Learning Systems

Title: Onco-Retriever: Generative Classifier for Retrieval of EHR Records in Oncology

Title: How to Craft Backdoors with Unlabeled Data Alone?

Title: Scaling Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection through Weak-to-Strong Eliciting

Title: Disguised Copyright Infringement of Latent Diffusion Model

Title: MonoSelfRecon: Purely Self-Supervised Explicit Generalizable 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes from Monocular RGB Views

Title: DiffusionDialog: A Diffusion Model for Diverse Dialog Generation with Latent Space

Title: Urban Architect: Steerable 3D Urban Scene Generation with Layout Prior

Title: Zero-shot Point Cloud Completion Via 2D Priors

Title: SplatPose & Detect: Pose-Agnostic 3D Anomaly Detection

Title: Tuning-Free Adaptive Style Incorporation for Structure-Consistent Text-Driven Style Transfer

Title: UDiFF: Generating Conditional Unsigned Distance Fields with Optimal Wavelet Diffusion

Title: Fine color guidance in diffusion models and its application to image compression at extremely low bitrates

Title: DreamScene360: Unconstrained Text-to-3D Scene Generation with Panoramic Gaussian Splatting

Title: FiP: a Fixed-Point Approach for Causal Generative Modeling

Title: Diffusion-based inpainting of incomplete Euclidean distance matrices of trajectories generated by a fractional Brownian motion

Title: Identification of Fine-grained Systematic Errors via Controlled Scene Generation

Title: Implicit Multi-Spectral Transformer: An Lightweight and Effective Visible to Infrared Image Translation Model

Title: VLLMs Provide Better Context for Emotion Understanding Through Common Sense Reasoning

Title: LaTiM: Longitudinal representation learning in continuous-time models to predict disease progression

Title: What needs to go right for an induction head? A mechanistic study of in-context learning circuits and their formation

Title: A Gauss-Newton Approach for Min-Max Optimization in Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation on Water Scenes via Specular Reflection Prior

Title: Move Anything with Layered Scene Diffusion

Title: InstantMesh: Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image with Sparse-view Large Reconstruction Models

Title: RealmDreamer: Text-Driven 3D Scene Generation with Inpainting and Depth Diffusion

Title: GoodDrag: Towards Good Practices for Drag Editing with Diffusion Models