
Title: Model Failure or Data Corruption? Exploring Inconsistencies in Building Energy Ratings with Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning

Title: Group-wise Prompting for Synthetic Tabular Data Generation using Large Language Models

Title: Global Counterfactual Directions

Title: SPIdepth: Strengthened Pose Information for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: Adaptive Memory Replay for Continual Learning

Title: GenVideo: One-shot Target-image and Shape Aware Video Editing using T2I Diffusion Models

Title: Multi-View Subgraph Neural Networks: Self-Supervised Learning with Scarce Labeled Data

Title: Continuous-time Risk-sensitive Reinforcement Learning via Quadratic Variation Penalty

Title: ELEV-VISION-SAM: Integrated Vision Language and Foundation Model for Automated Estimation of Building Lowest Floor Elevation

Title: Rethinking Clothes Changing Person ReID: Conflicts, Synthesis, and Optimization

Title: Efficient infusion of self-supervised representations in Automatic Speech Recognition

Title: Detecting Out-Of-Distribution Earth Observation Images with Diffusion Models

Title: MLSD-GAN -- Generating Strong High Quality Face Morphing Attacks using Latent Semantic Disentanglement

Title: uTRAND: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Traffic Trajectories

Title: PATE-TripleGAN: Privacy-Preserving Image Synthesis with Gaussian Differential Privacy

Title: Beyond Human Norms: Unveiling Unique Values of Large Language Models through Interdisciplinary Approaches

Title: AutoCrawler: A Progressive Understanding Web Agent for Web Crawler Generation

Title: Enhancing Counterfactual Explanation Search with Diffusion Distance and Directional Coherence

Title: Generative Modelling with High-Order Langevin Dynamics

Title: COIN: Counterfactual inpainting for weakly supervised semantic segmentation for medical images

Title: Explainable Deepfake Video Detection using Convolutional Neural Network and CapsuleNet

Title: Ransomware Detection and Classification Using Random Forest: A Case Study with the UGRansome2024 Dataset

Title: Foundation Model assisted Weakly Supervised LiDAR Semantic Segmentation

Title: How Does the Textual Information Affect the Retrieval of Multimodal In-Context Learning?

Title: MCM: Multi-condition Motion Synthesis Framework

Title: Training-and-prompt-free General Painterly Harmonization Using Image-wise Attention Sharing

Title: Robust CLIP-Based Detector for Exposing Diffusion Model-Generated Images

Title: Zero-Shot Medical Phrase Grounding with Off-the-shelf Diffusion Models

Title: A Hybrid Generative and Discriminative PointNet on Unordered Point Sets

Title: Purposer: Putting Human Motion Generation in Context

Title: Towards Reliable Latent Knowledge Estimation in LLMs: In-Context Learning vs. Prompting Based Factual Knowledge Extraction

Title: Stronger Random Baselines for In-Context Learning

Title: Sample Design Engineering: An Empirical Study of What Makes Good Downstream Fine-Tuning Samples for LLMs

Title: Analysis of Classifier-Free Guidance Weight Schedulers

Title: Data Alignment for Zero-Shot Concept Generation in Dermatology AI

Title: Unified Scene Representation and Reconstruction for 3D Large Language Models